They have discovered a planet. Something mortified rests there, waiting for a dark time. They study the truth of the laws of thermodynamics there.
We have discovered a planet...
planet. Somethin rests there, waiting for a d study the truth of the laws of there. They have discovered mortified rests there, waiting study the truth of the laws of They have discovered a planet. S there, waiting for a dark time. They s of thermodynamics there. They Something mortified rests there, wa study the truth of the laws of the have discovered a planet. Somet waiting for a dark time. They stud thermodynamics there. They h Something mortified rests there, They study the truth of the law there. They have discovered mortified rests there, waitin They study the truth
We have discovered a planet...
Its jittery cliffs remind hern Croatia. It makes me You cast off at twilight. I have lanet. Its jittery cliffs remind me a. It makes me feel mystified. You have discovered a planet. Its jittery f northern Croatia. It makes me feel t twilight. I have discovered a planet. of northern Croatia. It makes me feel at twilight. I have discovered a planet. of northern Croatia. It makes me feel at twilight. I have discovered a planet. me of northern Croatia. It makes me st off at twilight. I have discovered a ffs remind me of northern Croatia. mystified. You cast off at twilight. I a planet. Its jittery cliffs remind ern Croatia. It makes me feel cast off at twilight. I have
I have discovered a planet. Its jittery cliffs remind me of northern Croatia. It makes me feel mystified. You cast off at twilight.
I have discovered a planet. Something roasted waits there, singing about the rising storm. Someone there writes moody poetry about Rigil Kentaurus.
We have discovered a planet...
a planet. Someth waits there, singing a storm. Someone there wri about Rigil Kentaurus. I have Something roasted waits th rising storm. Someone there writ Rigil Kentaurus. I have discove roasted waits there, singing about th there writes moody poetry ab discovered a planet. Something r about the rising storm. Someone t about Rigil Kentaurus. I have disco roasted waits there, singing about th there writes moody poetry abo discovered a planet. Someth singing about the rising storm. moody poetry about Ri discovered a planet. Someth there, singing about th
We have discovered a planet...
net. A beast lives there nds me of a dinosaur with It is speckled with starshine. I red a planet. A beast lives there of a dinosaur with flaky eyes. It is hine. I have discovered a planet. A eminds me of a dinosaur with flaky starshine. I have discovered a planet. reminds me of a dinosaur with flaky arshine. I have discovered a planet. A nds me of a dinosaur with flaky eyes. e. I have discovered a planet. A beast ds me of a dinosaur with flaky eyes. shine. I have discovered a planet. A minds me of a dinosaur with flaky with starshine. I have discovered ves there that reminds me of a flaky eyes. It is speckled with ave discovered a planet. A
I have discovered a planet. A beast lives there that reminds me of a dinosaur with flaky eyes. It is speckled with starshine.
You have discovered a planet. Its flowery plains remind me of historic France. It would take a bumbleboat to venture there. Would you like to read a book there?
We have discovered a planet...
planet. Its flowery pla me of historic France. bumble-boat to venture like to read a book there? Y a planet. Its flowery plains France. It would take a bumbl Would you like to read a book the a planet. Its flowery plains remin would take a bumble-boat to ventu read a book there? You have disco plains remind me of historic Franc boat to venture there. Would you You have discovered a planet. Its fl of historic France. It would take a there. Would you like to read discovered a planet. Its flower historic France. It would tak venture there. Would you l there? You have disco
We have discovered a planet...
t. It is a globe of blank elligent sunrises. Imagine. e have discovered a planet. It winds and intelligent sunrises. ne. We have discovered a planet. ank winds and intelligent sunrises. We have discovered a planet. It is a nd intelligent sunrises. Imagine. Just covered a planet. It is a globe of blank rises. Imagine. Just imagine. We have a globe of blank winds and intelligent magine. We have discovered a planet. nds and intelligent sunrises. Imagine. ave discovered a planet. It is a globe d intelligent sunrises. Imagine. Just scovered a planet. It is a globe of telligent sunrises. Imagine. Just have discovered a planet. It is ank winds and intelligent
We have discovered a planet. It is a globe of blank winds and intelligent sunrises. Imagine. Just imagine.
I have discovered a planet. It is next door. There’s a being there that’s like a gazelle, except for its scanty horns. I want to go.
We have discovered a planet...
planet. It is next do a being there that except for its scanty ho have discovered a planet. It a being there that’s like a gazell horns. I want to go. I have disco door. There’s a being there that’s its scanty horns. I want to go. I ha is next door. There’s a being there for its scanty horns. I want to go. I h is next door. There’s a being there for its scanty horns. I want to go. I It is next door. There’s a being except for its scanty horns. I want a planet. It is next door. There’s a gazelle, except for its scanty horn discovered a planet. It is next d there that’s like a gazelle, ex horns. I want to go. I h
We have discovered a planet...
s in the shadows. The thick and has the smell of d you like to question there? I planet. It is in the shadows. The has the smell of sadness. Would here? I have discovered a planet. It breeze is thick and has the smell of to question there? I have discovered dows. The breeze is thick and has the ould you like to question there? I have is in the shadows. The breeze is thick sadness. Would you like to question ed a planet. It is in the shadows. The as the smell of sadness. Would you ? I have discovered a planet. It is in breeze is thick and has the smell uld you like to question there? I a planet. It is in the shadows. is thick and has the smell
I have discovered a planet. It is in the shadows. The breeze is thick and has the smell of sadness. Would you like to question there?
They have discovered a planet. Its closest moon is made of tungsten. If there are teak trees there, perhaps you might pet dogs.
We have discovered a planet...
planet. Its closest mo of tungsten. If there are t perhaps you might pe discovered a planet. Its close tungsten. If there are teak tre might pet dogs. They have discov moon is made of tungsten. If t perhaps you might pet dogs. They Its closest moon is made of tung there, perhaps you might pet d a planet. Its closest moon is ma teak trees there, perhaps you m discovered a planet. Its closest m If there are teak trees there, perh They have discovered a planet. Its of tungsten. If there are teak tre might pet dogs. They have Its closest moon is made of are teak trees there, perh
We have discovered a planet...
our neighbor. There’s nimal there, all enormous an we go one day? You have net. It is our neighbor. There’s a , all enormous and fantastic. Can have discovered a planet. It is our meager animal there, all enormous we go one day? You have discovered hbor. There’s a meager animal there, tastic. Can we go one day? You have ur neighbor. There’s a meager animal d fantastic. Can we go one day? You It is our neighbor. There’s a meager mous and fantastic. Can we go one overed a planet. It is our neighbor. eager animal there, all enormous Can we go one day? You have et. It is our neighbor. There’s nimal there, all enormous
You have discovered a planet. It is our neighbor. There’s a meager animal there, all enormous and fantastic. Can we go one day?
We have discovered a planet. It is a territory of mountainous storms and perky plains. Why can’t we go there?
We have discovered a planet...
a planet. It is a mountainous storms an Why can’t we go there? W a planet. It is a territory of m and perky plains. Why can’t discovered a planet. It is a te storms and perky plains. Why can discovered a planet. It is a territor and perky plains. Why can’t we go t a planet. It is a territory of moun plains. Why can’t we go there? We It is a territory of mountainou Why can’t we go there? We hav a territory of mountainous storm can’t we go there? We have di territory of mountainous sto Why can’t we go there? W planet. It is a territory of mo and perky plains. W
We have discovered a planet...
s a planet of delicious volving ice fields. Think of e. I have discovered a planet. cious breezes and revolving ice nightfall there. I have discovered of delicious breezes and revolving e nightfall there. I have discovered a f delicious breezes and revolving ice tfall there. I have discovered a planet. cious breezes and revolving ice fields. here. I have discovered a planet. It is a ezes and revolving ice fields. Think of ave discovered a planet. It is a planet nd revolving ice fields. Think of the e discovered a planet. It is a planet and revolving ice fields. Think of I have discovered a planet. It is icious breezes and revolving hink of the nightfall there.
I have discovered a planet. It is a planet of delicious breezes and revolving ice fields. Think of the nightfall there.
You have discovered a planet. The breezes, the breezes... the breezes! The ground is rumpled.
We have discovered a planet...
a planet. The b breezes... the breezes rumpled. You have discov breezes, the breezes... the bre rumpled. You have discovered the breezes... the breezes! The have discovered a planet. The b breezes! The ground is rumple planet. The breezes, the breezes. is rumpled. You have discovered breezes... the breezes! The gro discovered a planet. The breezes, The ground is rumpled. You have breezes, the breezes... the breezes! You have discovered a planet. Th the breezes! The ground discovered a planet. The br the breezes! The groun have discovered a plane
We have discovered a planet...
lanet. Something limp ere, thinking of the past. If covered a planet. Something re, thinking of the past. If only... a planet. Something limp stands the past. If only... I have discovered ng limp stands there, thinking of the discovered a planet. Something limp of the past. If only... I have discovered mp stands there, thinking of the past. ered a planet. Something limp stands st. If only... I have discovered a planet. ds there, thinking of the past. If only... lanet. Something limp stands there, f only... I have discovered a planet. stands there, thinking of the past. discovered a planet. Something there, thinking of the past. If have discovered a planet.
I have discovered a planet. Something limp stands there, thinking of the past. If only...
They have discovered a planet. It is not far. The oceans, oh the impressionist oceans there. It makes me feel passionate.
We have discovered a planet...
planet. It is not far. T oh the impressionis It makes me feel pass discovered a planet. It is no the impressionist oceans t passionate. They have discove The oceans, oh the impressioni me feel passionate. They have dis far. The oceans, oh the impression me feel passionate. They have disco The oceans, oh the impressionist feel passionate. They have discovere oceans, oh the impressionist ocea passionate. They have discovered oceans, oh the impressionist oce feel passionate. They have di not far. The oceans, oh the im there. It makes me feel pass discovered a planet. I
We have discovered a planet...
net. It has 3 continents. ciate the history of physics y have discovered a planet. It . They appreciate the history of y have discovered a planet. It has y appreciate the history of physics overed a planet. It has 3 continents. e history of physics there. They have has 3 continents. They appreciate the hey have discovered a planet. It has 3 iate the history of physics there. They . It has 3 continents. They appreciate here. They have discovered a planet. ey appreciate the history of physics vered a planet. It has 3 continents. he history of physics there. They ed a planet. It has 3 continents. e the history of physics there. scovered a planet. It has 3
They have discovered a planet. It has 3 continents. They appreciate the history of physics there.
You have discovered a planet. It is a planet of unknown mornings and worst mountains. A grey android lurchs over the mountains.
We have discovered a planet...
planet. It is a planet o mornings and worst mo android lurchs over the mo discovered a planet. It is a mornings and worst mountains. over the mountains. You hav is a planet of unknown mornin A grey android lurchs over discovered a planet. It is a planet o worst mountains. A grey android l You have discovered a plane mornings and worst mountains. A the mountains. You have discove of unknown mornings and android lurchs over the mountain a planet. It is a planet of un worst mountains. A grey and mountains. You have dis It is a planet of unkno
We have discovered a planet...
t spins stealthily. It is 8 Tau Ceti. Do you want to e? I have discovered a planet. t is 8 stars beyond Tau Ceti. Do coffee there? I have discovered a ly. It is 8 stars beyond Tau Ceti. Do ee there? I have discovered a planet. ars beyond Tau Ceti. Do you want to discovered a planet. It spins stealthily. ti. Do you want to have coffee there? t. It spins stealthily. It is 8 stars beyond have coffee there? I have discovered hily. It is 8 stars beyond Tau Ceti. Do e there? I have discovered a planet. is 8 stars beyond Tau Ceti. Do you here? I have discovered a planet. ly. It is 8 stars beyond Tau Ceti. to have coffee there? I have planet. It spins stealthily. It
I have discovered a planet. It spins stealthily. It is 8 stars beyond Tau Ceti. Do you want to have coffee there?
We have discovered a planet. It circles scarily, equally, obediently. The gap between us is wide. It sends all of us a reason.
We have discovered a planet...
planet. It circles scar obediently. The gap betw It sends all of us a reason. W a planet. It circles scarily, equ gap between us is wide. It se We have discovered a planet. obediently. The gap between us is reason. We have discovered a plane obediently. The gap between us reason. We have discovered a plan obediently. The gap between us reason. We have discovered a plane obediently. The gap between u a reason. We have discovered equally, obediently. The ga sends all of us a reason. We hav It circles scarily, equally, between us is wide. It sends We have discovered a p
We have discovered a planet...
planet. It is merely an urous planet. It makes me c. Maybe you could vacation discovered a planet. It is merely planet. It makes me feel neurotic. acation there. You have discovered an adventurous planet. It makes me you could vacation there. You have It is merely an adventurous planet. It Maybe you could vacation there. You It is merely an adventurous planet. It Maybe you could vacation there. You t. It is merely an adventurous planet. c. Maybe you could vacation there. planet. It is merely an adventurous e feel neurotic. Maybe you could u have discovered a planet. It is enturous planet. It makes me Maybe you could vacation
You have discovered a planet. It is merely an adventurous planet. It makes me feel neurotic. Maybe you could vacation there.
We have discovered a planet. It is speckled with starshine. Every so often, a piercing noise is heard on the wind. Perhaps one day we will wonder there.
We have discovered a planet...
a planet. It is spe starshine. Every so o noise is heard on the w day we will wonder there. a planet. It is speckled with sta a piercing noise is heard on the we will wonder there. We have speckled with starshine. Every so heard on the wind. Perhaps one We have discovered a planet. It Every so often, a piercing noise is h one day we will wonder there. We It is speckled with starshine. Every is heard on the wind. Perhaps there. We have discovered a p starshine. Every so often, a p on the wind. Perhaps one there. We have discov speckled with starshine.
We have discovered a planet...
net. A mountain made overeats and hopes. It has dmass. You have discovered ountain made of agate overeats one blazing landmass. You have planet. A mountain made of agate es. It has one blazing landmass. You a planet. A mountain made of agate has one blazing landmass. You have mountain made of agate overeats and ing landmass. You have discovered a made of agate overeats and hopes. It mass. You have discovered a planet. of agate overeats and hopes. It has ss. You have discovered a planet. A agate overeats and hopes. It has ndmass. You have discovered a ntain made of agate overeats has one blazing landmass.
You have discovered a planet. A mountain made of agate overeats and hopes. It has one blazing landmass.
I have discovered a planet. It spins victoriously. Head towards Capella Aa, then 9 stars around the corner. We could celebrate there, perhaps.
We have discovered a planet...
a planet. It spins v Head towards Capella around the corner. W there, perhaps. I have discove victoriously. Head towards C around the corner. We could c I have discovered a planet. I towards Capella Aa, then 9 stars aro celebrate there, perhaps. I have d victoriously. Head towards Capella A corner. We could celebrate there, pe planet. It spins victoriously. Head t stars around the corner. We could I have discovered a planet. I towards Capella Aa, then 9 stars could celebrate there, perhap planet. It spins victoriously. He Aa, then 9 stars arou could celebrate there, p
We have discovered a planet...
anet. Something like a tree, a crowd of air traffic and a yak salute the nightfall They have discovered a planet. abapple tree, a crowd of air traffic a yak salute the nightfall there. Can scovered a planet. Something like a wd of air traffic controllers, and a yak e. Can we go? They have discovered a crabapple tree, a crowd of air traffic salute the nightfall there. Can we go? a planet. Something like a crabapple ir traffic controllers, and a yak salute Can we go? They have discovered a ke a crabapple tree, a crowd of air nd a yak salute the nightfall there. They have discovered a planet. a crabapple tree, a crowd of ntrollers, and a yak salute
They have discovered a planet. Something like a crabapple tree, a crowd of air traffic controllers, and a yak salute the nightfall there. Can we go?
We have discovered a planet. Vortices of charcoal, vortices of grey, oceans of aquamarine. The area between there and here is troublesome. Come on.
We have discovered a planet...
a planet. Vortices o vortices of grey, oceans The area between troublesome. Come on. W planet. Vortices of charcoal, vo of aquamarine. The area be troublesome. Come on. We h Vortices of charcoal, vortices of gre The area between there and here We have discovered a planet. Vo of grey, oceans of aquamarine. Th here is troublesome. Come on. We Vortices of charcoal, vortices of gre The area between there and he on. We have discovered a plan vortices of grey, oceans of between there and here is on. We have discovered of charcoal, vortices o
We have discovered a planet...
They know everything ace in its moons. Let’s go. covered a planet. They know about peace in its moons. Let’s discovered a planet. They know peace in its moons. Let’s go. They lanet. They know everything about s go. They have discovered a planet. g about peace in its moons. Let’s go. planet. They know everything about t’s go. They have discovered a planet. g about peace in its moons. Let’s go. ered a planet. They know everything ns. Let’s go. They have discovered a erything about peace in its moons. discovered a planet. They know ut peace in its moons. Let’s go. covered a planet. They know about peace in its moons.
They have discovered a planet. They know everything about peace in its moons. Let’s go.
We have discovered a planet. It is our neighbor. 6 moons dream triumphantly below the B-class star. A sarcastic cyborg named Miguel hopes for a peaceful morning there.
We have discovered a planet...
a planet. It is our moons dream trium the B-class star. A sarcas Miguel hopes for a peacefu have discovered a planet. It is o dream triumphantly below the cyborg named Miguel hope there. We have discovered a p moons dream triumphantly below t cyborg named Miguel hopes for We have discovered a planet. I dream triumphantly below the B-cla named Miguel hopes for a peacefu discovered a planet. It is our ne triumphantly below the B-class named Miguel hopes for a pe We have discovered a plane 6 moons dream triump B-class star. A sarcastic
We have discovered a planet...
s in parts unknown. A ade of actinolite uselessly akes me feel afraid. You have planet. It is in parts unknown. A e of actinolite uselessly pleases. It You have discovered a planet. It is ountain made of actinolite uselessly me feel afraid. You have discovered a nown. A mountain made of actinolite s me feel afraid. You have discovered nown. A mountain made of actinolite s me feel afraid. You have discovered arts unknown. A mountain made of pleases. It makes me feel afraid. You d a planet. It is in parts unknown. A e of actinolite uselessly pleases. It el afraid. You have discovered a parts unknown. A mountain nolite uselessly pleases. It
You have discovered a planet. It is in parts unknown. A mountain made of actinolite uselessly pleases. It makes me feel afraid.
We have discovered a planet. It turns rudely and questioningly, and a little restfully. The rift between it and the Earth is tremendous. What should they call the planet?
We have discovered a planet...
a planet. It turns questioningly, and a litt rift between it and the Ea What should they call discovered a planet. It turns rud and a little restfully. The rift bet tremendous. What should they discovered a planet. It turns rudely little restfully. The rift between it an What should they call the planet? We It turns rudely and questioningly, between it and the Earth is treme call the planet? We have discovere and questioningly, and a little res and the Earth is tremendous. W planet? We have discovered a and questioningly, and a l between it and the Ear What should they call
We have discovered a planet...
net. Dapples of saffron, ahogany. It makes me feel ts mountains, a deer dances. ed a planet. Dapples of saffron, . It makes me feel hungry. Within er dances. They have discovered a ffron, whorls of mahogany. It makes n its mountains, a deer dances. They planet. Dapples of saffron, whorls of me feel hungry. Within its mountains, have discovered a planet. Dapples of any. It makes me feel hungry. Within nces. They have discovered a planet. whorls of mahogany. It makes me s mountains, a deer dances. They planet. Dapples of saffron, whorls makes me feel hungry. Within ns, a deer dances. They have planet. Dapples of saffron,
They have discovered a planet. Dapples of saffron, whorls of mahogany. It makes me feel hungry. Within its mountains, a deer dances.
They have discovered a planet. It asks oddly. It wriggles. It may offer me a reason.
We have discovered a planet...
planet. It asks oddly. It may offer me a rea discovered a planet. It asks It may offer me a reason. Th a planet. It asks oddly. It wrig reason. They have discovered wriggles. It may offer me a reaso a planet. It asks oddly. It wriggles. They have discovered a planet. It ask offer me a reason. They have discov It wriggles. It may offer me a reaso planet. It asks oddly. It wriggles. It ma have discovered a planet. It asks offer me a reason. They have di oddly. It wriggles. It may offer m discovered a planet. It asks od offer me a reason. They have It asks oddly. It wriggles. reason. They have disco
We have discovered a planet...
s winds are sorrowful, o sorrowful. What will you have discovered a planet. Its owful, sorrowful... so sorrowful. ? They have discovered a planet. ful, sorrowful... so sorrowful. What have discovered a planet. Its winds l... so sorrowful. What will you name ered a planet. Its winds are sorrowful, ul. What will you name it? They have s winds are sorrowful, sorrowful... so you name it? They have discovered a sorrowful, sorrowful... so sorrowful. ? They have discovered a planet. Its sorrowful... so sorrowful. What will ve discovered a planet. Its winds owful... so sorrowful. What will ey have discovered a planet. are sorrowful, sorrowful...
They have discovered a planet. Its winds are sorrowful, sorrowful... so sorrowful. What will you name it?