$213 MILLION With over $213 million raised by Wake Forest Athletics since July 2010, the future is bright.
donors with an average gift of $13,514
raised by non-alum parents
raised by former student-athletes, representing a 38% giving rate
new Deacon Club members
Cumulative 2016-2017
$46 MM $25 MM $42 MM $48 MM $20 MM $13 MM $14 MM
$213 MM $167 MM $142 MM $100 MM $52 MM $32 MM $19 MM
2015-2016 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011
$11 MM
commitments of $1 million or more
WHAT YOUR GIFT SUPPORTS Capital Projects $140 MM
Annual Fund $51 MM
Endowment $12 MM
66% 5%
Estate Gifts $9 MM
new endowments created since beginning of campaign with $12,012,269 raised
raised by gifts of $1,000 or less
commitments of $100,000 or more
778 scholarships funded through the Annual Fund & athletic endowment
$700K raised for the Nutrition Fund for a full-time nutritionist
$112 MM
in capital projects completed or under construction in the last two years
of $704 MM University campaign total raised by Athletics
CAPITAL PROJECTS Thanks to the generosity of so many loyal donors, Wake Forest Athletics has experienced a great deal of success during the Wake Will and now Wake Will Lead campaigns. With $112 million in capital projects completed or under construction just in the last two years, Wake Forest Athletics is experiencing an unprecedented facility transformation. These new facilities—benefiting each one of our 16 varsity sports—are critical to recruiting and developing top talent in the pursuit of championships. However, there is still a lot of progress to be made in the coming years in order to complete the remaining projects and solidify a bright future for Wake Forest Athletics.
CAPITAL PROJECTS COMPLETED & UNDER CONSTRUCTION $1.1 MM SP R Y S TA DIUM UP GR A DES Renovated game field | Improved lighting | Enhanced visitors’ locker room | New brick walkway at entrance
C OMP L E T ED A UG 2 0 15
$21.0 MM MCCRE A R Y F IEL D HOUSE Indoor 120-yard synthetic field | Football weightlifting facility | Allows teams to train year-round regardless of weather conditions
C OMP L E T ED JA N 2 0 16
$4.6 MM H A DDOCK HOUSE New home for Wake Forest golf teams | Heritage room | Renovated tee boxes
C OMP L E T ED M A R 2 0 16
$1.3 MM DAV ID “ S A RGE ” T ING A EQUIP MEN T ROOM Larger, more functional space | Movable shelving units | Plenty of room for equipment for 12 sports & overflow space for four additional sports
C OMP L E T E D JULY 2 0 16
$2.3 MM K EN T NER S TA DIUM UP GR A DES New turf field | Resurfaced track | Renovated & enclosed press box | New sound system
C OMP L E T ED A UG 2 0 16
$1 .7 MM
SOU T HERN FA MILY SE AT ING AT L EIGH T ON T ENNIS COUR T S Permanent seating for 870+ | Bricked spectator plaza
C OMP L E T ED A UG 2 0 16
$3.5 MM DOC M A R T IN P R AC T ICE F IEL DS Full length synthetic field | Grass half field | Three filming platforms | Improved lighting | New sound system
C OMP L E T ED A UG 2 0 16
$9.7 MM DAV ID F. COUCH BA L L PA RK P H A SE I New clubhouse | New home dugout | Bullpen | State-of-the-art pitching lab | Expanded training room with hydrotherapy & rehab area
C OMP L E T ED F E B 2 0 1 7
$2.8 MM
OLY MP IC SP OR T L OCK ER ROOMS Locker rooms for men’s & women’s soccer, men’s & women’s track & field/cross country & field hockey | Team spaces include players’ lounges, lockers, showers | New lobby/ reception area at Manchester entrance
C OMP L E T ED A P R 2 0 1 7
$3.0 MM
SOCCER P R AC T ICE COMP L E X Two new natural grass fields with upgraded drainage and irrigation systems | Upgraded practice field lighting & sound system | New fence along Polo Road | Four new kicking walls
C OMP L E T ED A UG 2 0 1 7
JACK W. OW EN II SOCCER V IDEO BOA RD State-of-the-art viewing experience | Stats, instant replay and more | 10-millimeter display
E S T. C OMP L E T ION A UG 2 0 1 7
$4.0 MM
COL ISEUM RENO VAT IONS P H A SE I Center-hung video board | LED ribbon boards | Corner stat boards | Scorers table board | New outdoor marquees
E S T. C OMP L E T ION OC T 2 0 1 7
$5.4 MM SP OR T S MEDICINE / H Y DRO T HER A P Y Increased square footage | Five hydrotherapy pools (increase of two pools) | Expanded exam room space | Physical therapy space tripled
E S T. C OMP L E T ION DEC 2 0 1 7
$1.5 MM
V OL L E Y B A L L RENO VAT IONS Renovated competition gym | Locker room | Team lounge & video room | Satellite training room & hydrotherapy area
E S T. C OMP L E T ION A P R 2 0 18
$36.5 MM
SU T T ON SP OR T S P ERF ORM A NCE CEN T ER Football offices | Basketball offices | State-of-the-art strength & conditioning areas | Dedicated nutrition space
E S T. C OMP L E T ION JA N 2 0 19
$9.0 MM
SH A H BA SK E T BA L L COMP L E X Regulation-length basketball court | State-of-the-art strength & conditioning area | Film room & players’ lounge
E S T. C OMP L E T ION JA N 2 0 19
NU T RI T ION F UND Full-time nutritionist | Counsel student-athletes on daily nutrition for performance & health | Develop & oversee training tables & fueling stations | Analysis of body composition & resting metabolic rate data
SP OR T S P S Y CHOL OGIS T F UND Assist student-athletes in achieving their goals & enhancing their performance
$15.6 MM in annual scholarship costs in 2017-18 with cost of attendance over $69k
$8.9 MM to support scholarship costs in 2017-18 including $7.3 MM raised for the Annual Fund and a $1.6 MM endowment payout
26.1% of the Athletic Department operating budget is spent each year on scholarships, one of the highest percentages in the ACC
Through gifts to the Annual Fund and athletic endowments, the contributions of donors make it possible to provide scholarships and critical resources to more than 350 student-athletes. This support has proved to be life-changing not only for student-athletes, but for donors as well.
THE DONORS RHONA SHERRILL | ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP DONOR “If you are considering creating your own endowment, I would tell you to do it now while you can enjoy it and build the relationships with these young people. It’s been so great to watch my studentathlete, Phil, change and grow, both athletically and academically. Most importantly, however, it’s been such a pleasure to watch him become such an outstanding young man.”
THE STUDENT-ATHLETES WENDELL DUNN (’18) | FOOTBALL STUDENT-ATHLETE “Thank you for supporting our grind. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without you. We go out there and compete because of you. Some people look at it as money, but it’s way deeper than that. As a Deacon Club member, you are supporting so much.”