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英国曼彻斯特大学法学院的學生將會為閣下提供豐富和簡易的講座,如下: Talks are presented by Law students from the University of Manchester, details are listed below.

25-03-2014 (星期二) 下午 1:00-3:00 26-03-2014 (星期三) 下午 1:00-3:00

移民和签证法律问题 Immigration & Visa Issues 1. 永久居民和簽證申请需要注意的地方? What you need to pay attentions in Permanent residents and Visa applications

2. 我的伴侣如何申请移民? 签证快期滿或過期了怎麼 辨? How can my spouse apply for immigrations? What can I do if my visas are going to expire or already expired?

3. 家庭簽證的新規定涉及到我吗? Am I related to the new visa application rules? 4. 我是否需要考 ESOL? ESOL 考试的例外? Do I need to take ESOL? Exceptions of ESOL exams?

租赁和房东的权利 Tenancy and Landlord Rights 1. 你有没有遇到不公平的合同条款?Unfair contract terms? 2. 签订房租合同的最短时间? Minimum rental period? 3. 谁负责你房子的翻新及维修工作? Renovate and repair duties?

4. 您可以随时要求我搬家吗? 我能不能不付房租? Rentals payment queries?

消费者的权益 Consumer Rights 1. 你有在网上购物吗? 有没有遇上货不对板的情况? Online shopping? Items are not what you expected?

2. 未能在限定时间内交收到货品? Can’t receive your goods on time?

Who? Venue? 對象? 場地?  We welcome everyone who wanted to know more about their legal rights to attend. 我們歡迎任何對法律權益有興趣的人來參與。  There will be a Q&A session at the end of the presentations, where we might be able to solve your legal enquiries. 在講座的尾段會有發問時間,讓我們有機會為你的法律問題找尋一個可行的意見。  Both talks will be conducted in Mandarin and take place in the Wai Yin Learning Centre. 為了提供一個全面及容易明白的法律講座,活動將會在慧妍社学习中心及以中文(普通话)進行。  Please feel free to contact our Wai Yin staff to reserve for a seat. 如果你有兴趣出席上述法律讲座,请随时联系慧妍社中心的工作人员預留座位。 地点:慧妍社学习中心. 81 Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3LQ 电话:+44(0)1612368510 It is encouraged that all 3 talks are attended to in order to receive the most updated information. 為了提供最新及補充閣下的法律常識,我們很歡迎閣下參與所有的講座。

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