Mental Health Awareness 2019

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Tuesday, September 24, 2019 Wairarapa Times-Age


Mental Health Awareness Week




on Makoura radio Makoura College’s student radio station - 88.1 Hit Student Radio - is repeating its 24 Hours for Mental Health Radio Marathon this year, in conjunction with 2019 Mental Health Awareness Week. The event is a 24 hour-long radio broadcast to raise awareness about mental health and to raise funds for the Mental Health Foundation. The aim of the campaign is to allow people to talk about the issues and to spread positive awareness in a fun and interactive way. Alex Dahlberg, the student who is

managing the radio marathon this year says, “It’s important to keep the conversation going about mental health”.

Foundation’s website where people can donate money to the charity with a goal of raising over $1500 during the event.

He adds that last year’s organiser and host Seni Iasona was “really successful with talking about the issues and raising about $1 500 for the Mental Health Foundation, but this year I want to do better”.

The show will be heard on Makoura College’s 88.1 frequency, streamed online and incorporate social media on 88.1 Hit Student Radio’s Facebook page and on other social media platforms.

Alex will host the broadcast for the entire 24 hours and be joined by a series of co-hosts and guests.

The radio marathon starts at 9 am on Friday 18th October and will continue through to 9 am on Saturday morning.

A donations page has been set up through the Mental Health

Please join us at one or all of our Masterton community events All Week King Street Artworks. 10am-3pm weekdays. Mindfulness workshops. 10am-2pm Saturday. Pop in whenever you have a moment.

Te Hauora. 1-3pm. Workshop - Emotional Health & Wellbeing. Includes rongoa & foot massages.

Monday 23 September Te Hauora. P 378 0140. 10am-noon. Welcome Waiata Workshop - 5 Easy Steps to learning your Pepeha. Maora Brown - Clinical team lead,Te Hauora. Pathways . P 370 6100. 2-4pm. Workshop - Whakama, a cultural paradigm. Talking about shame and depression. Karen Brough - Pathways (supported by the Pathways Takiwa group) Jill Renata - Wairarapa DHB. Refreshments provided. Tuesday 24 September Listen to CABTalk - 92.7 Arrow FM. 10-11am. Launching our new regular Mental Health & additions programme.

Wednesday 25 September Pathways. 9.30-11.30am. Special viewing - Resilience Movie. Come and see what people are doing internationally to help build our ability to manage stress. ( titles/resilience). Early lunch provided. Pathways. 1-2pm. Workshop - Potential legalisation of medicinal cannabis and marijuana. Kellie Huxford - Senior Nurse, OST, Pathways Addiction Team. Refreshments provided. Pathways. 2.30-3.30pm. Workshop Sensory Modulation. Simple and cheap ways to help you chill out. Matt Fribbens - Service & Relationship Manager, Pathways. Thursday 26 September Supporting Families. P 377 3081. 10.30am-noon. Personal stories - Living with people affected by mental illness/

addictions. Refreshments provided Friday27 September Pathways. 9.30-10.30am. Workshop - Multi systemic therapy & its value in the community. Arran Jameson - Emerge Aotearoa Refreshments provided. Pathways. 11am-12.30pm. Workshop The value of connecting with nature. An overview and a personal journey Aiden Broughton Community Ranger Dept of Conservation. Te Hauora. 1.30-2.30pm Marketplace, raffle draw, kai, close the week. Refreshments provided. Trocadero Co˜ ee Bar. 5-8pm. Evening get together. Be together, relax & take time to reflect on the week and its values. TE HAUORA. 15 Victoria St, Masterton. PATHWAYS. Level 1, Departmental. Building, 5 Chapel St, Masterton. SUPPORTING FAMILIES. 323 Queen St. Masterton. TROCADERO COFFEE BAR. Queen St, Masterton.


Amble Inn Motel 124 Chapel Street, Masterton 06 377 4159

49 Waingawa Road, P 06 370 3015

Wairarapa Mitsubishi 313 Queen Street, Masterton 06 378 6134 (0800 ECLIPSE)


06 304 8989

Ph 06 3788 757 Proud to support Mental Health Awareness week

Proud to support #MHAW. –tou te Ka kaha tautoko ma kaupapa o #MHAW.

Wairarapa Ear Health Clinic Wellness Centre Masterton Medical

06 370 6730

027 295 5949

DECO CONCRETE Bentley Street, Masterton

06 3700 818

Belvedere Road, Carterton

Phone 06 379 8044


136A Main Street, Greytown 06 304 9660

Tune in to Makoura’s 88.1 Hit Student Radio’s 24hrs for Mental Health Radio Marathon - Oct 18 from 9am

06 377 3184 320 High St, Masterton


(06) 370 1390



PH (06) 379 6433


Phone 06 370 1258 | 0800 46 76 74 4 Buchanan Place, Masterton

180 Queen Street, Masterton P 06 377 4551 E TenOclockCookie

17 Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A place where change is possible ChangeAbility has been a part of the Wairarapa community since 2008. Our goal is to realise a vision for the Wairarapa where grief, anxiety and other troubling emotional or relational issues are addressed and resolved, where couples and families and whanau learn to take better care of each other and their children, and where trust, safety and respect are restored. A changed place. A better place. For those dealing with anxiety, grief or depression, to those who are a˜ ected by family violence and

abuse, ChangeAbility o˜ ers a nonjudgmental, caring space where all members of a family/wh°nau can be involved and supported.

Family violence services: Family and wh°nau support services, Women: building respectful relationships.

Our wide range of programmes and counselling services enables individuals, couples, families and wh°nau to make the changes that are holding them back – and that helps us transform our community, for the better.

Women: living free, Men: Building respectful relationships, Youth services

Counselling services: Counselling, anxiety and depression, grief and loss, parenting, relationships

Community initiatives: Family violence training and workshops, Community events and initiatives Call us: Counselling Services 06 377 5716, Family Violence Services 06 377 0933, Email us, Visit us 7 Victoria Street, Masterton

Te Hauora Runanga O Wairarapa Whakat°piri atu te Ao Kohatu Ki te Ao Hou Kia tupu ake ai ng° t°ngata To grow, prosper and thrive In good Health Our focus is the holistic well-being of Tangata, achieved through the delivery of Kaupapa Maori Health and Support services. We aim to help uplift personal wellbeing with assistance in the following areas:


Wairua (Spiritual) – reconnecting with Self, Whanau, Te Reo, Whakapapa & your environment Hinengaro (Emotional wellbeing) –

Wairarapa District Health Board funded King Street Artworks is an award winning, creative space that supports the mental health of the community by providing a safe and consistent space in which people can maintain their mental health and wellbeing or recover from mental illness and or addictions. King Street Artworks’ open door policy removes barriers such as admission fees and the need for referrals. This is essential to a model of Early Intervention and Self Directed Recovery. We all know that isolation breeds depression and depression is a killer- we know that a small amount of contact with others may be the di˜ erence between feeling a valued member of the community and a visit to the GP or A&E. Connections and friendships are constantly being made between King St artists. This leads to peer support and advocacy.

Whanau (Family) – we can empower your whanau towards self management. Tinana (Physical) – traditional methods in the use of Rongoa and Mirimiri

Mindfulness workshops for Mental Health Awareness at King Street Artworks

via korero with qualiÿ ed kaimahi one to one and in group settings. Clinical and Cultural interventions provided.

We o˜ er a completely conÿ dential free service to individuals and groups in our community

We are a Kaupapa Maori Service and we welcome all ethnicities. We accept self-referrals as well as referrals from external agencies.

To find out more visit 15 Victoria St, Masterton Phone 06 378 0140

Sometimes it’s just having a good old moan to the person next to you about the power bill or the kids playing up, sometimes it’s needing support with a job application or

ETHAN EADE AT WORK company when visiting the doctor. King Street is a non-clinical environment in which people feel comfortable about asking for that support without judgement or labelling. We will be running mindfulness workshops throughout Mental Health Awareness Week No booking in required, pop in during your lunch time or when you have a moment and give your mental health a tune up. All workshops are free. Open Monday - Friday (Women’s Day) 10am-3pm, and 10am - 2pm Saturday. 16 Queen Street, Masterton Phone 06 378 9777


370 0390 300 High Street, Masterton

your healthcare is our priority

Ring for an appointment 06 370 0011 Visit us at 4 Colombo Rd, Masterton

06 306 9376

5 Kitchener Street Martinborough

OPEN 6 DAYS: Monday Friday 3.00am - 1.30pm Saturday 5.00am - 12.00 noon 81 Queen Street, Masterton. 0800Sellar

06 370 1855 38 Lincoln Road, Masterton

159/167 Ngaumutawa Road,

Masterton Phone: 370 6888

138 Dixon Street, Masterton Ph: 06 378 2288 Mobile: 0274 425 022

28 Holloway Street, Carterton Phone 379 4030

Proud to support Mental Health Awareness Week

Ross Thompson P: 027 786 9008 E:

118 Pembroke Street Carterton Phone 06 379 6995

Arron 0274 987 104

407 Queen Street Masterton (06) 370 0530

Cnr Hillcrest St & Ngaumutawa Rd

Phone 377 5956

Matt 027 495 5920 Nikki 022 658 8144

Ph 06 370 2068


Tuesday, September 24, 2019 Wairarapa Times-Age


Mental Health Awareness Week



East Coast Rural Support Trust (ECRST) o˜ er new initiatives to Support the Rural Community Spring is always a busy time on farm and can take its toll on people as they work long hours through the lambing and calving period. We know that injecting recovery periods, participating in fun sport and connecting with others are 3 key elements to staying well and protecting our mental health. So in late October The ECRST with support from other rural

industry groups and Wairarapa Bush Rugby will host a 3 week long rural community touch rugby tournament. The emphasis will be on it being family friendly, and an opportunity to get o˜ farm to enjoy some light relief with others before the next busy period on farm before Christmas. The teams will play 6 aside and must have at least 3 on the ÿ eld who are either under 12 years, over 50 years or female.

For more information and to register your rural touch rugby team please contact: Sarah Donaldson P 021504089 or E You can find out more about the Rural Support Trust at and ring the East Coast Rural Support Trust on 0800 787 254.

It’s good to talk

an appointment with your GP or a nurse. Doctors and nurses are experienced health professionals who know what questions to ask, and how to ask them, to understand what you are going through.

Good mental health plays a signiÿ cant part in our everyday health and wellbeing. But it’s an area of wellness that often doesn’t receive enough of our attention. It’s all too tempting to shrug o˜ negative thoughts. It’s easy to push them to the back of our minds and hope they will go away. Some issues do right themselves but if you ÿ nd yourself su˜ ering from anxiety or stress for a period of time or are feeling troubled by something that you can’t quite put your ÿ nger on, one of the best things you can do is speak to someone.


People who you trust, family, friends and whanau are all good options for sharing any concerns you may have about your mental wellbeing. However, if you don’t have a support network or feel unsure about asking for help from those close to you, you may wish to talk to someone outside of your social circle. In this case, consider making

They can o˜ er you advice and support and will also be able to refer you to a specialist if need be. Importantly, you can be assured that your health and wellbeing is their main priority. This article was supplied by Masterton Medical – one of New Zealand’s top healthcare providers.



M E N TA L H E A L T H . O R G . N Z / O P E N M I N D S


19 Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MHAIDS provides services across the greater Wellington Region The Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability Service (MHAIDS) provides services across the greater Wellington Region. Mental Health Awareness Week is a great time to take stock of our mental health and wellbeing and look at new ways to support each other.

Five ways to wellbeing

This year’s theme is explore your way to wellbeing— whāia te ara hauora, whitiora—it is an important reminder that the relationships we build and experiences we have in our homes, workplaces and community, directly impact on our wellbeing and resilience. If we have positive interactions with those around us, we’re more likely to feel valued, uplifted and have a sense of belonging. It also highlights the importance of creating a culture of support within our social groups and wider community. Support services available through MHAIDS: MHAIDS services here in the Wairarapa are part of a network of providers who can offer care co-ordination, facilitate referrals, support and work alongside other agencies to support our community. Our services primarily provide support to adults and children who

experience moderate to severe mental health issues. This can occur when people experience a crisis, require short term intensive support and long term support.

For better outcomes, we encourage people to see their GP at the earliest possible stage when requiring treatment to optimise faster recovery.

We also provide an on-call after hours service for the purpose of consultation to care providers, and support either by phone or face to face to people of the community experiencing a crisis situation requiring immediate support.

For support and advice about services available, please feel free to contact us on 0508 432 432 free from a landline or cell phone.

Our Kaupapa Māori service delivery aims to achieve better access and health outcomes for our Tangata Whaiora and we have staff available to offer cultural support when appropriate.

Outside of usual business hours (8am-4.30pm), your call will be transferred to our mental health support service, Te Haika, who can talk people through any issues they may be facing and will promptly refer to our adult mental health service if required for further follow up.

Speak Up! Be a Brave Kiwi, it Matters.

The five ways to wellbeing are five simple yet proven actions you can use every day to help you find balance, build resilience and boost your wellbeing.



Remember the simple things that give you joy


Do what you can, enjoy what you do, move your mood


Your time, your words, your presence

Talk and listen, be there, feel connected

For more information on the Five Ways to Wellbeing see: home/ways-to-wellbeing/


Embrace new experiences, see opportunities, surprise yourself

219 High Street, Masterton

0800 67 34 74

Proudly Supporting Mental Health Awareness Week P: 06 306 9638 Dry River Road, Martinborough

Dannevirke 06 374 7059 Pahiatua 06 376 7476

If you’re not okay, reach out. Everyone, spread kindness.

It’s Good to Talk Feeling anxious or stressed? Struggling with negative feelings?

your healthcare is our priority

Remember, you can always talk to your GP, or a nurse. Take the ÿ rst step to managing your mental health and wellbeing, make an appointment with us today.

Ring us on 06 370 0011 06 370 0011 0800 222 505

4 Colombo Rd Lansdowne mastertonmedical/

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