2 minute read
Amelie Dissanayaka, Year 11 takes the time to write about her Wakefield Girls’ High School experience

I entered Year 11 excited at the prospect of finally being one of the eldest in the school. After four years of looking up to the Year 11s, at long last I had made it. Naturally, at Wakefield Girls’ High School, this comes with a few privileges: we had access to the coveted common room, we were allowed to go into town at lunchtimes and most importantly we were finally allowed to break the barricades that most call “bobbles” and let our hair down. It’s safe to say, that we were all rather pleased with ourselves as we made the most of the common room speakers, showed off our stud earrings and flaunted our mostly discreet makeup. As time went on, I was quick to realise that it was not all fun and games, along with the privilege came pressure. GCSEs. By the time January came around, those four letters of the alphabet had the ability to completely wreak havoc on the emotions of the majority of the common room population. Our teachers were starting to prepare us, the burden of revision weighed us down and there was always someone with a “Countdown to Exams” app on their phone nearby. GCSEs were inescapable and stress was essentially unavoidable. Little did I know, that those four anxiety-causing letters (that I mentioned earlier), were soon to be replaced by a completely different combination of five letters and two numbers. This is where things got interesting or to use the word, with which this thing is morecommonly associated, unprecedented. COVID-19.Coronavirus has had a completely unparalleled effect on the entire world, including the Year 11 students across the country. In terms of exams, the pandemic had rapidly replaced preparation, as Boris Johnson declared them cancelled and the nation went into lockdown. It was an abrupt end to my final school year; however, it can be said with confidence that it was definitely an experience to remember.
As I went into quarantine, my education moved online. My school-provided Chromebook was more useful than ever, as lessons became virtual. After celebrating the end of GCSEs, Year 11 was offered the opportunity to partake in a programme, called Limitless Learning. This was to help us transition into Year 12 so we were equipped, when September rolled around, to embark on our A Levels. The Coronavirus pandemic became a stressful time for many and we were lucky at WGHS as our teachers encouraged us to visit the virtual Happy Café and take part in Kahoot quizzes to maintain a sense of normality in these unforeseeable circumstances.

To quote our school hymn, ‘As we march along life’s road’ and find ‘our aim and purpose’, I know that every girl will always hold incredible memories of their time at school. No matter the outcome on Results’ Day, no matter as we choose to stay for Sixth Form, no matter what could lie ahead of us - we will know one thing is for certain: Once a High School Girl, Always a High School Girl.