“Fitness became a bigger outlet for people—both during and after the pandemic—because more are willing to do virtual workouts and try new things. I definitely had to dig deeper to find some new ways to inspire people so they could forget the craziness around them. When this photo was taken, we’d just started up our outdoor classes for 2021, and I was super excited to see new faces and also to teach without a mask! It was a beautiful day, and I could not wait to spread the love and energy of the CycleBar Montvale community.” — Jenna Mulkeen, Waldwick
BERGEN Magazine Volume 21, Issue 7 (ISSN# 2573-8151 and USPS 025-351) is published 12 times a year by Wainscot Media, One Maynard Dr., Park Ridge, NJ 07656. Postmaster: Send address changes to Subscription Department, Wainscot Media, One Maynard Dr., Park Ridge, NJ 07656. Periodicals postage paid at Mahwah, N.J., and additional mailing offices.
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Send us your Bergen Moment! Email your photo and a short description to editor@wainscotmedia.com.
Photo courtesy of Jenna Mulkeen. Instagram: @j3nnamariee
JULY 2021
6/21/21 11:09 AM