1 minute read
The signature plant of the Holiday season is the beautiful red poinsettia. By the third week of December, most people have killed this beautiful plant. Not too many people know that the color of the poinsettia has an impact on the life of the plant. There is such a variety of colors available. Red is the most durable with white being the placed in a basin of water with at least 2” of water and then letting the plant soak the water up from the bottom. This is the best way to water the plant every 2-3 days, depending on how dry your house is. Remove any damaged leaves and debris on the soil level. Make sure the soil is moist to the touch, but never allow it to become soggy or completely dried out. Display your poinsettia in a bright part of your home but not in direct sunlight. Keep your plant away from all heat sources, especially heat vents.
safe to resume a normal watering schedule. You can move your poinsettia plant outdoors when the nighttime direct sunlight. Bring your plant back in when the temperature drops in the fall. If your poinsettia becomes to December 1, your poinsettia requires a strict light/dark regimen to bloom. In the morning, move the plant to allow eight hours of indirect sunlight.
Use these tips on how to care for and keep your poinsettia alive this year so you can see it rebloom next year.