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66-68, Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JU Tel: 0161-8330377 Fax: 0161 -8393335


Registered Charity No. 1073437 Limited Company by Guarantee No. 3479994

慧妍社 Wai Yin Society

Contents 目錄 慧妍社管理委員會及職員名



單 (2013/2014)

Board Members 2013 - 2014

Chairlady’s Report 主席報告


CEO’s Report 總裁報告


Chair 主席

Ms Juanita Yau


Education, Training and Em-


Vice Chair 副主席

Ms Yan Zhang


Treasurer 財政

Virginia Au


Ms Sally Steer

ployment Unit 教育, 培訓及 就業計劃組 Family Unit 家庭組


Secretary 秘書

Health and Social Care Unit


Board member 成員 Ms Sally Li Ms Mimi Webster

社會健康關懷組 Macmillan Solutions Project


麥美倫癌症服務計劃 Financial report 財政報告



Ms Cheng Bee Parker


Ms Yen Siang Tan


Ms Circle Steele


Staff Name List (2013/2014) 職員名單 Mr Alfred Chung


Ms Mohammed Zeniab

Ms Amy Wong


Ms Pat Lock

Mr Boh Lum Ng


Mr Patrick Steele

Ms Connie Jung


Ms Pauline Fletcher

Ms Feng Li Chen



Ms Samira Abdirahnam

Ms Hermine Kaldjob

Sofia Ali

Ms Hibaq Ibrahim

Mr Sinclair Tsui


Mr Iok Seng Lai


Ms Sou Ha Yung


Ms Iok I Leong


Ms Stella Chu


Ms Jenny Chow


Ms Su Mei Wu


Ms Jenny Tsang


Dr Sylvia Sham


Ms Valerie Lau


Ms Joanna Login Ms Karrie Chan


Ms Vanessa Cheung


Ms Lisa Chow


Ms Wai Ling Tang


Mr Leo Choi


Mr Weng Wa Sou


Ms Mei Yuk Wong


Ms Woon Lay-Cheng

Ms Lisa Mok


Ms Yang Zhang


Ms Yin Chen Sit


Ms Yuk Lin Ku

Ms Louise Wong Ms L K Kuok

1 Mr Mark Greenwood

Ms Yusura Hassan

鄭媛 張揚 薛燕珍 古玉蓮

Mrs. Juanita Yau 邱李惠霞 女士 Chairlady 主席 Time really does fly. It seems like just yesterday that I wrote my last report as Chairlady of Wai Yin. This has been a very difficult year for us, as well as a remarkable one. It has been remarkable because we changed our name to Wai Yin Society. The change of name reflects the true nature of our services and was decided after consulting with the staff, core volunteers and the Board of Wai Yin. Since 2007, we have been providing services to Indian, Pakistani, Eastern European, Bangladeshi and Somali communities, amongst others. This transition was greatly encouraged by our successful Education, Training and Employment projects. It has not been limited to our education team, but has also been seen in our Family Unit: our Youth Project has begun to work with Somali young people, to offer them the same services and activities that our Chinese young people have available to them. I want to thank the staff in these projects for their hard work and dedication. Wai Yin has received support from a lot of organisations, including Big Lottery Fund, BBC Children In Need, Department of Work and Pensions, Manchester City Council, Salford City Council, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council and NHS. A lot of these funding providers have continued to support Wai Yin, especially during a time of austerity and cutbacks. I would like to convey my deepest thanks to them for their support throughout this year. Our membership at Wai Yin has steadily increased from last year. Our volunteer database has also increased proportionally this year. Inevitably, many of the volunteers have left due to personal circumstances. However, up to April 2014, we still had over 50 active volunteers supporting our services. I want to thank the volunteers of Wai Yin for their continued support and assistance in providing essential services. Without you, Wai Yin would not be as successful as it is today. As with all organisations, we have had our sad moments, especially at this time of financial instability in the UK. We have lost some of the staff in our Family Unit due to the austerity measures that the charity sector is facing. We have also lost three of the Board members Priscilla Chan, Cheng Bee Parker and Sally Steer – who have all resigned for personal reasons. I would like to say a special thank you to Priscilla, Bee and Sally. We will always remember our staff and volunteers with fondness and we are grateful and honoured that they were part of our Wai Yin family. From a strategic level, our Board has worked with the Senior Management Team to create a 5 year Business Plan. This plan focuses on many areas, in particular “working in partnership”, “people focused” services and “sustainability” and will give us a clearer direction in achieving where we want to be. As the Board of Trustees, we review this plan every three months to make sure that we are on target. Finally, I would like to thank our Board members for their support, kindness and friendship throughout the year. I am proud to be the Chairlady of Wai Yin and watch our organisation continue to grow from strength to strength.


時光飛逝,上一次作為慧妍主席總結報告猶如昨日。今年對於我們來說是很辛苦的一年,亦是成 果非常顯著的一年。 顯著的原因之一是我們將名字改為了慧妍社。改名反映了我們服務的真心所向,並在員工、核心 志願者和董事會的一致同意下通過了改名事宜。自從 2007 年度開始,我們已將服務擴展到印度、 巴基斯坦、東歐、孟加拉和索馬里社區。這樣的轉變由我們成功的教育、培訓及就業計劃組大力 支持。但這服務並不止步於教育組,在我們家庭組裡也很常見:我們的青年計劃(Youth Project)已開始包括索馬里青年,給他們提供與中國青年同樣的服務和活動。我想感謝為此計劃付 出的工作人員,謝謝他們在此計劃中辛勤勞作和盡心盡力。 慧妍社得到了來自各個組織的支持,包括 Big Lottery Fund, BBC Children In Need, Department of Work and Pensions, Manchester City Council, Salford City Council, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council 和 NHS.特別是在資金緊縮和削減的時刻,很多基金捐助者依舊持 續支持慧妍社。我在此,為他們今年一整年以來的大力支持,表達我最真摯的感謝。 我們的會員也從去年開始持續增長,我們的志願者人數今年也已按比例增長。無法避免地,許多 志願者因為個人事務而離開,但到 2014 年 4 月為止,依舊有超過 50 名的志願者積極支持我們的 服務。我在此感謝志願者們,謝謝他們對慧妍的持續支持和協助。沒有你們,慧妍也不會像今天 那樣成功。 如同所有的組織一樣,我們也有低落的時刻,特別是在如今英國金融不穩定時期。由於對於慈善 組織的資金緊縮政策,我們失去了很多家庭組的員工。我們也失去了三位董事會成員—— Priscilla Chan,Cheng Bee Parker 和 Sally Steer,他們都因個人原因而辭職了。我想特別感 謝你們,Priscilla,Bee 和 Sally.我們會永遠記住我們的員工和志願者們,很感激也很榮幸他們 曾經是慧妍社的一員。 從策略性角度看,我們的理事會與高層管理組(Senior Management Team)合作,商討出了一個 五年商業計劃。這項計劃針對了幾個方面,分別是 working in partnership,people focused 服 務和 sustainability,並且會給我們一個更清晰的方向而努門。作為董事會, 我們每三個月都會 回顧一下計劃,以保證我們在正確的道路上前進。 最後,我想感謝我們董事會的成員,謝謝一整年來的支持,關心和友誼。作為慧妍社的主席,看 著我們的組織逐漸成長,越發強壯而感到自豪。


Dr. Sylvia Sham 岑婉美博士 CEO 行政總裁 Mrs Juanita Yau, our Chairlady, has always made strong references to the work that Wai Yin’s staff, trustees and volunteers have done to support the service users of Wai Yin. This year, I think that support has grown and strengthened, in spite of the difficult times that Wai Yin is facing, especially in the government’s era of austerity. I thought I should make this the central theme of my report this year: “Strength and Growth”. This year has been a year of change for Wai Yin. As our Chairlady said in her report, our members voted to allow the Board of Trustees to change our name from Wai Yin Chinese Women Society to Wai Yin Society to reflect that we now reach out to many other minority communities, not just the Chinese community. We have always kept the needs of the Chinese community at our heart, and we will continue to be an organisation led by Chinese women, but we cannot ignore the needs of other ethnic minority groups in Manchester. By removing the words “Chinese Women” from our name, we want to show how inclusive we are to all of Manchester’s vibrant communities and how we have grown from our humble beginnings as a small network of Chinese women. In April 2013, we launched a volunteer partnership with MRSN, MC-UK, Somali Community, Eritrea Community Association, Bangladeshi Women’s Organisation and Pakistani Resource Centre to provide advice services to BME communities across Manchester. The “We Can Do It” partnership worked tirelessly for six months, serving approximately 500 clients across the partnership each month. This has been an immense undertaking by all involved and I cannot thank the partners and volunteers enough for their hard work and diligence in making the project a success. Because of this project, Wai Yin has been seen as a force for change and was awarded Approved Provider status for the Troubled Families Intervention and Innovative Advice Frameworks from Manchester City Council, which mean we can provide better advice and services, funded by the Council. Through this project, we have been able to work to build our services, our recording systems and our networks with other similar organisations. This project has also seen us become a member of the Manchester Advice Alliance, a consortium of advice organisations including Citizens Advice Bureau, Shelter, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit and Mind in Manchester, as well as Cheetham Hill Advice Centre and Young People’s Support Foundation and Manchester Refugee Support Network. The Alliance has received funding to deliver advice work for two years, of which Wai Yin will receive a portion of those funds. Without the work of this project, we could not be seen as an equal partner to such magnificent and colossal forces as Citizens Advice Bureau and Shelter. Again, I want to thank everybody involved in this project. We could not have succeeded without you. We have been operating some of our services from the Welcome Centre in Trinity Church since November 2012, and the Senior Management of Wai Yin has reported that we see service users from over 56 different nationalities. Some of these users come for help to find employment and to learn English, but we are also seeing some of the most vulnerable users coming through our door: those who are homeless, not in receipt of any financial assistance, have alcohol or drug issues or mental health issues. As an organisation that has worked with the most vulnerable in the Chinese community, we will serve all of the communities in Manchester with the same pride and passion we have since Wai Yin was formed. However, it has not all been plain sailing. We took over the Welcome Centre with four weeks to find new funding, or we would have to close the centre. Despite being very popular in the local area and 4

having a lot of people using it, we were only able to secure funding for another six months. In July 2013, we faced a similar crisis to when we took over. Thankfully, we were able to secure funding for two more years, and are now open three days a week; more than the two days a week we were open previously! The Centre is also increasing in popularity and more people are using our centre. We could not be happier with the staff and volunteers that work in the Welcome Centre, and I would personally like to thank them for their immensely hard work. I want to make a special mention to Loi Tai Lee, who created the Five Elements Garden at Sheung Lok with help and assistance from Mark Greenwood, our Health and Social Care Manager. The five elements in Chinese culture are Metal, Water, Fire, Earth and Wood. Over the winter of 2013/2014, Loi Tai Lee and Mark worked hard to build a beautiful garden. They acquired ten old wheelie bins to make water reserve tanks, and connected these to the huge metal roof to collect rain water. They made two large fish tanks out of wood – one for carp, and the other for eels. They also prepared vegetable beds out of wood and filled them with soil and compost made from recycled kitchen waste. The waste water from the fish tanks makes fabulous fertiliser for the vegetables and flowers. To complete the Five Elements, a huge brick barbeque was constructed; fire to cook the fish next year. Loi Tai spent hours planting flowers and vegetables all around the Centre and we enjoyed a wonderful summer and autumn in a beautiful garden as a result. Thank you for lifting all our spirits. It has also been a time for returning home. After three years in our Learning Centre, which has seen hundreds of learners attend our courses, but now we are having to vacate the premises, as the building will soon be demolished to make way for the new Metrolink extension in St Peter’s Square. In fact, we were all quite alarmed when we were told that the building had already been prepared with dynamite, ready for demolition! Thankfully, the dynamite had not been primed, so we were safe to remain in the building for a short period. The notice from our Landlord means that our Learning Centre will return to our main office. This is both an exciting and anxious time for us, but it will give us the opportunity to strengthen our resources and develop our services. We are already making plans to bring our classes back home, and we are already working to prepare our first floor space to accommodate two classrooms. I believe that, by bringing our education unit back to our main centre, we can fortify and bolster our other services, and the support we can give to our service users will be stronger and more empowering than ever before, and I am very proud of the work the staff and volunteers specially from the Education, Employment and Training Unit have done so far to make the transition back home. Throughout this year, the changes and relocation of services has been a chance to grow stronger and more prominent in Manchester. Every year has given challenges to Wai Yin, and every year we have risen to those challenges and faced them; we have weathered each and every storm we have faced. We remain rooted in the Chinese community, which we have served for over 25 years, but our branches grow further outward, providing shade for Manchester’s diverse community groups. We hope the oak tree that we are becoming will only grow stronger and provide more shade and support to the people of Manchester and beyond. This year hasn’t been without turbulent times. In the summer of 2013, we were sad to say goodbye to our Somali elderly ladies group – the Shimbibiris Project. We had acted as hosts to these women every Monday at the SheungLok Centre, and made some wonderful friends. However, the funding for the Project was not renewed and the ladies decided to move to another centre in Moss Side. We were very sad to say good bye to the two Somali workers, Samira and Zeinab, who had been at the heart of the group – so I would like to say “aadiyonabadgelyowanaagsanmahad” (thank you and good bye in Somali). In September 2013, we also had to say good bye to Hermine Mofor, the Co-ordinator of the OneVoice Women Project, which we had run for 12 months. The OneVoice Women Project was set up to 5

encourage women from Black and Minority Ethnic communities to become civic volunteers and to mentor them as community champions. This was funded jointly by Locality and Macc – and succeeded to recruit about 20 women as volunteers. Despite the end of the Project, the group continues to meet at our Swan Street Headquarters, supported by Hermine who is a very hardworking and dedicated community organiser. The scent of the candles the women made still lingers!! We know there is still room to improve, and there always will be. Complacency in our abilities will only result in our service quality diminishing. We have to constantly strive to improve ourselves, even when we reach excellence. To quote the most famous Chinese philosopher, Confucius: “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” One of the ways we have set out to improve ourselves is to expand our networks beyond the borders of the United Kingdom and into Europe. Lisa Mok, Deputy CEO of Wai Yin, and I have both attended study visits with other European organisations, and Wai Yin has hosted a third study visit with European organisations visiting us. These exchange visits have been to learn about different cultures within the European Union and the different ways organisations work with their communities. We have learned a lot from these visits and we hope to have many more in the future. We have received funding to send our young people on study exchange visits of their own, to learn about their rights and responsibilities of being an EU citizen. I hope that the lessons these young people learn from this experience will be as influential in their future as our exchange visits have been.

我們的主席- 邱李惠霞女士, 時常強調慧妍社員工, 董事會成員和志願者都做了支持慧妍社的 服務使用者的工作。今年,我認為這支持繼續增長和加強,儘管慧妍社面臨困難的時候,尤其 是在政府的緊縮的時代。我想我應該用“實力和發展”作為我今年報告的中心主題。 今年是慧妍社轉變的一年。正如我們的主席在她的報告中說, 我們的會員投票允許董事會由慧妍 華人婦女中心改變我們的名字為慧妍社,反映出我們現在接觸到更多其他的少數民族社區,而 不僅僅是華人社區。我們時常以華人社區的需要為中心,和我們的組織將繼續由華人婦女帶 領,但我們不能忽視在曼徹斯特的其他少數民族群體的需求。從我們的名字中去掉“華人婦 女”,我們要展示我們如何從一個小型華人婦女網絡,而成長至與所有曼城充滿活力的社區一 起提供服務和合作。 在 2013 年4日,我們與 MRSN、 MC-UK、 索馬里社區 Somali Community、 厄立特里亞社區協會 Eritrea Community Association、 孟加拉國婦女組織 Bangladeshi Women’s organisation and 巴基斯坦資源中心 Pakistani Resource Centre 推出了志願者的合作夥伴關係,提供諮詢 服務給曼徹斯特少數民族社區。在“我們能做到””We Can Do It”夥伴不辭辛苦合作六個 月,每個月提供服務給大約 500 客戶遍佈於合作夥伴機構。 這一直是一個巨大的承諾,我不知如何去強調及感謝合作夥伴和志願者的辛勤工作和努力使得 這項目成功。因為這個項目,慧妍社被視為變革的力量,並從曼徹斯特市議會中獲得成為批准 供應商地位給陷入困境的家庭干預和創新的建議框架(Approved Provider status for the Troubled Families Intervention and Innovative Advice Frameworks),這意味著我們可以 提供由市政府資助的更好諮詢和服務。通過這個項目,我們已經能夠與其他類似組織建立我們 的服務,我們的記錄系統和我們的網絡。 6

該項目也使我們成為以下機構之成員 - 曼徹斯特諮詢聯盟,諮詢機構組成的聯盟包括公民諮詢 局、庇護所、大曼徹斯特移民援助單位和曼徹斯特的 Mind、奇塔姆山諮詢中心 Cheetham Hill Advice Centre、年輕人的支持基金會和曼徹斯特難民支持網絡。該聯盟收到的資金提供兩年的諮 詢工作,慧妍社將獲得這些資金的一部分。如果沒有這個項目的工作,我們不能與龐大勢力公民 諮詢局 Citizens Advice Bureau 和庇護所 Shelter 視為一個平等的夥伴。我要再感謝每位參與了 這個項目的人和機構。沒有你我們不能成功。 從 2012 年 11 月,我們在位於聖三一教堂的歡迎中心開始提供一些我們的服務,慧妍社的高級 經理報告說我們的服務使用者來自 56 個不同國籍。一些服務使用者前來尋求找工作和學英語,但 我們也看到了一些最脆弱的用戶進來求助: 無家可歸者、沒有收到任何財政援助的人仕、有酒精或 藥物問題或心理健康問題的人仕。作為一個提供服務給在華人社群中最脆弱的人的組織,我們會 以自慧妍社成立以來的驕傲和激情為所有在曼徹斯特社區的社群服務。然而,它並非一帆風順。 我們接手歡迎中心之後,要在四周內尋找新的資金,否則我們不得不關閉該中心。儘管這中心在 該地區是很受歡迎並有很多人使用它,我們只能爭取得六個月資金。2013 年 7 月,當我們接手時 我們面臨著類似的危機。慶幸地,我們爭取到兩年資金,並且現在每週開 3 天,超過我們開始時 每個星期開放兩天!該中心也越來越受歡迎,越來越多的人來使用我們的中心。我們非常感謝在 歡迎中心的工作人員和志願者,我在此多謝他們的艱苦工作。 我要特別提到李來娣,她在 Mark Greenwood(我們的社會健康關懷組經理)的幫助和支援下,在常樂 中心創建五行花園。在中國文化中的五行:金,水,火,土和木。在 2013/2014 年冬天,李來娣 和 Mark 努力建設一個美麗的花園。他們收集了 10 個帶輪垃圾桶作儲水箱再連接到金屬屋頂收集 雨水。他們用木頭做了兩個大魚缸,一個養鯉魚,另一個用於養鰻魚。他們還用木頭作蔬菜槽並 填滿了泥土和由廚房垃圾回收作為堆肥。魚缸中的廢水用作蔬菜和花卉的美妙肥料。要完成五 行,他們建做了一個巨大的磚燒烤爐,明年以火燒魚。來娣用了一段時間圍繞中心種植花卉和蔬 菜,因此我們在夏天和秋天享受了一個美麗的花園。感謝您提升我們的精神。 這也是時候回家了。學習中心經過 3 年的努力,看到數百學習者參加我們的課程,但現在我們不 得不遷出,因為大廈將很快被拆卸讓位給聖彼得廣場以擴展電車服務。事實上,當我們被告知這 棟樓已經準備好用炸藥拆卸時,我們都非常震驚!值得慶幸的是,炸藥沒有炸藥引,我們能短時 間安全地留在大樓。從我們的業主的通知,意味著我們的學習中心將回到我們的總部。這是既興 奮又焦慮的時候,但它讓我們有機會加強我們的資源和發展我們的服務。我們已經制定計劃,使 我們學習組回家,我們已經著手在一樓的空間辟作兩間教室。我相信,通過將我們的教育部回到 我們的總部,我們可以鞏固和加強我們其他的服務,我們可以給我們服務的用戶的支持比以往任 何時候都更強大,我對工作人員和志願者感到非常自豪,特別是教育,就業和培訓部所做的過渡 回家工作。 縱觀今年,慧妍社的轉變和搬遷,有機會令它在曼徹斯特變得更強更突出。每年慧妍社都要面對挑 戰,而每一年我們都要起來面對這些挑戰,我們已經渡過每一個我們面臨的風暴。我們仍然紮根 於華人社區,我們已經服務了超過 25 年,而我們的分行進一步向外伸展,提供服務到曼徹斯特的 多元化社區。我們希望變得更加強大,並提供更多的服務及支持給曼徹斯特和以外的人。


今年並非沒有動盪的一年。在 2013 年的夏天,我們都傷心地要與我們的索馬里長者組告別 – the Shimbirbris 計劃。我們曾在常樂中心的每星期一接待這些婦女,並結交了一些好朋友。 然而,這項目資金沒有獲得更新和這些女士決定移到 Moss Side. 我們非常痛心地向兩名索馬 里職員 Samira 和 Zeinab 說再見,她們是該集團的核心 -所以我想說的 “aadiyonabadgelyowanaagsanmahad” (索馬里語的謝謝及再見)。在 2013 年 9 月,我們也 不得不對 Hermine Mofor,OneVoice 婦女計劃統籌員說再見,這計劃我們已經運行了 12 個月。 該 OneVoice 婦女計劃是鼓勵少數族裔社區的婦女成為公民的志願者,在專門指導他們成為社區 的優勝者。這是由 Locality 和 Macc 聯合資助 -並成功招募約 20 名婦女志願者。儘管項目已結 束時,由非常勤奮敬業的計劃統籌員 Hermine,帶領該組仍繼續在總部聚會。 前人所做的成果仍存!!我們知道仍有改善空間,自滿於自己的能力,只會導致服務質量下降。 我們必須當我們到達卓越的時侯,仍不斷努力提高自己。引用中國最著名的哲學家,孔子說: “我們最大的榮耀不在於永不墜落,而在於每次跌倒後能起來。” 一個我們已經開始著手改善 自己的方法之一是擴大我們的網絡,超越英國的邊界和擴展到歐洲。莫麗霞-慧妍社副總裁, 和我與歐洲其他組織參加了考察訪問,及慧妍社舉辦了第三次考察訪問給來訪的歐洲機構。 這些互訪使我們學習到更多歐盟內部不同的文化,和不同的方式去組織他們的社區工作。從這 些訪問我們已經學到了很多東西,我們希望在未來能有更多這些互訪合作。我們已收到資金給 我們的年輕人去交流學習互訪,學習關於作為一個歐盟公民的責任和權利。我希望這些年輕人 從這些交流中吸取經驗能對其未來具有影響。


Education ,Training and Employment Unit

教育, 教育, 培訓及就業計劃組 2013/2014 has been such a busy year for the Education, Training & Employment (ETE) Team, but it has been full of achievements. The team currently consists of 6 members of staff, 6 tutors, and more than 20 volunteers to help out every day. Our Project Co-ordinator Yang Zhang, gave birth to a baby boy in July 2013, bringing another member to the Wai Yin family into the world. Wai Ling Tang has been covering Yang whilst she has her maternity leave and became the latest addition to our team in September 2013. The ETE team is mainly funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Reaching Community Fund, the Well Being Grant, and the Equality Fund. We would like to show our deep appreciation to all these funders because they have helped Wai Yin to change our users’ lives. The ETE Team of Wai Yin aims to empower diverse communities by: increasing participation in education, learning and training; providing high quality adult education courses and lifelong learning programmes leading to higher qualifications, new skills and employability; and helping to establish new businesses. This year, we have delivered more than 40 courses and have supported more than 350 learners from different communities. We have delivered courses in ESOL from preentry level up to level 1, as well as delivering ICT and interest based classes such as gardening.

Working with the Costume Museum, we were able to reach out to the Somali community and have successfully delivered ESOL to 30 Somali women in the Costume Project in 2013. Apart from the above courses, we have been delivering CIEH accredited Food Safety Level 2 courses, and are pleased to report that we have helped 55 people achieve this qualification. We have had a big challenge placed ahead of us. The building of the Learning Centre needed to be demolished due to the pedestrianisation of St Peter’s Square and the Metrolink expansion. Our team has had to very quickly look for alternative accommodation, and we have been making plans to return home to our main headquarters. Currently, we are converting the first floor open space into two classrooms, and preparing an office area on the ground floor, just behind the reception space. We hope we can move in, just in time to start the Summer term. We hope that, by moving back home, we can help our users to achieve their learning goals and be better supported. 9

Wai Yin has been involved in a number of Study Visits within the European Union. Sylvia visited Ankara, Turkey for her first study visit in May 2013, and Lisa visited Budapest, Hungary for her study visit in October 2013. In September 2013, Wai Yin played host to a study visit of its own, welcoming guests from Sweden, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and Croatia. We hope that, through these study visits, we can improve our knowledge and increase Wai Yin’s reach across Europe. This will be a huge journey for us, but every journey must start with the first step, and meeting all of these wonderful people and sharing our knowledge with them is our first step on this magnificent journey. Wai Yin has expanded its education services into the Cheetham Hill area, which is a very deprived ward of Manchester. In partnership with Trinity Church, Wai Yin has been able to improve the communication skills of the local community by delivering English language skills and ICT skills, as well as providing support for people in deep poverty by providing food parcels, welfare advice sessions and we have even set up a gardening club to help people to grow their own food. We have been working closely with North Manchester Work Club Partnership to deliver a Work Club, every Friday morning. Through this partnership, we have been able to help 60 people to find employment. Through all of these projects, we can report that we see between 200 and 250 people each week walking through the centre’s doors. However, we have found that the centre at Trinity Church is not big enough for our users. We are in the process of looking for an alternative venue, and we hope to report some good news to you next year. As well as all of our courses, we have arranged different activities and volunteering opportunities for the learners to participate in throughout the year, to help them to understand the responsibility of being a British citizen and become more involved in society. We have organized visits to Manchester Central Library, Manchester Town Hall, The Exchange Theatre, Fashion Design Museum and Manchester Museum, as well as day trips to Tatton Park, employability events, Police recruitment talk, law talks, and cultural activities such as Easter Egg Hunt and Christmas decoration making. Our learners have also helped in fundraising events for BBC Children In Need and Children’s Hospice. We have raised more than £350 in total. Finally, to praise and celebrate our learners’ achievement for the academic year, we held a Graduation ceremony in September 2013 to present certificates to our learners. All of these events have helped our learners to become more active citizens in the UK, in the country they have all journeyed to and now call home. They are able to contribute something of themselves to help shape this nation and show exactly what it is that makes Great Britain truly great.

對於教育, 培訓及就業計劃組(ETE 組) 在 2013/2014 年度來說,這是一個忙碌的一年,但也是 充滿了成就的一年。 ETE 組目前有 6 名員工、6 名導師及 20 多位志願者,每天為大家服務。我們的項目統籌主任張 揚,在 2013 年 7 月誕下了一名男嬰,為慧妍社帶來了另一名的新成員。故此我們在 2013 年 9 月聘請了鄧慧玲女士來補替她休產假期間的工作,成為最新加入的成員。 ETE 組的經費主要是由 Big Lottery Fund’s Reaching Community Fund、the Well Being Grant, 及 the Equality Fund 而來的。因為這些資助機構幫助了我們不少使用者在生活上的改 變,所以慧妍社在此表達對他們的衷心感謝。慧妍社 ETE 組的目標是令來自不同社區的人,加 強他們對社區的認識:如增加參與教育、學習和培訓;提供高品質的成人教育課程和終身學習 計劃,使他們有更高的學歷、新技能和就業能力;並幫助建立新業務。今年以來,我們已經提 供了 40 多個不同的成人教育課程,我們已幫助超過 350 個來自不同種族背景的學員。我們的英 10

語課程級別是從入門級至高一級。並且,我們提供了電腦課程及興趣班,例如園藝。 與服飾博物館合作,我們能夠提供服務給索馬里社區的婦女。在 2013 年的服裝項目中,我們已 成功開設了英文班給 30 名索馬里婦女。 除了以上的課程,我們一直在提供 CIEH 認可的食品安全二級課程。我們也很高興地宣布,已經 有 55 人在過去一年中取得這個資格。 教育, 培訓及就業計劃組面臨有一個很大的挑戰擺在我們面前。就是位於學習中心的樓房,因於 St Peter’s Square 的行人專用區和 Metrolink 的擴建而需要被拆除。 ETE 組不得不迅速地尋 找替代的地方,我們計劃將會搬回我們的總部。目前,我們已將一樓開放式的空間分成兩個教室, 並準備了一個位於地下,在接待處後面的辦公室。我們希望能在夏季學期開始前,搬回總部。我 們也希望,搬回總部可以幫助更多使用者實現他們的學習目標,並得到更好的支持。 慧妍社已經參與了多個歐盟範圍內的考察訪問。我們的行政總裁岑婉美女士在 2013 年 5 月第一 次到訪問考察了安卡拉及土耳其。而助理總裁莫麗霞女士在 2013 年 11 月到訪了匈牙利布達佩 斯。在 2013 年 9 月,慧妍社作為東道主,接待了來自瑞典、西班牙、波蘭、匈牙利、愛爾蘭、 意大利和克羅地亞的客人。我們希望透過這次考察訪問,可以提高我們的知識和增加慧妍社接觸 歐洲的範圍。這將是我們一個龐大的旅程,但每個旅程都必須先從第一步開始去接觸不同令人讚 嘆的人,並與他們分享我們的知識。這就是我們壯麗旅程的第一步。 慧妍社已擴大她的教育服務到 Cheetham


Trinity 教堂合作,慧妍社已經能夠透過提供英語語言技能和電腦技能,改善當地社區的溝通能 力,以及為非常貧困的人提供支持,例如提供食品包、福利諮詢和成立了一個園藝俱樂部,以幫 助人們自己種植食物。我們一直與北曼徹斯特就業工作坊緊密合作,每週五上午提供一個就業工 作坊。透過此合作,我們已經能夠幫助 60 人找到工作。透過這些項目,我們可以告訴大家,我 們每個星期有 200 至 250 人使用這服務。然而,我們發現這教堂面積已不足夠這麼多人來使用。 因此,我們現已尋找替代的地點,我們希望明年將有好消息向大家報告。 除了這些課程外,我們還在一年四季內,安排了不同的活動和參與義務工作的機會給我們的學 員,讓他們了解作為一個公民的責任,並投入社會。這些活動,包括參觀曼徹斯特中央圖書館、 曼徹斯特市政廳、皇家劇院、時裝設計博物館、曼徹斯特博物館; Tatton Park 旅行;就業機會 活動;警察招募講座;法律講座;文化活動,如復活節彩蛋,聖誕佈置等等。我們的學員也幫助 了 BBC Children in Need 和 Children’s Hospital 舉行籌款運動。最後,為讚揚和慶祝我們 的學員在過去一年的成績,我們在 2013 年 9 月舉行了畢業典禮。在典禮上,我們頒發了證書給 我們的學員。 所有的活動都有助於我們的學員成為在英國的活躍公民,每個人都有自己的經歷,現在可叫這裡 為家。他們能夠貢獻自己可以做到的來幫助塑造這個國家,並表明什麼使得英國更加好。


John Rylands Library visit

Manchester Museum visit

John Rylands Library visit for Temple School Class

B1 Citizenship Class Certificate Presentation

Gardening Class at Welcome Centre

Costume Class for Somali Group

China Town visit

Fundraising preparation by learners

ESOL Class


Family Unit 家庭組 The Family Team has one full time and four part time staff in 2013.We have four main services: 1. 2. 3. 4.

General Information Service Family Learning Family and Women support Youth Project

General Information Service The General Information Service has been the most demanding area of work in the Family Unit this year. It is led by members of the team with the support from committed volunteers to run services for four sessions each week. People using this service are from a variety of communities, including Chinese, Somali, Middle East and Eastern European. We have dealt with 951 enquiries in the last year and over 50% are related to welfare benefit issues. Others including housing, tax/national insurance contributions, divorce, asylum seeking, fuel bills, employment, and reporting crimes to the police. We have successfully been awarded “Approved Provider” status for two intervention programmes from Manchester City Council: Troubled Families Interventions and Innovative Advice Solutions. However, funding for these frameworks is solely dependent on referrals from mainstream services and a lot of lobbying, introducing our services to key workers and networking are required in order that referrals can be directed to us. Family Learning We have also provided ESOL classes to parents who cannot access learning because of their immigration status. Tutorial classes have been delivered for children aged 6 to 13 who need some extra support on their homework. These classes are delivered from Monday to Thursday. To get ready for the welfare benefit reform and introduction of Universal Credit, we felt that people would benefit from our financial management programme, Mind Your Money.In partnership with four organisations - City South Housing Trust, YPSF, FAST and Gingerbread the programme aims to deliver a practical money management programme to tenants of social housing in the Manchester area. The programme covers budgeting, saving and credit, and income and expenditure. Continuous support is also provided after the programme. Youth Project This year, our Youth Project continues to receive funding from Manchester City Council Youth Commission to provide services for young people age between 13 to 19 years old. This year we have recruited 118 young people and provided them a wide range of activities:work club, one-toone support, English Classes, Day trips and Fundraising Events (youth market and youth store), Christmas party, Somali dance and Youth drop in sessions. Our youth work club is being held on alternative Tuesdays at the Welcome Centre in Cheetham Hill for young people who are looking for jobs in the Central and North regions of Manchester. Anyone aged from 16 to 19 can be supported by our service. Information on job searching, interview skills and CV writing are available. Youth Exchange We are very pleased to have received funding from the British Council to organise a European Youth Exchange Programme for eight young people (five Somali girls and three Chinese young people). They will have the opportunity to visit Greece in April for 8 days and meet their Greek peer group. Between November 2013 and March 2014, these young people have been meeting 13

once a month to prepare all of the materials they will need for the programme. A dissemination event will be orgainsed after the visit has taken place to showcase the work and experience of these participants to the senior management and trustees of Wai Yin and representatives of external organisations to share good practice. Family and Women Support Our team continues to work with social services, housing associations, schools and other voluntary organisations to support vulnerable families and women. We have been providing support through one-to-one and telephone meetings to help families and women who have suffered from domestic abuse, are going through divorce and experience other marital issues. We have supported them both emotionally and practically by working with solicitors, mediators and social services. We have supported lone parents by offering benefit advice, parenting skills, household budgeting skills and assisting in claiming child support maintenance. We have supported children and families with learning difficulties, language barriers and disabilities by working with schools, social services and health workers.We have supported parents at parents’ evenings and individual schools meeting to overcome language and cultural barriers and to help the parents understand the British school system. We have provided after school English tutorials to groups of children who are struggling in mainstream schools. We have also held Family ESOL classes for women as a stepping stone to other ESOL courses. This course can provide English learning and a social element at the same time. The following activities were organised for isolated women and their children: − − − − −

A6 Parenting Workshop - 21 parents attended Mid Autumn Festival celebration at Tai Wu Restaurant – 98 people attended Day trip to Blackpool – 91 people attended Day trip to Liverpool – 49 people attended Christmas party at Pearl City restaurant – 72 people attended

在 2013 年家庭組由一位全職員工和四位兼職員工組成。我們提供以下四類主要服務: 1. 2. 3. 4.

基本信息諮詢 家庭學習 青年組 家庭和婦女支持

基本信息咨詢 直至今年,基本信息服務是家庭組要求最高的服務部分。它由家庭組的成員領導,並由勤懇的志 願者提供幫助每週四次基本信息諮詢的服務。使用這項服務的人群繁多,他們分別來自中國,索 馬里,中東和東歐。 去年我們處理了 951 項諮詢問題,其中超過 50%是與福利問題相關的。其他詢問包括:房屋、稅/ 國民保險供款 (tax/national insurance contributions)、離婚、求助避難、煤氣及水電用量 單、就業以及向警方報案事宜。 我們的兩個調解項目被曼徹斯特市政廳授予批淮供應商地位: Troubled Families Interventions(困難家庭調解)和 Innovative Advice Solutions(創新建議解決方案)。然 而,這些經費依賴於主流服務轉介和眾多遊說活動介紹我們的服務。主要員工和有關網絡體系以 便那些轉介能轉達給我們。 14

家庭學習 我們提供了 ESOL 課程給那些由於移民問題而無法接受教育的父母們。我們也提供補習班給有額 外需要幫助做家課的 6-13 歲孩子。這些班會在周一至週四提供。 為了福利改革做準備及介紹『統一福利』Universal Credit,我們覺得大家會從我們財政管理項目 中(Mind Your Money)受益匪淺。這項目與其他四個組織—City South Housing Trust, YPSF, FAST 以及 Gingerbread 合作,意在給曼徹斯特地區政府屋租客們提供切實有效的資金管理項目。這項 項目包括:預算、存款及貸款、收入及支出。在項目介紹後我們會依舊提供支緩的服務。 青年組 今年,我們的青年組依舊收到了來自曼徹斯特市政廳青年委員會(Manchester City Council Youth Commission)的經費支持,為 13-19 歲青年提供服務。今年,我們動員了 118 名青年,給 他們提供了一系列的活動:工作俱樂部、一對一支持、英文班、一日遊、籌款活動(青年市場 和青年商店)、聖誕派對、索馬里舞蹈和青年隨到訪(Youth drop-in sessions)。 青年工作俱樂部為了在曼徹斯特中心城區和北部尋找工作的年輕人,隔週週二在 Cheetham Hill 的歡迎中心開展活動。我們給 16-19 歲的青年提供服務,包括尋找工作、面試技巧、個人 簡歷的撰寫。 青年交換項目 Youth Exchange 我們非常高興收到了來自英國文化協會(British Council)的經費來為八個青年(五個索馬里女 青年和三個中國青年)安排一個歐洲青年交換項目(European Youth Exchange Programme)。他 們將有機會在四月去希臘拜訪他們希臘的同齡組。在 2013 年 11 月至 2014 年 3 月之間,這些青 年每月見面一次,準備所有必要事宜。在活動結束後會舉行一次宣傳活動,來向慧妍社高級管 理和信託人/董事(trustees)和外部組織代表展示參與者的所做與經驗。 家庭和婦女支持項目 家庭組為了給弱勢家庭和婦女提供支持,持續與社會福利部、房屋協會、學校和其他義務組織 合作。 通過一對一和電話會議的形式,我們幫助了遭受家庭暴力、步經離婚和遭遇其他婚姻問題的家 庭和婦女。通過與律師、調解人和社會福利部的合作,我們從情感與實質方面提供了幫助。我 們也給單親家長提供幫助,包括有關救濟金福利建議、撫養技能、家庭預算技能以及協助索取 子女撫養支持。 通過與學校、社會福利部以及健康工作者的合作,我們幫助了有學習困難、語言障礙和殘疾的 孩子與家庭。我們在家長晚會與個別學校會面來幫助父母們克服語言和文化的阻礙,了解英國 學校的體系。 我們給在主流學校掙扎的孩子提供課後英語補習班。我們也給婦女們提供家庭 ESOL 課程,作為 參加其他 ESOL 課程的墊腳石。這門課程可同時提供英語學習和社會元素。 我們為被孤立婦女和她們的孩子們組織了以下活動: − − − − −


A6 撫養研討會(A6 Parenting Workshop) - 21 名父母參加 在太湖餐廳的中秋節慶祝活動-98 人參加 布萊克普爾一日遊 -91 人參加 利物浦一日遊 – 49 人參加 在 Pearl City restaurant 舉行聖誕派對– 72 人參加


Health and Social Care Unit 社會健康關懷組 2013 – 2014 has been a very challenging year for the Health & Social Care Team. We were exceptionally sad to see the decommissioning for the Shimbiberis Project – Helping Somali Elders and the Sheung Lok luncheon club for Chinese older people by the Manchester City Council in 2013. Despite the depressing economic circumstance we face, I feel that we have attained a great amount. We still offer luncheon club and a range of activities (such as Carer Corner, Tai Chi, Dancing, Singing, Eye Sight tests, Health talks, podiatry service, hair cutting and outing activities) to people over 55 years old at Sheung Lok Centre. We organised 3 one day trips to Hull, Holyhead and Leeds and a 3 days 2 nights trip to Durham in total 182 users participated. We have paid 70 home visits and provided 901 sessions for information and support to our service users. Louise, Sou Ha and volunteers participated in Salford Charity Pop Up Shop event between September 2013 and December 2013. Kwan Wai (Mental Health) Project The Kwan Wai Team has delivered 1565 services which included 215 outreach works to 504 service users between April 2013 and March 2014. This included 65 service users, who have complex needs, and 439 service users, who were given information and signpost to appropriate service. We provided one off support to users, who did not need long term support, which included providing language support (Cantonese, Mandarin and Hakka), emotional support, information, primary assessment for mental well being and signpost them to other services. Kwan Wai Team supported 75 service users who took part in a trial of a computerised mental health interview tools (GMHAT). Welcome Centre in Cheetham Hill The story of the Welcome Centre is a miracle. We were asked to take on the responsibility of running the Centre last year when the charity which had established and managed the Centre collapsed due to lack of funds and lack of trustees. Initially we were given four weeks’ notice by Trinity Church which had been subsidising the Centre for nearly 12 months, but could not carry on losing money. Such was the good will surrounding the Centre and such was the general recognition that the service was so vital to the local area that everybody rallied around and we secured six months funding and managed to rescue the Centre. 17

However, the story becomes even more exiting six months later when we ran out of funding again and then had to close over the summer period, without a clear idea if we were going to reopen again. Yet again funding we found up to March 2016 and yet again we opened up again, but this time having increased our days of opening to three days. Our survival is testimony to the fantastic volunteers we have at the Centre. I would like to make a special mention to Rose, Lisa, Antonia, Ruth Jose, Shameen and last, but not least, Petra who went off to get married in Germany! They are so dedicated and hardworking and are the heart of the success of the Centre. Week by week, on average, we serve 60 hot meals and provide 30 food parcels. I would like to thank Sainsbury’s in Heaton Park for donating fresh fruit and vegetables. I would also like to thank the Lalley Centre in Collyhurst for providing food on a Thursday from their successful foodbank. In addition to the food poverty service, we run advice sessions, averaging 6 people per week, as well as all the English language classes which run three days a week and average 20 people per class. Finally, I must congratulate the Work Club, run by Collette Carroll, who is well known throughout Manchester, and who would be a retired millionaire, if she had received commission from each person she has helped to get into work. In fact we have been so successful in attracting people to come to the Centre that we realised that we needed to move to more suitable premises. As a consequence, we started searching for alternative accommodation and found new premises about ten minutes walk away from Trinity Church. We started the planning in March and eventually moved in November 2014. Cheetham Hill is reputedly the most multi-cultural and multi-faith ward in the UK. Over 120 languages are spoken and many faith organisations thrive in a small area. In short, Cheetham Hill hums with activity and energy. So does the Welcome Centre and so does Wai Yin.

社會健康關懷組 2013—2014 年度對於社會健康關懷組來說,是非常具有挑戰性的一年。 2013 年,Shimbiberis 計 劃——幫助索馬里長者被取消,曼徹斯特市議會也撤回了對為中國長者服務的常樂午餐會的贊助, 我們非常失望。雖然目前經濟低迷,我們依舊做出了很多貢獻。我們仍然給常樂中心 55 歲以上的 長者提供常樂午餐會的服務以及一系列的活動,包括 Carer Corner 照料角、太極、舞蹈、歌曲、視 力檢查、健康會談、足部醫療服務、剪髮、外出旅遊活動。我們組織了三次一日遊分別前往 Hull (赫爾),Holyhead(霍利黑德)和 Leeds(利茲),以及一次三天兩夜 Durham(杜倫)的旅行, 總共有 182 位人員參加。我們組織了 70 次的家訪,組織了 901 次的談話,為我們會員的信息諮詢 和支持。 黃婉明女士,翁素霞女士以及志願者們參加了 2013 年 9 月至 12 月的在薩爾福德慈善短期商店活 動。 18

關懷( 關懷(心理健康) 心理健康)計劃 關懷組提供了總計 1565 次服務,包括 2013 年 4 月至 2014 年 3 月給予 504 名會員的 215 次外延幫 助工作,其中的 65 名會員有繁雜的需求,另 439 名會員得到了相關服務的信息和指示。 我們為會員提供一站式服務。對於不需要長期服務的會員,我們提供的語言支持(廣東話,普通 話,客家話)、情感支持、信息諮詢、心理健康的主要評估並指導他們獲取其他服務。 關懷組支持為使用一系列電腦化心理健康面試工具(GMHAT)的 75 名會員提供支持。 歡迎中心在 Cheetham Hill 歡迎中心的故事就像是一個奇蹟。去年,由於資金缺乏以及管理人數不足,建立起並經營歡迎中 心的慈善組織倒閉後,我們接手了歡迎中心,並負責起它的運營。最初,我們接到了 Trinity Church 只會再給四周津貼的通知。 Trinity Church 已經近 12 月連續給歡迎中心津貼,但是經濟 上無法再持續。但是由於在歡迎中心周邊有著那麼多好心人,歡迎中心的公眾知名度那麼高,服 務對於當地社區來說也是那麼重要,我們爭取到了六個月的經費,並成功保住了歡迎中心。 然而,在六個月後,我們再一次失去了經費,歡迎中心必須在夏季關閉,並且也並不知道是否還 能重開的時候,故事變得愈加激動人心。再次,我們成功找到了提供至 2016 年 3 月的經費支持, 並且在再次開張後,我們將開門時間延長到了每星期三日。我們的持續存在是對我們中心出色志 願者們的證明。我想特別提一下 Rose, Lisa, Antonia, Ruth, Jose, Shameen 還有去德國結婚 的 Petra!他們的盡心盡力和辛勤勞動是歡迎中心成功的核心所在。平均每週我們提供 60 次熱菜 熱飯和 30 個食物包裹。我想感謝 Heaton Park 的 Sainsbury’s,為他們捐助的新鮮果蔬。我也 想感謝在 Collyhurst 的 Lalley Centre,感謝他們在每個週四從他們的食物庫(Foodbank)提供 食物。 除了食物救助服務,我們還開展提供建議的諮詢服務,每周大概 6 人。還有每週三次每班平均 20 人的各種英語課堂。最後,我必須恭喜一下”The Work Club”。 The Work Club 由 Collette Carroll 提供服務,她在曼徹斯特地區很有知名度。要是她收到了每位經由她幫助而成功找到工 作的人們的佣金,那她就會成為一位退休的百萬富翁了! 事實上,我們很成功地吸引了大量人們來歡迎中心,我們需要搬遷到一個更大更適宜的地點。因 此,我們開始搜尋備選的地方,而在距離 Trinity Church 步行十分鐘的地段找到了新地方。我們 從 3 月開始計劃並且預計在 2014 年 11 月完成搬遷。 據說 Cheetham Hill 是全英國最多文化、及最多信仰的地區。在這小小的地段裡,人們說著超過 120 種語言,許多宗教組織茁壯成長。總之,Cheetham Hill 在各種活動和活力中忙碌著,歡迎中 心也是,慧妍社亦然。



Macmillan Solutions Project

麥美倫癌症服務計劃 The Macmillan Solutions Project is a partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support and Wai Yin Society, that provides practical, emotional and financial support to Chinese people in Greater Manchester who are affected by cancer. We are a voluntary project supported by a team of dedicated volunteers. Since its launch in 2009, the project has enjoyed great success in offering support to Chinese individuals and their families who have been affected by cancer. There have been 52 referrals to the project to date, with 17 financial grants awarded to clients. Events and Achievements We believe it is important to provide volunteers with a high quality volunteering experience. We offer our volunteers training sessions and opportunities for sharing experiences of volunteering on a regular basis. In December 2013, our volunteers took part in a workshop organized by Audacious Macmillan Solutions. The workshop covered topics on attitudes to cancer, causes of cancer plus principles of treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In February 2014, our volunteers attended a training session on counselling skills. We also held regular Volunteer Meetings to offer opportunities for sharing their volunteering experiences and also discussion for the future development of the project. The success of the project depends on the team effort of our dedicated volunteers, who have offered support to individual clients through home visits, and at the same time, helping out at different events. In May 2013, we successfully held a Charity Fundraising Night that raised £2,810. We also organized an activity related to the “BBC Health Screening Programme” for a group of 20 elderly Chinese who attended some basic health screening and participated in a health survey. Our project was awarded the EMCAW (Ethnic Minority Cancer Awareness Week) grant of £250 by Cancer Equality in May 2013. In July, using this grant, we held a Health and Wellbeing Workshop, with a good turnout of 36 people attending the event. In September 2013, our volunteers helped out at the “Macmillan Cancer Information Bus Visit” in Chinatown. Looking Forward We are passionate about promoting our services to the Chinese community in Greater Manchester. We have had project meetings to discuss action plans to increase the number of beneficiaries, and torecruit more volunteers to the Wai Yin Macmillan Solutions Project. We also have a vision to share the success of Wai Yin Macmillan Solutions, by promoting Macmillan support services to Chinese communities elsewhere in the North West of England. We will be working on the “Wai Yin and Macmillan Solutions Partnership” project in the near future.


「麥美倫癌症支援服務」計劃是麥美倫癌症支援機構 (在此簡稱麥美倫) 和慧姸社合辦。我們這項 義務計劃,全賴一群熱心的義工,誠意為大曼徹斯特區的華人癌症病患者和他們的家人,提供情 緒、生活及財政上的支援服務。 自從 2009 年成立以來,這項計劃成功地幫助了不少華人癌症病患者和他們的家人。到目前為止, 我們一共接獲有 52 個轉介個案,提供了 17 個補助金。 活動與成就 我們相信向義工提供一個高質素的志願服務經驗尤為重要,因此我們會為義工提供培訓課程與及 分享個人服務體驗的機會。 在 2013 年 12 月,我們的義工參加了一個有關癌症的工作坊,主題內容包括:面對癌症的態度、引 致癌症的成因、放射性治療及化學性治療的原則等。在 2014 年 2 月,我們向義工提供了一個有關 輔導技巧的訓練課程。我們同時定期舉行義工會議,讓義工有機會分享他們的個人服務體驗,並 且討論未來的發展計劃。 這項支援服務計劃的成功,有賴熱心的義工進行家訪,為癌症病患者和他們的家人提供支援服務, 同時,義工發揮團隊精神,合力籌辦了多項活動。 在 2013 年 5 月,我們舉辦「慈善籌款夜」的活動,籌募了£2,810 英鎊。我們又參與了一項名為“英 國廣播公司健康檢查計劃”的活動,為二十名華人長者進行健康測檢及調查。另外,我們獲得 EMCAW(少數民族腫瘤防治宣傳週)贊助 250 英鎊,在 2013 年 7 月,舉辦了一個健康工作坊,傳 達健康生活及防癌的訊息,一共有 36 人出席當日活動。在 2013 年 9 月,我們的義工參與了一項在 唐人街舉辦,名為「麥美倫資訊巴士」的宣傳活動。 展望未來 我們會定期舉行會議,討論採用不同方法,致力擴展這項支援服務,務求提高受益人的人數與及 招募更多義工。 我們抱有志願,渴望分享我們的成功經驗,將「麥美倫癌症支援服務」計劃推廣到英格蘭西北部 的華人社區,成為夥伴,集結資源,發揚關愛互助的精神,為更多華人癌症病患者和他們的家人, 提供支援服務。



Unrestricted Restricted Funds Funds 無限制用途 有限制用途

Year Ended 31.03.14 Total Funds

Year Ended 31.03.13 Total Funds


















INCOMING RESOURCES Incoming resources from generated funds: Voluntary Income


Donations and Gifts - Minibus Appeal


Activities for generating funds:


Investment Income


Fundraising Events












Incoming resources from charitable activities: Grants Receivable






Classes & Activities












Other Income














Cost of Generating Funds






Charitable Activities






Support Costs






Governance Costs


















Gross Transfer between funds












Total Funds Brought Forward













WAI YIN SOCIETY 慧妍社 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2014 二零一三至二零一四年度資產負債表 2014 £ FIXED ASSETS


Tangible Fixed Assets




Cash at Bank and in Hand




Amounts falling due


within one year





2013 £






508,747 526,911

557,078 608,552












積聚金 無限制資金





23,738 855,943

66,403 863,330



Mental Health Joint Commission Locality & MACC MCC - Lunch Club Big Lottery Fund - Reaching Communities Food Poverty Soul Food MCC - Equality Fund Comic Relief - Trafficking Cheetham Hill Wellbeing Grant MCC Cash Grant MCC Youth Round 2 MCC Youth Round 3 MCC-BME Funding Salford Carers MCC Carers Elderly Stockport Elderly NLDC ASTF Mind Your Money Macmillan SIB Feasibility Study Cancer Equality MCC - CHOPSTIX Youth Exchange MCC Wellbeing (Sheung Lok) Arts Council Blue Sci BBC Children In Need Others Grant received sub-total

地方政府 - 心理健康 Locality & MACC 地方政府- 午餐會 進入社區 食物貧窮 心靈食物 平等基金 喜劇救濟助金 奇塔姆山身心健康補基金 現金基金 青少年活動第二輪 青少年活動第三輪 少數民族基金 修爾福 - 照料者 地方政府 - 照料者 斯托克波特-長者 貧困社區鄰里學習 ASTF 金錢管理課堂 麥美倫癌症計劃 SIB可行性研究 癌症計劃 青少年活動 青年交流 身心健康計劃(常樂) 藝術地方議會 Blue Sci BBC 兒童籌款活動 其他 總基金

Other income: Manchester City Council - MAES Fundraising Events Donation and Gifts Membership Bank Interest Receivable Classes and Activities Luncheon Club Others TOTAL INCOME RESOURCES

其他收入 地方政府-教育支持 籌款活動 捐贈 會員費 銀行利息 活動 午餐會 其他收入 總收入


無限制 有限制 Unrestricted Restricted £ £ 167,984 1,500 6,915 - 117,572 3,600 2,460 40,000 10,990 26,667 1,206 8,327 19,220 13,658 38,559 10,000 17,952 5,000 30,000 6,000 9,881 250 5,333 6,213 40,833 2,925 1,000 (200) 3,020 68,562 528,303 3,030 1,257 2,655 271 40,040 35,237 40,199 191,251



2014 Total £ 167,984 1,500 6,915 117,572 3,600 2,460 40,000 10,990 26,667 1,206 8,327 19,220 13,658 38,559 10,000 17,952 5,000 30,000 6,000 9,881 250 5,333 6,213 40,833 2,925 1,000 (200) 3,020 596,865

2013 £ 167,984 20,850 20,745 35,264 43,921 15,556 3,024 24,981 38,000 13,658 38,560 10,000 25,056 7,500 6,000 250 16,000 72,667 11,700 1,000 5,635 250 578,601

3,030 1,257 2,655 271 40,040 35,237 40,199 719,554

19,790 1,321 3,297 263 40,552 35,558 42,481 721,863

WAI YIN SOCIETY 慧妍社 EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 THE MARCH 2014 二零一三至二零一四年度支出表 Education, Training & Family Employment Support £ COSTS OF GENERATING FUNDS Consultancy Evaluation

基金產生費用 顧問 評估

CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES Employment Costs Tutors Fees/Sessional Workers Recruitment Volunteer Expenses Catering & Café Classes & Activities Teaching Materials Child Care Travel & Transport Publicity & Promotion Learners Travel Training & Conferences

推廣慈善目標 薪金 教師費 招聘費 義工費 食物 活動/課程 教材 托兒 交通 宣傳及推廣 學員交通費 培訓

SUPPORT COSTS IT Support & Software Employment costs Travel Expenses Rent, Rates & Service Charge Heat, Light and Water Repairs and Maintenance Cleaning Materials Insurance Minor Equipment Telephone & internet Printing & Stationery Equipment Rental Publications & Subscriptions Postage Sundries Bad Debts Loan Interest Loss on disposal of assets Depreciation

支持費用 電腦支援 薪金 交通費 租,管理費 煤,電,水 維修保養 清潔用品 保險 儀器 電話 文具 設備租賃 刊物及訂閱 郵費 雜項 壞賬 貸款利息 資產處置損失 貶值

GOVERNANCE COSTS Bank Charges Legal & Professional Fees Accountancy & Audit

專業費用 銀行收費 法律專業 會計



Mental Health £

Other Older People services £ £

835 2,650 2,650


61,549 25,877 633 1,179 6,450 467 98 646 270 1,921 99,090

36,945 3,017

166,070 5,579

59 3,904 668 25 44,618

1,727 2,296 6,198 65 6,779 1,597 190,311

17,499 6,028 3,992 1,781 5,918 168 4,225 4,763 -


89 1,142




1,294 46,899








1,871 34 24,703 8,322 8,806 467 2,618 441 3,274 2,651 1,572 130 6,862 - 61,751

Total 2014 Total 2013 £ £

9,917 1,335 11,252

10,752 3,985 14,737

1,250 3,075 4,325

32,554 -

94,480 2,761

369 5,988 1,637 40,548

1,367 14,556 12,912 66 733 1,222 30 396 128,523

391,598 37,234 633 4,701 16,852 35,452 533 896 10,952 270 30 3,939 503,090

349,007 15,322 3,005 5,132 18,082 44,662 209 295 9,902 357 6,306 452,279

22,668 -

15,115 12 1,924 781 179 (1) 380 81 69 3,218 802 32 1,227 13,000 5,999 1,191 28,770 72,779

57,153 46 32,655 13,095 10,766 467 8,535 989 7,580 7,483 4,790 802 251 9,297 13,000 5,999 1,191 30,064 204,163

280 94,674 24,302 15,810 11,436 8,236 1,728 6,842 6,437 7,545 443 1,370 7,115 9,203 37,771 233,192


102 4,290 559 4,951

102 4,290 559 4,951

82 4,300 3,635 8,017






7 -



Our Mission –

“Wai Yin Society is an organisation led by Chinese women which provides education and social welfare services to minority communities in the North West of England.” England.”

我們的使命 – “慧妍與你 慧妍與你,, 齊心合力 齊心合力,,

做到最好,, 服務社群 服務社群”” 做到最好

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