40 Wairarapa Midweek Classifieds W
ednesday , June 2 2 , 2 0 2 2
C la s s if ie d Sports Notices
Cars For Sale
FORD LTD V8 2 002
Public Notices
G eneral M eeting
Ex cond, 188K, $12,500 ono. Phone 021 07 3 7030 John
Greyt o w n Rugby F o o t ball C lub OLD TIMERS DAY
For Sale
Saturday 25th June Doors open 12 noon with lunch at 12. 30pm.
O F R A S LE F IREW OOD MU LC H O T P O S IL C OMPOS T Call 021 20 3694
Gardening & Landscaping Paul August Landscape Design
Trades Services FENC ES - We build quality domestic fences, gates, decks and security. Erecta Fence Ph 027 247 7990.
Landscape Consultation & Design Service
027 446 8256 august.landscape@orcon.net.nz www.augustlandscapes.co.nz
Hairdressing Mobile Services
For Sale
H a ir 2 U
Renee Whitcombe Enjoy getting your hair done in your own home. Great Rates! Try me now! Ph 06 377 1617 or 027 246 1617
Opening Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs 7:30 - 5pm F or all y ou r ir on and r oofing needs c all 3 4 D alefield R oad, Car t er t on E m ail: adm in@ Ct nCF . c o. nz
Public Notices
Garage Sale
A/CCanning Trust Manawa Road, Tinui Sign posted from Tinui Village Date: Sat 25 June 2022 Start Time: 11am
Deadline Thursday 3pm Phone Classifieds 06 370 6033
T hursday 30th June 2022 at 7pm To m Bubb Room Wairarapa A&P Showgrounds All current Wairarapa A&P members and new members are most welcome Any further enquiries Phone 06 379 8124 or email office@waiaps.org.nz
Funeral Directors
La w n / T u r f Ma i n t e n a n c e Po s i t i o n We are looking for ar esponsible, motivated person in good physical health to join the lawns and tur f team on a large country property near Masterton. Knowledge of lawns/turf/machine operation is desirable but not essential. Any training required would be undertaken on the job. A flexible approach, good sense of humour, hard-working and can-do attitude is essential. This is a full time position. Please apply by sending a cover letter and a CV or details of your ex perience to: wpmljob s@gmail.com
Locally ow ned South aW irarapa F uneral H om e th at is passionate ab out serving the aW irarapa com m unity . #SUPPORTLOCAL
0 6 3 7 7 0 2 3 1
duck ettf unerals. co. nz
TIME F OR A CH ANG E If you are looking to retire your whistle, or han g up your overalls, then you might be interested in grape-farming. Just like on t he farm, grape-farming involves tractors, machinery, fencing, cropping, irrigation, repairs and maintenance, cultivation, an d plant husbandry. Ata Rangi is on the lookout for a vine shepherd, with ab road range of skills. We currently farm 80,000 vine stock unit s (VSU) over 1 1 paddocks p a around Martinborough. u g
Tr inity Schools Tr ust Board is looking for an energetic, enthusiastic and organised Property & Facilit y H ire Administrator. T o be successful you will need to have: Excellent administrative and co mmunicatio n skills Good numeric, logic an d interpersonal skills Good computer and technology skills Ability to work independently, set priorities, meet deadlines and remain calm under pressure Re s ult-focussed mindset and willingness to go the extra mile Understanding of the Health & Safety Work Act 2015 F or a full job description and any further q uestions, please contact Ann-Louise Gouws annlouise.gouws@trinityschools.nz or phone 021 074 607 1 . Applications close Monday 27th June.
Funeral Directors Maria Paine
$335 14 Hornsby St
Club Carterton requires a suitably qualified Club Manager for approximat e l y 18-20 hours per week. May suit ap erson already employed part time or alternatively ar etiree. Please email: clubcarterton.committee@gmail.com for a comprehensive job description. Applications will close on 30 J une 2022 at 5pm and will need to include a covering letter, CV and two references.
Wairarapa A&P Society AG M
Th e Wairarapa A&P Society, based at Clareville, requires a new Secretary/Coordinator. A great opportunit y e x ist s f or an outgoing person with a positive outlook, flexible can-do approach and great people skills. You will be required to have good knowledge and experience in office administration an d event management, plus an appreciation of the agricultural sector. Hours to be negotiated with suitable applicant. Applications must include a covering letter, CV and evidence of the required capabilitie s sa per the role description. If further information is required ple a s e contact Phone 06 379 8124. Applications close at 5pm T hursday 23rd June 2022. Please email CV to office@ waiaps.org.nz
Caroline Finlay
Queen Elizabeth Park Sports Centre Saturday 25th June at 2.00pm
Gary Pickering
$245 3396 St Highway 2
AGENDA Mihi, Karakia Apologies Chair Rep ort Finances Previous GM Minutes DIS C U SSION to share vision an d get support to build Papakainga Na u Mai Haere Ma i Kapu tea to follow K Herber t Trustee
Adelaide Skeet
2 0 1 9 Can A m 6 5 0 X T M A X q uad; M cI nt osh 4 . 5 T st eel deck hy dr aulic tip tr ailer ; Pearson M ig ht y H y dr aulic g r ader b lade To Let with lev elling whe el; T r im ax 2 8 2 t op p er ; R ot owi p er 3 . 2 m; Gi ltr ap 3 p oint link ag e hy dr aulic w ood sp litt er ; Jam es m ole p loug h; W alc o 6 . 7 5 g r ain f eeder ; B r ent S m ith w ellside st ock ut e cr at e; 3 p oint link ag e q uick hit ch; 3 p oint link ag e c oun t er w eig ht; W at er b last er ; B ank of 1 0 x 4 5 kg f r ont w eig hts; 2 x H usq v ar na chai nsaw s; M ak ita MASTERTON p ost hole b or er ; S tihl c omb i with ex t ension, MASTERTON 25 AlameinCt Court 1 2 p rune r saw , g r ass cut er and hedg e tr im m er ; $200 $365 6 Alamein $600 63 Driving Range Road 1 T onne endless chain; Home lit e g r ass 2 1 $210 145H Perry St cut er ; 2 x hand p iec es; O x y ac et yle ne g as $520 4 Oban Place 3 Makoura RdRoad 3 2 p lant; M et eor dr ill p r ess; T r i f olding q uad $220 $495 56 65 Boundary r amp s; R ig id q uad r amp s; W ir e r op es; $620 2 Riverstone Drive, 3 1 A ssor t ed f ar m t ools; A ssor t ed dock ing g ear ; $220 81 Solway Manuka St $460 8 Iorns Street 3 A ssor t ed p ip e fitting s; Gr ease g uns; B ar r ed $220 $620 5/53 Rd 2a Opaki Miro Street 3 2 g at es; 1 5 x c oils H T wir e; S tr ainers , sta y s, $260 80D South Rd 3 p osts , p oint ed b att ens; L ar g e q uan ti t y p ig If you need help with tail standar ds; Poly wir e r eels; Por tab le solar $265 your 46 Kippenberger St 3 p anels and g el b att er y ; A lk athe ne p ip e; rental property, us today! $285 15 call Jeans St 4 T otar a p osts; Cy clo ne dog ke nnel and run; Husq v ar na R2 2 0 T r ide on m ow er ar ti cula t ed We have preapproved $295 tenants 47 Michael St for a 3 st eer ; M isc ellaneous sundr y it em s waiting T er ms: A ll p ur cha ses ar e GST ex clusi v e home. $295 22 Stout St 3 Cash or E FTPOS on day of sale PHONE 06 377 4961 Enquiries: CARTERTON OR EMAIL John Canning 06 3726641 $100office@mastertonrentals.co.nz 345 Waihakeke Rd Graham Howie 0274 474 082 MASTERTON PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COUNTRY LIVESTOCK LTD (Storage Shed)LTD 0
1 1 am Saturday 9 July 2022 Papawai Marae, Pah Road, Gr e y town
n o dogs needed. Just a good level of practicality, and energy. We have ag reat, small team. Delicious coffee, and the hours are good for those wh o want a lif e outside of work. Mostly 40 hours per week, mostly Monday to Friday, with extra work during summer/spring drenching (spraying), grape mustering (harvest), stock protection (frost), an d dagging (trimming and plucking). If a change interests you, then get hold of Braden on 022 34 3 0942 or b raden@ atarangi.co.nz
Locally Owned Funeral Home – Serving The Wairarapa
06 377 7160 For 24 hour Personal Service
Incorporating The Village Chapel
garypickeringfunerals.co.nz Cnr Waltons Avenue & High Street, Kuripuni, Masterton