Welcome to Wakefield Girls'
I am delighted that your daughter will be joining our school. Welcome, also, to you and your family. I hope that you will all enjoy becoming and being a part of our Wakefield Girls’ community. This handbook is designed to provide you with useful information about the school which we hope will answer the many questions that you and your daughter may have about life and learning here. At the end of the handbook you will find a recap on some key dates for your diary and some important admin to take care of ahead of your daughter’s first day.
We are confident that your daughter will enjoy her time with us. We all want our students to live each day to the fullest. We’re a happy school brimming with lots of opportunities to help your daughter fulfil her academic and personal potential. This handbook shares information on our systems that enable this and will be a helpful reference as your daughter progresses through Wakefield Girls’. Should you have any queries, please use the contact points outlined here so we can best help you.
With best wishes,
Ms Heidi-Jayne Boyes Head
TIMETABLE (example)
Aims and Ethos
Wakefield Girls’ High School is one of the North's top independent schools with a defining ethos which has prevailed for 145 years. At the heart of this ethos is the idea that there are no limitations on learning or what girls can achieve. We support and prepare students to achieve the qualifications and to develop the necessary skills to fulfil their potential and thrive in our changing world.
Our school has a stimulating, respectful environment and we promote positivity to instil the happy and vibrant atmosphere you will find here, where students develop a joy of learning and celebrate individual and team achievements in the solidarity of balanced friendships and with supportive staff.
We strive to know our students personally and promote their self confidence, to help each find and develop her interests, character and to flourish. Students have daily contact with tutors and teachers and it is important to us that students know who to contact in school as and when they need support.
We value student voice, independent thought and empathy and seek to develop these qualities in our students. We encourage students to be inquisitive, explore and debate ideas, formulate their own views and consider those of others in all areas of the curriculum where spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues arise.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced, responsive to technological and educational developments, and is delivered by well qualified, committed teachers in facilities which allow study and an extensive range of diverse extra curricular activities to flourish. Excellent results in external examinations and impressive sporting success at local, national and international level combine to give the school its outstanding reputation.
The words on our historic crest and of the school hymn, “each for all”, epitomises the school’s camaraderie and the philanthropy evident in its charitable giving. We value and forge partnerships with all areas of our community, far and wide.
We want our students to be: outward looking, motivated to support each other and ready to make a difference be proud to be part of a warm and caring community future ready with a strong sense of social responsibility be intellectually curious and experience a Joy of Learning at Wakefield Girls’
Ourvaluesare: Empowered Together Aware
MovingtoWakefieldGirls'isaprocesswecaredeeply about.
WhenstudentsjoinusfromJuniorSchoolwehavea numberofkeyeventsandcommunicationstohelpmake thismoveasseamlessandsmoothaspossible.Theyare explainedoverthenextfewpages.
AlimitednumberofstudentsjoinWakefieldGirls’in Years8-10andYear12.Newstudentsjoiningusat thesepointswillbepairedwithabuddyfromtheyear groupandmonitoredcloselybytheirFormTutorduring theinitialweeks.
Allnewfamiliesareinvitedtoschoolforawelcomemeeting6pm-8pm.NewstudentswillmeettheirFormTutorsandall theothernewformmemberswhileparentslistentoavarietyofkeypresentationsfrommembersofourschoolteam, includingtheHeadandHeadofYear7.Therewillbeopportunitiestoseetheschooluniformandlearnaboutthe upcomingresidentialtripwhichisakeypartofhelpingallnewstudentstosettleinquickly.
OurHeadofYear7,MrsLindley,willvisiteverystudentjoining WakefieldGirls’for15minutesattheirprimaryschoolduring May. Thedateswillvarydependingonagreementswiththe Headteacherofeachrespectiveschool.Thisisanopportunity foryourchildtomeetwithhernewHeadofYear,toshowthe workshehasbeendoingandaskanyquestionsaboutlifeinour Seniors.WemayalsomeetwithHeadteachersorYear6 teacherstodiscussanyaspectsofthetransitionforindividual students.
Allstudentsjoiningyear7willbeinvitedtoadayto gettoknoweachotherandmeettheircurrentYear7 buddies.Therewillbeatouroftheschoolsiteto helpnewstudentsbecomefamiliarwithourfacilities aswellasfunorientationactivitiesandteam-building games.Studentsshouldcomeincomfortablenonuniformclothes,readyforanyweather.Transition Dayisdedicatedtohelpingeveryonetosettleinto dailylifeinourschool.
First Day Welcome
We are excited to welcome our new students to Wakefield Girls'. Students can arrive anytime between 8am and no later than 8.35am on their first day. Mrs Lindley, Head of Year 7 will be on site with our senior prefects to welcome new students and guide them to their form rooms to meet their tutors. Students can arrive either via our Wentworth St or Margaret St entrances. Here is a map of our site.
First Month Year 7 Team Building Residential
Wequicklybringtogetheranduniteallournewstudentsfrom variousdifferentjuniorschoolswithalovelyresidentialtrip enjoyingfunoutdooractivitiesatYMCALakeside.
In Year 7 students are placed into one of four tutor groups, each with around 23 students led by a Form Tutor. They will be taught in these Tutor Groups. Tutor Groups are rearranged in Year 8 and students have a different Form Tutor who they remain with for the next two years. Tutor Groups are re-grouped again in Year 10 and students remain in these groups until the end of Year 11. Sixth Form students are in mixed Tutor Groups with the same Tutor throughout their two years in Sixth Form. The Head of Year also remains the same in Years 8 & 9; 10 & 11 and Sixth Form to ensure continuity for students.
EverystudentbecomesamemberofoneoffourHouses, andremainsinthisHouseduringherschoollife.Thishelps studentssettlequicklyintoourcommunity,fostering friendship,belongingandasharedsenseofpurpose.
OurstudentsalluseChromebooksintheirstudiesandto workindependently,inandoutofschool,atatime convenientforthem.NewYear7studentswillbegiven theirownChromebookandafulldigitalinduction.
First Year Form Time
A daily programme of Form Time runs where students have opportunities to discuss current events, take part in form activities and consider their contributions to school and community life with their Form Tutor and other form members.
Progress Mentoring
Year7FormTutorsmonitortheprogressofeverystudent.Mentoringmeetingsarearrangedto assistandfurthersupportstudenttransitionthroughouttheyearasneeded.
There is a strong sense of community in the school and non-denominational assemblies, led by the Head, Senior Leadership Team and school staff, are an important part of life here. The whole school gathers in Jubilee Hall for assemblies on Monday and Friday mornings. Assembly time includes celebrating successes of the week and handing out awards and certificates or typically consist of a theme of educational, social, global or moral interest. Year Group and House assemblies are scheduled at regular intervals every term and we also encourage students to work in their Tutor Groups to lead an assembly at least once a year.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
We offer 95 different clubs throughout the year in our EDGE programme and encourage students to explore and get involved in the many opportunities available.
PSHE Lessons
Covering Friendships, Diversity, Moral Decision Making, Careers, Citizenship and Emotional Literacy.
If you have any concerns about anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact school. The School Office is open from 8.00 am until 5.00 pm during term time and is also open during the school holidays from 9.00 am until 4.00 pm. During the summer holidays, the office will only be open for the 1st week of the holidays, and the last 2 weeks of August.
Here is how to reach our team.
Mrs Jane Field Attendance and Admin
problem or want to report an absence please reach our office team by calling
Mrs Celeste Fisher Admin Support Manager
Mrs Jen Haigh Cover Secretary
Mrs Debbie Marshall School Secretary
Mrs Gemma Payne School Secretary Receptionist and Admin Assistant
Academic Queries
Heads of Department are responsible for the educational provision in their subjects. If you have a query about an academic matter please contact the relevant Head of Department of the subject concerned. Contact details for all staff are available on Firefly.
Mrs Judith Tingle, Deputy Head: Academic, and Mr David Eggleston, Deputy Head: Teaching & Learning are available to parents with serious concerns relating to academic progress
Pastoral and Wellbeing
Student welfare is the priority for all staff. Heads of Years are specifically responsible for the pastoral care and discipline within their year group. With each year group, students are grouped by forms and meet twice daily with a Form Tutor. If you have any pastoral questions, please contact your daughter’s Form Tutor first of all. Tutors can deal with the majority of pastoral issues. If your daughter needs advice or guidance, please encourage her to approach her Form Tutor during the two registrations each day. Contact details for your child’s Form Tutor will be given at the start of the year. Please don’t hesitate to contact them.
Please seek the help of the Head of Year if needed.
Mr James Harris, Deputy Head: Pastoral, is responsible for the pastoral care in school and is available for parents and students with serious concerns.
Ms Heidi-Jayne Boyes Head J g Deputy Head: Academic
Mr David Eggleston Deputy Head: Teaching & Learnin
Mr James Harris Deputy Head: Pastoral
Associate Assistant Head: Professional Excellence
Mr Sam Rowley Director of Junior Section
Dr Sarah Duerden-Brown
Mr Christopher Murtland Head of Sixth Form
Mrs Kelly Lindley
Head of Year 7
Mrs Natalie Phillips Head of Year 8
Mrs Elizabeth Maher
Head of Year 10
Mrs Isobel Simmons Head of Year 11
Mrs Rebecca Manson
Head of Year 9
Mr Christopher Murtland Head of Sixth Form
We value relationships with parents and understand the importance of smooth, effective communication between school and home. We will email all important news once a week and share your child’s progress via our secure website, Firefly.
Firefly is the school’s secure website where you can read up to date regular information about your child including their attendance, behaviour, progress, marks, teacher feedback and information relating to their year group. As a parent at Wakefield Girls’ you will be given a username and password to access Firefly once your daughter begins school. You will find copies of all letters which have been emailed/sent home as well as up to date information about your daughter’s progress from her teachers. We also share resources and information so you can support learning outside the classroom.
Your daughter will also use Firefly to access her timetable and messages from staff on her homepage. All homework instructions are given via Firefly, helping students to manage their time and independent study effectively. Teachers provide feedback on homework including guidance about how to improve.
We share resources, set homework, share feedback and provide online learning activities that students can access whenever and wherever they want, empowering them to work in their own way and at their own pace.
Weekly Email
We will email any and all letters related to your child via an email every Thursday at 5pm along with a few highlights of school life. We try to send all correspondence through our weekly email so as not to overload your inbox.
Parents Evening
We provide Parents’ Evenings to enable parents to discuss their child’s progress with all staff who teach them. There is one Parents’ Evening in Years 7, 8, 9 and 11. This increases to two Parents’ Evening in Years 10, 12 and 13. We provide an appointment system.
Please feel free to contact us at any point to make an appointment with your child’s Form Tutor, Head of Department, Deputy Heads (Academic or Pastoral) or Headteacher.
School Life
We keep parents updated about the life of the school through news featured on our website, on facebook, instagram and twitter. Please follow us @WGHSYorkshire.
We also produce an annual school magazine, The Review, which will be shared electronically with all students at the start of the autumn term. The magazine is packed with information about life at Wakefield Girls' and includes details of academic, cultural and sporting activities, competitions, creative writing, staff updates, university news and art work.
Weprovidetermlyreportssothatyouareawareofyourchild’s progressinordertosupportthemfully.Pleaserespond immediatelywithanyqueriesorconcernsfollowingreports. Formtutorsreadthroughthestudents’reportsindividuallywith them,toassistunderstandingandindividualtargetsetting.All reportsincludeanachievementgradebasedeitherontheterm's workoranexaminationresult,aneffortgradeandagrade indicatingyourdaughter'sorganisationalskills,levelof participationinclassandwhetherornotsheismeetingwork deadlines.
Theachievementgradereflectstheteacher'sassessmentof yourdaughter'sperformancebasedonhomework,classwork, anydepartmentaltestsand/oranyotherappropriate information. Effortgradesrepresentstaffopinionofhowhardshehas workedthroughoutthesessionpriortothatreportinclasswork, homeworkand,whenappropriate,inpreparationfortheendof yearexaminations.
MeritEffort(ME)andMeritAchievements(MA)areshownon reportsandinYear7areawardedtoamaximumoffive studentsfromeachteachinggroup.
The attainment grade scale used for marking your child’s work is:
A1 Attainment is outstanding
A2 Attainment is excellent
A3 Attainment is very good
B1 Attainment is good
B2 Attainment is creditable
C Attainment is acceptable
D Attainment is unsatisfactory - Not applicable or not able to give a grade
WorkcompletedinYears10–13isassessed inlinewiththeGCSEandALevelgrades. Gradeswillbebasedonworkcovereduptoa givenstageinthecourseand,therefore,must notbeusedasanaccuratepredictorofthe finalgrade.
Academic Curriculum
TheWakefieldGirls'curriculumisstructuredtoconsolidatestudyovertimeandprovidesplentyofopportunitiesforcrosscurricularlearning.Ataseniorlevel,theexpandingrealisationofexactlywhattheycanachieve,makeseachstudent’s educationaljourneybothliberatingandempowering.Individualityandinnovationareencouragedateverystageastheylearn tothinkdifferentlyanddevelopthelifeskillsandcharacter-buildingqualitiesthatwillpowerthemalongfuturepathways.
OurteachersareallALevelexpertsintheirfieldswithexcellentacademic,andoftenindustry,expertise.Intheirsmall, supportiveclassestheyprovideanexcitingandengagingmixofpersonalinspiration,challengeandintellectualadventure. Ourteachersknowgirlsandknoweachindividualstudentwell.
Curriculum Guide - Years 7 to 9
Read the Year 7 - 9 Curriculum Guide
Read the GCSE Choices Guide
Academic Curriculum
We live in a rapidly changing world and our curriculum is kept under constant review. Our independence allows us to assess current practice and to select and provide what we consider to be in the best educational interest of our students.
Key Stage 3 (Years
7 - 9)
Key Stage 4 (Years 10 -
Sixth Form (Years 12 - 13)
Your child will follow a very wide curriculum, which includes: Art, Design Technology, Drama, Food Technology, Textiles, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, English, French, Geography, German or Spanish (beginning in Year 8), History, Latin and Classical Civilisation, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physics and Religious Studies.
In Year 9 support is given to help your child decide on their GCSE choices. They are given a free choice of subject combinations and an Options Brochure which explains the procedures and subjects in detail.
Your child will follow an individually designed course leading to an examination in 9 subjects at GCSE. All students study Mathematics, English Literature and English Language. They may choose to follow a route which offers the equivalent of two GCSEs in science or the equivalent of three. We also expect all students to complete at least one foreign language. The aim at this stage is to choose a broad and balanced course, which keeps the widest possible range of options open at A level. In addition to those subjects already taken, students may begin to study Greek (Greek is taught outside the normal curriculum) and Further Mathematics.
We provide a bespoke curriculum and high quality personal support enabling our Sixth Form students to pursue their interests and benefit from depth and breadth in all their studies. Sixth Form students have a free choice of subject combinations and most study three A level subjects over two years. Most students also take the opportunity to complete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) on a subject of their choice. We support students with themed lessons covering research skills, referencing and interpreting data. In addition to their A levels our students can tailor their own curriculum by completing additional courses which complement their other subjects, for example, ‘Future Learn’ courses and MOOCs.
We have 27 A level subjects on offer, with courses widened from those offered at GCSE to include Economics, Business Studies, Politics and Psychology.
We collaborate with brother school Queen Elizabeth Grammar School for some subjects at Sixth Form level. Further details can be found in the Sixth Form brochure.
IfyourdaughterisillandcannotattendschoolpleasetelephonetheSchoolOfficeby8.45am onthemorningsheisill.Pleasefollowthisupwithasignedletterexplainingthereasonfor absencetoyourdaughter'sFormTutor,onherreturn.
Youwillappreciatethatregularattendanceisessentialforcontinuityoflearning.Please arrangeholidaysduringtheschoolholidayssoworkisnotmissed.Whenabsencecannotbe avoided(egmedicaltreatmentorperformanceinteams)wewillsupportstudentsasthey catchuponworktheyhavemissed.Specialrequestsforanykindofabsencefromschool shouldbemadeinwritingtotheHeadatleasttwodaysinadvance.
Weuseanelectronicsigningsystemsoweknowwhoisonsite.Itisessentialthateveryone signsinandoutastheyenterandleaveschoolpremises.Wealsoregisterstudentsforeach lesson.Ifastudentisnotmarkedpresentduringregistration,andtherehasbeennomessage leftattheSchoolOffice,parentswillbecontactedbyamemberofourSchoolOfficestaff.
We expect students to be on time for school and all lessons. Please allow time for visiting lockers, chatting to friends, delivering homework etc. Students should be on site by 8.30am for 8.40am registration.
Bad Weather Arrangements
Our priority is for the safety of our students. As a general principle, we will only close the school in exceptional circumstances. If any emergency interrupts normal school attendance we follow these guidelines.
We will communicate changes via our website and parent portal, FireFly as early in the morning / as quickly as possible and, if in school, we will tell students by 2pm at the latest.
Students will not be free to leave before this time other than in very exceptional circumstances. Students will be kept fully informed and we request that parents check our website and Firefly rather than phone.
When students are dismissed from school they should go straight home. Please prepare your daughter for what she must do in order to get home if she is dismissed early from school. Jubilee Hall will remain open for those that need to wait for special transport and until every student has been collected.
Before & After School
Before School
All students can arrive in school at 8am and go to their Form Room.
After school
After school provision runs in the Langham Library from 4pm6pm.
Careers Guidance
Our school provides a wealth of opportunities within the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities that develop confident, fearless girls with the qualifications and qualities to have a wide choice of future career options.
Our comprehensive careers programme is made up of formal and informal elements. This encompasses classroom-based activities as well as research, visits, guest speakers, work experience, role models, mock interviews and drop-in sessions with the Head of Careers.
This process begins in Year 7 and is carried right through the school. It is intended that this structure will have sufficient scope and variety, as well as the depth and breadth of advice, to suit every student in our school, whether they choose a university route, including Oxbridge support, one of the many apprenticeship routes or direct employment.
Ready For Big Futures
Wakefield Girls leave ready to enjoy big futures of their choice. We have a strong and supportive alumnae network who support our current students with careers talks, mentoring and a whole range of advice. Every fortnight we're joined on Instagram Live by an alumnae who shares practical tips and advice, inspiring students as well as helping them to begin their own practical preparations. A quick glance at our current alumnae will show the diverse range of careers our alumnae go on to succeed in. They have become our Medics, Chemists, Analysts and Engineers; our Artists, Performers, Producers and Authors; our Lawyers, Investment Managers, Business leaders and Entrepreneurs; they include Parliamentary Officers, a British Ambassador, Olympian and British Empire Medal winner.
All students eat lunch in school. Our excellent catering team provides delicious nutritious choices daily.
Students can have up to four courses every lunchtime. These are:
a salad / soup 1.
a main course - there are always two hot choices plus a vegetarian option 2. dessert3. fruit4.
Students can also choose from a selection of sandwiches and jacket potatoes with various fillings
Lunch is served between 1pm and 2pm and the time your child eats with her year group will vary from day to day on a rota basis. Our menus change termly to make best use of the seasonal trends and variations in supplies. Lunch menus are available to see here.
We are always open to suggestions. The students can at any time make their views and suggestions known via the School Council.
Other Times
Soft drinks, breakfasts, morning break and end of day snacks are all also available at an additional cost.
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Extra Curricular
TheDukeofEdinburghawardschemeistheworld’s leadingyouthachievementaward,andtheschoolis immenselyproudtobeoneofthelargestDofEcentresin England. Therearethreeprogressivelevelsoftheprogramme which,whensuccessfullycompleted,leadtoaBronze, SilverorGoldaward.Foreachlevel,studentsmust complete4keyelements(Volunteering,Physical,Skills andExpedition)witheachelementrequiringconsiderable commitmentandself-discipline.Studentscanenrolforthe BronzeAwardinYear9(ontheir14thbirthday)and continuetoparticipateintheschemerightthroughtoYear 13.
Aswellasthesenseofachievementinreceivinganaward, studentsreallyappreciatethemanybenefitsofthe scheme.Newhobbies,interestsandsportingskillsare developedandthereisachancetodoworkinthe community.Theschemedevelopspersonalqualitiessuch asself-confidence,perseveranceandcommitment,andon expedition,studentsmustworkasateamanddevelop leadershipskills.Whenapplyingtouniversity,students oftendiscusstheirDofEexperiencestoemphasisethe breadthoftheireducationandachievements.
Successoftencomesfromopportunitiesandwe providelotsontopofarichcurriculumatWakefield Girls'.OurEDGEprogramme(whichstandsfor EnrichingandDevelopingGirls'Education)provides spaceforpersonalgrowththroughadiversearrayof incredibleextra-curricularactivities.Wehighlyvalue thedevelopmentofskillssoughtafterbytop universitiesandemployersanddesignourEDGE programmetoexplicitlyhelpstudentstofosterthem.
EDGEtakesplaceonThursdayafternoonsand involveseverystudentatWakefieldGirls',fromYear7 toYear13.Itisachanceforstudentstocustomisea smallcorneroftheirtimetablebychoosingfroma widerangeofactivitiesledpredominantlyby WakefieldGirls'staff.Aboveall,wehopethatthe studentsreallyenjoytheirEDGEexperiencesand perhapsdiscoverahiddentalent!
Extracurricularactivitiesenrichthelifeoftheschool andthereisalwaysawealthofclubsandsocieties availablealthoughtheymayvaryaccordingtothe particularenthusiasmofstudentsandtutorsatthe time.Youcanviewourextracurricularactivitieslist here.
Parents are specifically asked not to arrange holidays during the examination period, which for Years 7 to 10 take place within the two weeks immediately before half term in the summer term.
This end of year examination gives a final measure of achievement and progress for that year. The achievement grade on each student’s results sheet reflects the performance in the examination providing a clear indication of the level a student has reached towards the end of the school year.
Should students be absent through illness, then every effort will be made to make alternative arrangements for them to take papers later but this might not be possible nor appropriate. Papers may NOT be done at an earlier date. Students who take examinations in this way will not be eligible for the prize list.
The guidelines for conduct during and after the examination will be explained in detail to the students. However, if any invigilator is not satisfied with any aspect of a student’s behaviour, information will be sent to the Head immediately. Misconduct could result in a paper being cancelled.
After their A levels, the majority of our students go to university, gaining places at excellent establishments to study a diverse range of subjects.
Founders Day, Celebration Assembly & Prize Giving
Founders Day is held on the Friday closest to September 16th. The school celebrates its foundation with a service at Wakefield Cathedral in the morning, which all students attend. The Celebration Assembly is held within the first week of the Autumn term and only prize winners and the Sixth Form will attend. Students in Years 7 to 11, who are not prize winners go home at lunchtime on this day.
Homeworkisanessentialpartoftheschoolcourse.Itis designedtohelpstudentstogainindependenceof workingandreachhighacademicstandards. Ahomeworktimetableisprovidedatthebeginningofthe autumntermforeverystudentinYears7-9.Thiswill specifysubjectstobestudiedeacheveningandan approximateguidetotheamountoftimerequiredforeach subject.Whatissetforhomeworkwillvary:sometimes studentsareaskedtocompleteatasksetduringalesson; readingorlearninghomeworkcanvaryinthelengthof timeneededtocompletethem,ascanprojectsor assignmentswhicharesometimessetoveralongerperiod oftime.Inadditiontosetworkinthesubjects,weexpect thestudentstobereadingwidelytolearnmoreabouttheir maininterestsandforpleasure.Yourdaughter’s homeworkinstructionswillbesetviaouron-linelearning platformFirefly. Wevaluethecooperationofparentsinensuringthat homeworkisdonefully,withcareandpunctually.Wewill shareacopyoftheHomeworkTimetablewithyouandask thataquietareaismadeavailableforstudy.Shouldany problemsregardinghomeworkarise,pleasedonot hesitatetocontactschooltodiscussyourconcerns. Usuallyyourfirstpointofcontactwouldbewithyour daughter'sFormTutor.
Homeworkcanalsobedoneattheendoftheschoolday inourlibrarywhichisopenuntil6pm.
Every student is welcomed to one of four Houses, and remains in this House during her school life. With its own identity and loyal membership, each House engenders a shared sense of purpose as students relax, socialise, study and build a true team spirit with girls of all ages, making lifelong friends through our many inter-house activities, socials and contests. On a practical note, each house also has small, intimate tutor groups, where students meet daily with their designated tutor for supervision, guidance and mentoring.
Houses are:
Mackie (red)
Lee (blue)
Clayton (green)
Heywood (yellow)
Houses also provide leadership opportunities for students in every year group.
Learning Sup
We see all students as as potential hi by ‘ability’. This comes from a resear that responds to our growing underst
We use a unique teaching and learnin Performance Learning, to systematic cognitive skills, values, attitudes and The framework is built around two se which when taken together allow eac learning style and a way to behave th perform highly in all aspects of their l accredited world class school.
A dedicated department supports stu through individual support and a prog throughout the year.
The department is also responsible fo with current JCQ criteria (e.g. laptop has a particular need identified result any parent has questions or concerns public examinations, they are invited vgardiner@wgsf.net
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Wakefield Girls’ has a full time school nurse available throughout the school day. This service includes health advice, a confidential drop-in, pastoral and mental well being support, minor illness care, first aid provision, simple over the counter medication if parental consent is given, and support of students with medical conditions. Matron also organises our school vaccination programme and contributes to Health Education through our PSHE programme.
It is intended that this service should not replace your GP who should retail sole control over any prescribing for your daughter; although some referrals to other health professionals can be made if required.
We have a small sick bay although it is not possible to keep an unwell students for long periods of time. Parents are expected to make arrangements to collect their daughter if necessary.
Please note that it is very important that we have up-to-date medical information and medication, and contact details, in case of emergency. Please see the last page in this guide on how to share medical information. We encourage you to keep us up to date with any changes that you feel will help us to support your duaghter.
We provide many musical opportunities for students: to learn a new instrument, to continue learning to play an existing one and / or to join one of our choirs. Bands, orchestras and choirs all operate on a regular basis, together with a large number of smaller ensembles. Many groups are run jointly with Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, and this adds an extra dimension to an already flourishing scene enabling students to work alongside their talented male peers.
Regular musical events include:
A variety of additional events feature throughout our school year:
October: Cabaret Evening
December: Carol Service (Wakefield Cathedral); Christmas Concerts
February: Stage Production (Play or Musical) with QEGS
March: Y13 Recital; KS4/5 Music Competition
April: Big Sing (biennial)
May: Summer Concerts
June: KS3’s Got Talent, Suzuki violin concert
Individual tuition
Individual tuition is available as an option at Wakefield Girls' in voice and the following instruments:
Woodwind: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone and Bassoon
Brass: Trumpet, Cornet, French Horn, Tenor Horn, Euphonium, Trombone and Tuba
Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Bass
Guitar, Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar
Keyboard: Piano*, Keyboard and Organ*
Percussion: Drum Kit* and Orchestral
For instruments marked* it is essential that students have their own instrument. For other instruments it may be possible to hire an instrument from school. Should you wish to purchase an instrument; the Music department will be pleased to advise you.
Associated Board Practical and Theory
The school has a strong team of individual music lesson teachers, and students can take their Associated Board Practical and Theory exams in school. We offer free classes in aural and theory for candidates taking Associated Board Practical and Theory exams, and free accompaniment for internal candidates.
Application For Individual tuition
Please complete and return an application form for individual music lessons to the main school office before the penultimate week of the summer term. Here is a link to the application form.
Application For Instrument Hire
We hire out instruments subject to availability. This excludes pianos, guitars and drum kits, but if you require advice on what kind of instrument would be appropriate to buy, please ask. Please complete and return an application form to hire an instrument to the main school office before the penultimate week of the summer term. Here is a link to the application form.
Student welfare is the priority for all staff. Form Tutors look after the students in their Tutor Group under the overall direction and help of the Head of Year. The Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing has responsibility for the pastoral system and the Head is kept fully informed at all times. A Pastoral Support Assistant supports the Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing and Heads of Year to maximise student support and achievements across the spectrum of school life.
The Form Tutor is the central person in a student's school life. She/he monitors the progress of the students and guides them as they meet the challenges of the different years. Form Tutors get to know their Form very well and encourage their all round development. The relevant Head of Year will deal with any matter passed on by the Form Tutor.
We offer a pastoral event series for parents - Wakefield Girls' Matters. Events are usually offered online and outside of the school day so you can join us from wherever you are. Events cover topics and issues that matter most to anyone successfully supporting and raising girls. It's another way we carry out our educational mission of preparing girls ready to succeed in life. Join us for Wakefield Girls' Matters throughout the year.
Find details of these events here on our website.
PSHE Education
Everystudenthastimetabledlessonsduring whichvariousaspectsofPersonal,Socialand HealthEducationarecovered.Thisincludes topicssuchaswellbeing,studyskills,health, citizenship,financialmatters,drugseducation, sexandrelationshipseducation,livinginthe widerworld,diversityandcareers.Wealso coverlifeskillswithinthecontextofordinary lessons,assembliesandFormTime.
Physical Education
In the first two years a basic programme is taught which includes Gymnastics and Dance in the winter term along with the major winter games of Hockey and Netball. In the summer term, Tennis and Athletics are taught as well as the Year 7 students being introduced to striking and fielding games via PE.
hysically, new games are introduced. In minton, Basketball, Health Related gby and Cricket are played during their lesson, Year 9 students will access a including ‘Just Dance’ activities, ng. In Year 10 Yoga and Lacrosse urther. By Year 11 the students have y a wide range of sports and are now tness or games based activities.
ich their experience of Physical Education at the school by opting for physical activities in their EDGE choices and playing in our teams to represent the school. Families with students who compete in our sports teams can find information about upcoming and planned fixtures on our sports website.
The school policy is to endorse all Sporting Governing Bodies in their guidelines surrounding the use of dental protection within PE and games. All students will require a mouthguard to take part in Hockey lessons at school.
Students may bring their own mouthguards. Titan Mouthguards cater for all students wishing to purchase a custom, dental-fit mouthguard which you can order online using their remote E-Fitting service.
As well as their standard styles, Titan has designed a School Special Edition with the school colours and crest which is priced at £49.99 with replacement/spare guards starting at a reduced cost of £35. Titan’s prices are vastly reduced from dental practices and similar services and include:
Elite quality of fit using 3D printing technology in manufacturing.
Highest industry level of protection and comfort available.
Under-side of custom-fit guards embedded with the wearer’s name.
Free of charge delivery.
Comprehensive aftercare service with reduced price replacements and support yearround.
Titan also cater for those wearing a fixed brace with flexible Instant-Fit Ortho-Guards, rather than custom-fit guards. Ortho-Guards are recommended by the British Orthodontics Society as they allow for movement in the teeth, whilst retaining sufficient protection. These can be purchased using Titan’s online form at a reduced cost.
For a faster production time, please place your order and return your impression to Titan before 11/08/2023. If ordering in September and October, please allow a 10-15 working day production time, due to increased production demands.
If you have any questions about school please email the Titan customer service team: info@titanmouthguards.co.uk.
Positions of Responsibility
During their school life, students have many opportunities to develop important, sought after skills and abilities through positions of responsibility. We hope that your child will stand for election to those positions of interest to them so they benefit from the experience of different roles. The positions of responsibility open to students are:
In Years 7 - 11
Form Sergeants
School Council
House Council
Charity Representatives
Games Captains
Food Committee Representatives
Diversity & Inclusion Reps
Digital Champions
Plus in Year 8
Plus in Year 11
Student councillor
Subject mentor
Deputy Head of House
In Sixth Form
Student Ambassador
Academic Subject Student Leader
Non-Academic Subject Student Leader
Peer Mentor
House Officials: Head of House, Deputy Head of House Student Union member (our Student Union is fully affiliated to the National Union of Students)
Head Girl Team
Coaching training is provided for students to help them support each other effectively, whether as form sergeants, peer mentors or prefects.
Election to the roles of Prefect, Student Union, Head Girls’ team and House Captain is chiefly influenced by the results of votes cast by both teachers and students.
We are a very trusting, friendly community but it is essential that students take responsibility for their possessions. We recommend parents to talk with their child about how to take care of possessions and clearly name all belongings brought into school.
All students are assigned a locker and we recommend it is used to store items of value as well as larger items such as PE kit, coats and books.
Mobile Phones
Students may bring their mobile phone to school but it must be switched off from 8.30am to 4pm. Students must not ‘charge up’ their mobile phones at school during the day. Mobile phones will be confiscated for the duration of the day if students are caught using them. Students must report to the School Office for the return of their confiscated item at the end of the day.
Please support this policy by not contacting your child during the school day. If there is an emergency please phone the School Office who will take the appropriate action. Students should not use mobile phones to contact parents in case of illness but should go to Matron or the School Office who will contact parents if required.
Lost Property
Inevitably, with movement between school rooms, students sometimes mislay their belongings. If your child loses anything, she should check at the School Office and speak to her Form Tutor or Head of Year. Unclaimed items of lost property are displayed at the end of each half term, and then disposed of after a reasonable length of time.
Please remember that we cannot guarantee the return of any item that is not named and regret that the school and governors cannot be held responsible for any items which might go missing. We strongly recommend that parents ensure that their household insurance covers all their child's possessions.
Prizes,Commendations & Medals
The giving of prizes and medals at Wakefield Girls' is traditional.
Prizes and Commendations are given as a reward for high achievement and as a motivation for students to work hard. Year Prizes are awarded to students based on their results in the end of year examinations. Money for Special Prizes has been donated by various sponsors of the school over the years and these are awarded according to the donor's wishes.
Medals have also been donated by leaving staff and students and the number of these tends to increase nearly every year, as more are donated. These are awarded by Heads of Department and subject staff, according to the criteria specified by the donor.
Prizes, Commendations and Special Prize winners are announced by the Head in assembly during September every year. Medals are presented during assembly usually in the first week in October.
Year Prize and Special Prize winners will receive their prize at the Celebration Assembly in September.
Students may wear school medals, badges and the enamelled school crest.
The Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) organises events and activities every year and relies on the support of parents to help organise them. All parents are members of the PTA - please involve yourself as much as you are able in the varied activities. It will help you to get to know the school better and more quickly.
The PTA email address is: wghsss.pta@gmail.com
The PTA meets regularly every term to discuss events and fundraising activities which help to buy extra ‘luxuries’ for the school that will enhance the quality and variety of educational experience your child receives.
School Trips
Every year there are numerous trips and exchange programmes designed with a curricular and pastoral emphasis to give our students opportunities to broaden their horizons and develop self-confidence.
In Year 7, all students take part in an outdoors activity residential trip, which encourages teamwork and friendshipbuilding. It allows students and staff to get to know each other at the start of what will be a successful, adventure-filled and fun journey at Wakefield Girls'.
Students are expected to follow the same standard of behaviour as in school to ensure the safety and happiness of all students and staff. Breaking rules on any trip is regarded very seriously and may result in sanctions. The student(s) concerned will be disciplined and possibly sent home at the parents’ expense. Please also be aware that should there be any serious misbehaviour, prior to a trip/visit then permission to go will be withdrawn and the costs incurred will be borne by the parents.
hool Site
ool occupies an extensive site in a conservation area centre of Wakefield. The Georgian house in which it as been adapted and extended over the years as s have grown. A steady programme of building and the on of near-by property have enabled the school to te and meet the needs of succeeding generations of s. It has also ensured a variety of architecture and s, which are known by their names rather than by their .
Hall was built in 1928 to mark the school's 50th sary and is used for assembly, amongst other timetabled s and events.
n Building contains all the administrative offices, the atics, Geography, History and Classics departments and facilities.
umont Building is a development completed in 1982, nks Jubilee Hall with the main school. It is home to a ommon Room which Year 11 enjoy as their social area. It uses separate Tutor rooms and the Religious Studies ent.
ad Wing is the block of teaching rooms opposite the Hall. This building houses the Langham Library and the Languages Department, including the multi-media e laboratories.
s is a comfortable seating area between the Langham and Mathematics rooms.
Sotterley House and the later addition in 1981 of the Ross Rooms house the Sixth This separate building complex contains private study areas, common rooms, and equipped kitchens for the students’ use. There is also a separate kitchen and café provides lunches and snacks throughout the day.
Cliff House houses some classrooms for English, Economics and Psychology, main the Sixth Form. Matron is based on the ground floor and on the first floor is the Lea Support Centre which caters for the needs of all Students in both the Senior and J sections.
Willows is a Victorian house adapted to the teaching of Food Technology and Mus
The Science and Technology Centre (STC) was opened in 1990 and contains areas fo Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Academic PE and Computing. There is also a large Lectu Theatre. The classrooms on the ground floor are occupied by the Junior Section who also have access to the other facilities.
The Hartley Pavilion opened in May 1996 providing indoor facilities for hockey, netbal tennis, badminton and basketball. The large Gymnasium is used for indoor Physical Education lessons.
The Pavilion and Games Field are situated a short walk away. There is an astro-turf, hockey pitches, netball and tennis courts and an athletics track.
Hepworth House is named after our illustrious Old Girl, the sculptress Barbara Hepworth. This is the home of the Art Department and provides excellent space for bo the Sixth Form and the lower school with specialist provision for pottery, sculpture, 3D textiles and photography.
The Fielding Suite, named after best selling author and alumna Helen Fielding, houses the English Department. It connects, via The Gill Linkway, Hepworth House, Cliff Hou and The Forrest Building which houses our Product Design Studios, Textiles Studio an large drama workshop along with an additional English classroom.
You can explore our school using our interactive map here.
Term Dates
View term dates here.
Timings of the School Day
Our school day is divided into six teaching periods plus assemblies / form time.
All lessons are 50 minutes long and then there are 5 minutes to walk between lessons. The curriculum is taught over a two week teaching cycle, Week A and Week B.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.40am Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration
Lesson 1 English Games Computer Science Maths Geography
Lesson 2 Science Games Maths Computer Science Physical Education
10.55am Break Break Break Break Break
Lesson 3 Classics English English PHSE Technology
Lesson 4 Music Science History French Technology 1.00pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Lesson 5 Physical Education English Science EDGE Maths
Lesson 6 Science Religious Studies Music EDGE French
We recommend the use of public and school bus and train services to reduce private car journeys to school.
Our school bus services across Yorkshire are available for all students from age 8. School buses arrive at Wakefield Girls' main entrance on Wentworth Street by 8.30am and depart at 4.15pm.
Our school bus services are built on 24/7 live customer support, safeguarding and technology including online booking, live vehicle tracking and service status notifications. If you’re new to Wakefield Girls’, you can request a new stop. All requests are reviewed every term and bus routes amended where possible.
Please follow this link to view our school bus routes and timetables, suggest a new stop and book a seat.
For those travelling by train, we are only a five minute walk away from Westgate train station
Students are expected to take pride in their appearance and school uniform is compulsory. No make-up, jewellery or nail varnish should be worn in Years 7 - 9. Students in Years 10 & 11 may wear a small pair of plain gold or silver stud earrings, one in the lobe of each ear, if they wish. Hair should be a natural colour and, if long, tied back throughout the day. All hair accessories must be plain black or navy blue. Year 11 upwards may wear their hair down and may also wear discreet make-up.
Parents who wish their daughters to have their ears pierced are asked to have this done at the beginning of the summer holiday so they have time to heal. Nose studs and any other form of body piercing is not permitted.
Uniform requirements are listed here and are available to order online from our supplier, www.stevensons.co.uk
Withdrawal From School
A full term's notice in writing to the Director of Finance and Operations or to the Head is required before a student is withdrawn from any part of the school. Should you be considering withdrawing your daughter then please discuss it with the Head first.
Preparing For Your Daughter’s First Day
We look forward to welcoming your daughter on her first day. To ensure smooth running ahead of her arrival, there are some administrative tasks for you to take care of. Please can you check over and complete these items before your daughter starts school:
Uniform Checklist
Medical and Data Consent Form
Year 7 Residential Medical List
Mouth guard Fitting Service (optional but a mouth guard is needed for Hockey)
Music Lessons Application Form (optional)
Food Allergy Form (to be completed only if your child suffers from any allergies and or intolerance's)
Key Dates For Your Diary
24 April 2024 - New Parents Information Evening
10 May - £100 deposit payment for YMCA Lakeside Residential
May 2024 - Personal Meeting (Mrs Lindley visits your daughter in her current school)
18 June 2024 - Transition Day and Uniform Sizing Event 25 June - balance of £205 payment for YMCA Lakeside Residential
2 September 2024 - Start of Term
4 September 2024 - Year 7 Parents Information Evening
18-20 September 2024 - Year 7 Residential Trip