Carterton District Council Ten Year Plan

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Te Mahere Ngahurutanga


FROM HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR JOHN BOOTH Nāku te rourou Nāhau te rourou Ka ora ai te iwi. Tihei mauriora!

With your basket of resources Combined with ours Together, we shall prosper. We breathe with life!

As a sixth generation resident of Carterton, I’m honoured to call this district home. Here, we have much to be proud of—a well-connected and resilient community, an innovative creative sector, new business investment coming into the district, a strong rural economy and active community groups. Carterton is steadily growing. In the last ten years, our district’s population increased by 22 percent, and we are expecting it to increase a further 8 percent in the next ten years and 23 percent by 2043. We welcome the diversity and innovation this growth will bring. But it will require forethought and planning to ensure our infrastructure and amenities are fit


for purpose and can accommodate an expanding community. For the next ten years, Carterton District Council will remain strongly focussed on delivering high quality core services to the district. As previously agreed with our community, we will upgrade our wastewater treatment and disposal system, for which we now have resource consents. We will improve the resilience of our water supply infrastructure so we are prepared for a possible major emergency event, and we will invest across all of our core infrastructure to make sure we can meet the demands of a growing population and changing economic activity, including the impacts on our roads.

Given the investment required for our infrastructure work we are not planning to do any other major projects over the next 10 years. Upgrading our key infrastructure will have a big impact on rates, particularly next year as the wastewater treatment plant upgrade moves into its major construction phase.

to deliver many of these services, including parks and gardens, emergency response preparation, wetlands restoration, rural rubbish clean-up, holiday programmes, and more. Carterton is certainly a better place because of the partnerships between our wonderful community groups and volunteers and the Council.

Overall, our rates revenue in 2018/19 will be $12.8 million— an increase of $1.5 million on the current financial year, or an increase of 9.4 percent in the average rates. After 2018/19, the annual increase in average rates falls back into the 0-5 percent range.

There is one initiative that doesn’t involve our core infrastructure that we are looking to expand. Engagement with the community shows a desire to reduce household waste, and with that a need for better recycling services.

$1 billion-a-year Provincial Growth Fund, to which we expect to be making a bid. We will be working alongside the two other Wairarapa councils, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and others to prepare bids that, if supported by the Government, will boost employment opportunities.

Our urban ratepayers will be meeting the vast majority of the wastewater treatment plant cost and we are very mindful of how challenging it is for many households to pay rates.

Council is considering expanding our current recycling services to include food waste collection, an electronic waste drop-off facility, and more capacity for general household recycling. We welcome your feedback on this issue.

Finally, and very importantly, we acknowledge Hurunui o Rangi Marae and its importance and status in the Carterton District. Earlier this year I was proud to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and Hurunui o Rangi as a serious commitment to our close working relationship. As council begins planning for the next ten years, I encourage everyone in the Carterton District to have their say. We are committed to working with the community to create a healthy, safe, and vibrant place to live.

So for our other activities we will be keeping them modestly businessas-usual. Those activities are described in the activities sections of this document. We acknowledge the various community groups with whom the council works closely

We are delighted with Carterton District’s economic performance in the last year—especially with a GDP increase of 3.8 percent in 2017, which is above the national average. We hope to build on this, with support from the Government’s

Mayor John Booth





Mayor’s Introduction




Why have a consultation document?


Roads and footpaths


Independent Auditors report


Our vision and community outcomes


Highlights for the next ten years

Expansion of rubbish and recycling services

10 Community services 11 Regulatory and planning 12 Water

Late last year, we asked you for your ideas for a future Carterton. Councillors sought to find out the key issues that the people of Carterton wanted to be included in our Ten Year Plan. We have considered these alongside our current plans and commitments. This consultation document presents the activities the Council will undertake over the next ten years. This period will see us focus particularly on investing in our core urban water and sewerage services so they continue to meet current needs and environmental standards, and are able to support our growing urban population.


17 Financial strategy 22 Infrastructure strategy 23 Impact on Rates 26 Have your say 27 Submission form

14 Stormwater 15 Sewerage

WHY HAVE A CONSULTATION DOCUMENT? By law, the Council must prepare a ten-year long-term plan. We are consulting our community on this plan before we adopt it.

16 Waste management

It will be largely ‘business as usual’ for our other activities. We believe this is the most financially prudent approach for our ratepayers, taking into account our ability to borrow to fund new infrastructure and the cost of rates. We welcome and encourage your participation and feedback, which will assist us in preparing our Ten Year Plan. The Council has carefully considered what it believes is important to meet the reasonable needs of our community. You may have different views, or you may agree with our choices. This consultation phase is your chance to have an influence. There are a number of ways you can have your say. These are set out at the end of this document.

WHAT ARE WE CONSULTING ON? There is one issue on which we especially seek your feedback: the expansion of our waste and recycling services. We want to know if you support the Council’s preferred option, or have a different view. The feedback we receive will inform our final decisions.

INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ON CARTERTON DISTRICT COUNCIL’S CONSULTATION DOCUMENT FOR ITS PROPOSED 2018-28 LONG TERM PLAN I am the Auditor General’s appointed auditor for Carterton District Council (the Council). Section 93C of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act) requires an audit report on the Council’s Consultation Document. We have done the work for this report using the staff and resources of Audit New Zealand. We completed our report on 24 April 2018.

Opinion In my opinion: 

the Consultation Document provides an effective basis for public participation in the Council’s decisions about the proposed content of its 201828 long term plan, because it:

fairly represents the matters proposed for inclusion in the long term plan; and

identifies and explains the main issues and choices facing the Council and district, and the consequences of those choices; and

the information and assumptions underlying the information in the Consultation Document are reasonable.

General’s Auditing Standards and the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3400: The Examination of Prospective Financial Information that were consistent with those requirements. We assessed the evidence the Council has to support the information and disclosures in the Consultation Document. To select appropriate procedures, we assessed the risk of material misstatement and the Council’s systems and processes applying to the preparation of the Consultation Document. We did not evaluate the security and controls over the publication of the Consultation Document.

Responsibilities of the Council and auditor The Council is responsible for: 

Basis of opinion We carried out our work in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (New Zealand) 3000 (Revised): Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information. In meeting the requirements of this standard, we took into account particular elements of the Auditor

meeting all legal requirements relating to its procedures, decisions, consultation, disclosures, and other actions associated with preparing and publishing the Consultation Document and long term plan, whether in printed or electronic form; having systems and processes in place to provide the supporting information and analysis the Council needs to be able to prepare a Consultation Document and long term plan that meet the purposes set out in the Act; and

ensuring that any forecast financial information being presented has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand.

I am responsible for reporting on the Consultation Document, as required by section 93C of the Act. I do not express an opinion on the merits of any policy content of the Consultation Document.

Independence In carrying out our work, we complied with the Auditor General’s: 

independence and other ethical requirements, which incorporate the independence and ethical requirements of Professional and Ethical Standard 1 (Revised); and

quality control requirements, which incorporate the quality control requirements of Professional and Ethical Standard 3 (Amended).

Other than our work in carrying out all legally required external audits, we have no relationship with or interests in the Council.

Mari-Anne Williamson Audit New Zealand On behalf of the Auditor General Wellington, New Zealand



A strong and effective Council

A welcoming and vibrant community where we all enjoy living

Quality, fit-for-purpose infrastructure

A strong community

A prosperous economy

Healthy natural and built environments

HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE NEXT TEN YEARS What’s coming up in the next ten years for each of the Council’s main activity groups is covered in the following sections. More information is available in the draft

Ten Year Plan (see www.cdc.govt. nz/plans/tenyearplan). As you will see, we are going to concentrate on delivering our core services in the next ten

years in much the same way as we currently deliver, with the exceptions of town water supply and sewage treatment and disposal.

Major capital projects are shown in the table below. 2018/19 $

2019/20 $

2020/21 $

2021/22 $

2022/23 $

2023/24 $

2024/25 $

2025/26 $

2026/27 $

2027/28 $

Sewage treatment and disposal 4,246,984 868,141 742,831 332,679 405,013 902,679 63,332 51,754 53,136 7,578 Smart water meters

- 938,700 - - - - - - - -

Kaipaitangata water supply main

- 521,500 - - - - - - - -

Water storage tanks

- - 852,800 871,200 892,000 912,800 - - - -

Additional water source



We do not plan to undertake any major non-essential capital projects. We have carefully considered what we can afford —






taking into account our financial reserves, rate increases, and our ability to borrow. We think investing in the capital projects above, and



184,500 9,598,800

continuing to deliver our other activities with current service levels, is the most appropriate approach to take.

CONSULTATION ISSUE EXPANSION OF WASTE AND RECYCLING SERVICES Managing waste and ensuring good outcomes for the community and the environment is a complex task. We need to provide an effective waste service, at a cost acceptable to the community. Last year, the three Wairarapa councils adopted the Wellington Regional Waste Management and Minimisation Plan. This outlines a number of goals for the next ten years including:  reducing the total quantity of waste to landfill, with an emphasis on reducing waste that creates the most human

and environmental harm  increasing the amount of waste diverted from landfill via reuse, recovery and/or recycling  investigating the use of available recovery and treatment technologies and service methods and apply these where appropriate  taking action that will improve information on waste and recovered material activities, including both councilcontracted and private sector activities.

We now seek your input on the following proposed initiatives:


Council’s preferred option Our preferred position is to proceed with the kerbside recycling wheelie bins and with the e-waste service. We have planned for this in the draft financial estimates. We have not supported the food waste collection as our research suggests that the majority of households compost or similarly deal with 80 percent of food waste.

Enhancing kerbside recycling by providing 240-litre wheelie bins for co-mingled recycling, using the existing crates for glass collection on alternate weeks. The estimated cost is $20,000 (or $9.95 per urban rating unit) in 2018/19 and $28,000 (or $14.05 per urban rating unit) per annum thereafter.

General rates (all ratepayers) will increase by $6,000 (or an average of $1.46 per rating unit) from 2018/19 for the e-waste service.

Setting up a system of kerbside food waste collections. The estimated cost to set this up is $20,000 (or $9.95 per urban rating unit) in 2018/19 and $6,000 (or $3.01 per urban rating unit) in 2019/20, and an ongoing cost of $63,100 (or $31.97 per urban rating unit) per annum in 2019/20 and thereafter.

Targeted recycling rates (urban only) will increase by $20,000 (or $9.95 per urban rating unit) in 2018/19, and by $28,000 (or $14.05 per urban rating unit) in 2019/20 and thereafter. Debt will not be affected.

Establishing an electronic waste (e-waste) service at the transfer station, or an advertised collection service scheduled throughout the year. The estimated cost is $6,000 (or an average of $1.46 per rating unit) per annum from 2018/19.

Services will be enhanced with additional recycling and e-waste services.



The Local Government Act 2002 states that the purpose of local government is to ‘enable democratic local decisionmaking, and to meet the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure, public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses’.

The key to a healthy and functioning local democracy is an engaged community. Cr Russell Keys

Last year, the possible amalgamation of the three Wairarapa councils, proposed by the Local Government Commission, generated some interesting discussions on the form of local government and how key services can be delivered. In December 2017, Wairarapa voted against amalgamation, with 76 percent of voters in Carterton district supporting the status quo. We no longer have the ‘what if’ questions of amalgamation to distract us. Instead, Carterton District Council will continue to promote shared services with our neighbouring councils. We already have several shared services with both Masterton and South Wairarapa District Councils. We have a combined district plan (which we will be jointly reviewing), a common waste management contract, and one roading contractor for the three councils. Carterton shares library services with South Wairarapa. We have several computer systems in common with the other councils and are looking at working more closely together to improve building consent processes. Over the next ten years, we will be looking for more opportunities for


shared services—aiming for more efficient and affordable service delivery for our ratepayers. The last review of our rates policies was in 2011. We have set aside $80,000 in 2020/21 to ensure the allocation of the rates between different users and different groups in the community remains fair. The key to a healthy and functioning local democracy is an engaged community. Late last year, we ran our Carterton Residents’ Satisfaction Survey (formerly three-yearly, now to be done annually). Of the 1061 residents who responded, 67 percent reported they were either satisfied or very satisfied with council’s performance. There were areas we can improve upon. For example, a number of respondents said they would like council to demonstrate better value for the rates our community is paying. Some groups want to be more involved in local decision-making, particularly Māori and youth, who feel the council has not adequately engaged with them in the past. We have taken this feedback on board. We agree council needs to be clearer about what we offer, and how much it will cost our ratepayers. We feel it is important that everyone in our community is able to have their say. So, we will be working on specific actions to better engage with all our community, including with iwi and young people. We look forward to addressing these challenges!

ROADS AND FOOTPATHS Roads are the arteries of our district. As a provincial area, roads are an important part of how we stay connected to one another. They are essential for our social and economic well-being: reliable, wellmaintained roading networks allow us to travel for business, transport goods, access essential services, and get to our favourite recreational activities. If people are the heart of Carterton, then our roads are the arteries. Roads are one of Carterton District Council’s biggest expenses. And we have a fair few roads in the area— 30km of roads in Carterton township, 263km of rural tarsealed roads, and 158km of rural unsealed roads. Not to mention a number of bridges, footpaths, street lights, and road signs. Even with subsidies and funding from the New Zealand Transport Agency, maintaining such a wide roading network can be pricey. Therefore, it is important we keep our ratepayers in the loop about any new projects. Over the next ten years, the council will focus on the district’s rural roading networks. Our region’s forestry and logging operations are forecast to grow substantially. Thanks to massive forest planting operations in Wairarapa, huge tonnages of timber have matured and will be ready for harvesting over the next five years. This wood will need to be transported from the hill country to Waingawa (then on to Wellington by train), leading to more use of rural roads by logging vehicles, and increased activity around the Waingawa area. Keeping on top of our maintenance and renewal programme and ensuring our bridges can take the heavy loads will be a priority.

If people are the heart of Carterton, then our roads are the arteries. Cr Greg Lang

We look forward to implementing our district’s Walking and Cycling Strategy. The council recognises that walking and cycling have many health and environmental benefits, and we are looking forward to rolling out improved walking and cycling facilities. We will continue our programme to improve the quality of the footpaths around the town. We will also look for opportunities to partner with others to construct cycle trails in the district and linking to the wider and growing Wairarapa trails network. Over the next few years, we think there will be many new cycling and walking opportunities for our locals and visitors to enjoy. We will make sure we do our bit to support that to happen. In the meantime, safe travels, Carterton!


COMMUNITY SERVICES Carterton’s community services are an essential thread in our social and cultural tapestry.

As more families arrive in Carterton to bring up their kids, it is vital our community facilities are fit-for-purpose, can keep up with demand, and offer our people (young and old) opportunities to get involved. Cr Rebecca Vergunst


A joint advisory group has been set up by the council and the swimming club to consider options. The preferred option is not yet known. Our facilities—from the Events At some point in the future, we may Centre, to the swimming pool, to need to construct a replacement our many open green spaces—bring aquatic centre. This is one of the people together, contribute to a options being considered by a joint sense of belonging and pride, and advisory group. At this stage the add to community well-being. council is yet to consider options, so no commitment has been made to If our recent Carterton Residents’ any changes to the current facilities, Satisfaction Survey is anything to go by, council’s community spaces, except a small budget that has been set aside to address the changing both indoor and outdoor, are well shed earthquake-prone building used and certainly appreciated by issues. the public. And in delivering these services we work in partnership There will be significant dialogue and with a number of volunteer community engagement if or when groups—Keep Carterton Beautiful we need to consider a new aquatic Group, Lions, and the Mangatārere facility or a major investment in our Restoration Society to name a current facility. few. Without these partnerships, our public spaces would not be as A significant new facility on the fantastic as they are. horizon is HubCAP, a $3.2 million multi-sports complex at Howard Bearing in mind our focus on Booth Park proposed by the upgrading our core infrastructure Carterton Sports and Recreation over the next decade, we will Trust. If successful, this could embark on modest projects to provide more opportunities for update some of our community community involvement. amenities. The council will consult on the For example, we are beginning work use of the park and any financial on refurbishing the entrance to contribution it may make to the Carrington Park, and have set aside HubCAP once the Trust has finalised funding to develop the Kaipaitangata its business case. This is likely to be Forest Block as a recreation area in 2019. The Trust is not looking to with a network of tracks suitable the council to be a major funder of for walking, mountain biking, and this project. horse riding. Again, these will likely be in partnership with community As more families arrive in Carterton volunteer groups. to bring up their kids, it is vital our community facilities are fit-forWe are faced with a challenge in purpose, can keep up with demand, relation to our swimming facilities. and offer our people (young and old) The very popular council-owned opportunities to get involved. We will open-air baths on Pembroke continue to maintain our community Street and the neighbouring indoor facilities to meet those demands. pool, owned and operated by the Carterton Swimming Club, are both showing their age, and require renovations to ensure they are safe for use.


The construction boom ... provides many exciting opportunities for our district. Cr Ruth Carter

New Zealand laws and regulations require councils to be regulators. Resource management, building consents, residential development, environmental health, civil defence management, and dog control are just some of the regulatory activities we undertake to protect the overall safety and well-being of Carterton district. For this part of our business, it will mostly be business as usual for the council for the next ten years. However, there are a few extra things we need to do. The three Wairarapa councils will review the Wairarapa Combined District Plan, beginning this year. The District Plan balances protection of the environment and natural assets with community infrastructure needs and the rights of property owners to use their land as they wish. As for Carterton, the review process will incorporate our urban growth plan and a review of the design guide that applies to the commercial part of High Street. Carterton is—along with the Wairarapa region as a whole—in the midst of a construction boom.

New homes and subdivisions are a regular sight, particularly in areas such as Brooklyn and Belvedere Roads, and Mill Grove. Building consents are on the rise. Areas available for residential development in urban Carterton, under the current District Plan, can potentially provide between 600 and 900 useable sections for residential building. There is also space at Waingawa for more industrial developments, with the potential to boost employment. This provides many exciting opportunities for our district. More extreme weather events are predicted to occur as a result of climate change. So it’s important to focus more than ever on civil defence emergency management in our district. Council has a great many responsibilities in preparing the area for a natural disaster, which we plan to strengthen in the next ten years. We acknowledge groups such as Resilient Carterton, who are focused on improving Carterton’s disaster preparedness and community resilience through strong social networks and relationships.


URBAN WATER SUPPLY Water is essential for a thriving community—whether it be for drinking, cleaning, business viability, animal health, or fire-fighting. Providing safe and reliable drinking water to our urban residents and businesses is one of the most important services we provide.

reduce the demand

manage the risks.


Presently, water for Carterton’s urban area is piped into town from the Kaipaitangata Stream. This We work hard to ensure what comes supply reaches 2,500 houses. We out of the tap is safe to drink and have a supplementary supply from flows. In the last year, we have bores located on Lincoln Road. introduced additional measures to These are our back-up when we address the safety risks associated cannot take water from the Stream with town water supplies. We treat (during low flows in summer or our drinking water with UV, chlorine, when the stream has high sediment and filters. We invest in training loads from a storm). It is expected our staff operating the treatment that future resource consents will plants and we are lucky to have restrict, even further, water taken very talented and dedicated people from the Kaipaitangata Stream working in this area of our business. during low flow/high demand Over the next ten years, we will periods, placing increased demand continue to focus attention on on bore water source and storage. providing a safe supply. Our current supply will meet our Data from NIWA shows the region needs for the next ten years. will reach a climate similar to Beyond this, as the town’s Hawke’s Bay by 2040. Wairarapa population grows, a new additional will be more vulnerable to heat water source will need to be found. and drought conditions, leading to We will start the process in 2020 to reduced river and stream volumes. identify this new source and obtain Without careful forward planning, the necessary resource consents, reliable water sources for the district and have set aside a total budget will be less certain. With these of $10,490,000 to complete challenges in mind, and a growing construction in 2028. Work on the population, we will be doing some additional supply will be loan-funded. work to ensure we have enough Rates will need to cover the interest water to meet our future needs. costs of the loan and the principal repayments, as well as ongoing Our plan is threefold: maintenance and operating costs. The impact on rates will increase to  increase the water supply


$149 per annum per urban rating unit from 2028/29.


As well as increasing the amount of water we supply, we also need to make sure the water we treat and supply is used as efficiently as possible. With this in mind, the council is developing a water conservation strategy, with a range of initiatives, to help reduce water loss and ensure efficient use. We committed to doing this as part of our resource consent application, and in line with the feedback we have previously received from our community. Our existing water meters will be due for replacement soon, so part of our water conservation strategy involves replacing them with smart meters, which can be read remotely. As well as saving the time and expense on manually reading all the meters in the urban area, smart meters will enable us to read the meters more regularly, giving households a fuller picture of their water use, encourage savings, and prevent leaks. Council plans to install the smart meters in 2019/20, at a cost of $939,000 and funded from reserves. Rates will need to cover the ongoing maintenance and operating costs, including depreciation. The impact on rates will be $26 per annum per urban rating unit.


In response to the recent water supply contamination experience in Havelock North, we have reviewed our own supply to identify any risks. We have made some small changes, but we’re very satisfied that our treatment and reticulation systems mean we are delivering safe drinking water. We currently filter, chlorinate, and UV treat the water.

transport water to Carterton from the Kaipaitangata treatment plant, which could be compromised during a disaster event. Within the next two years, the council will be starting work to duplicate the sections of the pipe that run through high-risk sections, such as over fault lines and close to bridges.

This is estimated to cost $522,000 in 2019/20, funded from reserves. The Inquiry set up in response to the Rates will need to cover the ongoing Havelock North issues released a maintenance and operating costs, report in 2017, signalling possible including depreciation. The impact future changes to the treatment and supply of drinking water in New on rates will be $27 per annum per Zealand. We will be actively following urban rating unit. the Government’s response to the We also plan to increase the storage Inquiry’s recommendations. In the capacity by constructing eight more meantime, we will continue to be reservoir tanks to provide four vigilant in how we manage our town days’ emergency water supply. At water supply. the moment we have emergency storage for only 12 hours. Wairarapa is vulnerable to a range of natural hazards. Therefore, These tanks will be constructed over we need to make sure our water four years to 2024 at a total cost supply infrastructure can withstand of $3,529,000, funded by loans. a major emergency. Experience Rates will need to cover the interest elsewhere in the country with natural costs of the loan and the principal hazard events has reminded us repayments, as well as ongoing that we need to be prepared for maintenance and operating costs. emergencies that could result in The impact on rates will increase to serious damage to our water supply. $171 per annum per urban rating So, we have looked at our current unit from 2024/25. risks and plan to address the most vulnerable parts of our network. We only have one mains pipe to

Our plan is threefold— increase the water supply, reduce the demand, and manage the risks.

Cr Brian Deller


People need confidence that our stormwater systems can deliver and the risk of flooding is minimised. Cr Tracey O’Callaghan

STORMWATER DRAINAGE Wairarapa knows all about weather extremes. Freezing winters, sometimes unbearably hot summers—and the occasional flood.

predicts Wairarapa will be yet more vulnerable to weather extremes. This includes more highintensity rainfall and greater risk of flooding. Carterton’s current stormwater systems may not be able to cope with this scenario.

waterways. Improved services in this area may result in an impact on rates.

Council also plans to replace the drain on Carterton’s eastside Carterton District Council is boundary over a period of ten responsible for keeping flooding years, beginning in 2022/23. This dangers to a minimum using our Therefore, we will need to review work will upgrade the existing urban stormwater system—set up whether additional or alternative drain and increase its capacity to provide effective collection and stormwater systems are needed to deal with residential growth disposal of surface water from to deliver a quality service in times expected in the north-east of town. within the Carterton township. This of unpredictable weather. This will Construction will cost $750,000 includes kerb collection, and piped be an important project for the over ten years and be funded and open drains. People need next ten years. from reserves. The ongoing confidence that our stormwater maintenance and operating costs We are currently awaiting the systems can deliver and the risk will not be significant and will be outcome of Greater Wellington of flooding is minimised. met from existing operational Regional Council’s Natural budgets. Our stormwater systems are Resources Plan and Whaitua adequate to address current processes. These may lead to We welcome any further feedback requirements. However, we are environmental standards that and suggestions as to how we can facing some uncertain times, require higher quality stormwater best manage stormwater in these as climate change research when it is discharged into natural challenging times.


SEWERAGE We all share a desire to have highquality natural waterways that can support fish and other aquatic life and are safe for swimming.

to the lower reaches of Mangatārere  a second pivot irrigator, which

will allow discharge to a total of 40ha of farmland

We are aware of the impact that intensive farming can have on our  enhanced UV treatment of rivers, and that our local farmers are wastewater making real efforts to mitigate these effects. But we all need to play our  further planting of wetlands part in protecting our waterways. to allow better treatment of And we are pleased to have risen to bacteria, and to create a habitat this challenge, with the backing of compatible with brown mudfish our urban ratepayers. found on the site. One of the council’s biggest projects for the next decade will be upgrading our wastewater treatment plant on Dalefield Road—a massive undertaking, and an exciting one. We have developed our upgrade plans with strong community involvement, and agreed the funding in our previous 2015–2025 Long Term Plan and in the Annual Plan last year. At the end of 2017, the council was granted a 35-year resource consent to discharge treated wastewater to land, air and water, and to begin developments of the treatment plant to allow for dramatically reduced effluent discharge to waterways. We have also built into our plans future population growth.

The massive storage facility and new irrigation capabilities will help reduce the frequency of discharge to Mangatārere Stream from nine months to one month out of the year, and only at times of high water flow. This way, when we discharge treated effluent it is diluted and will not adversely affect the stream. The duration of discharges to Mangatārere will be reduced by up to 68 percent.

We started the physical works at the plant in 2017/18 and the total development will take around five years to complete, at a cost of $6.6 million. We acknowledge the impact this will have on rates for our urban ratepayers and we will Presently, treated wastewater from monitor the project closely to ensure We all need to play our the Dalefield Road plant is used to costs are managed. Rates will need part in protecting our irrigate the adjacent Daleton Farm. to cover the interest costs of the A large pivot irrigator discharges loans and the principal repayments, waterways. water to farmland during the as well as ongoing maintenance Cr Mike Ashby summer months, when the ground is and operating costs. In 2019/20, driest. The remainder of the treated after the construction of the biggest wastewater is discharged to the component (the reservoirs) the disposal, we will also be enhancing Mangatārere Stream. average urban rates will increase by the reticulation network. In $294. particular, a sewer main on Rutland In addition to work completed on Road will be installed, at a cost the treatment plant and irrigation Council is confident this system since 2014, the upcoming development will have huge benefits of $856,000, to cope with the expected residential growth in the improvements to the plant, to begin for the environment, and will go north-east of town. this year, include: a long way towards restoring our treasured waterways. The council’s Construction will be loan-funded.  construction of a 200,000 m3 goal is to prevent wastewater Rates will need to cover the interest sequential batch reservoir for discharges to waterways costs of the loans and the principal treated wastewater on Daleton altogether—and we are one step repayments, as well as ongoing Farm closer to achieving this. maintenance and operating costs.  construction of a new discharge In addition to treatment and pipeline from these reservoirs


WASTE MANAGEMENT These days, communities have become more aware of the impact of household waste on the environment. And, thankfully, have become more determined to reduce our collective environmental footprint— doing everything from making reusable bags to take to the supermarket, to upcycling brand new outfits. Carterton is no exception. Since kerbside recycling was introduced to the urban area in 2003, over 115 tonnes has been diverted from going into landfill. Council runs a recycling transfer station, and regularly promotes activities to minimise waste. We even have our own annual upcycled fashion event, held at the Events Centre: The Oversew Fashion Awards, dedicated to creating modern outfits from pre-loved clothes, and to promoting landfill reduction. This is a brilliant initiative from some very passionate, innovative Carterton locals. Feedback from our community has shown Carterton residents are keen as ever to do their bit for the planet. In response, we propose to extend our recycling services. This is outlined earlier in this document as a specific consultation item. We propose to provide wheelie bins for kerbside recycling and processing of e-waste.


Worldwide, e-waste is a growing problem, with several thousand tonnes ending up in landfills, and leeching toxic chemicals into the soil and groundwater. Using wheelie bins for general recycling, whilst retaining the existing crates for glass, will help residents recycle more and work towards our vision of “Waste-free together”. Please let us know what you think. We want to make sure you get the best value for your rates. Council will also continue to operate our transfer station and to promote waste reduction through the Zero Waste Coordinator role, shared between the three Wairarapa councils. Carterton District Council, along with the other Wellington councils, is a signatory of the Wellington Regional Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2017–2023, with a shared goal to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill in the region by a third by 2026. We’ve got a ways to go, as every person in the Wellington region still adds 600kg of rubbish to landfills each year. But with a Carterton community so determined to make a difference, this goal feels well within reach. Let’s clean up our district!

Using wheelie bins for general recycling, whilst retaining the existing crates for glass, will help residents recycle more and work towards our vision of “Waste-free together.” Cr Jill Greathead


FINANCIAL STRATEGY The financial strategy explains how the Council will manage its finances over the next ten years, and the general approach and principles to be followed. To meet the reasonable needs of our community, the Council has applied the following principles:

We plan well. We have good asset management systems. Asset management plans are renewed regularly and inform a 30-year infrastructure strategy. Every three years we prepare a ten-year plan. Every year we prepare a detailed annual plan.

be fair to our ratepayers and customers

maintain service delivery and if required meet increasing demand

We consult the community on what  is proposed. And at the end of every year, we report back to the community on how well we have  done against the plans.

The financial numbers in our proposed ten-year plan are largely based on maintaining business  be good stewards of our as usual. In other words, the assets and infrastructure, Council is planning to continue and of our funds with its current range of activities  spread the cost of our assets and generally to the same level across their useful lives. of service as at present, except where we need to address issues Being fair to our ratepayers of capacity and quality. These and customers means our activities include: activities are cost-effective and necessary for the community’s  continued expansion of the current and future needs. Those sewage treatment capacity, who benefit from our services in line with the consent pay for those services through conditions, and to create rates and charges. Where we additional headroom to meet invest in our infrastructure ongoing and peak demand assets we spread costs across  increasing capacity and today’s and tomorrow’s users mitigating risks associated (intergenerational equity), in order with the town water supply. to match when benefits arise. 

unless it considers it prudent not to do so. In this ten-year plan all activities other than Governance will run a surplus, ie the revenue including rates will be more than the expenses. Council proposes to set rates to cover:

balance the budget

We are also aware of not excessively burdening today’s users with the impact of yesterday’s users not having contributed enough.

the net cost of the activity (expenses less any revenue) plus an amount to cover the repayment of loan principal, or to build up reserves for future year expenses (such as the three-yearly elections) less any expenses, especially depreciation, that don’t need to be funded or the Council has chosen not to fund.

Overall, the financial picture reflects prudent, conservative management. There will be surplus in every year to pay back loans and build reserves. Capital expenditure and operating expenditure is dominated by infrastructure (roads, sewerage, and water). Debt rises slightly then falls during the period as loans are repaid but increases in 2027/28 to fund the capital works for the additional water supply. Reserves build steadily. This leaves the Under section 100 of the Local council in a good position Government Act 2002, the Council with headroom for unforeseen is required to ensure that it raises expenditure. sufficient revenue to cover its projected operating expenses


CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Capital expenditure is for purchasing, building, replacing, or developing the district’s assets, such as roads, parks, sewerage, and buildings.



For each major infrastructure network (water, sewerage, stormwater, and roads) asset management plans are in place. These are key planning tools for the maintenance, renewal, and development of assets.


Water supply

Roads and footpaths

CDC 10YP 2018-2028 Type of capital expenditure

The largest share of the capital spending is on roads and footpaths ($20.9 million or 33 percent) followed by water supply ($18.6 million or 29 percent).


10 8 6 4


Level of service








In the intermediate years, there is a mix of levels of service and growth expenditure relating to the sewage developments, smart water meters, water supply resilience, and the additional water supply.



As shown in the chart, renewals are reasonably consistent across the ten years. In 2018/19 there is level of service improvements relating to the sewage treatment and disposal development. In 2027/28 there is growth expenditure for the additional water supply.


$ million

The chart below breaks down capital expenditure between renewal of existing assets, responding to or anticipating growth in demand, and improving levels of service.



The Council will spend in total $63.5 million on capital expenditure over the next ten years ($8.6 million in 2018/19). The chart below provides a breakdown by major group of activities over the next ten years.


a new source of water for our urban water supply ($10,490,000).





CDC 10YP 2018–2028 Capital expenditure


The key capital projects over the ten years are as follows: further development of our sewage treatment and disposal facilities ($7,674,000)



The assets managed by the Council are forecast to grow from $188 million to $279 million over the ten years of this plan.

Community services

Parks and reserves



OPERATING EXPENDITURE Operating expenditure is forecast to increase from $15.2 million to $20.9 million over the next ten years, an increase of 38 percent, compared with the 26 percent BERL forecast for local government inflation over the same time period. As well as reflecting the impact of capital expenditure for growth the increase in operating expenditure reflects additional levels of service, and the associated maintenance and operating costs, and either building funds for replacement in the future or paying interest and loan repayments.

Community services

Water supply


17% Sewerage

Regulatory and planning

11% 11%

CDC 10YP 2018–2028 Operating expenditure


The following chart shows the split between groups of activities over the next ten years. The greatest operating expenditure over the next ten years is on roads and footpaths ($41.4 million or 22 percent), followed by sewerage ($31.2 million or 17 percent).

Parks and reserves


Waste management



2% Stormwater

22% Roads and footpaths



CDC 10YP 2018–2028 Projected rates and changes in average rates 18 16 8%


14 6%

12 10

4% 8 2%




4 0%

Rates ($m)

% change in average rates

The purpose of local government is to enable democratic local decision-making and to meet its communities’ needs for services—now and in the future. These responsibilities often create conflicting views from the community and organisations on what the Council’s priorities should be and how much money is spent. Affordability is a concern for most ratepayers, whilst many feel that the Council should be doing more to accommodate the needs of a changing community. While grappling with this balancing act, the Council has taken into account as far as practicable the requirements of the current community without compromising future generations. For the next ten years, we are planning to focus on upgrading and expanding our core water and sewerage services to meet current needs and future demands. We are not planning to increase significantly any of our other activities, but














2 -2%

Prudential limit: % change in LGCI +2%

instead maintain a business-asusual approach. The Council has a prudential policy to limit the increase in average rates in any one year to the increase in the BERL local government cost index plus 2 percent. The above chart shows the projected rates during the Ten Year Plan (the teal bars) and the percentage increase in average rates (the yellow line) compared with the prudential limit on increases in average rates (the grey line). The larger increases in 2018/19 and 2019/20 reflect the impact of planned capital expenditure for wastewater in those years, for which rates will need to cover the extra interest costs and the repayment of loan principal as well as the increased operating and maintenance costs. In years 3 to 10, changes in the average rates are mostly driven by

the loan-funded capital expenditure on wastewater and water supply, and the consequent operating and financing costs. In the 2018/19 financial year, the Council proposes to collect $12.8 million in rate revenue. This is an increase of $1.2 million on the current financial year and equates to an increase of 9.4 percent in the average rates,* after taking into account growth in the rating base. After 2018/19, the annual increase in average rates falls back into the 0–5 percent range. Actual rates each year for individual properties will vary depending upon the targeted rates that are applicable, the differential rating category, and the valuation of each property. In 2018/19, most of the increased expenditure will impact on the urban targeted rates, such as wastewater and water supply.

*The average rates is the total forecast rates divided by the total number of forecast rateable properties.



12% 10%


8% 10

6% 4%


Projected debt balance (right axis)

Interest % of operating rev (max 12%)

Debt % of assets (max 15%)

Interest % of NCF* operating (max 50%)









*NCF = Net cash flows from operating activities






The total debt at the start of 2018/19 is $10.1 million. It will be $14.2 million at the end of 2018/19. It rises to $17.5 million at the end of 2026/27 and then to $25.9 million at the end of the 10 year period.



Debt rises slightly then falls during the period as loans are repaid but increases in 2027/28 to fund the capital works for the additional water supply.



These are shown in the following chart. All are well within the limits over the next ten years.

CDC 10YP 2018-2028 Debt limits and projected balance


The Council has also set prudential limits on the level of borrowing and the level of interest costs.

INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY Over half of the Council’s operating expenditure and most of its capital expenditure is on its network infrastructure—roads and footpaths, wastewater, water supply, and stormwater—which are essential for the health, safety, and land transport needs of the district, and have a significant impact on the physical environment. Getting the infrastructure spending right is important. This is why we have an infrastructure strategy that considers the significant issues for our infrastructure over the next 30 years, and how we will address them. The key issues are: 

demand for services with population growth

the impact of climate change and more extreme weather events

the risks to and resilience of our infrastructure assets

the response to changing regulatory requirements.

This is our second infrastructure strategy. The first was three years ago, and much has happened since then. We have drafted an Urban Growth Strategy to help us identify the key issues arising from population growth. Our water supply, sewerage, and stormwater infrastructure is all located in the Carterton urban area. The forecast population increase could have significant implications for this infrastructure, with the Urban Growth Strategy helping us to plan where and how to accommodate the anticipated growth, whether our infrastructure has sufficient capacity to cope with the forecast urban growth, and whether our community facilities can provide for all our needs. For example, it is likely that future


expansion of the urban area will be to the north-east, and it will require new sewer mains on the eastern side of town.

be reduced, and we will need to supplement the supply from an alternative source and reduce demand for water.

The programme of capital and renewal works for the infrastructure networks will ensure that we will cope with growth expected over the next ten years and beyond.

At present we use supplementary bores in Lincoln Road, and these should be adequate for the next ten years. A water conservation strategy is being developed that will include incentives, education, regulation, and operational means to reduce consumption and reduce water loss. This strategy is also a response to the likely impacts of climate change and to the sustainable development and management requirements underpinning New Zealand’s freshwater legislation and policy.

Specific considerations included in the Infrastructure Strategy are summarised as follows:


There has been considerable progress around the treatment and disposal of sewage at our Daleton Farm facility. We now have a 35-year resource consent to further improve our treatment and disposal. The capital programme will significantly reduce the discharge of treated effluent to waterways. These developments are discussed further in the Sewerage section on page 15. The long-term vision is to remove discharges into waterways completely in a way that is affordable to the community. The next ten years addresses the requirements under the 35-year resource consent, after which we move into Renewals and maintenance programme. Once these are in place, we will be considering what the next stage might be to further the long-term vision.

Drinking water

The urban water supply will be the next significant challenge. An application has been lodged to renew the Council’s resource consent to take water from the Kaipaitangata Stream for the urban water supply. Under a new consent, it is likely that the summer water take allowed from this source will

In this next ten-year period we will investigate an additional source for the urban water supply, and have it operational by 2028. We will also address key risks by increasing the storage capacity at the existing Kaipaitangata treatment plant and at the supplementary plant to provide four days of treated water reserves, and by duplicating critical, riskier sections of the sole mains pipe that goes from the Kaipaitangata treatment plant to the township. Beyond that, we anticipate the additional water source will be adequate for at least another 30 years.


Most of the Carterton township does not have and does not need a reticulated stormwater network. Instead, most properties are adequately served by drainage to soakpits. The reticulated network of pipes and open drains discharging to waterways are likely to require a new discharge consent, with higher environmental standards possible under the regional council’s Proposed Natural Resources Plan. These standards are yet to be finalised but, in anticipation, modest

Capital Expenditure Forecasts 2018-2048 14

WW Renewals

Rural Water new


WW new


WS Renewals Rural Water Renewals

$ million


WS New 6

Stormwater renewals


Stormwater new


Roads and footpaths renewals

funding has been set aside to improve the treatment of stormwater before discharge and to undertake renewal of existing infrastructure and other continual improvement.

Avg 2044/48

Avg 2039/43

Avg 2034/38

Avg 2029/33











Roads and footpaths new

Since our last Long Term Plan 20152025 we have improved knowledge of our assets, although there is At the same time, vehicle loading still more work to be done to fully limits have increased, with most understand their condition, apart new vehicles being built to this from roading assets where we have higher ‘50Max’ standard. To maintain very good knowledge. current levels of services on the routes used by these larger vehicles A better understanding of asset will require more maintenance in the condition across our entire Roading is the biggest spend of our short-term, increased rehabilitation, infrastructure, especially our waters infrastructure networks. It is also infrastructure will better inform the and bridge strengthening. vital for our economic and social forecasting and timing of renewals. well-being. Our roads are generally No further improvements are in good condition and compare well anticipated beyond the next ten years. We have invested in better asset against the newly-introduced national systems to record the asset standards. condition information and the maintenance work, and to help plan However, some specific routes our maintenance and capital work. will require attention. Over the next ten years, a significant The chart above shows forecast volume of forestry is expected The infrastructure strategy also capital expenditure on infrastructure to be harvested, and this will identifies areas of improvement for for the next 30 years. The place extra demand on some our asset management processes expenditure is fairly similar each rural roads, impacting on the and systems, and the quality of the year, other than the wastewater required maintenance and renewal information we use to manage the development in 2018/19, the programme. Better information assets. There are no significant construction of an additional water about when and where the harvest issues. The strategy itself and the supply in 2027/28, and further is being planned, and the routes associated asset management plans wastewater development in the that will be used to transport the are being continually improved. 2044–2048. logs, will allow us to optimise our maintenance plans.


Asset management





GENERAL RATES - differential factor Residential









GENERAL RATES - capital value Residential

0.21098 cents in the $

$1,734,123 0.22458 cents in the $

Commercial 0.42196 cents in the $

$391,180 0.44915 cents in the $

Rural 0.16878 cents in the $

$2,984,405 0.17966 cents in the $

Uniform Annual General Charge

$1,011.40 $4,228,670

REGULATORY & PLANNING SERVICES - capital value 0.02144 cents in the $


$577,802 0.02492 cents in the $


$712.20 $1,851,006


Able to be connected (half charge)




Pan charge (commercial only)




WAINGAWA SEWERAGE - capital value Connected

$272.81 $4,135


Connected or able to be connected commercial properties in the Waingawa industrial zone

0.35802 cents in the $


0.3388 cents in the $

Connected or able to be connected residential properties in the Waingawa industrial zone

0.17901 cents in the $


0.1694 cents in the $

STORMWATER - land value

0.09702 cents in the $


0.11690 cents in the $




REFUSE - collection & kerbside recycling


$625.30 $1,656,430


Able to be connected




$1.70/cubic metre


$1.70/cubic metre

Metered water in excess of 225 cubic metres

RURAL WATER RACE Rural water services rate




Class A

$25.3916 per ha


$25.19134 per ha

Class B

$5.7819 per ha

Class C

$134.54639 per ha

$20,369 $64,986

$5.41523 per ha $130.12527 per ha

WAINGAWA WATER Connected Metered water

$136.54 $9,315 $2.73/cubic metre



$2.27/cubic metre



Actual rates for individual properties will vary depending upon the targeted rates that are applicable, the differential rating category, and the valuation of each property. The table below includes GST and excludes the Greater Wellington Regional Council rates. It does not show rates rebates available to low-income households. You will need your last Rates Assessment Notice and the latest rateable valuations provided to you by Quotable Value or go to the website, view your property and look under the ‘New’ column.



GST inclusive

General-residential Uniform Annual General Charge

capital value

x 0.0021098 = fixed


Regulatory & planning services Urban sewerage

capital value

x 0.0002144 = fixed


land value

x 0.0009702 = fixed fixed

42.72 625.30

Stormwater Refuse collection & kerbside recycling Urban water-connection Metered water

cubic metres over 225


$1.70 = TOTAL

RURAL General-rural Uniform Annual General Charge

capital value

x 0.0016878 = fixed

Regulatory and planning services

capital value

x 0.0002144 = if applicable



$234.01 =



25.3916 =

Class B



5.7819 =

Class C



134.5464 = TOTAL

Example Properties The following table provides indicative rates assessments for a range of rating categories and property values. It includes the impact of the preferred option for each issue: features

capital value

land value

water over allowance

rates total

rates % increase

rates $ increase


low value








medium value



15m3 $3,464.41 10.4% $327.63


high value



50m3 $3,745.69 10.3% $350.60


2 toilets



100m3 $5,615.40 -0.4% -$23.59

Commercial – rural water& sewerage connected







rating category

Rural 1

no water race







Rural 2

no water race













na $3,760.69 4.5% $160.90

8 hectares serviced $700,000 Rural by Carrington – single water race water race Rural – single water race

17 hectares serviced by Taratahi water race



HAVE YOUR SAY We encourage every one of you to submit your views on what you think the Council should be doing and the services it should be providing over the next ten years. The Council has carefully considered what it thinks is important to meet the reasonable needs of our community. You may have different views, or you may agree with our choices. This consultation phase is your chance to have an influence. Submissions close 12.00pm, Wednesday 23 May 2018.


Friday 4 #CDC10YP questions SUNSET CINEMA events centre 7pm Monday 30 Monday 14 An informal opportunity to chat to 6am-7am. Councillors will be at Councillors before movie kicks off. COFFEE WITH THE COUNCILLORS Carterton Train Station handing out Wild Oats 10.30am-12pm Tuesday 8 flyers about #CDC10YP. Grab a coffee and chat to the COFFEE WITH THE COUNCILLORS Councillors. MAY The Clareville Bakery 10.30am12pm Grab a coffee and a Cronut Wednesday 16 Wednesday 2 and chat to the Councillors PUB AND PLANS PUB AND PLANS Gladstone Inn From Balter Bar and Kitchen 5pm onwards 6.30pm Councillors available to chat Friday 11 Join the Councillors for a beverage to locals about the #CDC10YP. PUB AND PLANS - Royal Oak and chat about #CDC10YP 5pm onwards Thursday 3 Join the Councillors for a beverage Thursday 17 PUBLIC MEETING Events Centre and chat about #CDC10YP PUBLIC MEETING Gladstone 7.307.30-9.30pm Put your questions to Sunday 13 9.30pm Put your questions to Councillors about council’s plans Councillors about council’s plans. Can’t be there? PACK YA BAGS AT NW 1-3pm Location -TBC Ask your questions via Facebook Councillors will be on hand to pack Live on the night! your groceries and answer any

You can also find out more or have your say by talking directly to your councillors or Mayor. Mayor John Booth 06 378 2481 / 027 442 7469

Cr. Russell Keys (Deputy Mayor) 06 379 6433 / 027 454 0860

Cr. Mike Ashby 06 379 7890 / 027 922 2999

Cr. Ruth Carter 06 379 7467 / 027 379 7467

Cr. Brian Deller 06 379 8363 / 027 444 5340

Cr. Jill Greathead 06 379 6193 / 027 488 4376

Cr. Greg Lang 06 372 7080 / 027 898 1618

Cr. Tracey O’Callaghan 06 372 7757 / 021 169 8080

Cr. Rebecca Vergunst 027 742 2264

HOW TO FIND OUT MORE Further supporting information is contained in the draft Ten Year Plan available to view at our offices and on our website at cdc. The draft was prepared for the purposes of consultation and contains the following:


 groups of activities summaries

 funding and financial policies

 prospective financial statements  significance and engagement policy.  financial strategy  infrastructure strategy 2018– 2048.  fees and charges 2018/19

#CDC10YP TEN YEAR PLAN 2018–2028 SUBMISSIONS Submissions close 12.00pm, Wednesday 23 May 2018 All submissions will be available to the public and the media but personal contact details will be withheld.

Please supply the following personal information: Name Address

Please supply one the following contact options: Email Phone (daytime) Phone (evening) Mobile

Additional submission information: Organisation (if you are submitting on behalf of an organisation)

Do you wish to speak about your submission at a hearing on 31 May/1 June? Yes/No

Please select which type of ratepayer you are (you can select more than one option)




Non ratepayer

Consultation issue: Expansion of waste and recycling services Managing waste and ensuring good outcomes for the community and the environment is a complex task. We need to provide an effective waste service, at a cost acceptable to the community. Last year, the three Wairarapa councils adopted a Waste Management Minimisation Plan. This outlines a number of goals for the next ten years including:  reducing the total quantity of waste to landfill, with an emphasis on waste that creates the most human and

environmental harm

increasing the amount of waste diverted from landfill via reuse, recovery and/or recycling

investigating the use of available recovery and treatment technologies and service methods and apply these where appropriate

 taking action that will improve information on waste and recovered material activities, including both council-

contracted and private sector activities.


The Council has considered three new intiatives to achieve our waste management goals.

A. Enhancing kerbside recycling B. Setting up a system of

by providing 240-litre wheelie bins for co-mingled recycling, using the existing crates for glass collection on alternate weeks. The estimated cost is $20,000 (or $9.95 per urban rating unit) in 2018/19 and $28,000 (or $14.95 per urban rating unit) per annum thereafter.

kerbside food waste collections. The estimated cost to set this up is $20,000 (or $9.95 per urban rating unit) in 2018/19 and $6,000 (or $3.01 per urban rating unit) in 2019/20, and an ongoing cost of $63,100 ($31.97 per urban rating unit) per annum in 2019/20 and thereafter.

C. Establishing an electronic

waste (e-waste) service at the transfer station, or an advertised collection service scheduled throughout the year. The estimated cost is $6,000 (or an average of $1.46 per rating unit) per annum from 2018/19

Council’s preferred option is to introduce kerbside recycling wheelie bins and an e-waste service. What initiative(s) do you support?

A. Enhanced kerbside recycling

Do not support

Do not support



B. Kerbside food waste collection




C. Electronic waste service

Do not support


Would you like to add further comment to support your submission?

Do you have any other comments or issues you would like to raise regarding Carterton’s Ten Year Plan?


Post your submission to Carterton District Council, PO Box 9, Carterton 5713 Scan and email to or drop into Council office. Submissions can also be completed online at

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