Power Mobility Crutch / Cane Holder

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Knee Walkers

Our knee walker technology at Nonproliferation has proven to be an ideal substitute to crutches, particularly because it has made it easier than ever to achieve an absolute non-weight bearing solution.

Power Scooter

If you are having difficulties with walking – buy a walking aid that offers easy mobility, good comfort, tight grip. If you want something that can take you distances without straining your body too much, electric scooters are the ideal choice.

Road Travel Tips for Users of Handicap Scooters

Handicap scooters are used by those who have impaired mobility – a condition that may be caused by injury or illness. Many differently-baled or handicapped individuals use the handicap scooters to go outdoors.

Power Wheelchair

How Can WNR walkers and rollators Help You?

We are dedicated to providing you with the finest-quality products to help improve mobility and bring your life once again to the full range of action.

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