National Volunteer Week 2022

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Volunteering Wairarapa is looking for volunteers!

A search for volunteer work on www. reveals over 600 volunteer positions across the Greater Wellington Region.

If you have the time and don’t need the money, you can plant trees, work in an opshop, be a companion for someone with early onset dementia, serve up tea and coffee to the homeless, or work in a food bank. Pretty much, if you can think up something you’d like to do there’ll be a someone wanting those services from you.

Closer to home

Volunteering Wairarapa connects local organisations wanting volunteers with those wanting to volunteer.

He wā whaiwhakaaro

He wā moemoeā

organisations. Per annum, New Zealanders contribute a staggering 159 million hours of formal volunteer labour valued at $4 billion.

Informal volunteering is unpaid work that is not coordinated and happens directly between individuals and communities in ad hoc ways.

Examples could be stepping up to referee a child’s football game, delivering someone’s groceries during covid, or helping a neighbour to clear their section. An additional 7.8 million hours of volunteer labour are also added in this capacity.

like to help out”.

He wā pīataata time

time to reflect, dream, shine

It’s one of seventeen volunteer centres around New Zealand contributing to the 50% of kiwis who undertake either formal or informal volunteer work each year. Formal volunteering refers to unpaid work that is planned and coordinated by clubs, groups or

Jill Greathead is the Manager at Volunteering Wairarapa. She says, covid forced a rethink and brought the sector closer together. “A lot of volunteering was put on hold, but the downtime was used productively to make improvements

and prepare for when the mandates and restrictions were lifted”.

Fortnightly video meetings started with the other volunteer

centres that had relationships deepen and ideas shared. Something that’s continuing to this day.

“It’s led to us doing a complete relaunch with a revamped website that will go live on the 8th of July”, says Jill.

“We’ll be implementing a new online system that will make It easier for organisations to list jobs and connect with the

500 volunteers in our database.”

Jill is especially looking for volunteer helpers for the Wairarapa Walking Festival. There’ll be 40+ walks happening across 11-20 November 2022. “Trust House have supplied funding for 3 first aid courses for 30 participants as we’ll need first aiders on every walking trail. Please get in touch with us if you’d

Volunteering Wairarapa is also working with Age Concern to deliver a Community Expo Day scheduled for the third Saturday in March 2023. “Having been through covid, we want to bring the community back together – everyone, all ages - with food, music, stalls and fun. So get in touch with us if you’d like to be involved. It’s a wonderful time to be volunteering in the community and over volunteer awareness week we especially want to thank everyone who is volunteering throughout our region and the organisations offering grants or funding to assist. Thank you to everyone for your kindness and generosity”.

Volunteering Wairarapa is open Monday – Friday from 11am – 3pm at 41 Perry Street, Masterton. If you’re a volunteer looking for opportunities, or a community group needing volunteers, get in touch and they’ll help connect you.

Have fun outdoors, changing lives

Whakaoriori Air Scout Group was formed in October 2018, when the last two scout groups in Masterton - Lansdowne Scout Group and Te Runga Air Scout Group - merged to become Whakaoriori Air Scout Group.

There are now only three scout groups left in Wairarapa; Greytown Scout Group, Carterton Scout Group and Whakaoriori Air Scout Group.

This also coincides with three types of scout groups throughout NZ. Land Scouts, Sea Scouts and Air Scouts. Together they make up 305 scout groups of which only nine are air scouts. Whakaoriori Air Scout Group is proud

to be just one of those nine. Each group is run by volunteers who are known as Leaders. At Whakaoriori there are 8 Leaders who run 4 sections: Venturers from ages 14 to 18, Scouts from ages 11 to 14, Cubs from ages 8 to 11, and Keas from ages 5 to 8. Many Leaders cover more than one section which means they do multiple nights per week.

They put in many long hours to organise a fun and exciting programme for young people to enjoy, as well as organise camps, tramps and other activities throughout each term.

Volunteering can sometimes appear to some, as a thankless role with little reward, but for

volunteer Leaders there are plenty of benefits. Like seeing the development in a young person from when they first started. Watching youngsters step outside their comfort zones and give things a go. Or seeing adolescents grow in confidence and develop new life skills. Perhaps most rewarding is seeing the influence they themselves can have on bringing a smile to a young persons face and helping them achieve their goals.

The purpose of Scouts is to empower youth through adventurous experiences so they can lead lives that make a positive difference.

Scouts work in small teams to develop new skills

and confidence through their achievements system. In Whakaoriori’s case they learn about aviation too. All groups are actively involved in the community, from doing park clean-ups to attending the ANZAC service at Tinui. The Scout section is currently full, with 30 youth enrolled, however Venturer, Cub and Kea sections are open for enrolment. If you enjoy the outdoors, like working with youth and would like to make a difference in the community, come and be a volunteer Leader. For more information, please get in touch with Julz at whakaoriori@group.



FEATURE SUPPLEMENT Wednesday, June 15, 2022 Wairarapa Midweek 33 32 Wairarapa Midweek Wednesday, June 15, 2022 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT Are you interested in supporting our community? Carterton Lions Club is a fun, communityminded club. We do a lot of community work and also hold many fundraisers throughout the year and all proceeds go back into the community. Want to join? Have a chat with Pascoe Reynolds on 021 228 7871 CARTERTON LIONS CLUB WE NEED YOU!
other organisations, community groups and individuals who generously give up their time and resources for our community. We
NA T IO NA L Day VOLUNTEERS BROOKS REFRIGERATION SERVICES • Refrigeration • Air-conditioning • Heat pumps • Automotive air con Phone 027 505 8225 Adam Brooks “TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED BETTER” Call Adam today for a no-obligation free quote Loan Chiller available Proud to be involved with the Whakaoriori Scout Group to everyone who has volunteered at Cobblestones over the last 51 years. Cobblestones Museum and Early Settlers' Village was set up, and is run almost completely by volunteers. From Open Days, Family Fun days, educational visits to Carols at Cobblestones and heritage buildingswe couldn't do it without you. THANK YOU History comes alive at Cobblestones 169 Main Street, Greytown T: 06 304 9687
Support thanks all our volunteers
time, knowledge and experience to support
Volunteers are needed in your community now! Contact us to nd out more. Ph 0800 VOLUNTEER (865 868) or CONTACT
We know
are many
are grateful to each and every one of you for your support and commitment.
for their
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Whakaoriori Air Scout Group attending the ANZAC Service out at Tinui.

Volunteering with Rotary Volunteers crucial

The volunteers at Wellington Free Ambulance play an enormous role in keeping our community safe and well. Volunteer Event Medics cover a variety of concerts, sporting and community events. And if things get serious, Event Medics will also look after you until one of our emergency ambulances arrive. These are people who give their time for others people who care about people.

Margaret is a volunteer Event Medic, and over the past nine years has been one of the medics helping keep you and your family safe at community events.

“Wellington Free is really rewarding to volunteer for,” says Margaret. “Over the years, I’ve especially enjoyed working at Wings Over Wairarapa, the Martinborough Fair and cycling events. A community really feels like a community when people have the chance to get together socially, and I am proud to be a part of making that

happen,” says Margaret.

Wellington Free Ambulance has 71 volunteers who attended 297 events over the past year. They offer medical cover at community events, volunteer on the frontline in the emergency ambulance service, act as community first responders in more rural areas and offer CPR training through the Lloyd Morrison Foundation Heartbeat programme.

If you’re interested in joining the volunteer team visit nz/volunteer for more information.

Big hearts across a big district

Across the Wairarapa District, Fire & Emergency volunteers are described as being awesome, committed people. They have to be. They’re on call in 24/7 positions. Their pagers could go off at any time indicating someone, somewhere in their community needs help. Wairarapa is a large community which matches their big hearts.

At present there are

eight rural volunteer brigades located within districts from Mauriceville to Ngawi and a further four urban volunteer brigades in Carterton, Greytown, Featherston and Martinborough. Masterton is a composite station meaning it is made up of both paid career firefighters (who work a four-day on, four-day off shift), and volunteers who are on call around the clock.

The work is tough and unrelenting, but the rewards are huge; and the comradery is extra special. Unique bonds are formed when volunteer firefighters put their lives in the hands of each other, every time they respond to a dangerous incident. Brigades attend anything from medical emergencies, motor vehicle accidents, structural and vegetation fires, triggered alarms or

civil defence emergencies. When you travel to rural locations across New Zealand, spare a thought for these courageous, self-sacrificing people who are stepping into the breach every day, for people they don’t even know. You may be the next unwitting benefactor of their generosity. Want to know more? Visit www.fireandemergency. nz/volunteering/

The Rotary Club of Masterton South was chartered in 1968 and over the past 54 years has lived up to the Rotary motto of ‘service before self’. It epitomises this in the involvement of its sixty plus members who involve themselves in many volunteer activities for the Masterton community.

Members come from all walks of life and enjoy the friendship and camaraderie of the weekly Tuesday meeting with fellowship and dinner usually followed by a guest speaker.

Masterton South is one of the four Rotary Clubs in Wairarapa, and all provide much-needed volunteer work in their communities.

The long-running Sunday Market is one of the club’s biggest fundraisers. All members volunteer on a weekly roster to look after the market, which fosters important relationships with the many stallholders. Did you know the Kiddies Bike Park was also initiated by Rotary and involved members’ labour to get

started? As too, The Millennium Reserve, which continues to this day with volunteer members spending time planting and caring for this picturesque facility. Another big event run by Rotary is the Annual Foodbank Appeal. All club members contribute their time, vehicles, and manpower to make this a great success. Members also oversee the running of the Mini Golf Programme and have recently been hard at work renovating and replanting the grounds to make them more


Rotary is heavily involved in providing opportunities for young people too, including scholarship grants. They also have run a reading assistance programme for intermediate students and provide an attractive, illustrated dictionary for all Year 4 children in the district plus a book for every new-born baby. Overseas they assist with emergencies, particularly in the Pacific. A big project was setting up the Mobile Health Clinic Bus for Rarotonga.

The organisation of the bus, the medical equipment, and all the financial input was all undertaken voluntarily by Rotarians.

Masterton South also has had a vibrant singing group. The Rotary Singers have entertained at Christmas functions in the town and many entertaining Presidential Changeover Nights. The great joy of belonging to Rotary is the willing spirit of its members. If a call to help in the community is received - whether it’s for collections for Parkinsons or Polio, or working at Wings over Wairarapa - there is no shortage of hands that go up to volunteer.

Rotary is a vibrant international organisation that provides an opportunity for people of all ages and diversities to network and make a difference where it’s needed, in all sectors of the community.

Want to find out more? www.

rotarymastertonsouth. club

A salute to volunteers creating a Masterton treasure. Friends of Millennium Native Forest Reserve Society

The Millennium Reserve, on the corner of Hillcrest St and Pownall St, was initiated in 1993 as a Rotary Club of Masterton South community project.

The vision is to restore native plants and animals to the area, as a resource for the local community and future generations.

From a swampy wetland, regenerating native forest and wetlands have been established.

The work has been done by community volunteers with financial support from the Masterton Trust Lands Trust.

The Reserve operates as an Incorporated Society with Rotary members continuing to be active on this committee. We would welcome additional volunteers.

The Reserve is a Hidden Gem open to the public to visit and enjoy the native plants bordering the pathways with a lovely grassy area to picnic in.

We thank all those who have responded to fires and emergencies in our communities and across the district in the last 12 months. Your support and commitment to Fire and Emergency New Zealand is invaluable.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer recruit, please contact us for further information


FEATURE SUPPLEMENT Wednesday, June 15, 2022 Wairarapa Midweek 35 34 Wairarapa Midweek Wednesday, June 15, 2022 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT a ou o all our o olu r You really make a difference For more information contact 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646) or visit *St John does not provide Ambulance Services in Wellington or Wairarapa regions. Not all services are provided in all communities. 43 Perry Street, Masterton Phone: 06 377 0078 Email: Website: Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 9am-4pm (except public holidays) Wairarapa Citizen’s Advice Bureau is entirely staffed by trained Volunteers who are proud to support the Wairarapa wide community, providing information and advice to empower clients to resolve issues. We are very grateful to all our Volunteers. ALL ELECTRICAL & SECURITY INSTALLATIONS SALES • SERVICE • ADVICE Phone 06 379 6433 | A huge thank you to all the people who volunteer their time each year to help keep our community safe. In the past year 71 volunteers supported 297 events across Greater Wellington & Wairarapa Find out about the event medic team at: Masterton Fire Station 2 Chapel Street, Masterton Phone 06 370
Wellington Fire District Te Upoko thanks all our volunteer fire fighters.
Club of Masterton South
time to reflect, dream, shine
He wā whaiwhakaaro
He wā moemoeā
He wā pīataata
“A community really feels like a community when people have the chance to get together socially, and I am proud to be a part of making that happen.” to

He wā whaiwhakaaro

He wā moemoeā

Volunteers meet diverse people

Murray Campbell has been volunteering with Alzheimers Wairarapa for 20 years, since his late wife Carol became part of the team that established the charity here.

Murray drives the van on Fridays, transporting clients with dementia to the activity centre in Masterton.

He enjoys interacting with people from all walks of life.

“We have clients who have been farmers, jewellers, cricket umpires, teachers and brick layers”, he says. “Their memories and recollections are precious.”

Volunteers are often people who know someone with dementia, or who have a family member with it. Murray says, “If you have an interest in something, taking the next step and volunteering gives an element of involvement.”

Youth and experience together at Hospice Wairarapa

It is 7.30am on a brisk Saturday morning and the volunteers at the Hospice Wairarapa Garage Sale are swinging into action. Crates and shelving emerge from the back shed and take their regular places along the driveway.

Trestle tables are unfolded and boxes with everything from crockery, glassware, clothing and shoes to sports equipment and plants are unpacked. The operation runs like clockwork and within an hour the courtyard at Hospice Wairarapa has been transformed into a mega marketplace. The place is soon humming with customers looking for a bargain.

“We have clients who have been farmers, jewellers, cricket umpires, teachers and brick layers. Their memories and recollections are precious.”

“The new van acquired last year makes the run much easier, with more headroom and comfort. It’s interesting how much the van run can change from month to month –with new clients coming on board.”

time to reflect, dream, shine

He wā pīataata time

A member of the Masterton Men’s Shed at Henley Lake, Murray had a varied career of his own, as a lab technician,


Our premier team of volunteers is boosting its ranks. Help people with dementia live their best possible lives and build an accepting community.

Do you know someone who suffers from dementia?

The harsh reality is, dementia affects nearly every New Zealand family at some point, in some way.

Alzheimers Wairarapa has a team of motivated and fun-loving volunteers, who enhance and strengthen their community. We invite you to join them.

Can you drive?

We need drivers to transport clients to and from our day activity programme at Glenwood Masonic Hospital in Masterton. We also need assistants for the van run. Volunteering can be as little as two or three hours a month.

Can you assist?

Centre volunteers help with our day programme at Glenwood. They assist with activities and outings, providing a warm and caring atmosphere for our clients. Lunch is included. Our volunteers have a range of skills and experience to share. We treasure the time they give

each month and the feedback is that it enriches their own lives. We are exible with hours, to accommodate our volunteers’ family and life commitments.

Do you love to talk and engage? Or work behind the scenes?

Our volunteers can help with fundraisers of all shapes and sizes. Their ideas, community contacts and energy are vital to our success.

Do you believe that `Together We Can Achieve More’

The executive meets monthly and runs an ef cient meeting. We plan fundraisers, budgets and discuss the support required for our experienced registered nurse, Tam Williams, who travels Wairarapa-wide.

If you have just a few hours a month, to share your knowledge and empower others, we would love to hear from you. Help us promote positive living and be part of our charitable organisation.

a shepherd, a bookshop owner and rural radio broadcaster.

He has stepped in to fill

roster gaps at Alzheimers Wairarapa many times and his experience is of great value.

Interested in volunteering for Alzheimers Wairarapa? Get in touch at: www.

What is surprising is the age range of the Garage Sale volunteers. The youngest, Luca (pictured) is a 15-year-old Wairarapa College student volunteering as part of his Duke of Edinburgh community service. Luca says, “I do volunteering for the joy of helping others and the good vibe always get from being part of an amazing team”.

Another long-standing volunteer, 85-year-old Gwen has been part of this enterprise since the beginning.

She enjoys the camaraderie and sense of purpose it gives her. “I’m not supposed to being lifting anything heavy” she chortles, “but it’s all for a good cause”.

Brian Stewart, at 77 years old, is the Garage Sale “Bossman” and has been the stalwart of the team

do volunteering for the joy of helping others and the good vibe I always get from being part of an amazing team.”

for 11 years. He gathers and prepares items throughout the week, with others from the team assisting with sorting and pricing items on Friday mornings. Brian got involved with the Garage Sale because, “I

was there at the opening of the Hospice facility and knew the team that were involved in getting it all up and running. I believe in putting effort into a worthwhile cause that benefits others. It’s not for yourself, it’s for the community”.

The weekly Garage Sale is a fundraising enterprise to support the work of Hospice Wairarapa. It is held every Saturday from 9 to 11am, at 59 Renall St, and only the wildest weather prevents it from happening.

Hospice Wairarapa also relies on the vital income from retail stores at Masterton and Greytown and several annual fundraising events to support delivery of its free


These include In-home Care Companionship, Biography Writing, Gentle Touch Massage, Wellbeing Therapies, Podiatry, Precious Memories Photography/ Videography, Caregiver Support, Counselling, Bereavement Support, and the Te Kowhai Day Programme.

Like to volunteer for us? Enquire at admin@

– some lifting required

Patient and Family Support programmes:

• Care Companions - o ering in-home support to patients and their families. Care Companions provide an extra layer of compassion—supporting patients who may be lonely and helping family members who are often emotionally and physically overwhelmed.

• Creative Hands programme – arts and crafts tutors – one Monday per month teaching in a small group setting.

To find out more about these roles please contact the Hospice Wairarapa Volunteer Manager at or phone 06 929 7503.

FEATURE SUPPLEMENT Wednesday, June 15, 2022 Wairarapa Midweek 37 36 Wairarapa Midweek Wednesday, June 15, 2022 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT
people affected by dementia Kia piki te ora mo ngā tāngata mate pōrewarewa Age
volunteer their time in our community, it is a tremendous gift of generosity. We have volunteering opportunities for anyone who wishes to make a difference in the lives of older people. Thank you. P: 06 377 0066 Solway Showgrounds MASTERTON Thank you to all our volunteers. 12 Bruce Street, Masterton. Call us for a no-obligation free quote Keep your family cool in Summer and warm in Winter with a Daikin Heatpump B.W. O’BRIEN & CO. LTD. 138 Dixon Street, Masterton Ph: 06 378 2288 Mobile: 0274 425 022 E: Thank You to our volunteers! Te Hua o te Mahi Tahi. Our Enliven homes, villages and communities are stronger thanks to our amazing volunteers. You bring fun, friendship and crucial support to Enliven elders. We have one-off and long-term volunteer opportunities available. Contact us for more information. Takihua Takimanu – Making a difference together Make a real di erence Hospice Wairarapa are seeking people who are willing to donate the priceless gi of time, service, and enthusiasm to enable them to continue delivering their free Hospice services to our community. CURRENT VOLUNTEER VACANCIES: Masterton Shop • Half day shifts in shop or sorting donations (Mon - Sat shifts) • Electrician – to certify electrical donations • Van Drivers – two mornings a month (Wed or Fri shifts) Garage Sale • Saturday morning helpers (regular or casual workers)
for all
Concern Wairarapa is deeply appreciative of all those who
Alzheimers Wairarapa volunteers, Murray and Bev, with their new van.
Garage sale volunteers, Brian Stewart and Luca Duncan full of winter merriment.

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