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Rewarding careers for
Women In Forestry
Celebrating International Women’s Day and International Day of Forests in March is a great excuse to talk about women with interesting careers in forestry.
the volume from the wind damage was a staple diet for sawmills and now the next four odd years of supply is on the deck. This will create a shortage of pruned logs in the CNI following the salvage operation and mills will look for supply further aÿ eld.
In summary, the next few months will probably see continued solid pricing as demand outstrips supply, primarily due to supply constraints rather than an increase in demand, however, the outlook past the end of quarter 2 is anyone’s guess. We had hoped that 2024 was going to bring some stability and better trading conditions as compared the previous two years, but at this point it looks like more of the same with most of us thinking ‘bloody hell what’s next’?
Forest Enterprises is one of New Zealand’s leading forestry investment managers. Our sta˛ come from a wide range of professional and practical backgrounds, from di˛ erent sectors, countries and disciplines. This is re° ected by some of the women on our team.
Business and ÿ nance
Liz Brown, Co-owner & Group Finance Manager – Liz became a Forest Enterprises owner in 2021. Her ÿ nance and administration team are responsible for the accounting, budgeting and ÿ nancial reporting for the forests we manage as well as for our business. Liz is a qualiÿ ed accountant with an MBA and has run her own businesses.
Environmental management
Hannah Harvey
Environmental & Risk Manager – Hannah manages our environmental and health and safety responsibilities for the forests we manage. Most of our managed forests are FSC certiÿ ed. Hannah manages our compliance with FSC’s high environmental and social standards for responsible forest management. Hannah is a geologist with a Master of Earth Science.
Data analysis
Dr. Boglarka Nemeth
Forestry Analyst – Bogi works with forest and ÿ nancial data to produce valuations, wood° ow models and projections required for our strategic and operational plans. Bogi has a PhD in Earth Science focusing on geoheritage conservation and education.
Forest health
Jess Littlejohn Forester – Jess takes care of the tree crop. She manages our silviculture, forestry and planting programmes across our Wairarapa estate to ensure the forests remain of a high quality. Jess has a BAgSc and has apiary and farming experience. Supply chain Silvia Sze Distribution Manager – Silvia works across our entire log supply chain. She ensures the right log reaches the right customer, e˝ ciently. Silvia’s background is in subsurface drilling projects, and she has degrees in engineering and science.