Waldorf Academy Summer Camp Guide

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Summer Camp Guide Waldorf Academy is pleased to welcome you and your child to the 2021 Summer Camp! We are dedicated to providing a fun, creative, and holistic experience for our students and campers. Please read this guide in its entirety and include your children in its review Address any questions or concerns by contacting us at: info@waldorfacademy.org * Parents/guardians are required to fill out our Summer Camp Mandatory Forms

Summer Camp 4 yrs to 6 yrs (JK/SK) Dates:


Week 1: June 28 - July 2

Gnomes & Fairies (4 days)

Week 2: July 5 - 9


Week 3: July 12 - 16

Wool Crafts

Week 4: July 19 - 23

Forts & Nests

July 26-30: camp and Childcare Centre closed Week 5: Aug 3 - 6

Woodworking (4 days)

Week 6: August 9 -13

Castles & Dragons

HALF DAY: 9:00 -12:30 FULL DAY: 9:00 - 4:00


8:30 - 9:00 4:00 - 5:00

Children need to be able to follow instructions within a group setting. All summer campers must be daytime potty trained. Please find more information about student code of conduct in this guide

Sample of Daily Routine 8:30 9:00 9:15 9:35 9:50 10:15 10: 30 11:15 11:30

Welcome extended day friends (outdoor in side yard) Outdoor play and gross motor games Welcome half-day/full-day friends Circle Time Activities (outdoor) Good morning and seasonal songs/recitation Story time- puppet show or oral storytelling based on weekly theme Move to backyard before going inside Go inside to prepare for snack Washing hands Setting Table Indoor snack Prepare to walk to park/little ravine/big ravine Seasonal circle activities Fine and Gross motor movement games Outdoor free play Return to school for picnic lunch in Side Yard

Half day dismissal from side yard at 12:30 1:00 Indoor rest/quiet time Wash hands Bathroom Kinder lyre Story Beeswax 1:45 Tidying rest area 2:00 Artistic Activity Based on weekly theme 2:45 Afternoon snack 3:10 Outdoor play (backyard) 4:00 Goodbye to full day friends Extended Day: 4:30 Gather for story and snack 5:00 Goodbye

Wait List Registration is limited to 15 students. Registration must include all required forms and full payment to secure your child’s spot. Families placed on the waitlist for any camp week will be contacted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Camp Checklist Lunch is provided by the parents; the Waldorf Academy Camp provides some healthy, organic snacks provided by Whole Foods Market. Parents are required to pack nut free lunches (we are a nut free camp) and snacks. There is absolutely no sharing of food allowed at the Waldorf Academy Camp. Please bring and label the following: Water bottle Nut-free lunch (and any snacks you’d like to send along) Face masks are strongly recommended for children aged 4-6 Weather appropriate clothing (rain boots, rain jacket, sweater, etc.) Closed toe and heel shoes must be worn to comply with camp safety rules ● Sunscreen ● Hat and sunglasses ● Any doctor prescribed medications (Camp staff will not administer medications except in the case of a life threatening situation such as administering an Epi-pen which is provided by you). Our Medication Authorization Form must be submitted if your child is required to take medication while on site at camp. ● ● ● ● ●

Late Fees The camp closes promptly at 5:00 p.m. It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to arrive on time to pick-up your child/children. Parents or guardians arriving after 5:00 p.m. will be charged a late fee of $5.00 per minute.

Cancellation/Refund Policy - All camp registrations must be paid in full to secure your spot at camp. - All cancellations must be sent in writing to info@waldorfacademy.org - No refunds will be provided

- In what we hope will be an unlikely event of summer day camps being cancelled by the local, provincial, or federal government, a full refund will be provided to families.

Programming The Waldorf Academy Summer Camp reserves the right to change or update our policies, terms, and conditions and/or programming as our staff and/or the Ministry of Health or health professionals may make recommendations and/or changes to the COVID-19 guidelines prior to and/or during the summer.

Weather and Inclement Weather Parents are required to dress their children accordingly and provide extra clothing. There are no refunds due to bad or hot weather, including if a facility is not air conditioned.

Late Arrivals or Early Departures If your child will be late to camp (arriving after 9:00 am) parents must contact the camp leaders to ensure that a counsellor will be there to meet you and your child at the normal drop off/pick up location to allow for camper sign in, and then escort the camper safely to the activity location. If you have not called ahead of time and are running late you will not be able to enter the facility due to new COVID restrictions. You must call and receive confirmation that a camp leader will meet you. DO NOT leave your child unattended to find his/her group or enter the building unsupervised. In the event that a camper needs to leave camp early, parents should inform the camp leaders as soon as possible. We reserve the right to ask you to withdraw from camp for multiple late pick up occurrences. Sign In and Sign Out Procedure To ensure their safety, all campers must be signed in at the time of drop off and signed out at the time of pick up by a parent/guardian. Parents/guardians must indicate the names of the authorized persons for pickup on the online summer camp mandatory forms and everyone must show photo identification

in order to sign out a child. Should a parent/guardian wish to add an authorized person(s) to the approved pick up and drop off list for their child they may contact the Camp Director at campdirector@waldorfacademy.org. If a parent is not available, an authorized individual (as documented at the time of the online enrolment or added as noted in the process above) will be permitted to sign a camper in and out upon presentation of a government issued photo ID (drivers license, passport, etc.). Campers will not be permitted to leave the camp without permission. Should a camper leave without permission, the Camp Director will telephone the parent to inform them that the child has left without permission. Depending on circumstances a staff member may need to physically restrain your child to prevent them from leaving camp and entering a dangerous situation.

Student Code of Conduct ● Students must be fully toilet-trained. ● Students who run away from the group/camp leaders will be automatically withdrawn from the camp. ● Students who are physically and/or verbally abusive towards campers, staff, or others will be withdrawn from the camp.

Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct Waldorf Academy adheres to all national, provincial, and municipal laws, bylaws, and guidelines; this includes COVID-related bylaws set by government agencies and Toronto Public Health. At all times, please adhere to this Community Code of Conduct which was developed to support a healthy social life within the school community. Violation of the code of conduct could result in the expulsion of the student/family from the camp. To build and sustain a healthy school community, as a parent or guardian, I will: ● SPEAK DIRECTLY with the relevant teacher, administrator, or parent about matters of concern. ● LISTEN WITH OPENNESS to what others have to say and allow space for healthy disagreement. ● AVOID SECOND-HAND INFORMATION and hearsay.

● ● ● ●

DISENGAGE from communications with fellow parents that lay blame. CONSIDER, before acting or speaking, the question “Is this constructive?” MODEL those behaviours that I encourage and expect in my children. PROMOTE the above behaviours when engaging with others in the community.

If issues persist: ASK THE ADMINISTRATION FOR HELP to organize a meeting involving the appropriate parties. Examples of inappropriate conduct include, but are not limited to: ● DISRESPECT towards members of the school community, especially school employees and other persons in positions of authority. ● INJURY to the moral tone of the school or to the physical or mental wellbeing of others. ● BULLYING, INTIMIDATING OR THREATENING a member of the school community. ● HARASSMENT of any kind, which is defined as engaging in vexatious comments or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Please see more information regarding harassment under the Ontario Human Rights Code. ● MISUSE OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION AND EMAIL LISTS to solicit, advertise or discuss matters unrelated to the Waldorf Academy curriculum. ● DUAL RELATIONSHIPS, such as the hiring of current staff for private babysitting, tutoring, (etc.) of our students at any time is prohibited; this practice creates a dual relationship as well as a conflict of interest. Code of Conduct Procedures: a) Parents and guardians exhibiting inappropriate behaviour will be called to meet with the Camp Director and administration to conclude a plan for resolution and repair. b) Failure or refusal of the parent or guardian to meet or conclude a plan may result in an immediate or future termination of enrolment of the parent or guardian’s child/children.

Code of Conduct Agreement By signing this Agreement, the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand(s) that Waldorf Academy may require the withdrawal of or may dismiss a student/camper at its sole discretion. The Parent/Guardian further understands that a positive and constructive working relationship between Waldorf Academy and a student's parent(s)/guardian(s) is essential to the fulfillment of Waldorf Academy's mission, and agrees that Waldorf Academy may terminate enrolment, or decline re-enrolment, if Waldorf Academy, in its sole discretion concludes that the student's action or inaction is detrimental to Waldorf Academy, or whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have engaged in conduct which is detrimental to Waldorf Academy. * A parent is defined as anyone who has legal custody of the child.

Please see Waldorf Academy Summer Camp Mandatory Forms: signature required

Feedback We welcome your feedback; positive and constructive. Please address any concerns with the Camp leaders. They will have firsthand knowledge of the facility, the camp environment and your child and can usually quickly address and resolve any challenges you may have. Contact Information: campdirector@waldorfacademy.org 416. 962. 6447 x. 242 General: info@waldorfacademy.org

Increased Health and Safety Our camp health and safety plans may need to adapt to evolving public health guidelines. These plans include comprehensive Covid-19 safety policies such as daily screenings, physical distancing, masking, small group sizes, and enhanced hygiene and sanitation. Please refer to the Ministry of Health’s 2021 Camp Guidelines for reference.

Parents/guardians will not be allowed to enter school playgrounds or the building to minimize health risks. Parents/guardians are required to conduct daily COVID symptom screenings of their children prior to dropping them off to camp. Parents are required to attest every morning at drop-off that their child is symptom-free.

Screening Procedures All staff and students will be screened in front of the school prior to entering the building by our trained staff. All parents, staff, and students must wear masks during this process (drop-off and pick-up). The screening process will consist of a written attestation of your child’s COVIDsymptoms free assessment. The assessment follows the Toronto Public Health Screening Tool.

Illness If your child or a member of your household are exhibiting COVID symptoms (see TPH Screening Tool) your child must stay home. You must call Toronto Public Health for guidance and get tested. Students can return to camp 24 hours after their COVID test results were published as negative with improved symptoms; Waldorf Academy requires parents/guardians to sign Toronto Public Health’s Back to School Attestation Form and a copy of the test results in order to re-admit the student back to Camp. Should a student exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 at camp, the student will be isolated from the other students and staff until they are taken home. Parents/caregivers will be notified of their child’s illness and will be required to collect their child immediately. The school will be obligated to report suspected cases and contact tracing information to our local public health unit and this information will be kept confidential by school staff. *We can not offer refunds due to absences from the camp, including absences related to illness/COVID-related circumstances.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Masks are required for teachers in summer camps. • Students who are entering grade 1 in September of 2021 are required to wear masks indoors as per the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Day Camps • Students, staff, and essential visitors wearing a mask throughout the day are responsible for its safe use, cleanliness, and disposal. • All students using masks must have two clean masks stored in a paper envelope or bag.

Cleaning and Sanitization · Routine cleaning and sanitization of facilities and high touch areas throughout the day. · Touchless liquid soap and towel dispensers are available in the classrooms and washrooms. ·

Daily professional cleaning at the end of each day.

Classroom/Camp Guidelines ·

Our 15 student capacity accommodates physical distancing guidelines.


Physical distancing will be maintained to the greatest extent possible

· Frequent hand washing will be part of the daily routine, including prior to and after snack and lunch times · Students will not share resources. Personal belongings must be labelled and will be stored in a dedicated space in their classroom or locker/hook ·

Daily washing and disinfection of toys


Twice daily, disinfection of all high touch surfaces

Staff Training ·

All staff have been trained on COVID-related protocols and policies.

· All staff are provided with appropriate PPE and cleaning products, as well as certificate training through the World Health Organization in PPE use and disposal.

SUMMER CAMP MANDATORY FORMS The below forms and waivers must be signed by a parent/guardian of the Waldorf Academy Camper. Please find the Summer Camp Mandatory Forms here Permission for Medical Treatment I understand that although the school and its staff will exercise reasonable care in the supervision of my child, accidents and mishaps may occur. In the case of a medical emergency concerning my child, I give my permission for Waldorf Academy staff to use her/his best judgment in obtaining the best medical service for my child. I agree to pay all costs incurred by Waldorf Academy in obtaining emergency medical care for my child. I also understand that in the event of such illness or accident, I will be notified as soon as possible. In addition, I hereby release Waldorf Academy and its employees and agents from all liability in respect of obtaining any such medical care. I also understand and agree that the school is not liable for anything that may occur due to my providing incorrect information, or my failure to give full information, regarding the physical condition of my child. Please see Waldorf Academy Summer Camp Mandatory Forms: signature required.

Photography Consent I _______________________________(Parent/Guardian of registrant) Consent to the use of photographs or video footage for use on the Waldorf Academy website, in newsletters and publications as well as for distribution to members. Consent to the use of photographs or video footage being used to promote future Waldorf Academy events by the Committee and other media. I further understand that this consent may be withdrawn by me at anytime, upon written notice. Please see Waldorf Academy Summer Camp Mandatory Forms: signature required

Parental Consent & Release for School Excursions As a part of the educational process at Waldorf Academy Summer Camps, students are taken off the school property from time to time. This may include regular daily trips to nearby public parks and recreational areas. Short excursions may also include visits to museums in the Toronto area, historic sites or to recreational facilities such as local conservation areas and other similar places of interest or enjoyment consistent with school policy. On such excursions, staff members of the school supervise the children. Transportation may be by foot or chartered bus. Please complete and sign below to give consent for your child's participation in the camp excursions as described above and to agree to release the school from any claim which you might otherwise be entitled to assert against the school for any injury or loss suffered by your child while on such an excursion. l hereby give our/my permission to take: Child's Name: _________________________________________________ on excursions (as generally described above) with his/her class while a student at Waldorf Academy. We/l understand that the children will be supervised (as generally described above) during such excursions and that this consent does not extend to overnight or other special excursions for which our/my special consent will be sought. We/l understand that, although the school and its staff will exercise reasonable care in the supervision of our/my child, accidents and mishaps may occur. We/I hereby release Waldorf Academy and its agents from any claim which we/l might otherwise be entitled to assert against any of them for any injury or loss suffered by our/my child in conjunction with excursions in which he or she participates. We/l also understand and agree that the school is not liable for anything that may occur due to our/my providing incorrect information, or our/my failure to give full information, regarding the physical condition of our/my child. Please see Waldorf Academy Summer Camp Mandatory Forms: signature required

COVID-19 Agreement and Declaration Background 1. Waldorf Academy Inc. (the “School”) has re-opened operations at 250 Madison Avenue on September 8, 2020. 2. To protect students, employees, volunteers, visitors, and all other persons entering the School, this form must be completed by a parent or guardian for each student prior to attending School premises or participating in any of the classes, activities, events, or programs organized, offered, or sanctioned by the School. 3. Failure to complete this form prior to arriving at the School/Camp will result in denial of access to the School/Camp premises 4. The School appreciates and requires your cooperation in reopening the School. The School is commencing reopening based on the assurance that all persons entering School premises have taken proper precautions to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Accordingly, any false statements or failure to follow the requirements outlined below could result in the exclusion of the student from the School. 5. As you are aware, COVID-19 can be transmitted by persons who do not exhibit symptoms. There is no guarantee that COVID-19 will not be contracted by persons entering School premises. Health and Illness Protocol for COVID-19: ALL CHILDREN must be screened by their parents PRIOR TO ARRIVAL at the School/Camp, which includes temperature checks. In addition to daily active screening, all students will be monitored throughout the day for emerging signs or symptoms of illness. To protect the health of all individuals at the School/Camp, staff will support the arrival and pick-up routine for families. Upon arrival, once a student has completed active screening and been deemed able to enter the School, staff will escort the student to the appropriate program room. Parents/guardians are not able to enter the School. Pick-up and drop-off of students will occur outside the School setting unless it is determined that there is a need for a parent/guardian to enter the setting.

As a Parent/Guardian, you must prevent the spread of illness by keeping your child home from School/Camp if you or your child experience any of the following signs or symptoms (the “Symptoms”): ·

Fever (temperature of 37.8°C or greater)


New or worsening cough


Shortness of breath (dyspnea)


Sore throat


Difficulty swallowing


New olfactory or taste disorder(s)


Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain

· Runny nose, or nasal congestion – in absence of underlying reason for these symptoms such as seasonal allergies, post nasal drip, etc. If your child experiences any of the Symptoms while at the School/Camp, staff will contact you or one of your emergency contacts to pick up your child immediately. While your child waits for you or your designate to arrive, s/he will be separated from the other children. Agreement and Declaration As a Parent/Guardian responsible for my child, I agree to the following: - I have read and understood the above information. - I understand the risk of illness associated with placing my child in the School/Camp; - Neither my child or anyone in my child’s household has been in close contact or has tested positive for COVID-19 or had any of the Symptoms in the last 14 days. - If my child or a member of our household has COVID-19 symptoms, I will keep my child home and get tested. - If my child or a member of your household tests positive for COVID-19 after submitting this form, I will immediately exclude all of my children from

School/Camp, and my children will not attend the School/Camp until a minimum period of 14 days has passed after the positive test results or Symptoms have completely gone away. Note: close contact includes living with, providing care, or otherwise having close prolonged contact (within 2 meters) with another person. - Neither my child, anyone in my child’s household, nor anyone with whom a member of my child’s household has been in close contact has traveled to or had a layover in any country outside Canada in the past 14 days. If such return from travel occurs after submitting this form, I will immediately exclude all of my children from School, and my children will not attend the School until a minimum period of 14 days has passed after the date of return to Canada. - I agree to all screening requirements and to accurately respond to all screening questions, including the reporting of temperatures daily for all persons screened. Misrepresentation on any screening questions, including temperatures or masking fevers with medication could result in exclusion of the child from the School. - I will not administer any medication to my child that may mask the Symptoms, such as Tylenol or Advil, prior dropping my child off at the School. - I consent to providing copies of any of my child’s COVID-19 test results, if any, to the School. - This agreement remains in effect until otherwise notified in writing by the School. Please see Waldorf Academy Summer Camp Mandatory Forms: signature required

Student and Parent Code of Conduct Agreement By signing this Agreement, the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand(s) that Waldorf Academy may require the withdrawal of or may dismiss a student/camper at its sole discretion. The Parent/Guardian further understands that a positive and constructive working relationship between Waldorf Academy and a student's parent(s)/guardian(s) is essential to the fulfillment of Waldorf Academy's mission and agrees that Waldorf Academy may terminate enrolment, or decline reenrolment, if Waldorf Academy, in its sole discretion concludes that the

student's action or inaction is detrimental to Waldorf Academy, or whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have engaged in conduct which is detrimental to Waldorf Academy. * A parent is defined as anyone who has legal custody of the child. Please see Waldorf Academy Summer Camp Mandatory Forms: signature required

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