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Message from the Mayor

know these are di cult times for many people in our community.

The rising cost of living has come after nearly three years of Covid-19, which is still making its presence felt.

People have a lot on their plates – they’re busy getting on with their lives.

So why should they add another reasonably meaty piece of reading – our draft Annual Plan for 2023/24 – to their to-do list?

The short answer is that it dictates your rates and where they are spent. And now’s the time to have your say on where that money goes.

Our consultation on the Annual Plan is into its third week – with a closing date of 1 May.

Councils tend to hear a lot from a small number of people through various means during a year, but hearing the views of a genuine cross-section of our community is not always easy.

By the end of last week, we had received about 40 submissions on our Annual Plan (and a few less on our draft Speed Management Plan).

To me, that is not nearly enough.

People quite rightly make a noise if they think their rates are too high, but now is really the time to make some meaningful noise before the rates are set. The process is very simple.

There is an online option that doesn’t require a log-in, and lets you answer just the questions about the parts of the plan that you’re interested in. We’d love to hear your thoughts on everything, but we know some people would rather focus on a few things. That is fine. And if computers aren’t your thing, pick up a paper copy of the consultation document, and the submission form. Again, give us the answers on the things you are interested in.

You can even give your thoughts by phone during business hours.

Cyclone Gabrielle Relief Update

More than $170,000 in grants from the Wairarapa Mayoral Relief Fund has so far been allocated to 19 applicants, with those in need urged to apply if they require financial help.

Applications for Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment Business Recovery Grants are now available online through the Wairarapa Recovery website (www.wairaraparecovery.nz). Applications to both close this Friday 21 April. Money from the Mayoral Relief Fund is going to a ected families and couples – a total of 30 adults and 25 children, plus one organisation providing community support. The money has been used for assistance such as clean-up of flood damage, clearing private road access, silt clean-up, digger repairs, pump replacement, repairs to damaged electric fencing, and loss of income support.

A total of $257,000 was available from the Mayoral Relief Fund, with a further $250,000 provided by the Government for business recovery grants. Check www.wairarparecovery.nz for the latest information and ways to apply.

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