Tseng-Hsuan Wei / Architecture Portfolio 2011-2017

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BETWEEN THE PLACES “ It is about the process of absorbing different culture and returning to the local neighborhood”

“Between the Places” is a story which illustrates my designs in different periods during my undergraduate life. From proposing a project for a single building with the concept of a vending machine to proposing projects in foreign countries and finally tried to propose a project in the eariliest developed area of Taipei. To me, this portfolio is a preface of finding my own attitude to my hometown as a Taiwanese architecture student who lives in this diverse but energetic country. The first project “Heterotopia of Religion” is my thesis design which represents a historical path and connects the invisible city of religion to the real city. “Have you ever thought that the pilgrimage festivals which are only shown during specific time of the year but actually have a deep connection to our daily life“ is a question that I want to ask in this project. The second project “Green Up! Puerta del Sol” is a presentation of my experience in Madrid, a city having more than fifteen thousand bars. Every weekend, Madrid is like a huge bar in an urban scale. As a result, this project is adding more than three thousand portable chairs to the most famous square in Madrid, Puerta del Sol. The third project “Share Time, Share Lifestyle” is a proposal of a share housing in Tokyo city center. The concept of this shared housing is “Izakaya”, which is the Japanese style bar. We tried to connect several tiny spaces in this project by creating a wandering path inside this housing. The fourth project “Diversity Center” is an urban complex with the concept of vending machine. In order to reflect the diversity culture of Tamsui. The elevation of this building is called “Moving Elevation,” which offers possibilities for this building to interact with Tamsui by using multimedia.

CONTENT Project 1 The Heterotopia of Religion

01 - 08

urban design

Project 2 Share Time Share Lifestyle

09 - 12

share housing

Project 3 Urban Pace Regulator

13 - 16

urban design

Project 4 Diversity Center

17 - 20

urban complex

Project 5 Green Up! Puerta del Sol

21 - 25

landscape & reconstruction

Appendix Final review at Black Swan Exhibition Hall May 2016

26 - 27

Project 1

THE HETEROTOPIA OF RELIGION “Daily meeting with the religion city, as a representation of the disappearing path� * 2016 Delhi architecture festival awards / First Award * 2016 AILUS taiwan graduation design competition / Honorable mention * 2016 Team 20 international competition / Judges' award

Location : Tataocheng, Taipei city, Taiwan Advisors : Huang, Hui-Mei [ GSD, Havard universtiy ]

Kuo, Hsu-Yuan

[ SMArchS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ] E-mail : ehs@ms31.hinet.net

5th Academic Year`s Thesis Design, 2016 Individual work / Academic project



main station Taipei 101

Hierarchy of Tataocheng`s temples


“500 m / 15 mins walking distance as the centre of religion city” The eight digrams

“ How to connect the religion city to our city in daily time ? ” About During the period of pilgrimage festival in Taiwan, the city which we live in connect to the invisible city of religion. In this time people celebrate and work together with one belief. It is similar to any religious festivals in Europe. For example, Las Fallas in Valencia, Spain. All of these festivals are supported by the power of faith. In my point of view, this is the time when city`s culture is presented directly. Therefore, how to transfer these specific time into our daily time is the mail idea of this project. Sociologist Emile Durkheim said that “If religion has given birth to all that is essential in society, it is because the idea of society is the soul of religion" in the Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. He believes that religion is a representation of society. Aa a consequence, I tried to find the composition of pilgrimage and the connection between the festival and daily time. Tataocheng is not only the historical area of Taipei but also one of the most important religion neighborhoods in Taiwan. Its hierarchy of religion facilities can be realized as a religion city which includes four main temples, five border temples, and eight folk clubs. These facilities have played an important role in the development of Taipei. However, because of rapid urbanization in the past four decades, this invisible city`s track has gradually disappeared. In addition, Tataocheng faces the problem of urban decay recently. So, the propose of this design is not only to preserve the culture but also propose a new idea for urban renewal. Pilgirmage festival


Tataocheng, Taipei city, Taiwan area of Taipei old town

area of main temples

pilgrimage routes

historical path of Tataocheng

0 30



five border temples eight main folk clubs


HIERARCHY & RE-ROUTE “ Re-route pilgrimage, the new route is a living museum of pilgrimage, and a stage to present the Taiwanese folk culture”

Pinyuan Club folk club Tzu-Shing Temple main temple Temple Courtyard

site site site site

Religion city of Tataocheng

Level 3

Five border temples in Tataocheng

The religion city of Tataocheng is built up by eight folk clubs, five border temples, and four main temples. This city has a very clear hierarchy and organization. The site is located in the center of this religion city. 500 meters distance is best distance when people consider urban planning. As a result, I stuck to this idea when I figured out the religion city in Tataocheng.

Jiou Jian Zai Street historical path

All routes of pilgrimage festival are inside the border which is composed by the five border temples in Tataocheng. The middle one is the most important factor. Every route passes this point during the pilgrimage, and sometimes even more than once . In this section, the folk gods called “Seventh Lord and Eighth Lord”, and “lion dance troupe “will join the pilgrimage procession.

“Site 1” Puyuan Temple centre temple

“Site 2” Jiou Jian Zai Street historical path

Historical Tea Shop Taipei Main W-E Avenue eye-catching route

Level 2

Four main temples in Tataocheng

The routes of pilgrimage are consisted of the four main temples in Tataocheng. These routes reflected the relationship between these temples. In this part, holy palanquin, holy flags, and holy banner will join the pilgrimage procession.

“Site 3” Tai-Ping-Heng Street “historical path”

“Site 4” Fuxing Temple


Level 1

Eight main folk clubs in Tataocheng

Activities during pilgrimage festivals are performed by eight folk clubs in Tataocheng. Every time before the start of pilgrimage, each folk clubs would go to the border temples and the main temples to declare the start of the pilgrimage. In this early stage, parade formation, flags, and holy generals are the members of pilgrimage procession.

site area Centre area of Tataocheng Religion city


0 32



new routes original routes

URBAN STRATEGY & PROGRAM 1. performance hall 2. holy general tower 3. holy flages tower 4. folk clubs tower 5. stove roop 6. community center 7. holy palanquins storage 8. performance room 9. holy lamp square

“1” “4”

“Pu-Yuan ” Temple

10. grass stairs 11. urban stage 12. cafe 13. firecracker area 14. cargo 15. kitchen storage 16. kitchen 17. “bando” square

“3” “2” “16” “17”


“ Site 1 / Lobby ”





“ Site 2 / Storage ”

“ Site 3 / Bridge ”


“9” “10”



“ Site 4 / Kitchen ”


“ Fu-Xing ” Temple

“ Representing the disappearing historical path with four strageties”

Ground plan


0 24


Site 1 / Lobby

Site 2 / Storage

Site 3 / Bridge

Site 4 / Kitchen

Connecting the religion city with the real city

Representing the disappearing historical path, and displaying the holy palanquins.

This bridge is a new layer for pilgrimage, and a stage to show the folk activities.

This area is for “ Bando,” a Taiwanese style outdoor party.



SEQUENCE “ It is a proportion of pilgrimage, and is a living meseum or a huge park during daily time. ” Concept The organization of a pilgrimage procession is very complex that each proportion of this gather in different places around the city. As a result, the project is not only a space for showcase but also a part of pilgrimage festival. In addition to being a part of pilgrimage, the design is a living museum or a park during daily time.

Site 1 / Lobby Before the pilgrimage festival start, every folk club gathers in this area, which is the center of religion city of Tataocheng. Some equipment for pilgrimage is showcased in each towers in this site, which include holy flags, and holy generals.

Site 2 / Storage After taking most of the equipment at site 1, the procession of pilgrimage salute holy palanquins in this site.

“ Site 4 / Kitchen ”

“ Site 3 / Bridge ”

“ Site 2 / Storage ”

Site 3 / Bridge This bridge offers a new layer above the city. It is like a stage which presents the pilgrimage to people who pass through this bridge. There are three sections on this bridge, holy lamps, stage, and firecracker area.

Site 4 / Kitchen


“ Site 1 / Lobby ”

When the pilgrimage festival proceeds to lunch time, it is another highlight. Bando, a Taiwanese style outdoor party, is takes place in this area. This shows chefs` skill and ability to serve hundreds of people at the same time.


“ At the center of religion city, this area gather the folk clubs and connects the real world to the religion city �

performance hall


folk club

semi-outdoor stage

1. Plan & Routes analysis This park is the center of religion city of Tataocheng and there is a main temple located on the site. In addition, there are some trees which are conserved. The cross in front of the temple is the most important node is this area. It is not only the center but also the compulsory route of pilgrimages. As a result, in the right side of this area is designed to as a square, which can serve the ceremonies of pilgrimage. The left side is where the most buildings in this area are located.


t rig


[3] Folk club towers

2. Performance & Practice space In the middle of this site, a formal performance hall and a practice square are designed for solving the shortage of the practice and performance space.

3. Folk club towers Four folk club towers are located in the left side of the site. These towers are designed for the four folk clubs which present the folk culture of Tataocheng.

4. Holy general & Holy flages tower This tower is at the spotlight of the street. The idol of holy generals are placed here in order to solve the shortage of storage space.

[1] Plan & Routes

[2] Performance & Practice space

[4] Holy general & Holy flags tower




“ Above the historical path, this bridge is a new layer for pilgrimage. It is also a gate image of religion city� Urban stage This stage is above the main east-west avenue of Taipei city, Minsheng west road. Because this road connects to the nearest MRT station from Tataocheng, it is also the main entrance of Tataocheng for tourist. This section is designed to be a gate of Tataocheng area.

Lanterns / Pilgrimage stairs In Taiwanese folk culture, lantern has the meaning of prayers. The number of lanterns of the temple shows how prosperous the temple is in Taiwan. Therefore, in one part of the bridge, a lantern area is designed.

[1] Image of The Gate

[3] Lantern Area / Pilgrimage Stair

[5] Firecracker Cage

In order to create an open space for passersby, a large and wide stair is located in the middle of the bridge. Temples usually have stairs in front of its` main gate, where is a small pilgrimage process. In addition, this stair is located between inseparable contexts, so this open space also creates an unexpected experience for tourists who walk along this street.

Firecracker cage


Firecracker is an essential element during the pilgrimage festival in Taiwan. However, firecracker created some problems for the neighberhood. The biggest issue is noise, hence, a firecracker cage is designed. It offers a concentrated place for firecrackers which not only can make the scene of explosion more powerful, but also limited the problem of noisy to a certain area.

8% h = 4.5 m [2] Urban Stage

[4] Connection

[6] A New Layer

SITE 2&4

[ Holy palanquins storage ]


[ stove loop ]

“ Along the historical path, these facilities are designed for different events during the pilgrimage” 1.Holy palanquins storage The shortage of storage space for holy palanquins has become very serious in Tataocheng due to the urbanization in the past decades. Hence, a huge storage is designed on this meaningful path. This storage can showcase six holy palanquins from the temples around here. This does not only solve the lack of space but also presented the art of holy palanquins to the public instead of keeping them in the warehouse.

2. Stove loop Although burning joss paper is a traditional ceremony in Taiwanese folk religion, it causes the problem of air pollution in our city. Instead of removing this meaningful ceremony, the idea is to gather the joss paper and burn it in a well-equipped stove loop which can reduce air pollution.

3. Kitchen / Pergolas Pergola plays an important role in many Taiwanese folk activities, include bando, wedding, and religion ceremony. This area is designed for supplying meal for the pilgrimage procession. Due to this reason, the pergola is the best structure in this area. The culture of “Bando”, which is a Taiwanese style outdoor party, is a ceremony presenting how tremendous the festival is. [ Kitchen pergolas ]


Project 2

SHARE TIME SHARE LIFESTYLE “ A shared housing penetrated by a wandering path in between continuous walls ” Location : Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan Advisors : Zhang, Xin-Nan [ Prof. of Tianjin Universtiy ] E-mail: 280379485@qq.com

4th Academic Year`s International Workshop, 2014 Group work [team leader] / Academic project Team members: Ayako Motai, Ohnishi Mayu, Chia-Yu Ke, Tzu-Chi Kan, Bo Wang, Man-Hsuan Kan, Zong-Han Lin


INTRODUCTION “Share leisure elements in a compact city with the changing continous wall ”

Eye Catching

Height of Surrounding

Countious walls

Bend the walls

Insert resident units

Create greens

Green Space

About Tokyo is one of the busiest city in the world. People who live in this city have a fast-tempo and pressure life. “Izakaya”, which is a Japanese style bar, is very popular in this city. People usually go to Izakaya after work to relax. As a result, if we can bring this atmosphere back to their home, people can have more time to relax and communicate with others. A stroll path is designed in this project which plays an important role in this shared housing. This path connects all of the social spaces through the building from ground to roof. The site locates in an eye-catching point and is an interface of commercial area and residential area. We want to create a shared housing that not only private but also open to passerbys. In consequence, half of the stroll path and most of the social spaces are designed on the main elevation of this housing which response to our concept “Share Time, Share Lifestyle”.

Tenjin town, Shinjuku collage

Tenjin town is located in Shinjuku, which is the major commercial and administrative center. The busiest train station and government buildings are in this district.ct.


PROCESS “Use the wall system to create continuous leisure spaces which are connected by a wandering path � elevator

clothesline field


wandering route

sky garden


terrace terrace

play room

residential units auditorium


library cafe


small square

main structure secondary structure

emergency escape

connect to backyard

Social Space

Green Space

Wall System

Route System

The function of social space in this house is decided by the height. The lower proportion is public and changes gradually to private. In addition, all of these spaces are on the elevation to share to the public.

In order to let each resident units have access to the green, green spaces in this house are designed on the higher proportion, which is the main part of the living area.

The main structure system is composed by two walls which are on the left and right side of the site. The walls inside these two walls are secondary structure due to creating the agility of space.

The required escape route in this house is designed on the left side. By doing this, a wandering path can be created wriggly.


Sky Garden

2nd Floor

4th Floor

6th Floor

8th Floor


3rd Floor

5th Floor

7th Floor

9th Floor


0 0.6



Play Room



Bar / Kitchen

site plan


0 0.6




Project 3

URBAN PACE REGULATOR “ A future layering for dense infrastructure in Copenhagen ” Location : Central Station, Copenhagen, Denmark Advisors : Christine Bjerke 1th Master Academic Year , 2017 Group work / Academic project Team member : Renata Mitrova


INTRODUCTION “ Copenhagen Central Station is facing a future as a bottleneck. ”


New metro in 2019 CPH Malmo Copenhagen Central Sta.


Norreport / 43 K Frederiksb. / 21K Central Sta. / 27K

In 2030, Fehmarn Link is planned to operate which connects Denmark and Germany. Although Fehmarn Link is 2 hours’ drive from Copenhagen, it will connect Mainland Europe`s high-speed train route to Copenhagen. In addition to road and railway, air transportation is also expected to bring more visitors to Copenhagen in the next decades. When the new line of the metro opens in 2019 even more cyclists, using this part of the system as an interchange as they travel in and out of the city, will need somewhere to leave a bike.At the same time, the capacity at Copenhagen Central Station reaches its maximum. Compare to other two busiest stations, many developments around the central station are planned to be built in the future which will bring a significant number of people. The infrastructure of the central station already crows today and it will become much worst two years later when the metro is built. Copenhagen is known as the most liveable city in the world, but its infrastructure is not designed for growing population. Hence, a new style infrastructure must be created to deal with the future challenge to keep the city livable.

S-train Metro High-speed railway to mainland europe

International railway network

CPH Airport

Rideship in CPH region




B. C.



D. A. Vesteerbro shopping mall

B. New metro station

C. Urban complex


New develop projects around central station







(m) 55

Bus Car

Inter-city S tog

50 45





35 0










100 110






30 25

running walking




train slow

car normal car slow

biciyling fast biciyling normal





“ A new public square defined by speed for Copenhagen central station. �






5 0









90 100 110 120


Minimum cornering radius

Frame per second view A station as the micro city is common to see in some metropolitans in Asia. For example, Osaka Unmada station and Tokyo station are the typical style of how a station deals with increasing numbers of the population. However, Copenhagen is facing the same challenge but different scale of population. A speed grid system is created to define different activities and users in this expansion project. The view what people can see is changed by the speed which is activities. Because of the speed, the idea of frame per second view plays an important role in this project which defines the radius of curve and height.

Tivoli park

West side shops

New metro station Connect and create a new link between two side

Sky Bridge

New urban-complex

Bike Highway

H= 10 M Normal area

New bike parking

Bike over parking

No space for intercity bus


Perspective views

Transportation Circus

R= 40 M for 30 km/h

H= 15M Slow area

New Intercity bus stop R = 30 M for 20 km/h

H= 5m Express area

Urban Roof


Central Sta.

Sky bridge

Bike parking

Urban roof

Bike highway

Transport circus

“ Expending the station as a livable park and creating a new relationship between different motions � [1[ Sky Bridge Today, the connection between two sides of central station is weak because of the exit in west side is small. The new metro station will open in 2019 which will bring more and more people into the station. However, the current route system cannot afford more. As a result, the bridge is designed to create

[2] Bike Highway A new huge urban-complex plan is developed in the south of central station which including several high raise buildings and shopping mall. Big amounts of bikes are parked on the south side of the station even the new plan is not built. In addition to creating more parking space, how to make route system more efficient is the ideal of this bike highway. This highway connects the new development area to metro station and Vesterbro area with a path designed speed is 30 km per hour.

[3] Transport Circus Most of the intercity or international buses are stopped on the sidewalk as the bus station on the south side of the central station. This is not the only inconvenience for passengers but also make the road crowded. In addition, bike parking has become a serious problem in the road. As consequence, two traffic circus is created with different radius.

[4] Urban Roof A new continues landscape is designed to expand central station. It is defined with different height which related to the speed of functions. The highest place is created for picnic, waking, and activities. The lowest is for transportations. This landscape connects each new functions as a main character in the project.

[1] Sky Bridge

[2] Transportation Circus

[3] Bike highway

[4] Urban Roof

Sections 1:1000

0 20




Project 4

DIVERSITY CENTER “ An office tower stands in the seaside town which has diverse history, as a function of vending machine ” *Nominated by TKU for Shinjinsen, Asian Architecture Rookie Awards *2013 Best project award in Tamkang university

Location : Tamsui, New Taipei City, Taiwan Advisors : Ju, Ching-Huang [ MArch, University of Pennsylvania, AIA ] E-mail : ching@harmonizedesign.com

3rd Academic Year`s Studio Design, 2013 Individual work / Academic project


INTRODUCTION “It is a huge vending machine standing at the gate of Tamsui, and the beginning of history �

traditional market

night market

display office display storage

square shopping area output

Composition of vending machine


Concept of design

MRT station

Beginning of History travel

[1] Fort Santo Domingo

ho ng

This site is the gate of Tamsui, a normal office building stands here, but this site deserves more. As a result, the concept of vending machine is used to develop this project. To me, vending machine is the object that combines the function of display and product. This site is the beginning of the travel of Tamsui`s history, which is one of the most diverse areas in Taiwan. In addition, it is the first impression of Tamsui to the visitors who come by MRT. Therefore, in this office building companies can work and publicize their creativities to visitors at the same time.

jia n Ja St pa re et ne se C d us or to m m ito sO ry ffi ce r's Re sid Br iti en sh ce C on Fo su rt la Sa te nt o D om in go

Vending machine


Tamsui, New Taipei City Tamsui is a sea-side district in New Taipei, Taiwan. It is named after the Tamsui River; the name means "fresh water". The town is popular as a site for viewing the sun setting into the Taiwan Strait, and its historical attractions. Tamsui was colonized by Spanish, Dutch, British, Chinese and Japanese.

[3] British Consulate

1629 1642

Dutch colonial

1683 1895

Qing dynasty

Japanese colonial

1800 1895 1900 1945

1200 m 1300 m

Spanish colonial

750 m 800 m 850 m

Qing dynasty


distance time

[2] Customs Officer's Residence

[4] [3]



site [1] Chongjian Street


ORGANIZATION Studios This part of offices seems as the most creative part, so the studios in this building are designed in the main elevation in order to display to the public.




The auditorium`s function can serve all companies in this building to present their products, it is as same as the output box of the vending machine.

auditorium gellary


Office Type There are three types of office in this building including small, medium, and large one. All of these offices are designed behind the main elevation, which likes the storage part of vending machine.

Service core / Gallery Service core in this building is diverted to two. One of this is open to public and another one is private. Furthermore, one axis is designed on the ground floor of this building which can connect to the tradition market behind the building.

Sunken plaza A sunken plaza is designed in the bottom of this building which can connect to the underpass of MRT station.


Composition of design







market MRT station

shopping mall

site B1

park park

MRT station

MRT station

shopping mall

site B1

park park

MRT station


site plan

A-a section

B-b section


0 1.4




0 3




Project 5

GREEN UP! PUERTA DEL SOL “It is a square with 3000+ portable chairs, forming a huge grass area at the gate of Madrid” Location : Puerta del Sol, Madrid, Spain Advisors : Juan Hevia [ ETSM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ]

Garcia Hipola, Mayka [ GSD, Havard Universtiy ] E-mail :mghipola.eps@ceu.es

4th Academic Year`s Studio Design, 2015 Individual work / Academic project 21

INTRODUCTION “ A combination of leisure elements, with endless grass area for all. � Bar


Lounge chair Band


About Madrid is known as a passionate and romantic city. Puerta del Sol is the most well-known place in the city. Vibrant street performers, excited tourists, and multi-ethnic people are on this square. However, due to security reasons and crowded, Puerta del Sol, became a place just for passing or meeting with a tense atmosphere. As a result, I tried to imagine that there will be a huge grass area on Puerta del Sol and all the people will sit on. All of the people sit there will enjoy performances and feel Puerta del Sol`s diversity. In addition, as time pass by the seats on Puerta del Sol will be moved by people to all around Madrid. In that day, Puerta del Sol will become the center of these seats, Madrid will become a city full of the atmosphere of relax.



Puerta del Sol The Puerta del Sol originated as one of the gates in the city wall that surrounded Madrid in the 15th century. The Kilometer Zero is in the center of the Puerta del Sol in Madrid.





Buskers Stage

Pedestrian Seats



3000 +

realax + rest Performance area (stages for buskers)


100 %

movable seats Facility (tourist center + cafe)

grass area


Green area (portable seats + stages)

Puerta del Sol Routes

12000 sqm

Seats design Type a

Height of Stage Type b

Type c



“Re-Organize the Activities on the Square by Three Different Scale � Organize The square`s activities have a clear pattern surrounding the objects on the square includes metro exits and fountains. These elements provide the resting place for people which are the function of the chair. Therefore, providing as many chairs as possible is the first step in this design. Based on the area of Puerta del Sol, I decided to add 3000 chairs into this square. Thus, how to arrange these chairs is the next step. In order to arrange these chairs, I classified the activities on this square into three categories. The first is small scale such as sitting and waiting, the second is medium scale such as buskers. The last one is large scale like band or tabacco vendors. All of these types of activities can correspond to the three different types of chairs which are designed in this project.



Small scale

1 x 1 sqm / sitting & waiting


Midium scale

5 x 5 sqm / busker


Large scale


10 x 10 sqm / band & tabacco


Step 1 Clear up the square

Step 2 Maximum the grass area

Step 3 Analyze underground layer

Step 4 Set the stage and restore the post office

Step 5 Create a new metro exit in the post office

Step 6 Grid the square to analyze the square meter

Step 7 Analyze the square meteo of each stage,and add the seats (2 sqm per chair)

Step 8 The chairs will be moved all around the square

Small scale

Medium scale

Large scale

2-9 performers Bar / Tabacco vendors

10+ performancers Gallery Group performers

“ Change the relationship between the activities and people by the grass Pavement �

Radius 1 M

Radius 3 M

Single preformer

Radius 6 M

Small scale cluster In order to slow down the speed of pedestrians, this is the highest density area of grass pavement but the smallest size of the stage.

Medium scale cluster This cluster focuses on the relationship between buskers and pedestrians. As a result, I combine the small and medium size of stages in this cluster which can allow the different kinds of performance.

Large scale cluster This group has the biggest scale element in this project which including an iconic building in the middle of this square.


x 12

x 25

x 100




“ Iconic chairs and grass pavement will spread around Madrid with the atmosphere of leisure� Metro station B1 plan

Meeting Point / Metro station Hotel roof plan

Although Puerta del Sol is a fantastic square in the center Madrid, it lacks an iconic meeting point for visitors. Therefore, not only added a meeting point in the middle of the square, but also I used this point to connect to the underground.

Reconstruction / Hotel In another part of this design, the historical post office building was required to be changed into a hotel. Following the concept of grass pavement, these pavements are extended from the square to the post office. Hotel plan

Metro station B2 plan



0 1.4



0 1



Appendix Professional project & Activities

Appendix 1

E Q U I L I B R I U M [completed] “ A restoration of street house on the east coastal of Taiwan � Location : Donghe, Taitong, Taiwan

1st Floor

Supervisor : Lee, Yih-Heng

[ MArch, Oxford Brookes University, RIBA Part2 ] E-mail: yih-hengl@zenarchi.com

The entrance of this house is a shower area which provides a place for people to take a simple shower. There is a large table in the lobby for reception and other events.

coastal range

Function : Guest House

2nd Floor

3rd Academic Year`s Internship, 2013

This floor provides four single rooms and one twin room for backpackers. A terrace is designed in the back of this floor, which can provide a mountain view and offers a social place for backpackers.

[ Zenarchi & Create+Think Design Studio]

Participant / Professional project [Cocept design, Plan development]


3rd Floor


This site is located in Donghe, an east side of the coastal mountain range. Donghe is a famous surfing area in Taiwan, so serving the guest who comes to surf in this typical street house is the consideration in this project.

Two twin rooms which offer the largest room in this guest house is on this floor.

pacific ocean

1F Plan layout

Donghe, Taitung

10*10 H column (gray-black)

hinged door handle (gray-black)

25*50 flat tube (gray-black)

shower area

hinged door rolling door

10*10 H column (gray-black) 25*50 flat tube (gray-black) hinged door handle (gray-black)


Elevation Iron Castings

0 13




3F N

0 60



Appendix 3

Appendix 2

INTERCOLLEGIATE A R C H. F O R U M Location : Tamkang Uni., Taipei, Taiwan Partner : Chung Yuan Christian University Ming Chuan University Shih Chien University



TKUA 48th thesis design show Founder & Coordinator Student forum, 2014 - now

Location : Songshan Cultural Park, Taipei, Taiwan Group menber : Chi-Han Feng, Li-Wei Wu, Chia-Ping Tsai, Guan-Yi Siao

Finacial Coordinator Exhibition, 2016

Publication : TKUA 48th thesis design - In Between [ ISBN:9789865608187 ]

“ It is a student forum which provide a Intercollegiate freedom discuss ”

“ The biggest challenge was how to blance the ideal and budget ? ”



In order keep this forum ongoing, arranging this forum in an interesting way was the biggest task for us. In addition, the intention of this forum is to increase the interaction between the architecture schools which are in Taipei. It took us almost half year to organize this student forum, which was the very first one in Taiwan. The challenge for us was how to negotiate with each student associations and apply the subsidy from the university.

This exhibition design was the first design that interact with people in reality for us. From planning to construct and was the major challenge for us. Controlling the budget between the reality and the ideal of design was always a hard decision for me. Without any shortcut for these problems, communicating and negotiating were the best way to solve the problem. How to convince companies to offer a financial assistance to us was the task for our team.


Email: wake.tsenghsuanwei@gmail.com Phone: +45 53 33 84 49

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