Ram Sales 2023

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WAIRARAPA 2023 www.age.co.nz Thursday, September 14, 2023 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT 23 Do you want to add value to your farming operation? The Falkirk Index System will help you find new levels of performance and profitability. Contact Ian Walsh for more information 07 877 8345 | 0274 809807 | falkirk1@xtra.co.nz | www.falkirkgenetics.co.nz FALKIRK QUALITY ANIMAL GENETICS WORK WITH NATURE AND BLEND WITH SCIENCE
PHOTO: Te Taumata Genetics


Te Taumata Romney and Border Leicester Motu-nui Rams

Good farming practices and good genetics are the key to proÿ tability.


At Te Taumata proÿ tability and e° ciency are always at the forefront of our sheep and cattle breeding decisions. Farming is challenging at the best of times and the last few years of extreme wet and cold winter conditions have really highlighted the strength of our genetics.

Our Romney and Border Leicester breeding programme continues to focus on a balanced set of traits for top performance and proÿ tability, producing easy doing, easy care sheep that can handle the tough seasons and bounce back quickly. Sound feet, good udders, good foraging ability and strong bone are essential. These basics can be forgotten in the race amongst breeders to have the highest SIL ÿ gures.

We are passionate about our breeding stock and our

genetics and take great pride in o˛ ering rams that will help our clients reach their production targets. Bone, constitution, carcass and impeccable structure are particular strengths of Te Taumata Rams.

Ewe production and constitution, longevity, and mothering ability are without a doubt the cornerstones of the Te Taumata sheep ˝ ock. Attention to detail and commonsense stockmanship are important, it is crucial to get the basics right.

Lamb survival and weaning a high percentage of lambs Prime-o˛ -Mum are the result of an e° cient and productive ewe ˝ ock.

We continue to select and breed for top quality, clean, bright, medium-type wool. Wool is a truly amazing product that will come into its own when people spend less time talking about

sustainability and being eco-friendly and actually put their words into action. Since you have to pay to shear your animals, you might as well produce the most high-quality ˝ eece that you can.

Te Taumata ewes are run at high district stocking rates under strictly commercial hill country dryland farming conditions on 1100 acres with our Hereford stud, commercial sheep and cattle and deer breeding/ÿ nishing.

Te Taumata Border Leicesters are ideal for crossbreeding. Romney/Border Leicester crossbred ewes make top mothers. They are highly productive sheep that are sought after and command high prices at sale yards around the country.

Romney/Border Leicester crossbred lambs achieve high yielding, prime carcass weights quickly.


Good stockmanship and attention to detail are key to our top performing sheep, beef and deer breeding/ nishing hill country family farming operation in the Wairarapa hills.

Motu-nui Rams have had a change of ownership in recent years, with Ben Morrison taking over the business from Jason Le Grove.

Before purchasing the business, Ben had been a client of Motu-nui’s for 10 years. While the business has changed hands, the breeding objectives and quality of stock produced remains the same. The stud is now located on the Kai Tak farm, on Route 52, in Weber in Tararua district.

Kai Tak is approximately 1000ha e˛ ective, with 70% being hill country, 20% rolling hills and 10% ˝ ats. Kai Tak is considered a summer dry and winter wet farm, which allows the stud ewes to be subject to hard conditions, with only the best retained for future breeding.

Motu-nui don’t drench their ewes or rams, subjecting their stock to high parasite burdens. This practice provides the Motu-nui team with another selection criteria, retaining those that thrive and culling those that don’t perform well under high parasite pressure.

With drench resistant worms becoming

more common, selecting a sire such as one of Motu-nuis rams that have passed the no drench test, is an excellent step toward less reliance on drench.

The team at Motu-nui have selected for structure, foot composition and overall hardiness for several decades. Any animal that doesn’t meet the criteria is culled, with only the best being retained for breeding - it’s that simple. This ruthless culling process over several decades has allowed Motu-nui to produce a hardy, e° cient animal that thrives in less-than-ideal conditions, something we know our clients are after.

Motu-nui have started DNA testing, allowing the parentage of all progenies

Motu-nui Rams

to be traced to the dam and sire, quantifying breeding worth values such as maternal worth and survival.

The use of the strict DNA testing regime allows the Motu-nui team to have another layer of conÿ dence in their rams, and that they’ll perform well nationwide.

Rams available for purchase this year are the Motu-nui Romney, the Motu-nui Mongrel (Crossbred) and the Motu-nui RomTex (pictured below).

Given the rise in facial eczema across the country, Motu-nui have started a line of FE Romney and FE crossbred rams, which are more tolerant to higher-thanaverage FE pressure.

“We have had a working relationship with Motu-nui Rams for over 20 years. Motu-nui rams supplies Bramerton in the Wairarapa and TeTuhi in Taupo with breeding rams for our two farming operations. We have always been impressed with the genetics of the ˜ ock and the survivability, durability and hardiness. We would like to thank Motu-nui for all their hard work in getting their sheep to such a high standard.”

For all your ram needs, contact Ben, P (06) 374 3855 E admin@motu-nuirams.co.nz www.motu-nuirams.co.nz

Rams put under high parasite pressure Cull what doesn’t handle the burden

Strong emphasis placed on structure Cull those that don’t meet our fit

Indepth DNA sampling

strong genetic

www.age.co.nz Thursday, September 14, 2023 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT 25 24 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT Thursday, September 14, 2023 Wairarapa Times-Age
To book this season’s rams and for more information contact Alistair, P 06 372 7861 M 027 455 0099 FB Te Taumata Genetics www.tetaumata.co.nz SOUND FEET • CONSTITUTION GROWTH • FERTILITY LONGEVITY • CARCASS UNWAVERING COMMITMENT TO TOP QUALITY WOOL
Rams 9263 Route 53, Weber Call Ben on 06 374 3855 admin@motu-nuirams.co.nz www.motu-nuirams.co.nz MOTU-NUI ROMNEY & FE ROMNEY MOTU-NUI CROSS-BRED & FE CROSS-BRED   MOTU-NUI ROMTEX
Quantify our

Te Whangai Romneys

Located in medium to steep hill country, south of Waipukurau, the breeding philosophy at Te Wh˝ngai is very clear.

We believe that for commercial farmers to run an ever increasingly more e˙ cient and proÿ table business they must focus on continuously getting more for less, i.e. more production from less input.

Our selection programme works on that principle.

To make genetic progress, selection must take place in an environment which puts pressure on the traits you want to improve.

Gira˜ e would never have evolved with long necks if there wasn’t a shortage of low hanging food!

It is clear that a di˜ erent type of sheep has developed with selection for growth traits under feed and parasite pressure rather those developed where feed is plentiful and internal parasites are controlled.


From 1970, the immediate focus was to lift fertility and develop an easy care animal. This was the same for most modern breeding groups.

By the early 1990s the average “number of lambs born” to the recorded ewes was over 190% as only twinning two tooths were retained.

Survival and milking ability were strongly entrenched in the ° ock.

Selection for growth rate while under a parasite challenge has been followed for over 30 years.

We have followed a comprehensive programme developed by AgResearch to select sheep that would continue to grow while under a summer/autumn internal parasite challenge.

Consistent with our philosophy, this selection must take place in a known parasite challenging environment. It involves regular weighing of undrenched hoggets through the autumn to identify and breed from the very elite animals.

Changes to Survival in NZGE

Wool weight still plays an important part in our sire selection and all ram hoggets are side sampled, enabling you to lower your micron count and target higher value per kg.

Longevity has always been a focus. Recorded ewes are not culled for age, rather just production, allowing for heavier culling of replacements.

We are embarking on a programme to incorporate FE tolerance into our genetic o˜ ering while still retaining the key attributes of the Te Whangai ° ock.

From 2022 all ewes and lambs have been DNA proÿ led as we are now in the new frontier of genetic gain.

We will be investing heavily in R&D looking at traits that will help lower your sheep losses and costs of production.

We view this approach far superior to selecting for low methane.

Results from New Zealand research show lower emitting sheep are skinnier which is no use to anyone.

Methane reduction from livestock is pure politics and we will not be selecting sheep for it.

Te Wh˝ngai will be selling between 600 and 700 Romney rams.


The power of resilience

Over 50 years of intensive selection with scale and grazing pressure using... good science, common sense, total integrity!

Changes to Survival in New Zealand Genetic Evaluation (NZGE) will now restrict lamb survival to lambs born to two-tooth and older ewes.

A review of Survival, comparing data from lambs born to hoggets with survival data for lambs born to older ewes, revealed that using data from hoggets does not add value to the survival prediction of lambs born to ewes, Beef & Lamb Genetics says. Additionally, it introduces some bias to the survival analysis. The data for lambs born to hoggets has been used in the survival module since SIL’s inception.

“A decision has been made to restrict survival information to data on lambs born to two-tooth ewes and older, beginning from the New Zealand Genetic Evaluation (NZGE) extracted on Friday 28 July.


A recent review indicated that survival of lambs to hoggets does not serve as a useful predictor of lamb survival to ewes.

There are signiÿ cant management and environmental di˜ erences between hoggets and ewes which impact the lamb survival analysis:

 Hoggets are immature and still in the growth phase of life.

 Mating weight, growth trajectory over the pregnancy, feed levels, and birth weights di˜ er from those of lambs from older ewes.

 Hoggets often lamb at a di˜ erent time than older ewes.

 The accuracy of hogget lambing data recording varies: It is not uncommon to see only singles, only twins, no dries, no deaths, or very high death rates amongst lambs born to ewe hoggets.


Restricting the survival dataset to exclude survival data for lambs born to hoggets results in changes to some rams that have a lot of hogget data.

Some changes are also observed for rams in ° ocks that do not practice

hogget lambing but are connected in some way to rams that do.

For some rams, the changes are more signiÿ cant, with a few rams experiencing a change of 500 cents for DPS, and a very small number changing by more than 1000 cents.

For most ° ocks, the changes will be minor, and the overall dual purpose genetic trend graph remains very similar.


www.age.co.nz Thursday, September 14, 2023 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT 29 28 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT Thursday, September 14, 2023 Wairarapa Times-Age
Contact Hamish de Lautour 027 447 2815 | 06 261 3826 hamish@tewhangai.co.nz www.tewhangai.co.nz Contact James Brennan 027 635 4567 manager@tewhangai.co.nz
Consistent with these principles we will NOT be wasting your money measuring METHANE in our rams. It is an irrelevant greenhouse gas, that is a proven fact... Support the truth. ... Choose Te Whāngai rams, you
regret it!
2023 WAIRARAPA 2023
Inspection is welcome any time by appointment with Hamish de Lautour M 027 447 2815 E hamish@tewhangai.co.nz Only data from two-tooth and older ewes will now be used for Survival.


Gleniti Romneys - balanced traits for the best returns

In uncertain times, Gleniti Romneys o° ers the certainty of robust easy-care sheep with high fertility, high growth rates, high survival rates, and good stylemedium wool.

Gleniti has 1700 stud ewes docking between 150-165 per cent on the South Wairarapa property. It sells about 300 rams a year.

The Hume family roots in the Pirinoa district go back to the 1850s when David Hume’s great great grandfather bought the land of which Gleniti is now a part.

David learned his skills from his father Bill who continues to play a minor role in the farm.

Most of what Bill knows about sheep he learned from legendary romney breeder and near neighbour Holmes Warren. Holmes, Bill and nine other likeminded Wairarapa breeders formed the Wairarapa Romney Improvement Group in 1969.

Since then the Group has been instrumental in improving the production of the breed.

They have made good use of each of

the recording schemes that have been available during that time and have had advice from the best animal geneticists including Professors Al Rae and Dorian Garrick, and Dr Mark Young.

Recording was initially with National Flock Recording, then with Sheeplan, and now with Sheep Improvement Ltd.

After 50 years of recording, there is high accuracy in the breeding values that have been generated by SIL, says David.

“These breeding values are the basis of the index that we have used for our selection that has identiÿ ed the sheep with a balance of productive traits that gives the best return to those using our rams.”

In recent years this balance of fertility, survival, growth rate and wool weight has brought the Gleniti Flock close to optimum levels, David says.

“The ranking of our rams by Zoetis’

“Sheep5K” is very similar to SIL’s ranking. We are hopeful that the DNA analysis, while continuing to hold the beneÿ ts of our traditional selection, will make it possible to incorporate other beneÿ ts such as longevity, muscularity, tenderness, meat distribution and FE tolerance.”

Gleniti’s high stocking rate puts enough

Morven Hills Hampshires

pressure on its sheep to identify those that don’t thrive, David says.

“Mothering ability is very important. Any ewe that doesn’t stand with her lambs as we tag them is culled. This has resulted in quieter temperament, another aid to easy ÿ nishing and tenderness.”

Stock Ezy’s Flow Control Gate has proved itself

Stock Ezy has been overwhelmed with the willingness of farmers to try something new.



Founded in 2020 from Ewe hoggets from La-Mac Stud near Christchurch and purchasing from Turiwai an existing stud previously from Gisborne, my aim is to produce a modern Hampshire for commercial farmers.

Hampshires are known for early maturing, high yielding prime o° mum being the most e˛ cient and productive method to produce a quality product.

place great emphasis on a sound 2th Ram ÿ t for purpose, with excellent constitution and longevity as my ewes display.

Lamb survival is also a key area I am working on as for the last two years have scanned for skin thickness as well as eye muscle to identify the traits am looking for and have on o° er to the farmer.

Gleniti Romneys are robust easy care sheep that have high fertility and high growth rate with good style medium wool.

The Hampshire is of the down bred and is an extremely popular choice of ram in Australia and Ireland.

Located on Dannevirke Mangahei/ Te Uri climate, they are put under commercial conditions to produce a true hill country bred sire. The meat is delicate and sweet.

To book this season’s rams or come and view, contact Kay M 021 1786 400 E glengyle@inspire.net.nz

Its “Flow Control Gate” has proved itself as a beneÿ cial addition to sheep yards.

Sean from Stock Ezy says orders will need to be placed soon to ensure you have your gate in place for lamb drafting.

All the products manufactured by Stock Ezy are getting a sound reputation.

Sean’s “Ewe Cradles” are popular with farmers, as are the “Backstops”.

The “Fadge Holders” made by Stock Ezy are ÿ nding a whole range of markets, not only for the wool shed but for gardeners to industrial applications.

Proud to be manufactured in the home of Golden Shears, Masterton.


www.age.co.nz Thursday, September 14, 2023 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT 31 30 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT Thursday, September 14, 2023 Wairarapa Times-Age For more information contact Bill Hume P 06 307 7847 M 027 407 7557 E w-hume@xtra. co.nz or David Hume P 06 307 7895 M 027 689 8934 E sonya-david@xtra.co.nz
videos of the above
P 0800 785 399 M 027 250 2440
can ÿ nd information and
products at
Flow control gates
David and Bill Hume in the yard at Gleniti
“These breeding values are the basis of the index that we have used for our selection that has identi ed the sheep with a balance of productive traits that gives the best return to those using our rams.”
Champion Ewe and her lambs at the CHB A&P Show, a 6-year-old with ram twins
FE R TILITY - SURVI VAL - GROWTH R ATE Bill Hume 06 307 7847 or 027 407 7557 w-hume@xtra.co.nz David Hume 06 307 7895 or 027 689 8934 sonya-david@xtra.co.nz BALANCED TRAITS FOR THE BEST RETURNS STOCK EZY Call Sean Blenkin 0800 785 399 stockezy@outlook.co.nz www.stockezynz.com EZY ON YOUR STOCK, EZY ON EWE SHEEP HANDLING GEAR FREE DELIVERY WAIRARAPA WIDE EWE CRADLE SHORT & LONG BACK STOPS FOR SHEEP RACES FREE DELIVERY WAIRARAPA WIDE 5.95% P.A HONDA RIDER FINANCE OVER 24 MONTHS AVAILABLE ON ALL NEW HONDA ATVs* UPFRONT 1/3 IN 12 MONTHS 1/3 IN 24 MONTHS 1/3 hondamotorbikes.co.nz 5.95% ATV Ad_Aug_Oct 23.indd 24/07/23 11:36 AM Langlands Motorcycles Limited www.langlandshonda.co.nz MASTERTON 11 Chapel Street P: 06 378 8444 GREYTOWN 2491 State Highway 2 P: 06 304 8482 *5.95% p.a. interest rate is xed for the 24-month term of the loan. An upfront deposit of 1/3 of the RRP, $130 UDC establishment fee, a $10.35 PPSR fee, monthly maintenance fee of $2 and dealer origination fee apply (your Honda dealer can tell you their applicable fee). Two further payments of 1/3 of the RRP are to be paid on the 12-month loan anniversary and the 24-month loan anniversary. This o er is only available on new Honda ATV models and selected Two-wheel farm models being: XR150, XR190 and CRF250F, purchased between August 2023 and 31 October (while stocks last). Honda Rider Finance is provided by UDC Finance Limited. UDC’s lending criteria, standard terms and conditions apply. This o er cannot be used in conjunction with other o ers. John, Carol & Stephanie Wingate 06 375 0602 1930 Castle Hill Rd, Eketahuna jandcwingate@xtra.co.nz Meldrum has been producing hardy, productive hill country Romneys for 53 years with 900 SIL recorded ewes Robust performance selection ensures only the best 2th rams are available for sale Growth rate; fertility; wool; parasite resilience; survivability; easy lambing MELDRUM ROMNEYS Call Kay McKenzie, Dannevirke Ph: 021 178 6400 Email: glengyle@inspire.net.nz • Scanned for skin thickness, EMA, SIL & NZSBA • Early maturing • High Yielding carcass • 2th Rams available from December 2023 MORVEN HILLS HAMPSHIRES Genuine Hill Country born and bred

Longview Perendales



Longview Perendales was registered with the New Zealand Perendale Society in 1986 with 160 homebred ewes.

The stud ewes are run with a large commercial ˜ ock on Rangiora Trust, a 2121ha farm situated in behind Tutira, Hawke’s Bay.

Rangiora comprises mainly Taupo

pumice soil. The terrain is mixed from some ˜ at to medium and steep hill country.

We originally focussed on breeding a ewe that had a good jacket of medium wool and regularly reared twins or better.

Our focus changed to incorporate new challenges in sheep farming.

We have been worm tolerance testing our stud ˜ ock since 1994 and now test both ewe and ram lambs every February.

This has noticeably improved the commercial ˜ ock health and ewe deaths are not common.

We started facial ecezma tolerance testing nine years ago. This year we will dose at 0.50 or above.

We are producing sheep with worm tolerance - testing for 29 years and are FEC Gold - fertility, survivability, wool, muscling and meat yield. Assisted by Techion Group for parasite resistance and production,and Zoetis for 5K&50K.

DNA parenting tests by GenomNZ used to identify best genetic sires to use within our stud.




We welcome any enquiries regarding viewing the current seasons sale ˜ ock - Stud masters Graeme and Sue Maxwell.

P 06 839 7412

E rangioratrust@gisborne.net.nz

A 535 Heays Access Road, Tutira, PO Box 23 Rangiora Trust, Tutira 4162

Flock 489 SIL Recorded

32 FEATURE SUPPLEMENT Thursday, September 14, 2023 Wairarapa Times-Age

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