Wairarapa Ram Sales 2017

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wairere Located in medium to steep hill country northeast of Masterton, Wairere has been breeding rams for 49 years. Operating in a challenging, winter wet and summer dry class one wind zone environment, Wairere produces sheep with strong constitution that are accustomed to mob stocking at high commercial stocking rates. Wairere is the most recognised brand in sheep genetics in New Zealand, producing mainly Romney rams but also o˜ ers composites, terminal sires, facial eczema tolerant and ÿ ne wooled “smart sheep”.




The motto of “Proven, Predictable and Proÿ table” captures the essence of what Wairere Rams achieve for those who use them. Rams have been bred at Wairere since 1967 when John Daniell began performance recording ewes on what was regarded as second class hill country. John’s father Len, who had purchased Wairere o˜ the original settler, John Rutherford, had himself been breeding rams at Akura on the outskirts of Masterton since 1929. Derek and Christine Daniell are the current owners and third generation of the family to operate the property. Throughout the generations, the Daniell family have displayed a passion for sheep breeding and have been pioneers and innovators in their farming and sheep breeding activities. Last year Derek was honoured at the Beef & Lamb sheep industry awards for his signiÿ cant

Wairarapa Midweek


Ram hogget with Wairere ewes at mating time

contribution to the New Zealand sheep industry. The Wairere ram breeding ˛ ocks total some 7000 SIL recorded Romney ewes, a further 4000 Romney ewes in “ multiplier” ˛ ocks. The composite, terminal, facial eczema and smart wool ˛ ocks comprise a further 6000 ewes. The scale of the Wairere ram breeding ˛ ocks is an advantage that clients beneÿ t from. It allows heavy culling of under-performing animals, both ewes and Rams. Less than 25% of all ram lambs born are sold as rams meaning that culling and selection pressures are intense. With all sheep at Wairere being mob stocked and rotationally grazed throughout the year, apart from lambing time, Wairere is a rigorous testing ground, ensuring that Wairere sheep have great “shifting ability” and a reputation for being able to recover condition rapidly after tough seasons. Wairere winters an average of 750 kg of live weight per hectare. Key selection criteria include:  The requirement for all ewe hoggets retained to be scanned in lamb, (this ensures early maturity and high fertility).  For adult sheep to perform without any drench and young sheep to thrive and grow under a minimal drenching regime.  All ewe hoggets have been mated in every year

since 1966 and are lambed unshepherded.  Selection for easy care lambing and against bearings has been applied since the ˜ ock was established in 1966.  Since 2001 all ram lambs (up to 7000) are ultrasound scanned for eye muscle area each year. (correlated to meat yield) and this measurement is included into the SIL index.  Wairere culls heavily for other “non-productive” traits that increase work. Dags, feet and poor structure are regarded as priorities for culling.  As members of the Wairarapa Romney Improvement Group, considerable e° ort has gone into improving the saleable meat yield of the Romney ˜ ock. With large scale progeny testing having been undertaken from 1994 until 2013. Wairere sells all rams by private treaty and operates a “price bracket” system whereby clients choose the price they wish to pay and Wairere guarantee that all those purchasing at that price are treated equally, thus allowing the introduction of new clients without any disadvantage relative to existing and long term buyers. Two tooth rams are sold in Nov and ram hoggets sold in February. Wairere rams go to all corners of New Zealand and are now enjoying a growing market in both Australia, UK and South America. With hundreds of satisÿ ed clients, Wairere has the scale, passion and vision to ensure that they meet the needs of sheep producers now and into the future.


Wairarapa Midweek

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Breeding to reduce reliance on drenching sheep Genetic improvement through selection o˜ ers one of the best long-term solutions to reducing reliance on drench. But, where do you start?

Finding a breeder

Resistance to internal parasites is measured as low faecal egg counts (FEC). The relevant index is Dual Purpose WormFEC™ (DPF).

production indexes for NZMW (New Zealand Maternal Worth). c) If you are unsure at any point, ask the breeder to talk you through the ÿ gures.

Identify which breeders measuring FEC also measure other “must haves” for your operation. Check their complete set of genetic trend graphs to see that they are making progress in the traits that matter to you.

Ultimately, you’re aiming to introduce more “resistant” animals into your ° ock – that is, sheep that

b) Ask your short list of breeders for the DPF index ÿ gures and genetic trends, in addition to the core

Choosing a ram

High yielding Charollais ticks all the boxes for Brabazon Charollais

purchased their ÿ rst stud ram three years ago, putting it over Poll Dorset/Texel ewes and a handful of Charollais ewes.



Excellent growth rates, a meatier carcass and good lamb survival rates are some of the characteristics of the Charollais that attracted Gladstone sheep famers Al Brown and Mel Prouting to the breed. The Charollais terminal sheep breed were imported in to New Zealand for the ÿ rst time in 2010. Al had experience with them in the UK years ago. “I was impressed with the lambs. They’re goey lambs. They just get up and suck. They’re widely used over there now.” After using the Charollais as a terminal themselves, Al and Mel

battle. But even within a ° ock there can be a lot of variation. Talk to your breeder about the breeding value range you are looking for – and be prepared to pay for it.

How long until you see progress?

Which breeder matches your operation?

a) Download the FlockFinder App on your smartphone and ÿ nd breeders recording for WormFEC (41 ° ocks). Or visit sil. co.nz and search “Health Traits”.

How will breeding make a difference?


actively ÿ ght o˜ infection and have a reduced shedding of eggs. This lowers subsequent larval challenge to all stock.

Finding the breeder is half the

Health traits, such as FEC, are moderately heritable. More importantly, they are very variable between individuals, so you can make relatively rapid progress.

More resources for farmers can be found at http://www.bee° ambnz. com/news-views/breeding-reducereliance-drenching-sheep Source: www.bee˜ ambnz.com

Brabazon Charollais 1/2 Charollais 2T rams

“We’ve been grading up to pure Charollais since then” says Al. Brabazon Charollais has 230 ewes and 80 hoggets (SIL recorded), while the couple farm around 1800 commercial ewes. “The last few years farming in the Wairarapa have been tough - we’ve learnt the value of getting our lambs away early. In those three drought years we wished all our lambs were Charollais. “Our experience has been that the Charollais lambs are the fastest to ÿ nish in the mob. But the beauty of them is, if you want to grow them bigger, you can. They have the ability to grow up to 25 kgCW without going to fat.” Extensive research shows the Charollais sheep as a high yielding


terminal breed, producing better meat-to-bone ratios.

breeds, including those with small ewes such as Merinos.

Charollais sired lambs are heavier, meatier and capable of growing to heavier weights, and they provide yield premiums from lambs killed in any weight range.

Al points out that for this reason they are also good for hogget lambing. Al and Mel will be selling ½ and ¾ Charollais rams o˜ their farm at 793 Clifton Grove Road, R D 3, Masterton 5883 from early November.

Charollais lambs have a wedge shape at birth which makes lambing easier. This makes them suitable to cross with all maternal

For more information phone 06 372 7712 or email ngatapa@gmail.com


Easy lambing (wedge shape) Have excellent lamb vigour at birth Fast growing - to heavy wgts Yield & grade well at any wgt A high meat-yielding sheep


High fertility & lamb survival, excellent mothering ability, EMA & CT scanned rams

SIL recorded 1⁄2 and 3⁄4 Charollais Hog and 2T rams

Alistair Brown & Mel Prouting Admiral Hill, Wairarapa | Ph: 06 372 7712 | Email: ngatapa@gmail.com

Contact Tom Abraham | 06 327 6248 puketauru@mac.com | www.puketauru.com

54 YEARS OF BREEDING Quality is #1, fully SIL recorded GROWTH - DO ABILITY - FERTILITY SURVIVABILITY - SOUNDNESS 21 Years using only Wairarapa Group blood lines ENQUIRIES ALWAYS WELCOME Keith Higgins 06 372 2782 Wainuioru

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wairarapa Texel Developments Partnership

Wairarapa Midweek demonstrated to us in substantial buyer enquiries, lifts in ram sales, and serious enquiries for export female stock.

Wairarapa Texel Developments has been breeding purebred Texels since the introduction of the breed in 1990 and still were in 2016 when the partnership was formed.

Feedback from existing clients - who have noted: increased carcases kill WTS and yield; lamb constitution and survival; and ability of progeny to convert feed more e° ciently into dollars - has given us the conviction to continue with the status quo.

Resisting the temptation to breed crossbred animals, it is our strong belief that sticking to our knitting pays dividends for all concerned.

We operate a “no exceptions” policy of structural soundness and correctness of all sale animals - “not sound =no sale=works=end of story.”

So our clients have the full beneÿ t of ÿ rst cross hybrid vigour in their lambs, also incorporating the natural added bonus of the MYOMAX® muscling gene.

All 230 stud ewes are run in with a commercial ˛ ock of 2500 ewes on 570 hectares of East Coast spring/ summer dry, easy-to-medium hill country at Wainuioru, exposed to prolonged drying northerlies, wet cold south easterlies, and

This being increasingly

southerlies until stud mating and lambing.

have far surpassed expectations at 181% with 0.88% drys.

Both stud lamb groups are also run with their commercial male/female stock counterparts until autumn.

We eagerly await the anticipated lamb drop of a new sire purchased 2017 - ranked 3rd in the terminal sire index and tenth in the dual purpose index SIL 2014 to 2016 Across Flock Terminal/Dual Purpose summaries (342 rams summarised).

Four stud sires are represented in the 2017 born sale rams, three of which rank well within the recently released SIL 2014 to 2016 Across Flock Terminal/Dual Purpose Summaries, one with exceptional rankings for a young sire for both traits. 2016 - Avg. wean WTS @ 100 days culls inclusive ELBs 34.47 RLBs 41.20 2016 Avg. Autumn WTS@ 200 days culls inclusive ELBs 43.51 RLBs 49.00. At a scanned in lamb percentage of 155% Four stud sires are once again represented for 2017 born lambs. Pregnancy scanning results for 2017

Plus another older leased sire with very impressive widespread progeny consistently in the top percentiles. As previously, Derek Clarkson has again agreed to collate and input all raw performance data into SIL. We welcome inspection and look forward to enquiries about our stud. We can be contacted by either phone/email / and now via our facebook page @ Wairarapa Texel Development at any time.

Te Taumata’s objective is to breed sheep that best combine all of the traits necessary for optimum sheep production: ewe constitution, longevity, fertility and mothering ability; lamb surivival; high percentage of lambs POM; and quality wool. Te Taumata ewes are run at very high district stocking rates under strictly commercial dryland farming conditions and continuously culled for type,

Te Taumata Border Leicester 2TH Rams constitution, structure and sound feet and legs. Te Taumata Border Leicesters are an ideal maternal crossbreeding option. Romney/Border Leicester crossbred ewes make top mothers. They are highly productive sheep

that are sought after and command high prices at sale yards around the country. Romney/Border Leicester crossbred lambs achieve high yielding, prime carcase weights quickly. Quality sires for proÿ table sheep

production are available for sale in November. For more information contact Alistair phone (06) 372 7861 or 027 455 0099, visit our website www.tetaumata.co.nz and follow us on Facebook at Te Taumata Genetics.


The McWilliam family has been breeding and selling Romney and Border Leicester rams for performance and proÿ tability in Gladstone since 1958.


Te Taumata Romney and Border Leicester



Commercial Rams and Stud Sires Flock 10/SIL NO 2690 WTD COMMERCIAL RAMS • SIL performance recorded • SIL indexed Terminal/ Dual Purpose • All Rams carry MyomaxTM muscle gene (naturally) • Brucellosis accredited

with a Daytech Stock Loading Race



• Bolted floor and cleats • Superior stability even at full extension • Stockmans walkway • Fully portable • Narrow and wide models • Braked winch • Detachable draw bar

06 370 1329 | daytech@wise.net.nz www.daytech.co.nz 124 Lincoln Road, Masterton

WTD INTERNAL STUD SIRES TESTED FOR • Foot rot score • MyomaxTM muscling gene • Microphthalmia clear • Brucellosis accredited

T enderness & taste E xceptional constitution X tra muscling - MyomaxTM gene naturally E xcellent feed conversion efficiency L ambs that survive and thrive S uperior carcass yield Stewart Cowan P: 06 3722770 • E: texels4u@gmail.com Andrew Phillips P: 06 3722866 • E: halfy490@gmail.com



Wairarapa Midweek

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Gleniti Romney Rams A testament to the breed

“I have been purchasing Gleniti Romney Rams for many years. For me, they have consistently provided the following qualities to the ˜ ock;  Constitution

 Mothering ability  Growth weights and wool weights Gleniti Romneys are suited to our eastern Taranaki hill country.

MOORE STEPHENS MARKHAMS WAIRARAPA - helping local businesses succeed

Loyd Bishop on his Makahu, Taranaki farm

Their good temperament and mobility ensures ease of farming.” Loyd Bishop, Makahu, Taranaki

For over 90 years, we’ve been part of the Wairarapa community, helping local business, both rural and urban, succeed.

To ÿ nd out more about Gleniti Romney Rams contact Directors Sonya and David Hume Phone:˛˛(06) 307 7895 Email˛ sonya-david@xtra.co.nz

We are strategically placed to assist businesses throughout Wairarapa – and we understand the challenges our region faces.

 Fertility

Marlow Coopworths




over the last decade to be more directed at growth, meat yield, survival and soundness. High growth rate rams are sourced from industry and from within the Marlow stud. All ram hoggets are ultrasound scanned and a selection sent to Lincoln to be CT scanned to improve the accuracy of the SIL meat index.

Marlow Coopworths has been performance recording for 47 years. The stud of 350 ewes is based in the Hatuma hills near Waipukurau and is run by Steve Wyn-Harris. The stud is a member of the 30-year-old NZ Ovine Sire Reference group from whence outside identiÿ able high-performance genes are brought in.

And for nearly 50 years, any ewe unable to rear lambs has been promptly dispatched, there is a strong focus on the SIL survival index and the use of survival gene markers.

Four decades of selecting for easy care fertile ewes sees the stud and commercial ˜ ock scanning well above 200% with several clients doing similar. This lambing with a terriÿ c scanning on board due to the great autumn and a low facial eczema (FE) challenge, good weather resulting in a very high lamb survival rate and the ewes performing well (not a single bearing for example) will see a ewe to the ram ÿ gure just under 180%. As a fellow Coopworth

Marlow is a member of FE Gold and all rams sold are from sires passing at the maximum dose rate of .6 and all dams have been sired by rams passing at this rate.

breeder recently said, “these sheep are relentlessly fertile.” These imbedded fertility rates have allowed the breeding objectives

FE is beginning to appear in the Wairarapa and is likely to become more of a problem in the future. Why not build tolerance into your ˜ ock at the same time as lifting performance?

Our reputation for providing astute and proactive ÿ nancial advice to our clients has positioned us as valued business partners, with the capacity to deliver positive results. Based in Masterton, we’re locally owned and part of the Moore Stephens International chartered accountancy and business advisory network, with six sister ÿ rms around New Zealand. Your success is our most important objective. To ensure you get value from your investment in our accounting services, we’ve created a service pricing plan speciÿ cally for farmers, so you know what you can expect us to deliver, and what it will cost. You’ll ÿ nd this on the Wairarapa section of www.markhams.co.nz We are committed to establishing strong relationships based on understanding, trust and reliability.

Taupo Western Bays Farm Manager Lance Aldridge has used Gleniti Romney Rams for over 25 years. He says their consistency and reliability has produced top performing ewes whose fertility is outstanding and impressive. We’ve had the highest scanning ever despite going through two droughts back to back. We keep going back because it works. It’s about performance and profit in a harsh environment including, snow ice and summer droughts.

Bill Hume 06 307 7847 • David Hume 06 307 7895 Gleniti, RD 2, Featherston


45 years of performance recording. Full SIL figures available for all sale rams Marlow qualifies as a FE Gold stud. If you are serious about improving your flock’s Facial Eczema tolerance don’t be persuaded by studs that are not All sale 2ths sired by sires passing Ramguard FE test at 6. All stud ewes sired by rams passing at 6. Marlow has been a finalist twice in FE Tolerance category of Sheep Industry Awards East Friesian/Coopworth 2ths also available as well as Poll Dorset cross and Coopworth hoggets for affordable ewe hogget mating

Ring me for a chat about a change to Marlow genetics.

All sale rams carcase scanned for eye muscle area SIL DPP indexes all above 2000 for 2th sale rams 5203/04 B+L 2012 Super Sire for Dual Purpose, High Performance and Meat Yield Steve Wyn-Harris RD 1, Waipukurau 06 855 8265 • swyn@xtra.co.nz www.marlowcoopworths.co.nz

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wairarapa Midweek


Choosing rams just got a lot easier

The higher the number, the better the ram.

Want to target speciÿ c traits, like FE tolerance or resistance against internal parasites? NZMW can do that.

Health traits

Dual purpose rams have a New Zealand “Maternal Worth” ÿ gure (NZMW). The average NZMW is 1600.

If you’re looking for facial eczema tolerance, identify breeders who prioritise FE, then ask them for NZMW + X (X = FE trait).°

Terminal rams have a New Zealand “Terminal Worth” ÿ gure (NZTW). The average NZTW is 1150. Terminal rams have lower scores than maternal rams, because their ÿ gure is calculated from a smaller number of traits. (See table right top).

If you’re looking for resistance to internal parasites, identify breeders who prioritise this trait, then ask them for: NZMW + FEC (FEC = internal parasite resistance trait).

Maternal Worth (NZMW) or Terminal Worth (NZTW)?

Again, the higher the number, the better the ram. (See table left). For more, visit ramindex.co.nz˜

If you’re breeding both replacement and ÿ nishing stock, then look at rams with a high NZMW ÿ gure.

NZMW & NZTW summary: Picking a ram has never been easier (pdf)

Glenhazard Holdings Ltd Gladstone, R.D.4 Masterton

‘Wiri’ Southdown Rams


If you’re only breeding terminal stock, then look for rams with a high NZTW ÿ gure.


A recent upgrade of SIL’s genetic engine means every ram sold by a SIL breeder now has a single “index”: one number that’s comparable across all rams, regardless of breed.




Southdown/Romney lambs – Nov 2014 FLOCK NO 3435 OB ACCREDITED

For all enquiries contact: Jill Baird 06 3727814 / 027 486 5252 / glenhazard@xtra.co.nz

Motu-nui Rams



Rams working nationwide For more information or client feedback on our Rams please contact Jason Le Grove on 06 372 3841 or email jason.motunui@xtra.co.nz


*Minimum deposit may apply, Over 24 months, GST may be required to be paid in month 3. Other credit, Account opening and eligibility criteria, terms and conditions and fees and charges apply and are subject to change from time to time. Finance options available until 30th September 2017. Available while stocks last.


Wairarapa Midweek

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Te Whangai The breeding philosophy at Te Whangai is very clear. We believe that for commercial farmers to run an ever increasingly more e° cient and proÿ table business they must focus on continuously getting more for less, i.e. more production from less input. Our selection programme works on that principal. To make genetic progress, selection must take place in an environment which puts pressure on the traits you want to improve. Gira˝ e would never have evolved with long necks if there wasn’t a shortage of low hanging food!




It is clear that a di˝ erent type of sheep has developed with selection for growth traits while feed is always at a premium than those developed where feed is plentiful.

recorded ewes was over 190% as only twinning twotooths were retained.

Traits in focus.

Fertility, survival and milking ability were strongly entrenched in the ˜ ock.

From 1970, the immediate focus was to lift fertility and develop an easy care animal. This was the same for most modern breeding groups. By the early 1990s the average “number of lambs born” to the

The 1990s saw the beginning of a new and big e˝ ort to select sheep that would continue to grow while under a summer/autumn internal parasite challenge. Consistent with our philosophy,

Longview Perendales

Tutira, Hawkes Bay.

Longview Perendales was registered with the New Zealand Perendale Society in 1986 with 160 homebred ewes. The stud ewes are run with a large commercial ˜ ock on Rangiora Trust, a 2121 ha farm situated in behind

Rangiora comprises mainly Taupo pumice soil. The terrain is mixed from some ˜ at to medium and steep hill country. We originally focussed on breeding a ewe that had a good jacket of medium wool and regularly reared twins or better. Our focus changed to incorporate new challenges in sheep farming. We have been worm tolerance

this selection must take place in a known parasite challenging environment. A comprehensive programme developed by Agresearch has been in place for 25 years and involves regular weighings of undrenched Hgts through the autumn. Wool weight still plays an important part in our sire selection and all ram hoggets are side sampled, with the

testing our stud ˜ ock since 1994 and now test both ewe and ram lambs every February. This has noticeably improved the commercial ˜ ock health and ewe deaths are not common. We started facial ecezma tolerance testing seven years ago. This year we will dose at .4 We are producing sheep with worm tolerance, fertility, survivability, wool, muscling and meat yield.

long term aim of being able to put a true value on the key processing attributes of bulk, micron, colour and yield. Longevity has always been a focus. It is more e° cient to carry a high producing older ewe than extra ewe hoggets and also allows heavier culling of replacements. Recorded ewes are not culled for age, rather just production.

Assisted by Techion Group for parasite resistance and production. Zoetis for 5K&10K, DNA tests used to identify best genetic sires to use within our stud. Shepherd sire identiÿ cation at lambing. We welcome any enquires regarding viewing the current seasons sale ˜ ock - Stud master Graeme Maxwell

Flock 489 SIL Recorded



IF NOT - ask yourself this … HOW DOES EVOLUTION WORK? Over 45 years of intensive selection under extremely challenging feed and parasite conditions has developed tough and fertile sheep.

OUR AIM is to ruthlessly breed, for high production with low maintenance.


Enjoy the Benefits of Future Markets.

Use rams that are bred to produce sheep with Worm Tolerance. Bay de Lautour PO Box 96, Waipukurau (06) 858-8486 tukipo@xtra.co.nz

Hamish de Lautour Te Whangai RD 2, Waipukurau (06) 857-7926 del@wnation.net.nz

Harry de Lautour RD 2, Waipukurau (06) 857-7925

Graeme & Sue Maxwell Phone (06) 839 7412 Email rangioratrust@xtra.co.nz

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wairarapa Midweek


Perendale Nth Island Ram Sale The ÿ rst Perendale Flock Ram Sale was held in Taihape in 1994. Commercial farmers had asked for a sale venue where they could purchase rams that were from the top end of vendors ° ocks without physically having to approach each stud for access to purchase from those ° ocks. This sale allows purchasers to buy from any number of the studs selling on the day and also not necessarily have to buy every year. Taihape was chosen as the selling venue as it is a central location for purchasers from Northland to Wellington. This sale has continued to provide farmers, some who have purchased rams since the very ÿ rst sale, with a selection of Perendale rams from registered Perendale studs New Zealand throughout the North Island. The 24th Annual North Island Sale will be held at Taihape Showgrounds at 1pm on Wednesday 15 November 2017.

 Ask to see genetic trend graphs for the ° ock describing genetic change the ° ock has been making.  Ask what percentage of rams are o˛ ered for sale from the number of ram lambs weaned?  Select a group of rams based on their overall index values, ensuring your breeding goal traits are included in that index.

 Consider “balance” across the traits by making sure individual sub-index or BV ÿ gures are not too low or too high.  You are buying a team of rams - it is better to have a mix of good rams than some high ° yers with other lower ranked rams.  Don’t compare ÿ gures for sheep in di˛ erent ° ocks unless they are in the same genetic evaluation analysis (SIL GE number).


 Ask your breeder for genetic ÿ gures related to breeding goal traits in your genetic plan.


THINGS TO ASK YOUR RAM BREEDER and to consider when selecting your rams


 Ensure rams have good, sound conformation. Source: www.sil.co.nz

Dan Holmes from New Plymouth,˝shooting˝his 40-calibre Smith and Wesson gun at the pistol˝shooting˝club in Gladstone. PHOTO/JADE CVETKOV

Shooting up the rankings It was lock, stock and barrel at the North Island practical shooting championship at Gladstone in the weekend. The Wairarapa Pistol and Shooting Sports Club hosted what the organiser Phil Dunlop thought was the biggest event of its kind held in the region. The aim of the sport is speed and accuracy but with pressure added in, Mr Dunlop said.

“The match always has di˛ erent starting positions - things to disorientate them,” he said. “It’s a bit of a mental game.” Mr Dunlop sets up the courses which are purpose built to test each competitor’s ability to “resolving a challenge”. About 95 competitors from Invercargill to Warkworth turned out to the event.


24th Annual NI Ram Sale 80 approximately Top Perendale Rams from 10 North Island Breeders Rams all selected from top 20% of vendors flock

Taihape Showgrounds 1pm Wednesday 15th November 2017 Contact: Robert Auld – PGG Wrightson Mobile 027 590 1335 Phone 06 388 0270

Sale Secretary: Sue Maxwell Phone 06 839 7412 Email rangioratrust@xtra.co.nz

Auctioneers: PGG Wrightson

Your Experienced Rural Vets Servicing throughout the Wairarapa


















10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Inquire Now About • Annual health planners • Vaccines • Drench • Ram vasectomies (teaser rams) • Annual ram palpation & dog vaccination run

Masterton 397 Queen St Ph: 3770456

Carterton 8 High St Ph: 3796767

Featherston 63 Fox St Ph: 3089197


Martinborough 111 Jellicoe St Ph: 3069311

...more details to follow

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