Wakefield Girls' High School (Junior section) - Parent Handbook

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Welcome to Wakefield Girls'

I am delighted that your daughter will be joining our school. Welcome, also, to you and your family. I hope that you will all enjoy becoming and being a part of our Wakefield Girls’ community. This handbook is designed to provide you with useful information about the school which we hope will answer the many questions that you and your daughter may have about life and learning here. At the end of the handbook you will find a recap on some key dates for your diary and some important admin to take care of ahead of your daughter’s first day.

We are confident that your daughter will enjoy her time with us. We all want our students to live each day to the fullest. We’re a happy school brimming with lots of opportunities to help your daughter fulfil her academic and personal potential. This handbook shares information on our systems that enable this and will be a helpful reference as your daughter progresses through Wakefield Girls’. Should you have any queries, please use the contact points outlined here so we can best help you.

With best wishes,


Aims and Ethos

Wakefield Girls' High School is one of the North's top independent schools with a defining ethos which has prevailed for 150 years. At the heart of this ethos is the idea that there are no limitations on learning or what girls can achieve. We support and prepare students to achieve the qualifications and to develop the skills necessary to fulfil their potential and thrive in our changing world.

Our school has a stimulating, respectful environment and we promote positivity to instil the happy and vibrant atmosphere you will find here, where students develop a joy of learning and celebrate individual and team achievements in the solidarity of balanced friendships and with supportive staff. Our environment is especially designed for girls, offering a unique academic and enrichment curriculum, personal teaching, exceptional pastoral care and values to happily bring out the best in each and every student.

We strive to know our students personally and promote their self confidence, to help each find and develop her interests, character and to flourish. Students have daily contact with tutors and teachers and it is important to us that students know who to contact in school as and when they need support.

We value student voice, independent thought and empathy and seek to develop these qualities in our students. We encourage students to be inquisitive, explore and debate ideas, formulate their own views and consider those of others in all areas of the curriculum where spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues arise.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced, responsive to technological and educational developments, and is delivered by well qualified, committed teachers in facilities which allow study and an extensive range of diverse extra curricular activities to flourish. Excellent results in external examinations and impressive sporting success at local, national and international level combine to give the school its outstanding reputation.

The words on our historic crest and of the school hymn, “each for all”, epitomises the school’s camaraderie and the philanthropy evident in its charitable giving. We value and forge partnerships with all areas of our community, far and wide.


A Wakefield Girls’ education is imbued with the values needed to transform every Wakefield Girls’ student. As a result, Wakefield Girls become accomplished committed women whose perspective, passions, abilities and confidence positively change the communities they live in.


We want our students to be: outward looking, motivated to support each other and ready to make a difference be proud to be part of a warm and caring community future ready with a strong sense of social responsibility be intellectually curious and experience a Joy of Learning at Wakefield Girls

Ourvaluesare: Together Empowered Aware



MovingtoWakefieldGirls'isaprocesswecaredeeply about.

Whenstudentsjoinuswehaveanumberofkeyevents andcommunicationstohelpmakethismoveas seamlessandsmoothaspossible.Theyareexplained overthenextfewpages.

AlimitednumberofstudentsjoinWakefieldGirls’in Years4to6.Newstudentsjoiningusatthesepointswill bepairedwithabuddyfromtheyeargroupand monitoredcloselybytheirClassTeacherduringthe initialweeks.



OurJuniorSectionDirectorandClassTeacherwillmeetwitheverystudentjoiningWakefieldGirls’.Thisisanopportunityto welcomeyourdaughterandforyourdaughtertoaskanyquestionsshemighthave. Wewillalsomeetwithparentsand guardianstodiscussanyaspectsofthetransitionforindividualstudentsandtoansweranyquestionsyoumighthave.



Allnewparentsareinvitedtoschoolforawelcome meeting6pm-8pm.Newparentswillmeettheirchild's ClassTeacherandotherparentsnewtotheschool. A varietyofkeypresentationswillbedeliveredfrom membersofourschoolteam.Therewillbeopportunities toseetheschooluniformandfindoutmoreaboutour learningbothinandbeyondtheclassroomwhicharekey partsofhelpingeveryonetosettleinquickly.

Allnewstudentswillbeinvitedtoadaytogetto knoweachotherandmeetbuddieswhowillhelp themsettleintoschoolinSeptember.Therewillbea touroftheschooltohelpnewstudentsbecome familiarwithourfacilitiesaswellasfunorientation activitiesandteam-buildinggames.Studentsshould comeincomfortablenon-uniformclothes,readyfor anyweather.



Studentsareplacedintooneoftwosmallclasses,eachledandtaughtbyaClassTeacher. Specialistteachersfor Music,PEandanylearningsupportwillalsoworkwithyourdaughter. YourdaughterwillchangeClassTeacher everyacademicyear.

OurcurriculumtakesaccountoftheNationalCurriculumbutwearenotboundbyitandteachbeyondit.Wewill inviteparentstoaCurriculumEveninginSeptembertolearnaboutthecurriculumcontentforthatacademicyear.

First Week Welcome Day

Weareexcitedtowelcomeournewstudentsto WakefieldGirls'.WelcomeDayisdedicatedtohelping everyonetosettleintodailylifeinourschool.

First Month Team Building

Wequicklybringtogether,uniteandintegrateallour newstudentswithalotsoflovelyteambuilding activities. Thesehappenduringtheschooldayandat breaktimes.


EverystudentbecomesamemberofoneoffourHouses,and remainsinthisHouseduringherschoollife.Thishelpsstudents settlequicklyintoourcommunity,fosteringfriendship, belongingandasharedsenseofpurpose.


OurstudentslearntouseourITsuiteandChromebooksin theirstudies. TheschoolhasstrictcontrolsonaccesstotheInternetonall schoolcomputers.WeaskthatParentsareequallyvigilantat homeandcheckwhattheirchildrencanaccessathome.No juniorstudentshouldhaveaccesstositeswhichhave conditionsattached,suchasagerestrictions,whichtheydo notmeet.WeaskstudentsandparentstosignanICTUser Agreement.


Form Time

A daily programme of Form Time and assemblies run where students have opportunities to discuss current events, take part in form activities and consider their contributions to school and community life with their Class Teacher and other class members.

Progress Mentoring

Teacherscontinuallyassessstudentsbothinformallyandformally.Someofthisinformationisfed backtogirlsandparentsbutoftentheseresultsareforinhousemonitoringandtrackingonly.

ThereisanassessmentweekheldinMaywheregirlssitassessmentsthatgivestandardised scoresinEnglishandMathematics.Theseresultsarerecordedontheendofyearreport.


There is a strong sense of community in the school and non-denominational assemblies, led by the Director, Senior Leadership Team and school staff, are an important part of life here. The whole school gathers weekly for assemblies. Assembly time includes celebrating achievements and the children are presented with Star of the Week and the winning house team for that week is announced. Assemblies enable a strong community sense in the school. Assemblies always carry a “special message” to think about over the coming week.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

We offer 55 different clubs throughout the year in our extra-curricular programme and encourage students to explore and get involved in the many opportunities available. The full list of extra-curricular activities is circulated each term and published on our website and Firefly. Extra-curricular activities take place during the lunch break and after school. Most activities are free of charge but some have a cost to them if external teachers/coaches are employed.



If you have any concerns about anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact school. The School Office is open from 8.00 am until 4.00 pm during term time and is also open during the school holidays from 9.00 am until 4.00 pm. During the summer holidays, the office will only be open for the 1st week of the holidays, and the last 2 weeks of August.

Here is how to reach our team.


If you have a concern, query, problem or want to report an absence please reach our office team by calling 01924 374577.

The School Office is open from 8am to 4pm during term time. An answering machine is in use outside of these times.

Mrs Debbie Marshall

School Secretary


Mrs Gemma Payne

School Secretary


Mrs Celeste Fisher

Admin Support Manager



Academic, Pastoral and Wellbeing Queries

Student welfare is the priority for all staff. Class Teachers are specifically responsible for the pastoral care, well being, discipline and educational provision in their class.

If you have a query about an academic matter or progress please contact your daughter's Class Teacher.

If you have any pastoral questions, please contact your daughter’s Class Teacher first of all. Teachers can deal with the majority of pastoral issues. Mr Rowley is also always available should you wish to contact him about any matter. If your daughter needs advice or guidance, please encourage her to approach her Class Teacher during the day.

Mr James Harris, Deputy Head: Pastoral, is responsible for the pastoral care in school and is available for parents and students with serious concerns.

Mr James Harris Deputy Head: Pastoral jharris@wgsf.net

Director of Junior section srowley@wgsf.net



Miss Cassandra Walker

Class Teacher: Year 3 cawalker@wgsf.net

Class Teacher: Year jbutterfield@wgsf.ne

Mrs Vanessa Hutchinson

Class Teacher: Year 4 vhutchinson@wgsf.net

Mrs Susan Rowbotham

Class Teacher: Year 4 srowbotham@wgsf.net

Miss Samantha Morris

Class Teacher: Year 5 smorris@wgsf.net

Mr Andrew Bray

Class Teacher: Year 5 abray@wgsf.net

Class Teacher: Year 6 kgrundy@wgsf.net

Miss Hannah Coe

Class Teacher: Year 6 hcoe@wgsf.net



We value relationships with parents and understand the importance of smooth, effective communication between school and home. We will email all important news once a week and share your child’s progress via our secure website, Firefly.

Weekly Update

We will send a weekly email to you every Thursday at 5.30pm. This email will share key dates and all the important letters you need relating to your daughter as well as a few highlights from school life each week.


Firefly is the school’s secure website where you can read up to date regular information about your child, their progress and information relating to their class.

As a parent at Wakefield Girls’ you will be given a username and password to access Firefly.

You will find copies of all letters which have been emailed to you. You can access them from the Messages option. You will also find up to date information about your daughter’s progress from her teachers. You can access your daughter's timetable, homework tasks and photo galleries from trips and events on Firefly. We also share resources and information so you can support learning outside the classroom.


Home Books

Each day the children bring home their ‘Home Book’ or ‘Homework Diary’ with information about homework and/or reading. Some parents use this to let the school know any information e.g. staying to After School Care. Parents are able to email staff direct.

School Life

We keep parents updated about the life of the school through news featured on our website, on facebook, instagram and twitter. Please follow us @WGHSYorkshire.

We also produce an annual school magazine, The Review, which will be shared electronically with all students at the start of the autumn term. The magazine is packed with information about life at Wakefield Girls' and includes details of academic, cultural and sporting activities, competitions, creative writing, staff updates, university news and art work.

Parents Evening

We provide two Parents’ Evenings to enable parents to discuss their child’s individual progress with the Class Teacher. They take place in the Autumn and Spring Terms.

We are always available if parents wish to discuss any matters with us and encourage parents to get in touch as soon as possible if there are any concerns.

Emergency Contacts

It is essential that we have at least two up to date contact numbers in case of emergency. We check this every summer with parents but request that you inform the school office if / when details change.



WeprovideaSpringTermReportandaSummerTerm Reportsothatyouareawareofyourchild’sprogressin ordertosupportthemfully.Pleaserespondimmediately withanyqueriesorconcernsfollowingreports.Class Teachersdiscussthestudents’reportsindividuallywith them,toassistunderstandingandindividuallearning.All reportsincludeanachievementgradewhichisa combinationofthetermsworkandsummative assessmentresults,aswellasaneffortgrade.The summerreportincludesagradeindicatingyour daughter'sorganisationalskills,levelofparticipationin classandwhetherornotsheismeetingworkdeadlines.

Theachievementgradereflectstheteacher'sassessment ofyourdaughter'sperformancebasedonhomework, classwork,anyassessmentsandanyotherappropriate information. Effortgradesrepresentstaffopinionofhowhardan individualhasworkedthroughouttheyearirrespectiveof attainment.


Grading for current attainment against a list of shared objectives are:

Working Beyond (B)

Working At (A)

Working Towards (T)

Grades that reflect overall achievement are:

Excelling (1)

Working Beyond (2)

Working At (3)

Working At with Support (4)

Working Towards (5)

More details about each of these levels are supplied with each report.


RatherthanpressurestudentsinYear6withSAT examinations,itisourpracticetocontinuetoenjoy learning. Ourregularmonitoringmeansstudentsare preparedreadyfortransitiontoSeniorswithoutneeding tositaformalexamination.Studentswishingtobe consideredforanacademicscholarshiparewelcometo sitthe11+entranceexam.




If your daughter is ill and cannot attend school please contact the School Office by 8.45 am on the morning she is ill either by email wjoffice@wgsf.net or phone 01924 374 577.


You will appreciate that regular, punctual attendance is essential for continuity of learning. Students should arrive in school by 8.45am for 8.50am registration. Please arrange holidays during the school holidays so work is not missed. When absence cannot be avoided (eg medical treatment or performance in teams) we will support students as they catch up on work they have missed. Special requests for any kind of absence from school should be made in writing to the Head's office (jhaigh@wgsf.net) and the Director at least two days in advance.


Weusearegistrationsystemsoweknowwhoisinschool.Ifastudentisnotmarkedpresent duringregistration,andtherehasbeennomessageleftattheSchoolOffice,parentswillbe contactedbyamemberofourSchoolOfficestaff.

WedoonrareoccasionsallowgirlstoleaveSchoolearlytoattendappointments.Requeststo collectachildbeforetheendoftheschooldaymustbemadetotheDirectorofJuniorSection inwriting.




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All students eat lunch in school. Our excellent catering partner, Holroyd Howe, provides delicious nutritious choices daily including an unlimited self serve salad bar, a choice of two main courses, jacket potato options, a choice of dessert and fruits.

Lunch is served between 1pm and 2pm and the time your daughter eats with her class will vary from day to day on a rota basis. Our menus can be found on our website and Firefly and are updated termly to make best use of the seasonal trends and variations in supplies. All meat is Halal. We can cater for dietary requirements and are always open to suggestions. The students can at any time make their views and suggestions known via the School Council.

Other Times

Students may bring healthy snacks (eg. fruit, vegetables, cheese, plain crackers and bread sticks) to eat during break. Sweets, crisps, nuts, sesame seeds, chocolate and fruit winders or other sugary fruit products are not permitted. It is most important that products containing nuts are not brought into school.

All children are encouraged to bring a reusable bottle of still water, not flavoured, (500ml). Bottles can be refilled at break or lunchtime and should be taken home at the end of each day.


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Golden Rules

We promote these Golden Rules:

Do be kind and helpful

Do be gentle too. Do work hard and listen To what you're asked to do.

Do look after propertyThe school is ours to share. Always speak with honesty, Show respect and care.

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Extra Curricular

Successoftencomesfromopportunitiesandweprovidelots ontopofarichcurriculumatWakefieldGirls'.OurExtracurricularProgrammeprovidesspaceforpersonalgrowth throughadiversechoiceof55differentclubsandactivities. Wehighlyvaluethedevelopmentofnonacademicskillsprized bytopuniversitiesandemployersanddesignouractivitiesto explicitlyhelpstudentstofosterthemfromanearlyage.

Extra-curricularactivitiestakeplaceatlunchtimesandafter school. Itisachanceforstudentstotrynewthingsand developpassions.Aboveall,wehopethatthestudentsreally enjoytheirexperiencesandperhapsdiscoverahiddentalent!

Extracurricularactivitiesenrichthelifeoftheschoolandthere isalwaysawealthofclubsandsocietiesavailablealthough theymayvaryaccordingtotheparticularenthusiasmof studentsandtutorsatthetime.Youcanviewourextra curricularactivitiesonFirefly.


Founders Day Celebration, Assembly & Prize Giving

The school celebrates its foundation every year with a Founders Day service at Wakefield Cathedral. Founders Day is held on the Friday closest to September 16th.

A Celebration Assembly is also held annually within the last week of the Summer term with the whole junior section in attendance alongside the families of prize winners as we celebrate some of the many achievements of that year.



Homeworkisanessentialpartoftheschool course.Itisdesignedtohelpstudentstogain independenceofworkingandreachhigh academicstandards.

Thefrequencyandamountofhomeworkset increaseswithage.Eachdayyourdaughterwill bringhomeher‘HomeBook’or‘Homework Diary’withinformationabouthomeworkand/or reading.

Wevaluethecooperationofparentsinensuring thathomeworkisdonefully,withcareand punctually.Wewillshareacopyofthe

HomeworkTimetableandyourdaughter’s homeworkinstructionswithyou(viaFirefly)and askthataquietareaismadeavailableforstudy. Shouldanyproblemsregardinghomeworkarise, pleasedonothesitatetocontactschoolto discussyourconcerns.Usuallyyourfirstpointof contactwouldbewithyourdaughter'sClass Teacher.


Every student is welcomed to one of four Houses, and remains in this House during her school life. With its own identity and loyal membership, each House engenders a shared sense of purpose as students relax, socialise, study and build a true team spirit with girls of all ages, making lifelong friends through our many inter-house activities, socials and contests.

Houses are: Mackie (red) Lee (blue) Clayton (green) Blakey (yellow)
Houses also provide leadership opportunities for students in every year group. Each House has a Junior Leader and a Sixth Form Leader.
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Wakefield Girls’ has a school nurse available to offer health advice to students, coordinate and administer first aid provision and support students with medical conditions. If your child is unwell during the school day, we will contact parents so that arrangements can be made to collect the child.

If your child needs to take prescribed medication please ensure the medication is handed in on arrival at school with a letter or medication form requesting that medication is supervised and stating precise details of medication. Please take medications home after school.

We are unable to apply creams/ointments to children.

Please note that it is important for the School Office to have up-to-date medical information and medication, and contact details, in case of emergency. You will receive a form each Summer Term which we request you update and return to us.



We provide many musical opportunities for students: to learn a new instrument, to continue learning to play an existing one and / or to join our award winning choir.

Class music lessons are taught by specialist staff and are further supported by other musical activities in the classroom and individual tuition.

Individual music tuition is available for most instruments. These lessons (approx. 30 over the year) are taught by peripatetic staff and incur an additional fee. Tuition takes place during lessons, usually on a rota basis. A term’s notice is required to cease individual lessons.

Application For Individual tuition

Please complete and return an application form for individual music lessons to the main school office before the penultimate week of the summer term. Here is a link to the application form.

A term’s notice must be given if parents wish girls to cease having lessons.


Regular musical events include:

Individual tuition

A variety of additional events feature throughout our school year:

December: Carol Service (Wakefield Cathedral); Christmas Concerts

Year 3 and 4 Production

Year 5 and 6 Concert in aid of Wakefield Hospice

Spring Term: KS2 Inter House Young Musician of the Year

Music Festivals: Under 9 and Under 11 Choirs

Spring Concert

April: Big Sing (biennial)

May: Summer Concerts

June: Suzuki violin concert

Year 6 Musical Production

Associated Board Practical and Theory


The school has a strong team of individual music lesson teachers, and students can take their Associated Board Practical and Theory exams in school. We offer free classes in aural and theory for candidates taking Associated Board Practical and Theory exams, and free accompaniment for internal candidates.

Individual tuition is available as an option at Wakefield Girls' in voice and the following instruments:

Woodwind: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone and Bassoon

Brass: Trumpet, Cornet, French Horn, Tenor Horn, Euphonium, Trombone and Tuba

Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Bass Guitar, Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar, Harp

Keyboard: Piano*, Keyboard and Organ*

Percussion: Drum Kit* and Orchestral Percussion Voice

For instruments marked* it is essential that students have their own instrument. For other instruments it may be possible to hire an instrument from school. Should you wish to purchase an instrument; the Music department will be pleased to advise you.

Application For Individual tuition

Please complete and return an application form for individual music lessons to the main school office before the penultimate week of the summer term. Here is a link to the application form.

A term’s notice must be given if parents wish girls to cease having lessons.



Student welfare is the priority for all staff. Class teachers look after the students in their class under the overall direction and help of the Director of Junior Section and the Deputy Head: Pastoral. As our Designated Safeguarding Lead, the Deputy Head: Pastoral has responsibility for the pastoral system and the Head is kept fully informed at all times. A Wellbeing Officer supports the Deputy Head and teachers to maximise student support and achievements across the spectrum of school life. Both the Director of Junior Section and Wellbeing Officer are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

The Class Teacher is the central person in a student's school life. They monitor the progress of the students and guides them as they meet the challenges of the different years. Class teachers get to know their students very well and encourage their all round development. The Director will deal with any matter passed on by the class teacher.

We offer a pastoral event series for parents - Wakefield Girls' Matters. Events are usually offered online and outside of the school day so you can join us from wherever you are. You can watch all previous webinars in Firefly. They cover topics and issues that matter most to anyone successfully supporting and raising girls. It's another way we carry out our educational mission of preparing girls ready to succeed in life.


Physical Education

ThePEcurriculumisbasedonfundamentalmovementskills.Theseincludethebody techniquesofagility,coordinationandbalance,themovementskillsofrunning,jumping, hoppingandskippingandtheballskillsofthrowing,catching,rolling,bouncing,kicking andstriking.

InGameslessonsintheAutumnandSpringterms,Years3to6aretaughthockeyand netball.Thebasicskillsofthese2sportsareintroducedinYear3withminigamesand modifiedgamesusedtopractisethetechniques.Asthestudentsprogressthroughto Year5and6,theskillsbecomemoreadvancedandfullsidedgamesofnetballareplayed alongside7asidehockey. Inadditiontothis,tastersessionsareofferedinavarietyof sportssuchasfootball,rugby,badminton,basketballandvolleyball.

InPElessons,equaltimeisspentonbothdanceandgymnastics.Indance,students learnaboutdifferentstylesofdanceincludinglinedancing,cheerleading,Bollywoodand lyricalandtheychoreographroutinesinpairsandgroups.Floorandapparatusworkis coveredingymnasticswithalllessonstakingplaceinourfullyequippedgymnasium.

Forallyears,thesummertermseesthefocusturntoathleticsintheGameslessonswith lessonstakingplaceatthetrack.Jumpingandthrowingtechniquesaredevelopedaswel assprintandlongerdistancerunningevents.Strikingsportsintheformofcricketand rounderstakeplaceinPElessonswithbattingandfieldingskillstaughtthroughskills practicesandmodifiedgames.Inadditiontothis,thebasicsoftennisaretaughtthrough minitennislessonsinthesportshall.

ThePEcurriculumisfurtherenhancedbyafullrangeoflunchtimeandafterschoolsports clubsandacomprehensiveprogrammeoffixtures.


Positions of Responsibility

During their school life, students have many opportunities to develop important, sought after skills and abilities through positions of responsibility. We hope that your child will stand for election to those positions of interest to them so they benefit from the experience of different roles. The positions of responsibility open to students are:

In Years 3 - 6

Form Captain / Vice Captain

School Council

House Council

Games Captains / Vice Captain

Friendship buddy

Eco monitor


Digital Champions

Language Ambassadors

Music Ambassadors

In Year 6 Prefects

Head Girl / Deputy Girl

Junior Head of House / Deputy Head of House

Coaching training is provided for students to help them support each other effectively, whether as Head Girl or House Officials.

Election to the roles on School Council and House

Official posts include a democratic vote chiefly influenced by the results of votes cast by both teachers and students. Election to the post of Head Girl / Deputy Head Girl also includes an interview with current senior Head Girl and Director of Junior Section.



We are a very trusting, friendly community but it is essential that students take responsibility for their possessions.

We recommend parents to talk with their child about how to take care of possessions and clearly name all belongings brought into school.

Mobile Phones

Students who travel by bus or train may bring their mobile phone to school in case of emergencies. These must be clearly named, switched off and handed into the office at the start of each day. A letter should be written to the Director of Junior Section asking for permission for a girl to bring a phone to school.

Phones are forbidden on any school visits, including residential visits.

Lost Property

If your child loses anything, she should check at the School Office and speak to her Class Teacher. Any found items of lost property are stored in a Lost Property Box which is regularly sorted. Your daughter can check this for anything mislaid.

Please remember that we cannot guarantee the return of any item that is not named and regret that the school and governors cannot be held responsible for any items which might go missing. We strongly recommend that parents label all property and ensure that their household insurance covers all their child's possessions.


Prizes, Medals & Commendations

Recognition of achievement is traditional at Wakefield Girls'. Each week our Junior section Director enjoys meeting with Stars of the Week over hot chocolate.

Prizes and Commendations are given as a reward for high achievement and as a motivation for students to work hard. Year Prizes are awarded to students based on teacher recommendations and are announced by the Director in a prize Giving assembly during July every year.

Students also earn House Points throughout the year, with rewards as follows:

150 house points - bronze certificate is awarded alongside a letter from the Director of Juniors

200 house points - silver certificate is awarded alongside a letter from the Director of Juniors

250 house points - gold certificate is awarded alongside a letter from the Head and a celebratory visit to the Head at breaktime

350 house points - platinum certificate is awarded alongside a letter from our Chair of Governors.



The Parent and Teacher Association (Friends of St John's House or FOSJH) organises well appreciated events and activities every year and relies on the support of parents to help organise them. All parents are members of the PTAplease involve yourself as much as you are able in the varied activities. It will help you to get to know the school better and more quickly.

FOSJH is run by a committee, with members of school staff and the President who is the Director of Junior Section. The Chair and other officers are elected annually. The Annual General Meeting, to which all parents are invited, is held during the Autumn Term.

The PTA meets regularly every term to discuss events and fundraising activities which help to buy extra ‘luxuries’ for the school that will enhance the quality and variety of educational experience your child receives.

The PTA email address is: friendsofstjohnshouse@gmail.com

School Trips

Every year there are numerous trips designed with a curricular and pastoral emphasis to give our students opportunities to broaden their horizons and develop selfconfidence.

In recent years trips have included: The Hepworth, Beamish, Fountains Abbey, The Thackray Museum, Meanwood Urban Farm, the Royal Armouries, Museum of Science and Industry. Year 3 have a one night residential visit to York; Year 4 a one night residential visit to Malham; Year 5 have a two night residential visit to Condover Hall and Year 6 have a four day residential in the Lake District.


School Site

Wakefield Girls' occupies an extensive site in a conservation area near the centre of Wakefield. Our Junior section has its own gated grounds and a renovated and contemporary Georgian house called St John's is home to our Junior students. This sits adjacent to our Senior section campus and to the Wakefield Grammar School Pre-Preparatory School.

The grounds have been continually improved and include a sheltered play area, adventure play zone, grassed spaces, book nooks, netball courts, rounders pitch, a woodland area and a large Gymnasium, Hartley Pavilion, which is used for indoor PE lessons. Hartley Pavilion opened in the grounds in May 1996 providing indoor facilities for hockey, netball, tennis, badminton and basketball. In addition, a further Pavilion and Games Field are situated a short walk away. There is an astro-turf, hockey pitches, netball and tennis courts and an athletics track.

Junior students regularly attend assemblies in Jubilee Hall which is housed in our senior section in the school's original building, Wentworth House. Jubilee Hall was built in 1928 to mark the school's 50th Anniversary and is used for assemblies, amongst other timetabled activities and events. As a through school to age 18, junior students benefit from lessons with our specialist senior section teachers in Willows, a Victorian house located in our Senior section campus, adapted for the teaching of Food Technology and Music. You can explore our school using our interactive map here.



Students in Years 3, 4 and 5 have a 30 minute swimming lesson every week at the swimming pool on QEGS site led by an experienced and qualified swimming teacher.

In Year 3, the focus is on water confidence and the basic techniques of breaststroke, front crawl and back stroke. As the students progress through Year 4, technique of the 3 main strokes becomes more specific and advanced. In Year 5 technique is refined and work is carried out on both stamina and speed. Butterfly is also introduced. Students may also have taster sessions in artistic swimming, water polo and life saving.

Students who show potential in swimming are selected to compete in galas and the IAPS swimming championships.

Term Dates

Our term dates can be found here.


Timings of the School Day

Our school day is divided into six teaching periods plus assemblies / form time. The curriculum is taught over a two week teaching cycle, Week A and Week B. Term dates are here.

8.45am Start of
day 9.10am Lesson 1 10.05am Lesson
10.55am Break 11.15am Lesson 3 12.10pm Lesson 4 1.00pm Lunch 2.15pm Lesson 5 3.00pm Lesson 6 3.55pm
Early Morning Care
the school
End of the school day 3.55pm - 6.00pm After school care


There are limited parking spaces around our junior section. We ask parents’ co-operation to keep traffic moving by collecting children and leaving quickly to free the available spaces for other car users. Please note St John’s Square does have some parking, but most of the outer area is a permit zone strictly reserved for residents. We recommend the use of public and school bus and train services to reduce private car journeys to school.

Our school bus services across Yorkshire are available for all students from age 8. School buses arrive at Wakefield Girls' main entrance on Wentworth Street by 8.30am and depart at 4.15pm.

Our school bus services are built on 24/7 live customer support, safeguarding and technology including online booking, live vehicle tracking and service status notifications. If you’re new to Wakefield Girls’, you can request a new stop. All requests are reviewed every term and bus routes amended where possible.

Please follow this link to view our school bus routes and timetables, suggest a new stop and book a seat.



Uniform requirements are listed and are available to order online from our supplier, www.stevensons.co.uk

You can view our Juniors Uniform and PE Kit listing here.

Autumn 1st half term

Autumn 2nd half term

Spring - all term

Summer 1st half term

Winter or summer uniform (optional)

Winter uniform compulsory

Winter uniform compulsory

Winter or summer uniform (optional)

Summer 2nd half term

Summer uniform compulsory


Weather Arrangements

Our priority is for the safety of our students. As a general principle, we will only close the school in exceptional circumstances. If any emergency interrupts normal school attendance we follow these guidelines.

We will communicate changes via our website and parent portal, FireFly as early in the morning / as quickly as possible.

Students will be free to leave if a parent or older sibling collects them. If the school coaches are arranged to leave early then children travelling on them will be released, if we have prior permission for this. We will attempt to contact parents by telephone beforehand to determine that there will be an adult at home. It is therefore most important that, at times when the weather is threatening, children carry a telephone number at which parents may be contacted during the day.

Jubilee Hall will remain open for those who need to wait for special transport and until every student has been collected.

Hot Weather

We advise parents to apply sunscreen with 12 hour protection to their children before bringing them to school. Any sun cream brought into school must be clearly named, used only by that child and applied by themselves.

On residential visits students will apply sun cream prior to beginning their activities and they will carry it with them during the day, reapplying it as and when necessary. Care will be taken to ensure that the children are appropriately dressed for the weather conditions.

Children are encouraged to wear a sunhat at all times when they are outside in hot weather. Extra shade is provided in hot weather and during extremely hot weather all children will be encouraged to spend some of this break in the shaded areas in all playgrounds.

Children will be encouraged to drink more frequently during hot weather. All girls have water bottles in their classrooms which can be refilled as and when necessary. Extra drinks are taken on school visits in hot weather.


Wrap around Care

Before School

Before School Care is available Monday - Friday, term time from 7.45am. Children may be left in the St John’s House Playground. School starts at 8.45 am.

After School

After School Care is available Monday - Friday, term time from 3.55 pm until 6.00 pm. A drink, sandwich and fruit are provided and children have access to toys, equipment, books and the television.

Payment for each term is in arrears. Please contact the School Office for fees.

Withdrawal From School

A full term's notice in writing to the Director of Finance and Operations or to the Director of Junior Section is required before a student is withdrawn from any part of the school. Should you be considering withdrawing your daughter then please discuss it with the Director of Junior Section in the first instance.


Preparing for your Daughter’s First Day

We look forward to welcoming your daughter on her first day. To ensure smooth running ahead of her arrival, there are some administrative tasks for you to take care of. Please can you check over and complete these items before your daughter starts school:

Uniform Checklist Medical, Data and Consent Form

Music Lessons Application Form (Optional)

Food Allergy Form (to be completed only if your child suffers from any allergies and or intolerance's)

ANEMPOWERINGEDUCATIONFORGIRLS WAKEFIELDGIRLS.ORG.UK 01924 372490 Admissions, Advice & Enquiries admissions@wgsf.net Contact

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