ConsentCon 2023 Program

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ConsentCon is a conference dedicated to exploring the meaning and operationalization of consent on college campuses. ConsentCon will engage students, faculty and staff in a community conversation about consent in pursuit of a campus free of interpersonal violence. The conference will include special studentled workshops as well as two keynote sessions: Wanda Swan, prevention strategist, speaker, published scholar; and Jennifer Hirsch and Shamus Khan, researchers and authors of Sexual Citizens.


Safe Office Advocates Bethany Miller & Stephanie DeAngelis

Benson 410 is available throughout the duration of Consent Con as an unstructured break space with coloring, fidgets, snacks, etc. Safe Office staff have set up this room with all community members in mind who may need a rest from discussing difficult or activating topics and/or would like a brain break. Please use this room as needed, be respectful of others in the space, take care of yourselves. To speak with a Safe Office counselor, dial 336.758.5285 and follow the prompts, or email


10 a.m. | Pugh Auditorium

Centering Survivorship and Building Communities

Wanda Swan

Wanda is an advocate, prevention strategist, speaker, writer, on-air personality and a nationally-recognized thought leader in survivor advocacy, anti-oppression work, restorative justice and violence prevention. Her keynote will introduce anti-oppressive advocacy for campus communities.

11 a.m. | Pugh Auditorium

Consent & Relationships: a poem

Austin Torain

11:05 a.m. | Pugh Auditorium

Panel: Jennifer Hirsch & Shamus Khan (SexualCitizens) with Betsy Barre, Ph.D

& members of First Year Seminar on Sexual Ethics

Sexual Citizens was published in 2020 and is a nationally-renowned book that transforms how we understand and address sexual assault. Through intimate portraits of life and sex among today’s college students, Jennifer Hirsch and Shamus Khan present an entirely new way to understand sexual assault. Their insights transcend current debates about consent, predators in a “hunting ground,” or the dangers of hooking up. Sexual Citizens reveals the social ecosystem that makes sexual assault a predictable element of life on a college campus. The powerful concepts of sexual projects, sexual citizenship, and sexual geographies provide a new language for understanding the forces that shape young people’s sexual relationships. The result transforms our understanding of sexual assault and provides a new roadmap for how to address it.

11:05 a.m. | Benson 401B



1 p.m. | Benson 401A

What’s in the punch? Centering harm reduction in student organizations

Betsy Adams & Tim Wilkinson

Presented by leaders in Student Engagement, this session is designed to dig into the social environment at WFU and help student leaders understand organizational responsibilities for interpersonal violence prevention and response. The workshop will also use a risk and protective factor analysis to evaluate our social environments.


| Benson 401D

Detox: a mindful look at masculinity

Peter Rives

This workshop is designed to help participants think about the ways in which masculinity is taught and will introduce the concept of mindful masculinity and the options available to male-identified individuals with regard to embodiment of masculinity.

1 p.m.

| Benson 401C

Pleasure: the politics of feeling good

Deb Marke & Hannah Rehm

The goal of this workshop is to help participants understand their bodies and how to listen to them. Workshop leaders will normalize feeling grounded, listening, naming and understanding feelings. They will also destigmatize and demystify sex and pleasure.


2 p.m. | Benson 401C

Anti-oppressive advocacy for campus communities

Wanda Swan

This workshop aims to increase understanding of how overarching systems and field-specific training developed problematic approaches to the higher education field; increase understanding of how the role and history of antiBlackness served as a backdrop for inequitable care for Black students and survivors of violence and develop organizational strategies to identify and shift from non-racist to anti-racist perspectives.

2 p.m. | Pugh Auditorium

Title IX for student athletes

Jessica Telligman, Asst. Director, Title IX

This workshop is for current WFU student athletes and will serve as their yearly Title IX training session, highlighting resources and reporting options at the University.

2 p.m. | Benson 409

Building Blocks for Healthy Relationships

Katie Whitley, Staff Psychologist

The goal of this workshop is identifying relationship red and green flags, identifying different forms of boundaries, identifying different forms of communication, teaching boundary setting/communication skills.

2 p.m. | Benson 401A

Dating Culture v. Hookup Culture: a student-led conversation

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

This workshop is a student-facilitated conversation about student observations of interpersonal relationships.


3 p.m. | Benson 401A

Employees: Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace

Kim Caprio, Human Resources Director, Atrium/Wake Health

This workshop is for WFU employees. The goal is to promote participant confidence in responding to disclosures from students and employees by providing education on trauma-informed responses, including what to say and what not to say.

3 p.m. | Benson 401C

Consent is Sexy: a student-led interactive workshop

SHAG: Sexual Health Advisory Group

This workshop is student-led and will focus on all things consent.

3 p.m. | Pugh Auditorium

Student Employees: responding to disclosures of sexual assault

Jessica Telligman, Asst. Director, Title IX

This workshop is for WFU student employees. The goal is to prepare students for how to respond to disclosures from other students about allegations of sexual misconduct when those disclosures happen in their work role.


Wanda Swan is a nationally-recognized thought leader in survivor advocacy, anti-oppression work, restorative justice, and violence prevention. A speaker, scholar-practitioner, antioppression coach, and Research Fellow for the University of New Hampshire’s Prevention Innovations Research Center, she has been deeply embedded within the anti-violence movement for over 15 years.

Wanda’s work has spanned across higher education, local and state agencies, and nonprofits dedicated to survivor resiliency and sustaining antioppressive environments. As both a curator and co-conspirator of systems disruption and research that informs her field of practice, she is co-founder of, and currently holding co-leadership roles in, professional organizations like Campus Advocacy and Prevention Professionals Association (CAPPA) and NASPA’s Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention Education and Response Knowledge Community (NASPA SRVPER KC).

As founder and CEO of Start By Talking, Wanda supports clients through individual and group coaching, organizational assessment, and virtual learning on the strategy of Whiteness and how those messages reverberate across policy, procedure, and practice.

Her research project, now nine years old, on identifying and reseating the Black founders of the anti-violence movement serves as the vehicle that first allowed her to birth a company with the audacious goal of liberation for all through 1:1 conversation. Today, Wanda’s vision has expanded beyond her ancestor’s wildest dreams.

Jennifer S. Hirsch, a medical anthropologist and Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University, works at the intersection of public health and social science, with a research agenda that examines gender, sexuality and migration, the anthropology of love, social dimensions of HIV, and undergraduate well being, including sexual assault. Hirsch co-directed the Sexual Health Initiative to Foster Transformation (SHIFT), a research project on sexual assault and sexual health among Columbia undergraduates. With Shamus Khan, she is coauthor of Sexual Citizens: Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus (WW Norton), which draws on SHIFT’s ethnographic research to examine sexual assault and consensual sex among undergraduates in relation to the broader context of campus life. Hirsch co-directs the Columbia Population Research Center, which brings together faculty from schools across the campus who work on population health and inequalities.

A 2012 Guggenheim Fellow, a 2015 Public Voices Fellow, and a 2018-19 Visiting Research Scholar with Princeton’s Center for Health and WellBeing, Hirsch’s published work includes both scholarly and popular writing on health and social inequality. She is author of A Courtship After Marriage: Sexuality and Love in Mexican Transnational Families, the award-winning coauthored The Secret: Love, Marriage and HIV, two edited volumes on the anthropology of love, more than 80 peer-reviewed articles, 15 book chapters, and many op-eds in venues such as Time and The Hill. Hirsch also just completed six years of service as a board member for Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, including the last two as board chair. Hirsch earned her A.B. from Princeton University in History, with a certificate in Women’s Studies, and her Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in Population Dynamics and Anthropology.

Jennifer Hirsch & Shamus Khan

Shamus Khan is a professor of Sociology and American Studies at Princeton University. He writes on culture, inequality, gender, and elites. He is the author of Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul’s School (Princeton), The Practice of Research (Oxford, with Dana Fisher), Approaches to Ethnography: Modes of Representation and Analysis in Participant Observation (Oxford, with Colin Jerolmack), and Sexual Citizens: A Landmark Study of Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus (W.W. Norton, with Jennifer Hirsch). He co-directed the ethnographic component of SHIFT, a multi-year study of sexual health and sexual violence at Columbia University. He directed the working group on the political influence of economic elites at the Russell Sage Foundation, is the series editor of “The Middle Range” at Columbia University Press, and served as the editor of the journal Public Culture. He writes regularly for the popular press such as the New Yorker, the New York Times, Washington Post, and has served as a columnist for Time Magazine. In 2016 he was awarded Columbia University’s highest teaching honor, the Presidential Teaching Award, and in 2018 he was awarded the Hans L. Zetterberg Prize from Uppsala University in Sweden for “the best sociologist under 40.”

Climate Survey Summary Document

Climate Survey Report

The Safe Office is available for confidential support related to past or current experiences of interpersonal violence, and/or confidential processing needs related to the climate survey results. Contact: 336-758-5285 (follow the prompts), or (non-urgent).



Division of Campus Life

Student Activity Fee

Title IX Office

Women’s Center

Conference Planning Committee:

Abigail Brumfield - Director of Strategic Initiatives, Division of Campus Life

Aishah Casseus - Director, Title IX Office/Section 504 Coordinator

Ashleigh Hala - Director, Office of Wellbeing

Bethany Miller - Counselor/Advocate, Safe Office

Dwight Lewis - Associate Athletic Director of Student Athlete Engagement, Athletics

Erinn Forbes - Assistant Director of Student Organizations and Programs, Office of Student Engagement

Hannah Dean - Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coordinator, Office of Wellbeing

Jessica Telligman - Assistant Director, Title IX Office

Kim Caprio - HR Director/Title IX of Human Resources/Teammate Relations, Atrium Health

Monique Gore - Director, Intercultural Center

Olivia Bray - Case Coordinator, Title IX Office

Peter Rives - Assistant Director of Wellbeing - Substance Use, Office of Wellbeing

Shelley Sizemore - Director, Women’s Center

Stephanie DeAngelis - Counselor/Advocate, Safe Office

Special Thanks:

Zobia Akhtar, Shana Atkins, Rute Ayalew, Nina Banks, Betsy Barre, Shea

Kidd Brown, Javi Carceres, Maggie Cowher, Erinn Forbes, Kathleen Hurley, Alli Lawson, Amy Mohan, Hannah Rehm, Antayzha Wiseman, Student Government Association, Student SAPSA, WF Information Systems

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