Utah Leads Together 3.0

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PROTECTING UTAH’S HIGH-RISK POPULATION “Coronavirus is a bully. It finds and attacks at-risk individuals. If finds and attacks older members of our community. It finds and attacks those who have other medical conditions.” – Dr. Michael Good, University of Utah Health

The medical evidence is clear: COVID-19 creates far greater adverse health impacts on people over 65 years of age and people with other medical conditions. When you combine age with comorbidity the outcomes are even more serious. Protecting Utah’s high-risk population is the front line of the daily battle to protect Utah’s health and economy. The Economic Response Task Force recommends a triaged approach to protecting human health and restoring economic and societal health. A stratified approach – where Utah applies guidance based on risk – allows the state to minimize the total harm of COVID-19 on all Utahns. By sorting risk, we “shrink the curve,” reduce suffering and death, and achieve greater societal and economic health. Importantly, low risk groups must continue to follow color-coded health guidance not only for themselves, but to prevent exposure among higher-risk individuals. The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget has worked with the Public Health and Economic Emergency Commission to create a detailed plan to protect Utah’s high-risk populations. The Economic Response Task Force endorses this plan. COVID-19 Danger Signs for High-Risk Individuals in Utah



of those who have passed away are

65 years and older




of those who have passed away are

65 years and older and/or have other medical conditions

Utah Health and Economic Protection Strategy Sort risk to minimize health, economic, and societal harm

Triage Risk High-Risk Utahns

Low-Risk Utahns

Follow nine guidelines to protect human health

Follow color-coded health guidance

With time, isolation will not be necessary

Reactivate economy to minimize health, economic, and societal harm

Utah Odds of Hospitalization if Contracting COVID-19* 65 years and older




Chronic kidney condition




300% 250% 150% 68% Cardiovascular disease

60% greater

* These characteristics do not represent or encompass all factors that contribute to increased risk. Source: EpiTrax data and preliminary analysis obtained May 2020 from the Utah Department of Health, Division of Disease Control and Prevention and Governor’s Office of Management and Budget


Utah Leads Together

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