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What you will learn
Everyone takes at least Double Award Science. Some of you may choose to opt for Triple Award Science. The Scheme of Assessment is linear, with six question papers (two in each science area) to be taken in the same examination series. This means that you will take the entire set of examinations at the end of the course when you are in Year 11. Paper 1 and Paper 2 in each of the Science subjects will contain questions relating to practical skills which have been built up throughout the course. You will receive two grades based on your overall performance on all papers.
In Double Award Science you will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics, taught by specialist teachers for 4 lessons per 2-week cycle for each Science subject. Double Award Science covers the key topics in each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics whereas students doing Triple Science get to study some additional topics in each Science, so have more lesson time each cycle. The content of Double Award Science is described under Biology, Chemistry and Physics in this brochure.
Cell biology
Infection and response
Homeostasis and response
Inheritance, variation and evolution
Atomic structure and the periodic table
Bonding, structure and the properties of matter
Quantitative chemistry
Chemical changes
Energy changes
The rate and extent of chemical change
Organic Chemistry
Chemical analysis
Chemistry and the atmosphere
Using resources
When choosing between Double Award Science and Triple Science, note that whichever course you choose you can go on to take A levels in any science subject. The Triple Science course gives students who have enjoyed Science the option of doing more Science and gaining an extra qualification in a Science subject. It gives a broad scientific education. Double Award Science provides you with less topic material in each of the Science disciplines but it still provides a broad Science education.
Particle model of matter
Atomic structure
Magnetism and electromagnetism
Exam Board & Specification
AQA GCSE Spanish
Method of Assessment
There are four exams, all equally weighted.
Paper 1: Listening, 45 minutes.
Paper 2: Speaking, 10-12 minutes, conducted by own teacher.
Paper 3: Reading, 1 hour.
Paper 4: Writing, 1 hour 15 minutes.