4 minute read

Running a farm is your business

We don’t turn up at your farm in a new Swanndri and pretend we know everything about running your farm. That’s your job.

Get your Farm Owner and/ or Farm Employer permission if entering the Share Farmer or Dairy Manager of the Year categories.

Dairy Trainee of the Year entrants do not require their Farm Employer’s permission to enter but we do ask that you have their support.

What happens next?

Regional judging takes place between January and March, and Regional Awards Dinners in February and March, Dairy Industry Awards Field Days in March and April.

National judging takes place in late April/early May, and the National Awards Dinner in May.

Share Farmer of the Year

You are eligible if you are a Percentage Sharemilker, Contract Milker, Equity Farmer or Lessee.

You must be a New Zealand Citizen, New Zealand Resident or hold a New Zealand Work Visa at close of entries.

Preliminary Judging is onfarm and up to one hour 45 minutes. Five minute intro, 25 to 35 minute presentation (entrants will be provided further information which will clearly outline what to cover). Followed by a 50 to 60 minute farm tour and interview. The judges will ask questions as they go that will cover the judging criteria. Five entrants progress from prelims to the ÿ nal round of judging.

Finals judging will be structured in a similar way to prelims. Five minute intro, 25 to 35 minute presentation expanding to include personal and ÿ nancial planning and management. Followed by a 50 to 60 minute farm tour and interview, then up to 10 minutes of judges’ questions, ÿ ve minutes industry awareness and perception questions, and ending with a ÿ ve minute compliance/ declaration section.

The judges in your category are experienced in the ÿ eld of farming and want to know about you and your farming career. Entrants receive a written Feedback Report from their judges, with ÿ nalists receiving a report from each of their judging rounds.

Regional winners then progress to the National Final in May where they are judged by a national judging team to determine the national winner and placegetters.

National judging follows the same structure as the regional ÿ nals with a little more time, up to two hours in total, with a 5 minute intro, 20 minute presentation, up to one hour 20 minute farm tour, followed by 10 minutes where judges can asks questions, and ending with declaration and compliance questions.

Dairy Manager of the Year

You must be currently employed on a dairy farm in a full-time position, and remain so until the conclusion of the National Awards Dinner, have no equity in any dairy farming business, and not be selfemployed.

You must be a New Zealand citizen, New Zealand resident, or hold a New Zealand work visa at close of entries.

Judging takes place on-farm and may be no more than 1 ½ hours. If it’s all done in less time, that’s ok!

Five entrants will progress to the ÿ nal round of judging. Finals judging takes place onfarm and may be no more than 1 ¾ hours. Again, if it is done in less time, that’s ok.

Entrants receive a written Feedback Report from their judges, with ÿ nalists receiving a report from each of their judging rounds.

Regional winners progress to the National Final. In April/May they are judged by a national judging team to determine the national winners and place getters. National ÿ nals judging is on-farm and follows the same format as regional ÿ nals.

There is also a formal interview during the national ÿ nals’ week.

Further information will be provided to regional winners following their regional awards dinner.

Dairy Trainee of the Year

You must be aged 18-30 years at the close of entries, currently employed on a dairy farm in a full-time position, and remain so until the conclusion of the National Awards Dinner, have NOT been employed for more than three years on a dairy farm from the age of 18 either continuously or in total as at 1st June, be a New Zealand Citizen, New Zealand Resident or New Zealand Work Visa holder.

Skills Day judging involves six hands-on practical challenges. Tasks will be made up from a variety of levels and include a general knowledge task and fun task.

Six entrants will progress to the ÿ nals round. All entrants will receive feedback at the conclusion of each Practical Challenge and at the conclusion of all Skills Day judging will receive a feedback graph.

There will be a 30 minute interview, plus all ÿ nalists will be required to present a CV to the Interview Judges. Entrants will receive written feedback for this round of judging.

Regional Winners then progress to the National Final in May where they are judged by a national judging team to determine the national winner and placegetters.

Merit Awards

Merit Awards are keenly sought after, and are presented to those entrants who excel in a speciÿ c area. Why not target one or more right from the start!

Regional Awards Dinners

Each region holds an Awards Dinner where the Merit Awards are presented and the Dairy Trainee of the Year winner is announced. These dinners are a fantastic night out and an excellent way to mix with fellow entrants, peers, sponsors and judges.

Regional Field Day

The Dairy Industry Awards Winners Field Day will be held on the property of the Share Farmer of the Year winner. The winners from the Dairy Trainee of the Year and Dairy Manager of the Year categories will be required to attend the Field Day and give a presentation. For more information on the New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards go to www.dairyindustryawards.co.nz

We specialise in knowing everything about managing your finances and providing you with all of the information you need to make decisions.

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