2 minute read
Mākoura College
M ā koura College
Marion Harvey
Kia ora, Talofa lava, Welcome to Mākoura College A school where each and every student is known as an individual and where student learning and achievement matters. We are committed to providing the highest quality teaching and learning that enables dreams to become a reality. Our sta is a team of dedicated professionals focused on the success and aspirations of all our learners. As Principal, I believe in the value of each student. I have high expectations of sta and students. My commitment is that by working together students will achieve their potential; academic, cultural, sporting, and set their direction for a successful life.
I ask you to open your mind to a college that has a big heart. I’m proud to be part of MC, Mākoura College, My College.
O ering Wairarapa’s only Military Services Academy.
Mākoura College o ers a unique learning environment with: • a diverse range of subjects that supports all students for their pathway be it university, training, further education or employment • small class sizes • an inclusive, warm and safe
• high expectations for sta and students • a wide range of cultural, sporting and adventure opportunities • Wairarapa’s only Military Services
Academy • homerooms for Year 9 to help manage the transition to College • individual mentoring and support for all students • project based learning which focuses on developing lifelong learners through the use of authentic contexts Our College motto and vision underpins all we do and provides a framework to guide development of the whole person. Mākoura College motto is Kia Manawanui; be of a courageous and compassionate heart.
Our Mākoura College vision is to grow tika, pono and aroha through learning: Whaia te Tika – making the right choices about what you do and say. Whaia te Pono – developing a wise understanding of people and the world. Whaia te Aroha – demonstrating concern and support for others. To our class of 2021; Kia haumaru haere tō hīkoitanga ki tua o Te Kohanga o Mākoura. We wish you a safe journey beyond Mākoura College. We look forward to welcoming new and returning students and their whānau in 2022.
Authentic learning opportunities such as building cabins for Project Manaaki. Learning through Te Kohanga Mātauranga – The nest of knowledge.
Developing community links and leadership.
Celebrating our college community.
Recognising the uniqueness of the individual.
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