confidence. It’s a quality that sets people who live in Metro New York apart. It fuels creative energy and makes dreams a reality. A passion for beauty, building, and constant improvement makes readers of N e w Y o r k Spa c e s decisive and adventurous in their design choices, whether they are renovating an apartment, expanding a country house, or sprucing up a kitchen, bath, or bedroom.
Metro New York is not about one “look,” decade, or
For more than 25 years,
fashion trend—and neither is N e w Y o r k Spa c e s .
Jason Kontos has been
Our point of view represents a fusion of design influences
at the forefront of design journalism. From the pages
that capture the unique attitude, diversity and vitality of
of House Beautiful, Colonial
a region that knows how to blend beauty with comfort,
Homes, Country Living,
tradition with imagination, international style with local
Veranda and Traditional Home, his work has
artistry. We’re comfortable with big ideas, obsessed with
indelibly influenced the
details and always ready to have fun.
way we live and design. Known as an editor’s editor,
With high-quality photography, award-winning design, carefully crafted features and exciting new brand extensions, N e w Y o r k Spa c e s makes the best design easily accessible, here and now. Our readers want
he carefully crafts each issue with a designer’s eye and a writer’s hand that consistently capture New York at its most authentic. A native of the tri-state area,
inspiration, information and surprise. And they can be
he remains a favorite among
confident we’ll deliver exactly that—and more—in every
designers, suppliers and
issue of N e w Y o r k Spa c e s .
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
homeowners alike.
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
Departments great spaces Well-designed environments—from single rooms to stylish new restaurants, retail spaces and more.
profile Names to know in the metro New York design world.
landmark special feature/not in every issue
The story behind special a place on the local map.
cultivated special feature/not in every issue
Gardens, landscapes, rooftops and terraces that connect us to the greener side of the New York area.
editor’s space
residence Our regular roundup of noteworthy properties on the real estate market.
A note from Jason Kontos. Always fresh and entertaining.
on the web
An insider’s guide to the homes, shops and restaurants that contribute local color to the region’s identity
The best of the magazine and online exclusive content. Updates and info on current online promotions.
my favorite space
Newsmaking tabletop, furniture, lighting, flooring, accessories, etc.
One special person, photographed in a space that’s special to them.
Listings of where to find products featured in the issue
materials Texture is a critical element of design: This regular feature explores the possibilities of a single material (e.g. marble, paper, or steel) and ways designers are using it now.
focus Design trends that reflect the bold, slightly rebellious rhythm of metro New York design
clique People to know. Places to go. Ideas to inspire. This section highlights current events and happenings in metro New York.
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
advertising RATES Spa c e
Full page
2/3 page
1/2 page
1/3 page
1/4 page
Cov e r 2 s p r e a d
Cov e r 3
Cov e r 4
Tw o - p a g e s p r e a d
Production charges: For advertisements requiring design, color separations, strip-ins, typesetting and/or artwork, a $200 charge will be billed to the advertiser at non-commissionable rates. Inserts: Rates upon request
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
Readership demographics Female
Own home
Avg HH Income
highly engaged and responsive Visited an advertiser website for more information
Purchased products or services featured or advertised in the magazine
Spent over a half hour reading each issue
Read it for local resources
Passed along to other readers or keep as a reference
More than just a magazine, N ew Y o r k Spa c e s
Reader per copy
Digital Readers
Total audience:
plan to buy in the next year: Kitchen and bath fixtures, appliances and/or services
Home accessories
connects advertisers to affluent New York area homeowners and prestigious design trade professionals who are in the market to buy now.
Source: Inbook magazine survey sent to 10,000 readers, 2010. Reader per copy based on MRI average of shelter magazines measured.
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
in demand:
n e w y o r k s pa c e s c i r c u l at i o n
trade reach Within our reader base, New York Spa ces reaches home design professionals who are instrumental in the buying decisions of their clients. This group consists of interior designers, architects, landscapers, contractors, kitchen and bath designers and real estate professionals. We distribute magazines to the following trade associations: • American Institute of Architects • American Society of Interior Designers • Association of Professional Landscape Designers • Designers Lighting Forum • Interior Design Society • International Interior Design Association • National Association of the Remodeling Industry • National Association of Home Builders • Real Estate Board of New York
newsstand, digital and iPad distribution New York Spa ces is also sold on newsstand throughout the tri-state area.
And, N ew York Spaces is available digitally and on iPads via zinio.com, the world’s largest local, national and global digital magazine distributor.
strategic public place distribution As one of the most efficient buys in the New York area, New York Spa ces is placed in high traffic public spaces and targeted upscale venues including major design industry and trade events, conferences, art fairs, cultural events, spas, restaurants and boutique hotels.
C i r c u l at i o n With a ratebase of more than 56,000 readers, digital sales of over 3,000 and a reach of 200,000, New York Spaces is delivered directly to the most active, influential design audience in the country: metropolitan New Yorkers.
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
Ne w Y o r k Spa ces is proud to announce that in addition to being delivered directly to homes, businesses and newsstands, you can also read our articles as they appear in each issue instantly on your iPad, iPhone, desktop and laptop through Zinio! Zinio is the world’s largest digital newsstand that offers a better way for readers to discover and read full-color, high-fidelity digital magazines. In 2011 N ew Y ork Spaces saw a significant growth in digital sales from 400 users to over 3,000 in just eight months, and a continued growth of more than 300 new subscribers each month.
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
E-Newsletter New York Spaces happeninngs Let us help you reach our readers with instant promotions! Each month Ne w York Spaces sends a dedicated e-newsletter to readers that capture the
upcoming events, sales and special promotions that you would like to endorse.
design connection Expla Kuopex eatenti onestiiscil mos conseque voluptiunt
why advertise in our e-newsletter?
Catur sitatem quides aci rem expliquo mil modit excerat urernam sum sunto tem et odipis dolorrum vellitior alique nusantus quaes duntiat emporibus, nullab ipsamus, eium expel maximilique voluptatem volorep errorerum exero is dent explicia.
Me ma vendel et mos maion natiorrum quid que volest excerum
1 Ti mely Provide last minute offers to 5,000 subscribers
Catur sitatem quides aci rem expliquo mil modit excerat urernam sum sunto tem et odipis dolorrum vellitior alique nusantus quaes duntiat emporibus, nullab ipsamus, eium expel maximilique voluptatem volorep errorerum exero is dent explicia.
Tetusandam aut quis ad untis cum rem fuga. Is et laborro resequo omnis mod Catur sitatem quides aci rem expliquo mil modit excerat urernam sum sunto tem et odipis dolorrum vellitior alique nusantus quaes duntiat emporibus, nullab ipsamus, eium expel maximilique voluptatem
2 Low out of po c k e t Only $200 net to sponsor an e-newsletter!
volorep errorerum exero is dent explicia.
upcoming events Esequi corpore pelendam aut harum aliquid quo blabore hendandae ommo offic temque dolor Catur sitatem quides aci rem expliquo mil modit excerat urernam sum sunto tem et odipis dolorrum
endam suerts
vellitior alique nusantus quaes duntiat emporibus,
Molumquam disitat ibusdanissin
volorep errorerum exero is dent explicia.
conectatur, voluptatem. Osti cus volesecatis ipsam essit alibusae voloreius et iderum doluptatem.
3 Al l advertis e r s r e c e i v e A BONUS listing with hyperlink on our Local Listings for the year!
Doloreptur rectur, ipsanda ilitibus as ipis et a iliasimint volorum sundit ma sum ad magnam, Catur sitatem quides aci rem expliquo mil modit excerat urernam sum sunto tem et odipis dolorrum vellitior alique nusantus quaes duntiat emporibus, nullab ipsamus, eium expel maximilique voluptatem
• Tur simus, sam enet preriassit, ommolor accus cus volum rendi • Conectiisi nus, quae niendam iliquasi coribea doluptas • Hentioria ilit facearum exerum eumque sedionseque ipsum as is rem voluptatium.
volorep errorerum exero is dent explicia.
NEWYORKSPACESMAG.COM footer info | contact info | copyright 2010 Wainscot Media | all rights reserved.
advertising opportunities: Size
Material Close Supplied
Material Close we create
Tower ad
1X/ Month
25th of the month prior to running
15th of the month prior to running
15th of the month prior to running
Custom Medium rectangle: formatted photo and up to 25 words of text linked to a story about your company
1X/ Month
Advertise your product or service in a timely manner with advertising in our monthly e-newsletters from N ew Y o r k Spa c e s
Magazine. Our newsletter includes original content about design, product and industry news that’s of real interest to our readers.
Rate: $200 net per month
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
Other Media Programs local social connexion Let us become your social media department! The social media revolution is here! Adding blogging, Facebook and Twitter to your marketing mix will put you in front of both current and prospective customers 24/7! When you sign up for local social connexion you’ll receive: • A professional branded blog updated regularly • Facebook Fan page design, set up and updates • Twitter account management and daily “tweets” • Continual recruiting of new followers to your social networks T i m i n g : 2 week leadtime from point of commitment R at e s : Social media package: $1,000 per month (12 month commitment minimum)
design connection The Ne w York Spa ces Design Connection is an invaluable online resource that delivers architects, designers and shoppers who are seeking relevant products and services directly to your business. Located as a channel on our website, advertisers on Design Connection will receive an expanded listing and microsite that includes 150 word company profile, contact information, web link and up to 10 images. Design Connection is promoted in each issue and through our e-newsletter. C o s t: $125 per month (12 month commitment)
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
Marketing Programs event sponsorships Advertisers are invited and encouraged to participate and make a statement at Ne w York Spaces’ signature events in 2012: 1 Top 50 Each September, interior designers and architects eagerly await Ne w York Spaces’ annual issue featuring Editor-in-Chief Jason Kontos’ pick of the Top 50 designers in metropolitan New York. The issue and the Top 50 designers are celebrated at an annual gala event attended by industry dignitaries and design enthusiasts. 2 Color C o nfidenc e Celebrate the significance of color in interior design with the May-June issue and corresponding color event hosted by New York Spaces . 3 “ the goods” Trad e E ve n t With the success of Fall 2011’s “The Goods” product issue to the trade, Ne w York Spaces will again produce a bold and informative resource magazine exclusively for metro New York designers. A signature event will celebrate this successful, special issue.
sponsorship opportunities • Event sponsorship (various levels of sponsorship available) including signage, swag bags, video and more • Web channel sponsorship on www.newyorkspacesmag.com • Event coverage on our website and social media outlets
inbook promotional pages Spa ces SELECTS , an in-book, custom promotional page, is an effective way to reach New York Spaces readers, influential designers and design-conscious homeowners. Select advertisers receive a 1/6-page product feature that includes 50 words of text, one photo (supplied) and advertiser contact information. RATE: $850 (frequency discounts and added value opportunities available)
design connection The Ne w York Spa ces Design Connection is an invaluable online resource that delivers architects, designers and shoppers who are seeking relevant products and services directly to your business. Located as a channel on our website, advertisers on Design Connection will receive an expanded listing and microsite that includes 150 word company profile, contact information, web link and up to 10 images. Design Connection is promoted in each issue and through our e-newsletter. C o s t: $125 per month (12 month commitment)
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
Online Opportunities
NewYork SpacesMag.com
why advertise online? 1. N ewyorks pac e s m a g . c o m provides immediate access to predisposed consumers looking for the best way to reach local prospects with special last minute news, deals and offers in an immediate and impactful way! 2. N ewyorks pac e s m a g . c o m is powered by Godengo, the expert in driving traffic for regional publications nationwide! 3. We can provide design services if the web is new to your business. 4. All advertisers receive a BONUS listing with hyperlink on our Local Listings for one year!
advertising opportunities: channel sponsorships There are 7 different channels (sections) available for advertiser sponsorships: 1 Top 50. Anything and everything associated with our signature platform, the Top 50 Designers in metro New York. 2 P hoto G allery. Viewers can check out what is happening in Metro New York via our photo coverage of past events. 3 D esign Conne c t i o n . The online resource that connects advertisers to buyers online. Each advertiser receives a formatted company profile, including web images, text and web link for a low monthly fee. 4 Events. Our calendar of design industry related events that our savvy readers and consumers want to know about. 5 B logs. The word from key industry bloggers (and our own editor in chief Jason Kontos) all over the blogosphere. Updated daily. 6 C urrent issu e . Expanded features and web only content related to the current issue. 7 L ocal Social Co n n e x i o n . A social media platform for local advertisers including a blog, Facebook posts and Twitter feeds.
continues to be a leading resource for the local design community, and boasts more than 65,000 monthly page views. With user friendly applications, regular updates and social media influences, newyorkspacesmag.com
keeps readers engaged.
timing/exposure N ewyorks pa ce s m a g . c o m offers added exposure through available web units. Leaderboard: 728 x 90 Pixels
IMU: 300 x 250 Pixels Fl ash availabi l i t y: yes M aterial Cl osi n g d at e s : Five days prior to the first of the month to be featured in Rate: $1,000 net per month per channel sponsorship
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
EdITorial calendar issue
editorial highlights
d at e s
special sections
Ad Space Close: January 5 Material Deadline: January 6 Mailed: January 26
K i t c h e n C u l t u r e - S p a c es Style A look at the latest essentials and extras in kitchen design: What makes these spaces work—and what makes them wonderful?
Ed itorial Product Fe atures:
Kitchen & Bath Design
Cabinetry, appliances, tile, flooring, lighting, and more.
Re n o v a t i o n I n s p i r a t i o n /Spring Greening
Trend Repor t: Kitchen And Bath D esign
Move or improve? In a slowed-down real estate market, renovation holds the key to customized living environments that are bigger, brighter, or just plain better. And it all starts with great design— inside and out.
New York Spaces continues to report on kitchen and bath trends in the return of our popular K&B section. Receive a full page ad with complimentary advertorial about the trends and tips your company is offering (photo, copy and interview with Ney York Spaces’ contributing editor).
Ed itorial Product Fe atures: Easy
Improvements/Home & Garden
Ad Space Close: March 4 Material Deadline: March 7 Mailed: March 26 Special Section Ad Close: February 20
From paint and flooring to windows, doors, lighting, linens, and outdoor living and entertaining gear. Ad Space Close: April 4 Material Deadline: April 8 Mailed: April 26
Co l o r Co n f i d e n c e Color can define a space and your sense of wellbeing. See how some of today’s most talented designers employ everything from flowers to tableware to make a statement.
Special Section Ad Close: March 18
Ed itorial Product Fe atures: Color
by Design
New fabrics, wallpapers, tableware, and floral design.
Summer Living Exploring the upbeat vibe that defines summertime in metro New York, from its casual kicks to sophisticated escapes.
Ed itorial Product Fe atures: Indoor/
To p 5 0 De s i g n e r s Our big design and decorating issue celebrates the design world’s rising stars and acknowledged talents: Designers, architects, and landscape visionaries who shape our spaces.
De stination: The Hamptons From Wall Street executives to the area’s hottest celebs, Metro New York flocks to The Hamptons in the summer months. Their summer pads are designed to the nines, and this special section will showcase their favorite interior design products.
Ad Space Close: June 4 Material Deadline: June 6 Mailed: June 26 Special Section Ad Close: May 21
Ad Space Close: July 16 Material Deadline: July 18 Mailed: August 12
Th e L ist: The Top 50 Names You Need to Know in Metro New York Design.
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com SUBJECT TO CHANGE | UPDATED 05/12 | PAGE 1 OF 2
EdITorial calendar october
H i g h D e s i g n /Ar t & A n t iques Art and antiques make a powerful impact in Metro New York’s best-designed houses, lofts, apartments, and public spaces. We hit on the trends to watch for now.
Editorial Product Features: Artinspired design.
fall 2012
Ou r G u i d e t o T HE GOODS The Editors of New York Spaces address the questions design-minded readers ask most in this visually stunning guide to the people, places, and products that define today’s best architecture, interiors, and outdoor living spaces.
Trend Repor t: Kitchen And Bath Design The return of our popular K&B section, now running inside the book to all of our ready-to-buy readers. Receive a fullpage ad with complimentary advertorial about the trends and tips your company is offering (photo and copy).
Ad Space Close: August 17 Material Deadline: August 20 Mailed: September 10 Special Section Ad Close: August 3
Ad Space Close: September 17 Material Deadline: September 19 Mailed: October 10
Editorial Product Features: Come with us behind the scenes, to the showrooms, art galleries, retailers, and secret sources the world’s top designers rely on to bring their ideas to life.
Entertaining End the year with some of the newest trends and traditions in home entertaining in the Metro, New York area.
Ad Space Close: October 20 Material Deadline: October 22 Mailed: November 11
Editorial Features: Tabletop
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com SUBJECT TO CHANGE | UPDATED 05/12 | PAGE 2 OF 2
ADVERTISING specifications Ad sizes (w x h): Space
Bleed trim
Bleed art
Two-page spread
14.65" x 10.375"
16.75” x 10.875”
17.25" x 11.125"
Full page
7.325" x 10.375"
8.375” x 10.875”
8.625" x 11.125"
4.63" x 10.375"
7.325" x 5"
1/2 page vertical
3.47" x 10.375"
1/3 page square
4.63" x 5"
1/3 page vertical
2.33" x 10.375"
3.47" x 5"
2/3 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal
1/4 page
Magazine trim size: 8.375” x 10.875” Safety: For full-page ads, safety is 0.25” from trim and 0.8” from inside gutter. Printing and binding process: Web offset; perfect bound. Paper stock: 8 pt. gloss coated cover; 60# gloss coated text. Material requirements: New York Spaces accepts digital files only. All digital files must be accompanied by SWOP Certified Matchprint. Digital requirements: • Files will be accepted on the following media: CD-ROM or DVD. • Material submitted on disk may be in either IBM or Mac format. • File formats accepted are: Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign. • All printer and screen fonts must be included on disk. • Graphic file formats accepted are: Adobe Acrobat PDF, Photoshop Tiff or EPS. • All images should be saved as CMYK at 300dpi. Otherwise, RGB color will be converted to CMYK for printing, and the advertiser will be charged $50 for file conversion. • Line art should be saved at a minimum of 1200dpi to avoid jagged edges. • For proper trapping in the computer-to-plate process, all image backgrounds must be set to “NONE.” Materials produced by Publisher: At the advertiser’s request, New York Spaces will produce mechanicals and/or offset film. Cost will vary according to ad size, color and complexity. Call 201-746-7806 for details. Copy restrictions: Publisher reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and at any time, to reject advertising materials. Advertisements that simulate editorial content must be clearly labeled ADVERTISEMENT. Copy responsibility: Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their advertisements placed and printed. Publisher accepts no responsibility for typographical errors. Position guarantees: Position is guaranteed for covers only. Half-tone Screen Recommendations: 150 line Density of tone: • 4-color: 320%
• 2-color: 180%
Reproduction Requirements: New York Spaces is printed web offset using computer-toplate technology. SWOP standards apply. Material Requirements: New York Spaces accepts digital files only. All digital files should be accompanied by a SWOP proof. Files will be accepted on CD-ROM, DVD±R, or Zip. Disks may be IBM or MAC formatted. Graphics file formats: PDF/X-1a—no ICC profiles, embed all hi-res graphics and fonts (Type 1 preferred). Photoshop (EPS or TIFF)—no ICC profiles, embed all fonts, flatten all layers. Illustrator (EPS only; no AI files) - outline all fonts, flatten all layers, no spot colors in gradient blends. For 5-color jobs, only PDF/X-1a or Illustrator EPS files will be accpepted; no DCS files. Files should be accompanied by a SWOP proof. Publisher will not accept responsibility for color reproduction if a SWOP proof is not furnished.
reed foster
P u b l i s h e r | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
Application file formats: QuarkXPress, InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. All required image trapping should be included in the file. All printer and screen fonts must be incuded. All images must be CMYK or Grayscale, EPS or TIFF at 300dpi; no RGB or JPEG images. Do not embed ICC profiles. Line art should be 1200-2400 dpi, EPS or TIFF. Files should be accompanied by a SWOP proof. Publisher will not accept responsibility for color reproduction if a SWOP proof is not furnished. Printing Process: Color rotation sequence is black, cyan, magenta, and yellow.
E-Newsletter & Event Calendar Event/Sale Listing: 20 to 75 words including links (within edit). Image Formats: Currently Accepted: GIF, Animated GIF or JPEG. Cropped to 175 pixels wide. Maximum Image File Size: 50K Materials Due: Five (5) business days prior to scheduled e-newsletter blast. Include with instructions: referring URL and alt text. Position Policy: Placed in order of event/dale date and alphabetical. Cancellation Policy: All online advertisements require a 2-week written cancellation notice. (Minimum 3 month periods not cancellable).
NewYorkSpacesMag.com Banner Ad Dimensions: • Header banner: w728p x h90p (in rotation of up to three banners) • Right side spotlight: w300p x h250p (in rotation of up to three banners) Formats: Currently Accepted: GIF, Animated GIF, JPEG, HTML & Flash Maximum File Size: 50K Materials Due: Five (5) business days prior to posting. Seven (7) business days for rich media. Include with instructions: referring URL and alt text. Cancellation Policy: All online advertisements require a 2-week written cancellation notice. (Minimum 3 month periods not cancellable). Position Policy: All banner and text ads are placed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Shipping Space contracts, insertion orders, camera-ready copy and proofs should be addressed to: Advertising Department, New York Spaces 110 Summit Avenue, Montvale, NJ 07645 201.746.7806 e-mail: jacquelynn.fischer@wainscotmedia.com FTP information available upon request.
2012 media kit
NewYork SpacesMag.com UPDATED 05/12
REED FOSTER Publisher 917-703-0668 reed.foster@wainscotmedia.com
LOUISE DEMMEL Senior Account Executive Westchester/Connecticut 914-672-1165 louise.demmel@wainscotmedia.com
K E L LY C A N N O N B U C H S B A U M Advertising Director 201-746-7811 kelly.buchsbaum@wainscotmedia.com
LY N N E S TA R R Account Executive 914-260-3192 lynne.starr@wainscotmedia.com
VIVIAN GOODSTEIN New York Regional Manager 917-921-2278 vivian.goodstein@wainscotmedia.com L A U R I E E VA N S Senior Account Executive New York 201-571-2075 laurie.evans@wainscotmedia.com
VIVIENNE ROLLINS Regional Advertising Manager 201-571-2225 vivienne.rollins@wainscotmedia.com FRANK SCANCARELLA Senior Account Executive 201-746-7809 frank.scancarella@wainscotmedia.com
marketing & production CHRISTINE HAMEL V.P., Director of Production & Circulation 201-573-5541 christine.hamel@wainscotmedia.com J A C Q U I E LY N N F I S C H E R Manager of Advertising Services 201-7467806 jacquielynn.fischer@wainscotmedia.com ANGELA VELIKY Marketing Manager 201-782-5712 angela.veliky@wainscotmedia.com
MARY LIMA Account Executive 917-969-0924 mary.lima@wainscotmedia.com MAURA TEMPLETON Account Executive 201-741-5709 maura.templeton@wainscotmedia.com
P U B L I S H E R | 9 1 7 - 7 0 3 - 0 668 | REED.FOSTER@WAINSCOTMEDIA.COM