Contents Welcome from the Headteacher Welcome to Parents Curriculum
Curriculum 1. Art 2. Biology 3. Chemistry 4. Classical Civilisation & Latin 5. Computer Science 6. Design & Technology 7. Drama - missing 8. English 9. Food & Nutrition 10. Geography 11. History 12. Maths 13. Modern Foreign Languages - French, Spanish and German 14. Music 15. Personal, Social and Health and Economic (PSHE) Education 16. Physics 17. Physical Education 18. Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
Welcome to Wakefield Girls’ I am delighted that you will be joining us in September - a warm Wakefield Girls’ welcome awaits you.
You might be wondering what to expect from your studies here and so each of the teachers in charge of a subject has written a short description in this guide for you. All of the lessons that you have at Wakefield Girls’ will be taught by a teacher who is a subject specialist. With their help and support I am sure you will enjoy your lessons very much, develop passions you don’t yet know about and succeed in your learning. Our teachers are all experienced in helping students from a variety of different schools to settle in and you will be surprised at how quickly you get used to your new surroundings, your new school routines and make new friends. There are lots of extra-curricular activities at Wakefield Girls’ and success often comes from opportunity. There really is something for everyone and I would encourage you to review everything that we have on offer and get involved in those activities and clubs that interest you. We all want you to live each day to the full - enjoy your learning, try new things, rise to challenges. This is an exciting and rewarding time as you start to develop your interests and specialisms. One thing to watch out for is that there is so much to do here, your time will move fast. I wish you a happy and successful time at Wakefield Girls’.
Heidi-Jayne Boyes Headteacher
Welcome Parents We are looking forward to working with your daughter when she joins us at Wakefield Girls’ and we will do our best to give her the best guidance and support throughout her time with us, and beyond. We are also here with support for you.
Life in our senior section will feel different from the school routine your daughter knows and has experienced so far. As well as having a different teacher for every subject, there are lots of opportunities for your daughter to extend her learning and plenty of extracurricular activities to participate in too, all of which are a very important part of school life. We will encourage your daughter to take time to review everything on offer and take part in those activities she is interested in as well as trying new activities and clubs. Changes bring challenges and while most students flourish, we work patiently with others who need more time to adjust, understanding any issues to overcome. In lessons, our teachers help to support, model and guide thought processes, manage cognitive load, develop academic habits, encourage a growth mindset and everyone to actively think. This is supported by resources that are second to none. Daily homework of two or three 20 minute tasks is set relating to the lessons studied that day to help your daughter to consolidate her learning and prepare for future lessons. We use our digital platform, Firefly, for all homework and communication about it. Our teachers will provide written feedback including advice for improvement. We will stay in touch with you about your daughter’s progress throughout her school career. There will be one formal Parents Evening in Year 7 to 9, two grade sheets and a From Tutor summary report at the end of the year. If you have any concerns please do contact us as they arise. In the first instance you should contact your daughter’s form tutor or Head of Year: Kelly Lindley (Year 7), Jim Shaw (Year 8), Natalie Phillips (Year 9). As your daughter starts in September, one change you might feel is a reduced opportunity to meet with other parents on a daily basis. There are, however, many opportunities for you to feel involved with our school community and we look forward to welcoming you to our many events throughout the school year. I would also especially encourage you to take part in the activities of our PTA. We look forward to working with you to make sure your daughter has a happy and successful time at Wakefield Girls’.
Art Knowing you individually we will develop your ability to describe, analyse and creatively respond to a multitude of artistic works from a wide range of genres, cultures and societal issues giving you a visual voice.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
You will develop your creativity in our Art department, developing confidence and enthusiasm for the creative process. During years 7 - 9 you will develop your knowledge of the formal elements of art through key projects each year featuring a variety of media: drawing, painting, textiles, ceramics, photography, printmaking and digital art. You will learn to interpret inspiration from a wide range of sources to develop individual, original work using skills; both hand and machine.
We run weekly Art clubs at lunch time and after school ranging from catch up and casual drop in sessions to ceramics club and mixed media workshops. We also celebrate the work of students and hold digital and pop up exhibitions as well as our annual exhibition in collaboration with ArtWalk Wakefield.
Your learning experience will be enhanced by access to specialist facilities including a kiln and anything else ? There is flexibility in Year 9 to spend 18 weeks constructing and decorating a fashion garment if you wish.
We engage with Art competitions that are both internal, local, national and international as well as celebrating our Art Work of the Week.
We take a multimedia approach to ensure that our ethos of ‘Art for all’ is accessible to everyone, celebrating individual experiences and diversity. By working with you in this way, you’ll be able to create a unique portfolio that fosters your strengths and develops your visual communication skills. Along the way you will develop your analytical skills, ability to take positive risks, resilience, team work skills, time management, big picture thinking skills, an understanding and appreciation for the diversity of others.
Seeing Art beyond the walls of the school is part of our offer and we run a broad range of trips for you to participate in.
Biology No organism exists in isolation, but instead is part of a community and in Biology we encourage you to develop big-picture thinking, being able to make connections between the different topics to explain a concept. We support you to develop critical thinking skills as you design, carry out and evaluate scientific investigations so you become increasingly confident and display automaticity in your scientific thinking.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
In Year 7 you will study the three core branches of Science - Biology, Chemistry and Physics - with one teacher in Science lessons. Your lessons will include many competitions and experiments so you become comfortable using scientific methods and equipment. You will also develop your understanding of the philosophy of Science and the critical thinking skills useful for studying Biology as a standalone subject from Year 8.
We encourage you to take part in The Science Reading Challenge which is open each year to everyone, with Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards available, representing an increase in challenge.
In Biology you will explore the concept of what it means to be alive, studying a number of different organ systems, including the digestive, ventilation and circulatory systems, and how they work as a system to support overall survival. You will learn how society makes decisions about scientific issues, and be able to make informed decisions on how scientific advances impact on lives with consideration of the ethical implications of developments within biology and their potential effects on society.
Year 7 students have the opportunity to be involved in a weekly hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activity which runs as part of our enrichment program, EDGE. From Year 11 you can join the weekly Anatomy and Physiology Club. We will encourage you to enter competitions, such as the British Biology Olympiad, as they arise.
Chemistry Our aim is to share opportunities that are open to you through the study of Chemistry. Our lessons create interest, enthusiasm and intellectual playfulness in Chemistry and we will work with you to develop your full potential. We will develop your confidence in a technological world, so you can take or develop an informed interest in chemical matters with appreciation of the importance of diversity and inclusion.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
In Year 7 you will study the three core branches of Science - Biology, Chemistry and Physics - with one teacher in Science lessons. We will include as much practical work as possible so you use a wide range of resources and become comfortable learning by discovery and using scientific methods and equipment. You will also develop your understanding of the philosophy of Science and the critical thinking skills useful for studying Chemistry as a standalone subject from Year 8.
In Year 7 you can join our Science club and we encourage everyone to take part in our Chemistry Reading challenge. We aim to bring Chemistry to life and broaden learning outside of the classroom with visits to Science Live conferences and Stretch and Challenge days at the National Mining museum. We encourage everyone to enter competitions. For example: In Year 8 you can enter Salters Festival of chemistry and in Year 12 the Schools’ Analyst, Sixth Form Chemistry Olympiad.
In Chemistry you will use particle theory to explain how materials can change. You will study chemical elements, compounds and mixtures, acids and alkalis and you will also learn about chemistry of the atmosphere; Greenhouse gases and human activities which contribute to an increase in such gases and their effects. As you progress to the end of Year 9 you will learn to use formulae and symbol equations on a regular basis as you are introduced to the idea of balancing. By the end of Year 9 you will have learned about metals, their extraction and reactivity; the rock cycle and potable water and begun preparation for GCSE examinations.
Classical Civilisation & Latin We inspire a fascination for the world of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The study of Classics presents you with evidence and opinions and encourages you to analyse what is good and bad in life for the Greeks and Romans through original thinking. It allows you to develop and express structured arguments. Through the evaluation of ancient societies and by making direct comparisons with modern examples, you will develop a deeper understanding of the values of, and problems faced by our own 21st Century world, particularly in the areas of equality, diversity and inclusion where we hope to become more empathetic citizens.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
In Classics you will study and explore all aspects of life in ancient Greece and Rome: culture, mythology and legend, history, ethics and politics, art, architecture and literature as well as the ancient languages Latin and Classical Greek.
We offer annual trips to Pompeii and the Bay of Naples for Year 8 and to sites in Roman Britain to Year 9 so you can extend your learning, study the primary evidence at first hand and follow in the footsteps of the people you study. We will encourage you to enter university and the Classical Association organised essay writing, video production and music composition competitions. We also offer a range of digital lectures, discussions, resources and seminars from our links with universities and museums. We will keep you informed about new developments in Classics: relevant documentaries, interesting museum exhibitions, Classically themed books and things making the news.
You will begin in year 7 with an introduction to Roman civilisation and Greek civilisation including the exploits of ‘Herculean Odyssey’. During year 8 you will start the Cambridge Latin Course and develop your language skills during the course of the year through reading. The stories are set in Pompeii and follow the fortunes of Caecilius and his family and slaves in the months leading up to the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD. As well as learning the Latin language, you will find out about daily life, Pompeian houses, gladiator shows, the baths and the political life of Pompeii. In year 9 your studies will focus on equality, diversity and inclusion issues based on studies of Roman Britain and Roman Alexandria in Egypt.
Computer Science More than anything, our studies of Computer Science promote the importance of accuracy and problem solving. We will help you develop the careful logical thinking that many coding solutions require as well as the ability to examine solutions critically. When codes don’t function we don’t see this as a failure, but as an opportunity to learn.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
In Computer Science you will develop an awareness of the workings of modern computer technology, as well as the skills needed to use it safely and effectively. You will also engage in creative coding covering a broad range of levels and languages, from simple HTML and block-based programming in Year 7 to Python, Javascript and PHP as you progress.
Everyone has the opportunity to take part in national competitions, including the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge and the Government's CyberDiscovery challenge. Wakefield Girls' have enjoyed great success recently with 46 pupils appearing in the top 10% of the county.
You will study the important ways in which computers affect society, such as Artificial Intelligence and privacy. You will be encouraged to consider the ways in which you share your personal information with companies online. In our lessons there will be many instances where you are free to experiment with different solutions, or new techniques entirely collaborating and evaluating other solutions is common.
Design & Technology We encourage you to be open-minded about problem-solving, curious about how things work and are made, and how this impacts society and the environment. We help you to be creative and enterprising through the development of new and innovative ideas, systems and inclusive design. We’ll be talking about social, moral and cultural issues surrounding design and technology, including designing in the style of different cultures and taking inspiration from cultural movements.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
During Design and Technology you will study how products and systems are designed and manufactured, learn to make creative use of a variety of resources, including digital technologies, to improve the world around you and develop innovative skills.
We enter teams of students into the annual regional Rotary Technology Tournament, the First Lego League Challenge and we also build a soap box car and enter the Soap Box Derby competitions. We offer a weekly Young Engineers Club for year 7 students and a CAD CAM Jewellery design and make club for Year 9 students. We work with our GCSE Design & Technology students to endorse them for the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship scheme.
In our Makerspaces you will use a range of tools and machinery to develop your design and practical skills, growing confident about performing new and exciting tasks in unfamiliar but safe and controlled settings. This will include computer aided drawing through 2D Design and Onshape and computer aided manufacture with the aid of a laser cutter and 3D printer. Working collaboratively in teams you will respond to briefs to meet the needs of stakeholders and users. Lessons develop perseverance, risk-taking and resilience as you hone your design and manufacturing skills through a development cycle of iterative designs, ideas, prototypes, testing and user feedback, until the most effective solution is established. During year 7, you will design and make jewellery, keyrings and mechanisms. In year 8 you will work independently and safely to design and make a Passive Amplifier. By the end of year 9 you will have designed and made an Amazing Spaces Architectural Model Project. Alongside your practical work you will record and show your research, ideas and planning in a portfolio.
Drama There is more to drama than being able to perform on stage. At the heart of drama is the development of skills that all young people need; engagement, communication, creative imagination, clarity of expression, autonomy, leadership, confidence and cooperation.
What you will learn In Drama, we develop the key skills of voice, movement, physical theatre and characterisation throughout years 7 to 9 using these to explore a variety of topics. In year 7 you will explore how to build a character, perform poetry, Greek and storytelling theatre. In Year 8, you will focus on building on the skills learned in Year 7, while focusing on documentary theatre, sound and music design, Commedia dell'Arte improvisation skills and the art of building tension. In Year 9, you will learn about the skills of naturalism and devising theatre, both big parts of further Drama study, before going on to study set design and finishing with a Shakespeare performance. You will have the opportunity to work with a range of stimuli including script-based work, theme-based and with Teacher-in-Role to understand how to create and sustain different characters.
Beyond the curriculum Whether you would like to build your confidence, perform in front of others, or simply play fun drama games, our our weekly Drama club provides opportunities for all. All students are able to audition for our annual School Production, where the expectation is that all members develop performance / technical talent and professionalism. As well as performance, there are opportunities to stage manage, in costume-making, music and in our Sound & Light team. Past productions have included School of Rock, The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, Anything Goes, The Little Shop of Horrors and Sister Act.
English We build your capacity for independence, teaching you how to think through tasks, to experiment with different strategies and to review your own work critically. We take a holistic approach to learning, using reading, writing, speaking and listening to reinforce each other, and making connections to other domains of knowledge.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
In Years 7-9 you will study a range of poetry, prose fiction, drama and non-fiction, moving from texts aimed primarily at younger readers, to those aimed at adults, and those from the literary heritage. You will be learning to write genres such as travel writing and articles, as well as adding sophistication to your creative writing.
We will encourage you to read widely, through competitions, challenges and visiting speakers. There are lots of opportunities for creative writing included in our clubs and workshops, and opportunities for journalism are offered through the school magazine. You will be able to join us for live theatre and cultural events. We acknowledge wider achievement with our departmental medals and prizes, generously awarded by former students.
Developing sensitivity to and insight into what you read is a key part of your learning, but you will also have many opportunities to express your ideas, both in talk and in writing, developing your creativity, precision and skill with language. Our aim is that you will use your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills to think deeply about yourself and the world around you. You will have a dedicated library lesson in Year 7 to allow you to explore fiction and non-fiction, and our librarian is always available to help you find new books you’ll love. .
Food & Nutrition We help you learn through formal learning and lots of experiences through travel, fieldwork and expeditions, helping you to be more socially and environmentally sensitive, better informed, and more responsible and ethical as a citizen with skill to make a positive difference in the world.
What you will learn Food and Nutrition is an exciting and creative subject that focuses on nurturing your practical skills to ensure you develop a thorough understanding of food choice and nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food ingredients.
In Year 7 and 8 you will spend 12 weeks in the Food and Nutrition department practising a variety of skills and cooking methods through a broad range of both sweet and savoury recipes. You will learn to select appropriate ingredients, use appropriate techniques and finishes, research design briefs, communicate your ideas, work to a time plan and evaluate and reflect on your work with confidence. You can choose to do Food and Nutrition in Year 9. If you do, you will spend 18 weeks undertaking work more comparable to that at GCSE level. This will include learning about the functional and chemical properties of ingredients, food provenance and practising both food investigation and food preparation research and practical tasks.
Beyond the curriculum We encourage you to take part in a variety of competitions such as Rotary Young Chef, Junior Bake Off and NHS Careers. We link up with other departments where the Food and Nutrition rooms are used for cross curricular activities e.g.Y11 PSHE programme, French lessons. We offer a variety of food/health based lunchtime clubs and host the “ Happy Cafe” for all students to enjoy. Older students take on leadership roles within the department. We offer exciting Food and Nutrition based trips throughout the year.
Geography We help you learn through formal learning and lots of experiences through travel, fieldwork and expeditions, helping you to be more socially and environmentally sensitive, better informed, and more responsible and ethical as a citizen with skill to make a positive difference in the world.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
You will develop your geographical skills with lessons which encourage you to think of the planet as your inheritance and how you can develop a lifelong ‘conversation’ with it. You will explore and study the growing importance of issues such as energy security, health, political and economic systems, cultural difference, human rights, climate change, migration, environmental degradation and inequalities which have a fundamental relevance to everyone.
We run a Geography Issues Group which meets every two weeks.
During year 7 you will learn about globalisation and geographical information systems, global heating and sustainability, physical geography and hydrology. In year 8 you will study extreme weather, challenges of our urban world, resource management, UK coasts and undertake a coasts enquiry project. By the end of year 9 you will have learned about The Development Gap and The Challenge of Natural Hazards.
We enter students for the annual Young Geographer Competition run by the Royal Geographical Society and encourage students to enter other competitions as they arise.
We offer and develop student leadership opportunities ncluding charity, mentoring/coaching younger students and involvement in contemporary issues such as waste or climate change.
We encourage students to watch and discuss documentaries and participate in online activities for instance via our extensive online extra-curricular Google resources.
History is the collective record of humanity in all its ambiguity: glory, progress, pain and sorrow. You will begin to appreciate the complexity, diversity and interconnectedness of our human experience, recognising the valuable skills that History equips you with. We nurture independent thought and enquiring, analytical minds to evaluate and solve complex problems and reach novel conclusions, creating a culture of curiosity and challenge where evidential judgements are reached. We promote the importance of perspective, interpretation and tolerance whilst challenging preconceived narratives.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
In Year 7 you will learn about medieval society & religion exploring The Angevins (Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henry II, Becket and King John )Mansa Musa and the Medieval Mali Empire, Edward II and Isabella of France, The Black Death, Peasants’ Revolt and Richard II We will follow this with an examination of the significance of Joan of Arc.
Our students compete with other schools in digital debates. We broaden learning by engaging with HET and HLUK to hear suvivor stories and in their ambassador Holocaust learning programme.
In Year 8 you will learn about The shifting patterns of power & authority focussing on The Tudors: including a study of Kaufmann’s Black Tudors & Olusogu’s Black and British. The Stuarts: Civil War to Glorious Revolution, Witch Trials & Scientific Revolution; the rise and fall of the British Empire, Suffragettes and Suffragists. In Year 9 you will study Revolutions, conflict history and the role of individuals in The French and Russian Revolutions and the Israeli-Palestine and Ireland conflicts During your studies you will develop your essay writing and source analysis skills.
We enter the HA historical fiction competition and numerous History essay competitions eg: Sheffield University History Department competition; The annual Holodomor essay prize, judging panel Cambridge University; New College of the Humanities annual essay competition.
Mathematics We foster an ethos and appreciation for a lifelong use of Mathematics. Our aim is to ensure that all our students enjoy Mathematics and are enthusiastic about the subject. We explore beyond the curriculum, setting challenging targets with high expectations for everyone. We have a variety of approaches to engage, motivate and actively involve everyone - plus online platforms such as Hegarty Maths and TTRockstars to encourage independent learning and initiative too.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
You will be taught in sets according to ability. In Year 7, Mathematics is set across two bands. In Years 8 and 9 it is set across the whole year group. You will develop the skills that are the building blocks of Mathematics, with opportunities to regularly practice them until a high level of automaticity has been reached.
All students have the chance to enter the UKMT Mathematics Challenges. Selected students are nominated to take part in the UKMT mentoring scheme.
You will extend your mathematical knowledge and skills including number, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, data handling and their application. You will become increasingly confident with transferable numeracy skills and logical abilities that will be used both within school and beyond. You will have lessons which test creativity within mathematical thinking. There will be lots to enjoy.
We offer a Maths Challenge Club that promotes a love of problem solving. We provide a Maths clinic three lunchtimes a week to help any students wanting extra support. We provide opportunities for older students to be Student Leaders and share their knowledge with younger students.
Modern Foreign Languages We make a clear progression from novice to expert linguist through perseverance, challenge and practice, developing empathy by considering different viewpoints with a focus on diversity and cultural awareness, and learning about other customs and traditions. We encourage you to take risks to improve your competency, to be inquisitive about language patterns and grammar application, making links and analysing language to deepen understanding and proficiency.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
During Years 7 - 9 you will enjoy learning how a new language works with lessons that include lots of demonstration, fun digital resources, games, video clips, role play, songs and intellectual challenge. We focus on inspiring you to be adventurous and embrace the empowering and confidence building nature of life-enhancing language learning. We use lots of up-to-date cultural content and a student-friendly approach to learning grammar that brings language learning to life.
We host French, German and Spanish plays performed by native speakers to help our language students. There are clubs for speaking practice with a foreign language assistant, support and encouragement at a weekly clinic and an annual language immersion study trip.
You will learn the sounds, spelling and basics of grammar, developing your abilities to talk and write about an increasingly wide range of topics relating to yourself, your interests, others and the world around you using a range of different tenses. We develop confidence through presentation and participation in oral work, both independently and collaboratively and we will help you with different methods and strategies of language learning to enhance your skills.
We also maintain links with Leeds University, who provide workshops and cultural activities, as well as keeping an eye out for ad hoc cultural visits. Every September we celebrate the European Day of Languages with games, competitions and guest speakers. Of course, we also celebrate the key customs and traditions in France, Germany and Spain.
We celebrate together what is special and unique about the many cultures and civilisations that make up the Spanish, French and German speaking world. There will be opportunities to take part in trips abroad as you develop your language skills.
Music We have a love of music and provide a wide variety of musical contexts to encourage you to develop your skills. Lessons include guided group performance work, imaginative digital creative projects and investigations into the diverse world of music from around the globe.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
In years 7-9 you will explore how music works both as a means of emotional expression and as a way of connecting people together. You will learn about the nature of the ‘musical elements’ (the basic building blocks of music) and apply your understanding in practical musical contexts.
We offer 21 musical ensembles plus smaller chambers groups and studio clubs. Our wide-ranging programme of lunchtime and after school clubs caters for all tastes and interests, whether you want to play in a rock band, improvise in a jazz ensemble, join in an orchestra or sing in a choir. There are also opportunities for you to pursue your own creative projects, or set up and direct your own music club.
You can opt to develop your practical music making in one to one lessons with a member of our team of visiting professional musicians, enabling you to hone your skills using an instrument or through voice. We have an exciting music studio club where you can gain first hand experience of recording and mixing and try your hand at combining audio and digital sounds using notation and sequencing music software. We encourage you to develop your interests by joining in as many musical activities as you wish.
As well as an annual staged musical and in-house concerts, we regularly curate outreach performances for local community groups and run ‘inspire’ days for our talented young musicians. Many of our pupils benefit from our close links with the Wakefield Music Hub, performing in district-wide ensembles such as the Youth and Session Orchestras. Our music scholars contribute to the richness of our department, often mentoring younger pupils and groups from our junior section. We always welcome visits from our musical alumni who are always keen to share their experiences of musical opportunities in the wider community.
PSHE We encourage you to show empathy to others and their situations by considering lots of different reasons for people’s actions and thoughts. Through role play, group work and debates everyone is asked to contribute and listen to help formulate opinions and develop skills such as empathy, concern for society and perseverance. We also encourage you to be aware of, embrace and respect different cultures, religions, sexuality and other personal lifestyle choices to help when forming your own opinions and your understanding of the world we live in.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
Alongside academic subjects you will also have Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education lessons which will help you to develop your awareness of lifestyle choices and how this might affect your life now and in the future.
PSHE works in harmony with the ethos of Wakefield Girls’. We run extra extracurricular groups such as the Inclusivity & Diversity group, The Female Lead and IRIS. We broaden passion and understanding of the different PSHE topics in special assemblies, volunteering in the local community and by hosting events, including charitable works.
You will explore a wide and diverse range of issues covering mental health, physical health, puberty and hygiene, drugs, self-esteem, social media, first aid, immunisations, healthy relationships attributes, STIs, contraception, extremism and radicalisation, grooming, abusive relationships, finance, British Government and law, consumer rights and British values.
During PSHE lessons you will also develop your independent learning and study skills, including organisation, exam preparation and dealing with exam stress.
Physics We teach you to be a problem-solver from the very start. We support you to develop automaticity of the basic skills, in order to free up your working memory to tackle more difficult problems. Resilience and dedication are built up through supported challenging activities, stretching your practical, verbal and written skills. Lots of experiments, fun activities and projects are tackled weekly as we bring Physics topics to life, extending and broadening the learning that occurs in the classroom. This means you will develop your practical skills and learn how to plan an investigation.
What you will learn In Year 7 you will study the three core branches of Science - Biology, Chemistry and Physics - with one teacher in Science lessons. Studying Physics at Wakefield Girls will give you a solid appreciation of your place in the Universe, and the wonderful things that you can do within it. You will have the opportunity to learn about the best that has been thought and said, so that you have a full problem-solving toolkit to tackle whatever your life and career brings your way You will study the Big Idea threads that weave their way through the Physics curriculum: Energy, Forces, Particles, Waves and Electricity. You will repeatedly return to these concepts, to build on your knowledge and engage more deeply over time. During year 7 you will begin with studying Particle Model, Energy and Forces. In year 8 you will explore Heating & Cooling, Electricity, Pressure & Space and in year 9 we study: Light, Magnetism and Forces.
Beyond the curriculum We celebrate celestial events such as eclipses and planetary transits, supporting you to safely view these events. We also offer Rocketry as part of our enrichment program, EDGE, every Thursday afternoon. We encourage everyone to take part in the Science Reading Challenge and offer a rare opportunity to study GCSE Astronomy from year 9, delivered by a subject specialist.
Physical Education We encourage you to participate in and enjoy exercise and extra curricular sport regardless of your level of skill. We work with you to build your confidence to effectively apply and develop your understanding of the 20 characteristics of high performance learners.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
The range of sports on offer will enable you to enjoy physical exercise and value its contribution towards wellbeing and health. You will have lots of opportunities to participate in activities individually and as part of a team. We will help you to improve your level of skill, success and achievement while you learn to enjoy exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.
We run sports clubs for LIST THEM during lunch times and after school. We have Sports Teams for LIST THEM PLS. Practices are held before school, during the lunch break and after school. Matches against other schools and tournaments are held after school and at weekends. We offer leadership opportunities including completion of the Level 1 and Level 2 in Sports Leadership qualifications and also by applying to be a part of the Girls Active programme. We offer an Academic PE Trip to Manchester City Football club which includes a stadium tour and sports science presentation. The trip provides a great opportunity for you to apply the theory learned in lessons to a real life setting. It is also a fantastic opportunity for you to gain an insight into potential sport related career paths.
In year 7 and 8 you will develop your understanding and performance of the core skills in Hockey, Netball, Dance, Gymnastics, Tennis, Cricket and Athletics. You will have opportunities to develop your tactical understanding and ability to use the core skills in game based scenarios and performances. In year 9 you will develop skills in a variety of other sports including Table Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Football, Rugby. You will also take part in fitness and leadership activities throughout the year, developing collaborative working skills as you do. We hope that you will continue to participate in sport and value the importance of health and fitness into adult life.
Religion, Philosophy & Ethics We promote and encourage spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness. Irrespective of your religion, beliefs and academic ability, you will have equal access to Religion, Philosophy & Ethics lessons which are designed for you to experience success and stimulation in your work, reaching your full potential.
What you will learn
Beyond the curriculum
Religion, Philosophy & Ethics is an outward looking subject where you will study and explore a range of religious and ethical issues within an atmosphere of debate, critical engagement and honesty. Studying in this way will mean you develop a range of personal qualities including initiative, independence and an ability to listen to others' points of view, resulting in greater awareness of world views and respect for each other's opinions.
The Philosophy Club meets weekly and we have ‘Religion of the Month’ assemblies. We take part in Theology & Philosophy competitions run by leading British universities which students can enter. We employ visiting speakers - in the past this has included a Holocaust survivor, a Church of England priest and a practicing Sikh. We run an annual year 9 Trip to the Buddhist Centre in Pocklington.
During years 7 - 9 you will study an ‘Introduction to Religion, Philosophy & Ethics’ & then focus on two religions per year. In year 7 you will learn about Christianity & Islam; in year 8 your focus will switch to Sikhism & Hinduism and in year 9 you will explore and study Buddhism & Judaism. We encourage you to reflect on and assess your own performance during lessons, setting targets for yourself in an informal way; this includes a range of methods, such as using performance grids as a tool for learning. You will become confident developing key skills through the curriculum content taught and schemes of work you complete to ensure you develop the characteristics you will need to develop to be a high performing learner.
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