TE AO HOU TRUST Message from the Manager Kia ora koutou katoa Welcome to our latest pānui and as you will no doubt read, we recently had the pleasure of hosting a gateway program student, a social worker placement, Rural Health Immersion students and a parliamentarian who also happens to be a doctor. Anders Jonsson chairs the Committee on Health and Welfare (Social Affairs) in Sweden and was in Aotearoa on a fact finding mission relating to rural health. TAH Trust were privileged to be able to spend a small amount of time with him where we presented our “whānau ora” journey which we have been on since late 2009. TAH Trust relished the opportunity to be able to explain our approach when supporting whānau on their journey to toi ora (wellbeing) and to engage in the conversation of what whānau ora means to us.
Toi Ora Whānau Ora—KŌRERO Pā n u i
Te k a u — 10
O ct
20 1 3
Year in whare!
We celebrated one year in our 38 King Street premises on 17th September. The team and whānau devoured an all day birthday cake with a cuppa. Anyone who was around at lunch time also shared a sausage sizzle with staff. Our thanks to Jordan Matthews who relished the opportunity to further develop her skills in the art of cake decorating and the end result was a pleasurable dense triple chocolate cake. TAH left the design of the cake in her hands and the photograph truly does not do the cake justice. We are proud to be able to support Jordan to enhance her creative skills.
THE MEANING OF OUR LOGO There are four sections to the Te Ao Hou logo. Each section represents the four tribes of each area that is involved with Te Ao Hou. The first triangle represents Te Whānau ā Apanui and is blue in colour to signify the close association this iwi has with the ocean. The scales of the Moki (fish) are shown in their triangle.
THANK YOU OPOTIKI COMMUNITY HEALTH TRUST Our appreciation to the Opotiki Community Health Trust who have supported the continuation of the Ear Suction Clinic Service into 2014 EAR SUCTION Clinics for the remainder of the year; Oct 21st—Nov 11th—Dec 2nd and Dec 16th (2 clinics in December)
Nāku na, Linda Inside this issue: INSIDE THIS PĀNUI
A recent proposal to Management by staff member Anatia Gaskill has seen exercise balls replace some staff office chairs—some of the benefits of the alternate office seating are;
Happy Birthday/Our Logo
OCHT Funding/alternative office seating
Team Out & About Speech & Language Drop In Clinic/Whānau Ora Nurse
Te Runanga o te Whānau— Staff Placement
Kia Piki te Ora
The Team
Improve your balance-sitting on an unstable surface will improve your sense of balance, as well as the reactions of your muscles.
Ētahi kōrero
Forces proper spine alignment-this helps improve your spinal health, and decrease back pains. Really cheap office chair
Burn up to 350 calories per day—more movement during the day = more calories burnt = losing 1 pound of fat per 10 days!
Get the 6-pack you’ve been wanting.
P a g e P ā n u i
Toi Ora Whānau Ora Team Out and About
T e k a u— 1 0
Kia ora ano whānau, how fast a quarter of a year flies by. To all tāne out there, Blue September has come and gone;
informative. Kia kaha my brothers, it is not too late to discuss this with your doctor.
Blue September is the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s national awareness campaign. Every year over 500 men die in NZ of prostate cancer. That’s more than 500 fathers, sons, brothers, grandfathers gone. This happens because men don’t know how dangerous the disease is, they don't talk to their doctors about it, they simply don’t do anything about it. This has to stop! Prostate Cancer can be prevented if detected early enough. I myself discussed this issue with my doctor in September, his information & advice was very
Opotiki College Gateway Student Tangiwai Tai-Takiari. Tangiwai completed her 10 week placement with Te Ao Hou on 19th August and proved herself to be an efficient, focussed, reliable young lady. She always arrived at the office on time and completed her tasks without any problems. “I enjoyed my time being here as I was always occupied. I had things to do and I tried my best to complete all the set tasks, I did complete my tasks quickly and accurately-The staff were so welcoming and cheerful. I didn’t feel shy or anything”. Tangiwai was a pleasure to host and we wish her well.
Justine & Noi-downtown promo
I am continuously amazed at our team here in Te Ao Hou, the Kaimanaaki continue to astound and amaze me with their ability to support a whānau through their issues, with the limited resources we have in our town, yet they source, talk and mirimiri the services, the extended whānau and the whānau themselves into making positive choices for the
betterment awesome.
We have had small successes with our government departments, as they are sometimes not easily accessible. Some departments have actually become more difficult to work with but the ability to be able to korero and work through the issues goes along way to achieving positive outcomes for our whānau. Engaging with CYFs alongside whanau has been positive. From the whānau perspective they have made huge advancements in their wellness. Ngā mihi kia koutou katoa Chris Maxwell-Kaiārahi Oranga
Wednesday 30 October, 10am - 2pm
Te Ao Hou, Pūrerehua Room
What: Call in (with or without your pre-schooler) to discuss any concerns you may have about your pre-schooler's communication skills with our speechlanguage therapist who has 17 years experience. What's great about it: It's FREE and no appointment is necessary.
WHĀNAU ORA NURSE - Wendy O’Connell COPD Awareness Day Nov 14th. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease affects 100’s of 1000’s of NZ’ers, yet most people have never even heard the term COPD. Some statistics;
The 4th leading cause of death after cancer, heart disease and stroke
COPD is an irreversible lung disease but it is entirely preventable by avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke. All smokers are at risk of developing COPD.
Spirometry is a lung function test which is used to detect respiratory disease such as COPD. If you are a current smoker or ex smoker—do you bring up phlegm most days? Are you over 40? Te Ao Hou Trust can provide a spirometry screening test for you-call the office to make an appointment.
P a g e
Staff Placement with Te Ao Hou Trust Mai i te Taumata - o - Apanui ki Potaka Ko Whanokao te Maunga—Ko Motu te awa Ko Whakaari te puia—Ko Apanui te Tangata Ko Te Whānau- a- Apanui te iwi. Kia Ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Greetings,
My name is Richard McDonald and I am in my third year of study with Te Wananga o Aotearoa. I am doing the Bachelor of Social Work which is underpinned by the Nga Takepu Principles and other Kaupapa Maori Theories. A component of my study is 40 days Practice Based Learning (placement) with an organisation that provides Health and Social Services. Te Ao
Hou Trust gave me the opportunity to work within the organisation to explore and practice the notion of Whānau Ora. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge whānau who I was able to support while with TAH Trust and I am most grateful. The trust that they had put in me while developing a working relationship not only showed me that they were willing to share their stories, they were also willing to listen. This gave me the space to practice Whānau Ora to not only the networks but also other groups from within the industry and profession. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and it was a pleasure for me to have been given this chance. To Te Ao Hou Trust, Don, Linda, Mark, Chris, Anatia, Wendy, Emma, Irene, Arihia, Peggy and Justine thank you for treating me as one of the team with your aroha and warmth and the sharing of your insightful knowledge. I am most indebted and appreciate the support I was given whilst on placement. I look forward to working alongside of you now and in the near future. No reira—Ngā mihi aroha kia koutou katoa Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou katoa.
WHĀNAU ORA Emma Kutia, Chris Maxwell and Justine Quensell share a photo with ‘Whānau Ora Champions’ Brendon Pongia and Piri Rurawhe at the Path Facilitator Training, held 26th and 27th August at Torere Marae
Kia Piki te Ora-All Age Suicide Prevention WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY
This is a TIME to REMEMBER…
The Kawerau community are currently developing their suicide prevention strategy Te Kupenga mo Kawerau (The Kawerau Support Net) 2013-2016.
Those who have made this journey
Those who have survived this journey
October 7th—13th
& those who work to ensure others choose LIFE
This year’s MHAW theme is ‘CONNECT’.
Take the TIME To be with the ones you LOVE With your FRIENDS, with your FAMILY Not only TODAY but EVERYDAY TIME is PRECIOUS & can SAVE a LIFE
L to R Anatia Gaskill (TAH) Noi Kūrei (WISH) Michelle Midgley( WHC)
When did you last feel like you connected with someone or something? It’s a well known fact that people are stronger when they are connected and work together. For Māori, this connection extends beyond the whakapapa that binds us as whānau, hapū and iwi.
In 2009-2010 this community suffered the tragic loss of young people to suicide. With the development and implementation of the Kawerau Suicide Prevention Action Plan in 2011-12 the community is leading the way in a community response to suicide and have contributed to responses to suicide at a local, regional and national level.
As tangata whenua, we are inextricably linked to land as kaitiaki (guardians). Te Ira tangata, te Ira Atua (the life principle / gene Acknowledgement to the Te Kupenga of man and the Gods) - is who we are. whānau for their tireless dedication We identify with our waka, our maunga, our and commitment. awa, our marae and this is our evidence. Kei hea te pito o te aroha? We are unique-we are MĀORI! Kei a TĀTOU! Mauriora! Na Emma Kutia
WHĀNAU ORA Our WHĀNAU ORA is about empowering WHĀNAU to achieve TOIORA (overall wellbeing) KIA PIKI TE ORA-ALL AGE SUICIDE PREVENTION
OUR APPROACH TO WHĀNAU ORA The role of the Whānau Ora Team is to work with you and your whānau to develop a whānau ora plan which identifies your goals. We will provide you with a list of the options of the various services available (agencies and providers) that you are able to use in helping you to achieve this plan.
The team’s task is to support and mentor the whānau through the journey. TOI ORA WHĀNAU ORA TEAM
Kia Piki te Ora is focused on creating opportunities to support whānau, hapū, iwi and the wider community through a public health approach to reduce the high incidences of suicide, suicide attempts, and self-inflicted harm that has had such a devastating impact on whānau and Māori communities. The Key Goals of Kia Piki te Ora:
To promote mental health & wellbeing, and prevent mental health problems;
Back: Chris Maxwell-Kaiārahi Oranga
To reduce access to the means of suicide;
Justine Quensell-Kaimanaaki/ Kaiwhakarite
To promote the safe reporting of suicide and portrayal of behaviour by the media;
Front: Anatia Gaskill-Kaimanaaki
Expand the evidence about rates, causes and effective interventions.
Wendy O’Connell-Whānau Ora Nurse
Te Ao Hou Trust PO Box 315 Opotiki 3162 38 King Street
Phone: 07 3156266 Fax: 07 3156970 E-mail: admin@teaohou.org.nz
Ētahi kōrero…
Irene Walker—Western Bay of Plenty Coordinator Emma Kutia-Eastern Bay of Plenty Coordinator
June 2013 Te Ao Hou Trust received the Code of Compliance Certificate for our refurbished 38 King St premises.
Code of Rights Inservice supported by Te Ao Hou and WISH staff.
Te Ao Marama Kairaranga commence mahi Monday 9th September Good luck to all for Muriwai Tournament, Oct 4th, 5th and 6th.
General Practices in WHĀNAU ORA COLLECTIVES CONTINUE TO OUTPERFORM national sample You can read this report on the MOH website at: www.health.govt.nz/ publication/report-performance-general-practices-whanau-oracollectives-march-2013
66% of the human body is water.
Your thumb is as long as your nose.
There are 9000 taste buds on your tongue.
Swedish GP and Member of Parliament visits Te Ao Hou Trust to learn about Whānau Ora
He whānau mārohirohi, he whānau mōhio, he whānau toiora, he whānau mahi ngātahi Resilient, Knowledgeable, Nurtured, Engaged Whānau