Student Convocation Wake Forest University
Friday, August 23, 2024 4:00 p.m.
Friday, August 23, 2024 4:00 p.m.
Wake Forest University
Friday, August 23, 2024
Prelude on ‘Slane’ Paul Manz
Praeludium in C Johann Christoph Kellner Berceuse Louis Vierne
Matthew Bacon Organist
Trumpet Tune in C Major David N. Johnson
Welcome and Invocation
The Reverend Chris Donald University Chaplain
Remarks .........................................................
Susan R. Wente University President
Video: The Importance of Academic Expression
Honor Code Acknowledgment
Michele Gillespie Provost
Hannah Elluru (’25) Student Government President
Hannah Elluru (’25) Student Government President
Remarks .......................................................
Shea Kidd Brown Vice President of Campus Life
Pinning Ceremony
Jackie Krasas, Dean of the College and Graduate School
Matt Facchine (‘25), Student Representative for the Committees on Orientation and Advising
Closing Remarks .............
Jackie Krasas, Dean of the College and Graduate School
The Alma Mater: “Dear Old Wake Forest” Eatman and Paschal
Head Faculty Marshals: Frank Moore and Matthew Phillips
Faculty Marshals: Eric Carlson, Christa Colyer, J.K. Curry, Steven Gunkel, Staci Helper, Jed Macosko, Sarah Mason, Frank Moore, Matthew Phillips, and Michael Sloan.
President’s Aides are serving as ushers for today’s Convocation.
Wake Forest University is firmly committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct. The Honor Code embodies a spirit of trust that pervades all aspects of student life. It is the responsibility of every student to act honorably in all phases of student life and protect the integrity of the Honor Code. In specific terms, this means that each student agrees not to deceive any member of the community; not to steal, cheat, or plagiarize on academic work; and not to engage in any other form of academic misconduct. Living within the Honor Code means that we can trust each other and that we accept responsibility for our own behavior.
As a student at Wake Forest University, I pledge to support and uphold the Honor Code. I will endeavor to make it an integral part of my life and promote its values in the community.