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Good Beginnings

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Whareama School

Whareama School

20 Good Beginnings


Nicola & Joe Burling

It is our pleasure to own and manage Good Beginnings Centres. We have a team of quali ed and specialised teachers that have a passion for working with children under the age of ve. Teachers work alongside the children to install a love of learning, fostering independence and school readiness. Our curriculum is based on children’s interests and during 2021 we have been on many learning journeys. As you can imagine each day brings delight as a child develops a new skill or discovers something for the rst time. Our motto is Good Beginnings lasts forever and to celebrate being in business for 15 years and to show our commitment to ongoing learning we will be o ering former students of the centre (attendance from 2006) the opportunity to apply for a scholarship to continue with tertiary education.

Good Beginnings Educare Centre was established in the early 1990s, with the Infants & Toddlers Centre opening in 2011. Both centres are housed in refurbished villas and open Monday to Friday 7.00am to 5.30pm for 50 weeks of the year. The Centres are spacious, homely, and the inviting environments support childinitiated play, catering uniquely for the speci c age groups the centres are licensed for.

The Centre’s programme is developed in consultation with parents and children and based strongly on children’s dispositions, individual needs and interests.

The Centre’s philosophy is based on primary caregiving and children learning through play, gaining agency over their learning and development. Throughout the day children can choose from a vast range of learning experiences in a carefully prepared environment. Teachers and children interact in responsive reciprocal ways to support learning experiences that are meaningful to all. Teachers are committed to supporting children and families in their transition between the centres and to school.

Our robust transition procedures ensure children have the appropriate skills for the best possible start at school. The Education Review O ce visits each centre approximately every three years. The reports have found: “Children’s learning and development in play-based contexts is supported through a sound planning framework. This involves parents and whānau and takes account of their perspectives and aspirations. Information about children’s participation, development and friendships contributes to a full picture of each as a learner.

Teachers provide a calm and settled environment that allows infants and toddlers the space and time to lead their own learning. Responsive caregiving meets their need for strong and secure attachments. Oral language is a key focus for teachers working with these very young children.

Teachers are responsive, encouraging and support young children’s engagement in learning experiences. Children con dently and actively participate in rich learning opportunities which increase their understanding of reading, writing and mathematics and are successfully included in programmes in meaningful ways. Te reo me nga tikanga Maori are integrated throughout the programme. Children with special learning needs take part in an inclusive programme and teachers support children’s seamless transition to school. Internal evaluation guides improvement and sustains best practice.” If you would like further information about either centre please visit www.goodbeginings.co.nz or contact Nicola on admin@goodbeginnings.co.nz

photography © preschoolportraits.co.nz

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