19 minute read
Services - Programmes
Services- Programmes 23
This number is setup for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whanau member
Hey Bro is here to listen and offer support where possible. Our experienced team can direct you to specific information or services that can help. We understand how anger can take control and lead to hurting people we love. Our goal is to keep whanau/families together safely using our experience and ability to find the information you need. We have a team of men with a wealth of knowledge who have all worked in this mahi. We’re here to support 24/7 to listen and to help. So give us a call next time you’re on the edge!
For more information go to: hewakatapu.org.nz/services/0800-hey-bro/about-hey-bro

0800 Kidsline
A dedicated national helpline for children and young people aged 18 and under. We don’t give advice, instead we listen, support and encourage you to come up with the best approach for what’s happening for you. Kidsline is a 24/7 service and between 4–9pm weekdays, calls are answered by specially trained teenage volunteers who are professionally supervised and supported. 0800 54 37 54
BSNC – Community Contact Week 2021 (24 August 2021)
The University of Otago has an annual event called Community Contact Week, which sees their 3rd year medical students undertake a learning project about the health needs of various communities. On 24 August it was the turn of Budgeting Services North Canterbury (BSNC) to host a zoom meeting to discuss how the service works with clients from across Waimakariri and Hurunui. Due to Level 4 Lockdown the scheduled workshop was unable to take place at the BSNC offices in Rangiora, so it was changed to a zoom session. In the presentation provided by the team at BSNC the students learned how long the service had been active in the Waimakariri and Hurunui communities (since 1980), and the various services they provide. The students were especially interested to learn about how the pandemic had affected both the service’s ability to continue to work with clients, and also what pandemic-related issues clients were facing for this particular lockdown. The students were provided with information sheets which detailed the various services provided by BSNC e.g. preparing budgets, debt schedules and cashflow documents; advocacy with other agencies; negotiating with creditors; assisting with insolvency procedures; and preparing applications for Kiwisaver financial hardship. The students also learned about the particular emotional challenges faced by clients who experience financial hardship. Many of the students were unaware of the range of issues that smaller communities face – such as: • Lack of transportation, fewer employment opportunities and geographic isolation. • The smaller range of specialist community support services available (e.g. alcohol and drug addiction services, mental healthcare services). • Access to specialist healthcare and/or outpatient services which are often only available in larger towns. On the plus side for smaller communities, the service’s ability to be well connected with all social service providers in Waimakariri and the Hurunui is much easier. There are many well-established networking groups which meet on a regular basis (and on zoom in times of lockdown) to discuss the emerging trends and how best to address the issues being faced. One example is the work done to ensure that vulnerable families have access to sufficient food for their families. The many food banks in both districts work closely together to make contact with families to make sure they have enough and to check any other needs they might have. They then make referrals to those services as appropriate. BSNC is an active member of the networking groups and so is able to respond to clients’ needs as required. BSNC is able to continue to work with clients during lockdown – but only using contactless services (phone, text, email, zoom or other video-calling media). Advocacy on behalf of clients continues with creditors as well as with government agencies and other financial institutions. However while these entities are also ‘working-from-home’ during lockdown it may take a little longer to resolve issues. All BSNC services are free and confidential. To work with a Financial Mentor, contact our Service Manager, Sharon Grant, on 03 313 3505 or

War Memorial Hall 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office Phone: 03 313 3505 email: servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz www.bsnc.org.nz
(Levels 3 & 4) Covid -19 and maintaining a safe space for all Dear Clients and prospective clients, We remain "open” and ready to provide you with budgeting support and advice. However, the way we provide this service will be a little different to normal. We won’t be able to come to your home or meet face to face. We won’t be able to see walk-in clients. PLEASE call us on 03 313 3505 and we’ll contact you as soon as we can. We’ll contact you by phone, mobile, text, Skype, Zoom or email. We will try to continue advocating on your behalf with
WINZ, banks, creditors etc. We will attempt to work with all the other agencies and food banks and try to deliver all our normal services. Phone: 03 313 3505 (please leave a message and we’ll get back to you) Email: servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz Monday to Thursday 09:00 am to 4:00 pm
If you cannot wait to talk with us please call the
MoneyTalks helpline on 0800 345 123 as they are open 64 hours a week
Budgeting Services North Canterbury Inc., gratefully acknowledges the support of: Ministry of Social Development, Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children and the Rātā Foundation.

We are now well settled into our new address at 209 High Street, Rangiora. We’ve been delighted to welcome many visitors to the office who notice our distinctive signage and come to see what we’re all about. We’d love to see you too, so do pop in if you’re passing. We’re proud to offer yet another service to North Canterbury. On Mondays we will have available in our office a Language Support volunteer who is a Mandarin speaker. A Language Support volunteer is a trained CAB Bureau Interviewer who can provide the CAB service information and advice in another language (as well as in English). Our volunteer works on a Monday on one of three shifts that vary from week to week, so you will need to get in touch with us to check her availability. Nationally, we have a number of CAB Language Support volunteers in various bureaux and we can put you in touch with them to speak with you in your firstlanguage. These include speakers of Cantonese, Hindi, Afrikaans, Farsi, French, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Tamil, Tongan, Samoan, Russian, Sinhalese, and many more. Just get in touch; we’re happy to help. Here's an update on our digital exclusion campaign. We have joined together with a number of other community organisations to prepare a collated submission in support of our petition to Parliament. This submission provides a powerful call for Government to take action to prevent the sorts of harm people are experiencing as a result of digital exclusion. Here is a link to the full submission in support of the petition. Remember all our services are free and confidential. You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us
an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz

Te Hā - Waitaha offers free stop smoking support to anyone in Canterbury
Te Hā - Waitaha has a hub in Christchurch with Quit Coaches based in Māori, Pasifika and rural community organisations across Canterbury. We run group clinics in various locations and also provide individual support. Our Quit Coaches work with you and your whānau to find ways that can make quitting easier. Specific support is available to you if you are Māori, Pacific, pregnant or living with a pregnant woman. How we work After you or your whānau register for support, a Quit Coach will contact you to discuss how we can best help. We will work with you to set a quit date, and provide ongoing support so you can stay smokefree. We can tailor a smokefree programme that works for you after an initial face-to-face conversation. This programme will include more face-to-face sessions or follow-up by phone or both. You’ll also be able to access FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy – patches, gum and lozenges – as well as customised support. Vaping to quit? Register for ongoing support from Te Hā – Waitaha. If you or someone you know would like help to quit, register online at: tehawaitaha.nz or phone: 0800 425 700 or email directly:
Made North Canterbury
Made North Canterbury is a platform to showcase the diverse food and drink grown, made, reared and caught here in our region. Find us on Facebook: Made North Canterbury or go to:
Barnardos Rural Community Social Police For emergencies phone 111
Work Service
03 378 2734 Barnardos rural community social work service works Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797 with children and families who are under stress Alcohol and Other and want to find new ways Drugs Specific of dealing with a range of family issues. Services
Oxford Community Familial Trust 03 981 1093
Trust Familial Trust empowers 03 312 3006 Confidential and non-judgemental support families/whanau to understand the impact of addiction and make lasting provided including referrals changes for the future. for counselling, free legal advice, budgeting, workshops, youth work, holiday programs and a mini bus service. Christchurch Central Service 03 338 4437 A coordination and resource centre for alcohol and drug issues. A key role of this service is to facilitate access to the Canterbury AOD treatment services.
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury
03 310 6375
Provides specialist alcohol and drug support for rangatahi / young people and their whānau who are experiencing difficulties with their own or others use of alcohol and drugs.
Barnardos Rural Community Social Work Service 03 378 2734
Barnardos rural community social work service works with children and families who are under stress and want to find new ways of dealing with a range of family issues.
Oxford Community Trust 03 312 3006
Confidential and non-judgemental support provided including referrals for counselling, free legal advice, budgeting, workshops, youth work, holiday programs and a mini bus service.
Comcare Young Adults Comcare Young Adults Support Support 03 377 7020 03 377 7020
Individual and group Individual and group support for young adults support for young adults battling addiction. battling addiction.
Community Wellbeing Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust North Canterbury Trust 03 310 6373 03 310 6373
Community Wellbeing Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust North Canterbury Trust provides a range of free provides a range of free community and social community and social services aimed at improving services aimed at improving the lives of people in the lives of people in Waimakariri and the Waimakariri and the Hurunui. Hurunui.
Services include: Services include:
Family social work Family social work Mana Ake – wellbeing Mana Ake – wellbeing support for tamariki / support for tamariki / children in primary school children in primary school Early childhood education Early childhood education Rangatahi wellbeing Rangatahi wellbeing including specialist alcohol including specialist alcohol and drug support and drug support Kaiapoi food bank Kaiapoi food bank Restorative justice Restorative justice
Alcoholic Anonymous 0800 229 6757 Christchurch Service Centre, providing Alcohol and /or Drug support services in Christchurch, New Zealand. Rangiora Meets Wednesdays, 7.30pm at John Knox Church Hall Kaiapoi Meets Mondays, 7.30pm at Kaiapoi North School He Waka Tapu 0800 HE WAKA (43 9252) He Waka Tapu is a kaupapa Māori organisation. Services are therefore delivered using a kaupapa Māori framework encompassing Tinana (physical wellbeing), Wairua (spiritual wellbeing), Hinengaro (mental wellbeing) and Whanau (family wellbeing). City Mission 03 365 0635 The Alcohol and Other Drug services at the Christchurch City Mission are responsive to the needs of clients who present with alcohol and drug and co-existing mental health conditions wanting to make changes in their substance misuse.
Family Drug Support Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632 Work and Income Aotearoa New Zealand 0800 FDSupport (337 877)
Narcotics Anonymous meet 0800 559 009 Provides information and regularly to help each other Work and Income helps support to families/whanau stay clean, and recover financially if a and friends of people who from the effects of family/individual are on a are affected by the alcohol addiction in their lives. low income or not working. and other drug misuse of Rangiora Meets They also help support people they care about. Tuesdays, 7.30pm at John individuals into work and Knox Presbyterian help secure housing. Family Support
Services Al-Anon
0508 425 266 Al-Anon provides support Oranga Tamariki to families of alcoholics. 0508 326 459 They believe that Oranga Tamariki is a alcoholism is a family statutory social work illness and that changed agency working with attitudes can aid recovery. families, children and young Kaiapoi Meets people under 17 years. Tuesdays, 6.30pm at 53 Their primary task is to Fuller Street ensure that children and young people are provided with adequate care and Hope Community Trust protection.
03 928 3066
Hope provides a counselling centre, budgeting, Op Shop, foodbank, community garden, fruit and vege co-op, clothing co-op and advocacy.
Presbyterian Support
03 313 8588
Offers a range of professional services (including Enliven, Mana Ake and Family Works) at their offices and in homes.
Barnardos Rural Community Social Work Service
03 378 2734
Barnardos rural community social work service works with children and families who are under stress and want to find new ways of dealing with a range of family issues.
Oxford Community Trust
03 312 3006
Confidential and non-judgemental support provided including referrals for counselling, free legal advice, budgeting, workshops, youth work, holiday programs and a mini bus service.
Comcare Young Adults Support
03 377 7020
Individual and group support for young adults battling addiction.
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust
03 310 6373
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust provides a range of free community and social services aimed at improving the lives of people in Waimakariri and the Hurunui.
Services include:
Family social work Mana Ake – wellbeing support for tamariki / children in primary school Early childhood education Rangatahi wellbeing including specialist alcohol and drug support Kaiapoi food bank Restorative justice
He Waka Tapu
0800 HE WAKA (43 9252)
He Waka Tapu is a kaupapa Māori organisation. Services are therefore delivered using a kaupapa Māori framework encompassing Tinana (physical wellbeing), Wairua (spiritual wellbeing), Hinengaro (mental wellbeing) and Whanau (family wellbeing).
Work and Income
0800 559 009
Work and Income helps financially if a family/individual are on a low income or not working. They also help support individuals into work and help secure housing.
Support Agencies:
Barnardos Rural Community Social Work Service
027 744 79860
Barnardos rural Community Social Work Service works with children and families who are under stress and want to find new ways of dealing with a range of family issues.
CAF North Community and Outreach team
03 339 1126 or 0800 218 219
Child, Adolescent and Family Community Services (CAF) North Community and Outreach team is an outpatient service providing comprehensive psychiatric assessment and therapeutic intervention for children and adolescents 0-17 years (or older if still at school) in their family context.
North Canterbury Victim Support
0800 842 846 or 03 363 8182
For practical support to the victims of crime and trauma and help with court support. Referrals can be made by the Police, community of self.
Work and Income New Zealand
0800 559 009
Immediate appointments available at Rangiora for emergencies with family violence. WINZ can provide assistance for relocation expenses and identify other benefits or supplementary a customer may qualify for taken on a case by case basis.
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury
03 310 6375
Well being North Canterbury offers a large range of community services including community youth work, youth, drug and alcohol counselling, family counselling, family support social workers, Mana Ake, school attendance services, Karanga Mai Early learning Centre and community Information.
03 327 8945 Kaiapoi Community Support
KCS is a service of Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust. They offer a range of services including a food bank.
03 310 7454 Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice is a service of Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust and works with victims and offenders who have been sent through the Christchurch Court. The restorative justice process is completely voluntary and is also highly personal and confidential.
Oxford Community Trust
03 312 3006
Confidential and non-judgemental support provided including referrals for counselling, free legal advice, budgeting, workshops, youth work, holiday programs and a mini bus service.
Presbyterian Support (also called Family Works)
0800 477 874
Offers a range of professional services (including Enliven, Mana Ake and Family Works) at their offices and in homes. Can help families and elders facing unsafe situations through social work support and counselling for families and younger persons.
Hope Community Trust
03 928 3066
Hope provides a Counselling Centre, budgeting, Op Shop, foodbank, community garden, fruit & vege co-op, clothing co-op and advocacy.
Afraid to go home?
We are here to help.
Family violence referral and support agencies/groups in North Canterbury

supported by the Violence Free North Canterbury Network
For emergencies phone 111 North Canterbury Police phone 105
The role for Police in dealing with family harm is both to attend episodes and to provide information.

Mō tātou a mō nga uri a muri ake nei “For us and for those who will come after us” We are a kaupapa Māori provider of a range of health, education and social services that promote the health, education, culture, history and wellbeing of Māori/women and their whānau. We have a large clinical team who take their expertise into the community in order to increase participation for whānau in health and education services. We hope to reduce any barriers which may affect whānau ability to access health care or services which may aid their well-being. Our Whakapapa Te Rōpū Wāhine Māori Toko I te Ora Māori Women’s Welfare League Tātau Tātau! Te Puawaitanga Ki Ōtautahi Trust was formed in 2005 by the Ōtautahi Branch of the Māori Women’s Welfare League. The Māori Women’s Welfare League was formed in 1951 and was the first national Māori organisation in Aotearoa. The inaugural conference was held in Wellington and attracted a large number of women who represented the founding branches of the League. The women cared deeply about the welfare of their people and were hopeful and committed to securing a better future for Māori women and their whānau. Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust services are: Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor Training Breastfeeding Support Groups Canterbury Breastfeeding Advocacy Service Family Start Programme Healthy Day at the Pa Incredible Years Parenting Programme Rapuora Mobile Nurses Referral Forms Stop Smoking Support to access Early Childhood
Education and/or School Tamariki Ora Whānau Mai – Antenatal education Whānau Planning Wahakura Wānanga
Visit their website for more information:
Registrations open for Next Steps cancer group exercise class Term 4 2021
Next Steps is a specialised group exercise programme run by Active Health’s Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist, Susan Larson. The classes combine pilates, yoga and cardiovascular exercises for a workout that is specifically designed to help women and men rebuild their strength, flexibility and stamina after cancer treatments. Classes are suitable after any type of cancer surgery or treatments and accommodate all ages, fitness levels and mobility. Next Steps benefits participants whether they attend one week or 10 years after their cancer treatment. The goal is to help people affected by cancer take the Next Step on their road to recovery, with the goal that following these classes they will be ready and confident to attend mainstream fitness classes, gym-based training or independent fitness. Registration is now open for Term 4 2021 which will run on Fridays from 12.30-1.30pm during the school term starting 22 October. Classes are held at the Rangiora Fitness Centre at 345 Flaxton Road, Rangiora. To read more about the exercise classes and to register please visit the Pinc and Steel

website: www.pincandsteel.com/programs/next-steps/ For any questions about these local classes please contact Susan at Active Health Rangiora:
susan@activehealth.co.nz or phone: 03 383 6290.
We’re here.
Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. Our service is completely free. Are you feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to? Call or text 1737. Are you feeling down or a bit overwhelmed? Call or text 1737.

We Focus on Saving Sight
Karen Parker, a registered nurse from Amberley, has recently taken on a position as Community Educator for Macular Degeneration New Zealand (MDNZ). “Our aim is to increase awareness and reduce the serious impact that Macular Degeneration can have on people’s lives and our community’s. My role involves giving short presentations and providing information to groups in the community. The presentations are interactive and interesting and are often followed by Q&A and cuppa! ” Macular Degeneration is an eye disease that can lead to loss of vision Macular Degeneration is a progressive eye disease that is the major cause of blindness in New Zealand with 1 in 7 New Zealanders over the age of 50 showing some evidence of the disease. 1 person in 4 over 80 will have some vision loss, affecting quality of life and independence. Many people dismiss the early warning signs of MD, accepting vision loss as a normal part of the ageing process. There are things that we can do Early diagnosis is crucial for improving outcomes for people affected by Macular Degeneration. Technology and treatment options are evolving rapidly and there are several treatments available in NZ.
Want to know more? MDNZ is a charitable trust founded 11 years ago. We are currently booking presentations for groups and organisations in North Canterbury and beyond. The
presentation will cover what Macular Degeneration is and dispel myths and misunderstandings about this eye disease. MDNZ also supply free resources to people and groups, offer support and advice via an 0800 number, and our website has some great information and real stories of people’s experiences with MD. To book a presentation at your meeting: Contact Karen Parker 021 040 5862 MDNZ website: mdnz.org.nz 0800 622 852

Tiny Adventures free app!
It's filled with easy and fun activities to do with your child — even if you've got just a minute to spare. Recently updated, the app contains 87 activities that take anywhere from one minute to an hour, and include items like “bouncy balloony fun” and “jokey journeys” as well as arts and crafts activities. Playing with your kids builds strong relationships and healthy brains. Even if you've only got a minute, you have time for a Tiny Adventure! The Tiny Adventures App can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play. For more great resources go to: allright.org.nz