It's been a year like no other and never before has wellbeing been such an important feature in schools. To celebrate the importance of wellbeing, Wakefield Girls’ continued its tradition of hosting a Wellbeing Week jam-packed with opportunities to reinforce the themes of wellbeing which are threaded through a student’s daily life. It really was difficult to squeeze all the activities in!
Connecting with other people and celebrating community Our relationships with others are fundamental to our wellbeing. They help us build a sense of belonging and self-worth; they give us an opportunity to share positive experiences and create new ones; they provide emotional and practical support and give us the opportunity to provide this in return. The Year 8 girls enjoyed the return of the Happy Cafe, an opportunity to share a hot chocolate and good conversation and Year 11 students enjoyed playing Beetle Drive and making the tallest towers from cardboard. Throughout the year, girls have taken part in various activities such as Year 9 taking part in a treasure hunt around the school campus during the 'Easter Challenge' organised by Mr Shaw. They were out and about completing various challenges on the quad competing in forms against each other and doing a range of activities and challenges including a hunt for Easter items (and Action Men). Year 7 got to know each other through space for nature team activities and various Easter challenges set by Mrs Lindley. Some of their egg designs and creations were fantastic.
Learning new skills Research shows that learning new skills can improve your mental wellbeing by boosting self-confidence and selfesteem, building a sense of purpose, and helping us to connect with others. The circus was a fantastic event, made possible by a generous donation from the PTA, where students learnt to juggle, walk a tightrope and balance feathers. Christmas tree decoration, making Eid decorations and bracelet making were also very popular events.
Giving to others Acts of giving and kindness can help improve mental wellbeing by creating positive feelings and a sense of reward. By paying it forward, it gives a feeling of purpose and self-worth, and helps to connect with other people. It was wonderful to read the Year 10 kind thoughts paper chains, Year 9 compli-messages and the eye-catching compliment cloaks made by Year 7.