1 minute read
Celebrants work with couples to provide a ceremony that meets their needs, and guide those who wish to design and write their own. They are the quiet co-ordinating presence which makes the ceremony ow beautifully. The celebrant is responsible for ensuring all legal requirements are met.
Things you need to know: Only people appointed by the
Registrar-General as Marriage and/ or Civil Union Celebrants, and whose name appears in the List of
Celebrants in the NZ Gazette, have authority to solemnise marriages and/or civil unions in New Zealand
It is important that those at the wedding know who the celebrant is, should any questions need to be asked prior to proceedings There has been a recent trend for a ‘friend’ of the couple to conduct the wedding, with an o cial celebrant just signing o on the legal requirements. This is not acceptable The marriage licence is a document con rming that it is legal for the marriage between the two parties to go ahead. It does not need to be signed Two copies of ‘Particulars of
Marriage’ or ‘Particulars of Civil
Union’ are signed in front of two witnesses and the celebrant at the ceremony. A copy of this is sent to the Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages within 10 days of the ceremony. It is from this that a
Marriage Certi cate can be issued Not everyone requests a Marriage
Certi cate but remember you will need it for name changing on important documents like your passport or bank accounts