Utah State Firefighters' Association 2019 Convention Magazine

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Fit for Duty, Fit for Life 111th Annual Convention American Fork, Utah June 12-15, 2019

Utah State Firefighters’ Association

Proudly Supports the Utah State Firefighters’ Association

Table of Contents Schedule of Events ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Auxiliary Meetings Schedule.................................................................................................................................. 8 Welcome Members   Aaron Brems, American Fork Fire Chief.......................................................................................................... 10   Brad Frost, American Fork Mayor..................................................................................................................... 11   Colter Christen, President AFFR....................................................................................................................... 12   Eldon Farnsworth, President USFA.................................................................................................................. 14   Gina Bell, Secretary............................................................................................................................................. 15 State Officers Roll Call............................................................................................................................................ 16 Past Presidents......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Past Trustees............................................................................................................................................................ 20 Women’s Auxiliary Message.................................................................................................................................. 22 Women’s Auxiliary Officers.................................................................................................................................... 23 Roll Call of Fire Departments................................................................................................................................ 24 Service Awards Comparison................................................................................................................................. 26 Service Years - Totals............................................................................................................................................... 27 2019 Award Recipients.......................................................................................................................................... 28 10-70 Year Awards................................................................................................................................................... 30 Women’s Auxiliary Past Presidents....................................................................................................................... 34 In Memory................................................................................................................................................................ 36 The Dash Poem........................................................................................................................................................ 37 Lifetime Members................................................................................................................................................... 38 2019 Speakers.......................................................................................................................................................... 44 Law & Legislative Committee................................................................................................................................ 48 American Fork Fire Department........................................................................................................................... 50 Mission Statement.................................................................................................................................................. 52 Photos....................................................................................................................................................................... 54

4 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Schedule of Events Utah State Firefighters’ Association Convention

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS “Fit for Duty, Fit for Life” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 7:00 a.m. Golf Scramble Registration........................................ Fox Hollow Golf Club (1400 N 200 E, American Fork) Free Range Balls and Chick-fil-A Breakfast Sandwiches 8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start 1:00 p.m. Lunch, Awards, and Prizes............................................................Banquet Room in Fox Hollow Club House 3:00-6:30 p.m. Registration............................................................................ Station 51 (96 N Center Street, American Fork)

THURSDAY, JUNE 13 8:00 a.m. Registration................................. Show Barn at Thanksgiving Point (2975 North Thanksgiving Way, Lehi) 9:00 a.m. Opening Ceremonies........................................................................................................................... Show Barn Meeting Called to Order.......................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Invocation.................................................................................................................. DeWilton Brown, Chaplain Presentation of Colors....................................................................................American Fork Fire Department Pledge of Allegiance............................................................................. Dave Larsen, USFA Sergeant-at-Arms Opening & Introduction of Mayor.............................................. Toby Norton, Firefighter, AF Fire & Rescue Welcome to American Fork......................................................................... The Honorable Brad Frost, Mayor Message from Chief....................................................................... Aaron Brems, Fire Chief, AF Fire & Rescue Response......................................................................................................... Brady George, 1st Vice President Introduction of Officers........................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Introduction of Past Officers................................................................................................Gina Bell, Secretary Introduction of Auxiliary Officers........................................................................... Marilyn Gillette, President Introduction to Keynote Speaker............................................... Toby Norton, Firefighter, AF Fire & Rescue Keynote Speaker............................................................................................................................ Mike Gagliano This Fire House Rocks-Achieving Firehouse Excellence Adjournment for Lunch (On Your Own) 1:00 p.m. Response.................................................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Roll Call of Departments......................................................................................................Gina Bell, Secretary Appointment of Credentials and Resolution Committee...............................Eldon Farnsworth, President Firefighter Award Ceremonies............................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Nomination of Officers.........................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Bids for Convention City 2021.............................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President 4:00 p.m. Memorial Service......................................................Alpine Tabernacle (110 E. Main Street, American Fork) 5:30 p.m. Parade Line Up.................................................. American Fork High School (510 N. 600 E., American Fork) 6:00 p.m. Parade....................................................... AF High School to Art Dye Park (510 N. 600 E. to 1000 N. 550 E.) 7:00 p.m. BBQ Dinner by R&R BBQ.......................................................... Art Dye Park (1000 N. 550 E., American Fork)

6 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Schedule of Events FRIDAY, JUNE 14 – THANKSGIVING POINT 7:00 a.m. Breakfast for Past Presidents......................................... Velvet Room (3003 North Thanksgiving Way, Lehi) Breakfast for Past Aux. Presidents............................... Amber Room (3003 North Thanksgiving Way, Lehi) 8:00 a.m. Members Meeting................................................................................................................................ Show Barn Meeting Called to Order.......................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Invocation.................................................................................................................. DeWilton Brown, Chaplain Nomination of Officers.........................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Unfinished Business..............................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Overview of Educational Training..........................................Toby Norton, Training Committee Chairman Educational Training – Thanksgiving Point and MTECH

Classroom #1 Classroom #2 Classroom #3 Classroom #4

9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Mind Resiliency..................................................................Rose Room (3900 Garden Drive, Lehi) Highway Incident Safety..............................Utah Room (3003 North Thanksgiving Way, Lehi) The Art of Go/No Go.....................................................................................................Velvet Room Extrication...................................................................................MTECH (2301 Ashton Blvd., Lehi)

Educational Training........................................................................................................... 1st Morning Session Educational Training......................................................................................................... 2nd Morning Session Educational Training.......................................................................................................... 3rd Morning Session Lunch...................................................................................................................................................... Show Barn Speaker Presentation..................................................................................Mike and Anne Gagliano, Authors Challenges of the Firefighter Marriage Educational Training........................................................................................................ 1st Afternoon Session Educational Training...................................................................................................... 2nd Afternoon Session Educational Training....................................................................................................... 3rd Afternoon Session

6:00 p.m. Banquet.................................................................................................................................................. Show Barn Welcome.................................................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Introduction of Head Table..................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President Invocation.................................................................................................................. DeWilton Brown, Chaplain Special Guest Speaker.............................................................................................................To Be Announced Dinner Served........................................................................................................Thanksgiving Point Catering Awards and Prizes.........................................................American Fork Firefighters’ Convention Committee Concluding Remarks.............................................................................................Eldon Farnsworth, President

SATURDAY, JUNE 15 – THANKSGIVING POINT 9:00 a.m. Members Meeting...............................................................................................................................Rose Room Meeting Called to Order................................................................................................................. Eldon Farnsworth, President Invocation..................................................................................................................DeWilton Brown, Chaplain Roll Call of Departments..................................................................................................... Gina Bell, Secretary Reports of Credentials and Resolution Committee........................................ Eldon Farnsworth, President Presidents Address............................................................................................... Eldon Farnsworth, President Unfinished Business............................................................................................. Eldon Farnsworth, President Election of Officers............................................................................................... Eldon Farnsworth, President Selection of Convention City 2021.................................................................... Eldon Farnsworth, President Remarks for the Good of the Association......................................................... Eldon Farnsworth, President Retirement of Colors...................................................................................... American Fork Fire Department Benediction...............................................................................................................DeWilton Brown, Chaplain Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 7

Auxiliary Meetings Schedule Utah State Firefighters’ Association Convention


“Fit for Duty, Fit for Life” FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2019

7:00 a.m. State Officers and Past Presidents Breakfast...........Amber Room (3003 N. Thanksgiving Way, Lehi) 8:00 a.m. Morning Briefing......................Show Barn at Thanksgiving Point (2975 N. Thanksgiving Way, Lehi) 9:00 a.m. Auxiliary Meeting................................................................................................................... Amber Room Call to Order...................................................................................................... Marilyn Gillette, President Presentation of Colors................................................................. VFW Post 4918 and American Legion Invocation.............................................................................................................. Hailey Knight, Chaplain Welcome Address................................................................................................................... Kresha Brems Response............................................................................................ Heather George, 1st Vice President Memorial Service.................................................................................................. Hailey Knight, Chaplain Roll Call and Convention Minutes..............................................................Valerie Anderson, Secretary Historian Report......................................................................................................Julie Barton, Historian Selection of Nominating Committee............................................................ Marilyn Gillette, President Door Prizes............................................................................................Nichole Hales, 2nd Vice President 10:30 a.m. Breakout................................................................................................................................... Amber Room 12:00 p.m.

Combined Luncheon with Mike and Anne Gagliano Challenges of the Firefighter Marriage

6:00 p.m.

Formal Banquet........................................................................................................................... Show Barn

SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2019 9:00 a.m. Auxiliary Meeting................................................................................................................... Amber Room Call to Order...................................................................................................... Marilyn Gillette, President Invocation.............................................................................................................. Hailey Knight, Chaplain Roll Call............................................................................................................Valerie Anderson, Secretary Burn Center Report.......................................................................... Heather George, 1st Vice President Annette Newman, Burn Center Election of Officers........................................................................................... Marilyn Gillette, President Secretary’s Report.........................................................................................Valerie Anderson, Secretary Treasurer’s Report.......................................................................................... Cindy Broadbent, Treasurer Trustee’s Report............................................................................................................. April Beck, Trustee Door Prizes............................................................................................Nichole Hales, 2nd Vice President Announcement of New Officers.................................................................... Marilyn Gillette, President Burn Center Donations.................................................................................Valerie Anderson, Secretary Retirement of Colors.................................................................... VFW Post 4918 and American Legion Benediction........................................................................................................... Hailey Knight, Chaplain

8 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019




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Welcome Members American Fork Fire & Rescue 96 N. Center St. American Fork, Utah 84003 Fire Chief Aaron Brems

Welcome Firefighters and Association Members,   I would like to personally welcome each of you to the 111th annual Utah State Firefighters’ Association Convention. It is an honor and privilege for American Fork City and American Fork Fire & Rescue to host all of Utah’s finest. We are confident this convention will be memorable for each of you and your families.   It’s an exciting time for firefighters as we continue to grow and adapt, remaining always ready, motivated and dedicated to answering the call and serving others. The fire service is facing a time of many changes and challenges, and we must continue to meet these challenges together.   This year’s convention theme (Fit for Duty, Fit for Life) will help us focus on what it means to become more resilient on the job and at home while finding more alignment and balance between our professional and personal lives. We are better firefighters and first responders if we can find the delicate balance between work and home life. Our goal with this training is to help all of us learn to develop mental resiliency and toughness, which will lead us to become better in all aspects of our lives. When we improve as individuals, we also improve as firefighters, which helps us be top-notch professionals that provide premier Fire/EMS service to our communities where we live, work, and play.   There will be presentations and training on a variety of topics that include Hands on Extrication, Highway Incident Safety, and more. We will also have special guests Mike and Anne Gagliano, authors of Challenges of the Firefighter Marriage and Dr. Bruce Jackson, founder of the Institute of Human Excellence. During the conference, there will be time for social and professional interaction in a relaxed atmosphere. There will be a family BBQ and a golf tournament at Fox Hollow Golf Club. This will be a great opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances as well as renew old ones.   In closing, I would like to thank each of you for attending our 2019 convention, and I’m confident this experience will be rewarding for you. My personal respect and thanks go out to each of you. Respectfully, Aaron Brems, Fire Chief American Fork Fire & Rescue

10 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Welcome Members Office of the Mayor

51 E. Main St. American Fork, Utah 84003

Firefighters and Associates,   I couldn’t be more proud to have American Fork City host the Utah State Firefighters’ Association Convention.   When I took on the mantle of Mayor, I was charged with the health, safety, and welfare of my community. That is an awesome and intimidating responsibility to have. But while every mayor feels the responsibility of that mantle, we also recognize that it’s our police and fire that carry its weight. So thank you for all you do. Your presence not only saves lives in very real and specific ways, but it also lends to the general feeling of safety that makes up the very underpinnings of our great communities.   I hope you find value in your conference as you work toward being fit for duty and life. I know residents are grateful that on their worst days they can always call you. And while it’s easy to make sure you have the physical tools required to assist, it’s much harder to give you the emotional and mental tools needed. But these intangible tools are just as important, if not more. Just as you always make sure to replenish your air supply in your SCBAs, or medical supplies in your ambulances, I hope you develop the skills to replenish your supply of empathy, happiness, and attention so that you aren’t left empty when you or your family need it. It will require effort and training - two things I know you are familiar with already.   Please know your mayors and councils support you, your communities support you, and your loved ones support you. And thank you again for supporting all of us.   Enjoy yourself and welcome to American Fork City! Thank you, Mayor Brad Frost American Fork City

Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 11

Welcome Members

On behalf of the AFFR Association, we thank you for participating in the 2019 Utah State Firefighters’ Association Convention in American Fork City. We are honored to be hosting the convention this year, and we hope that you feel welcome. As we contemplated the theme for this year’s convention, we wanted each of our fellow firefighters to feel appreciated and valued. The theme this year is “Fit for Duty, Fit for Life”. I understand the physical and emotional toll this career takes on each of us. As we focus on our mental, emotional, and physical strength, we will become better individuals on the job and at home.   The citizens who each of you serve in your own cities depend on us to be our best selves. Ready and capable to help in various ways and situations. We are expected to be professional and caring when dealing with sensitive, even traumatic, experiences that people are going through. For some of us that may come easy, and for others it takes some extra time and training. Thankfully, we are not on the job alone.   We depend on each other for support and strength in difficult situations. The Firefighters’ Convention is an incredible opportunity for us to be united together for a great purpose. We are here to strengthen relationships with each other. Through the classes and training, we will be able to support one another and build each other up as we improve ourselves individually. This convention is also an opportunity to have fun and enjoy each other’s company along with our loved ones.   We want to thank all firefighters for the many hours you invest in helping those around you. We also want to thank our families for their support. Thank you again for participating in this year’s convention. Peace be with you, Firefighter Colter Jess Christen, President American Fork Firefighters’ Association American Fork Fire & Rescue

12 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019


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Welcome Members

Association Delegates, Spouses, and Attendees:   Welcome to the one hundred and eleventh annual convention of the Utah State Firefighters’ Association. Many thanks to the American Fork Fire Department and Auxiliary for their hard work and many hours spent planning and preparing for this convention.   It has been a tremendous year. I would like to thank the officers and the board for their work this year. Your board has reviewed the Bylaws and are proposing some changes that will help make our association stronger. Please take some time and review the proposed changes and provide your input to either the board or during the discussion of the proposed changes. It is your association, get involved.   Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those who we lost this year, including past officers, members, and auxiliary members. We give thanks for their service and dedication.   Let’s have a great convention. Eldon Farnsworth, President Utah State Firefighters’ Association South Salt Lake City

14 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Welcome Members

Association Delegates, Spouses, and Attendees: I am excited to welcome you to the 111th Annual Utah State Firefighters’ Association Convention in the American Fork area. I would like to thank American Fork and their Auxiliary for the hard work that they have put into this convention to make it possible for all of us. There are some great training opportunities and events set up for this convention, and I encourage everyone to get involved, meet other members, share stories, and enjoy yourselves! It’s the involvement and camaraderie that makes our conventions a success. It has been my privilege to serve as your Secretary for this great association, and I appreciate all of you for participating in our convention this year. Gina M. Bell, Secretary Utah State Firefighters’ Association, Salt Lake City

Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 15

State Officers Roll Call

UTAH STATE FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION Organized September 16, 1908 • Incorporated August 17, 1910

Eldon Farnsworth President South Salt Lake City

Brady George 1st Vice President Salt Lake City

David Gillette 2nd Vice President Tooele City

Gina Bell Secretary Salt Lake City

Brent Marshall Treasurer Grantsville City

Sam Larson Membership Steward St. George City

Eddie Hales Trustee American Fork City

Andy McBride Trustee Garland City

Austin Knight Trustee American Fork City

Roger Christiansen Trustee Richfield City

DeWilton Brown Chaplain South Salt Lake City

16 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

State Officers Roll Call

Dave Larsen Sergeant-at-Arms South Salt Lake City

Trisha Thomas Historian-Photographer Salt Lake City

Ryan Mellor L&L Committee Salt Lake City

Mike Phillips Representative to Utah State Fire Board Cedar City

Brad Wardle Representative to Utah Fire & Rescue Academy UFRA

Dave Larsen Standards & Training South Salt Lake City

David Hammond Museum Chairman Grantsville City

R. Wendell Robison National Volunteer Fire Council Representative Fillmore City

Brent K. Marshal Representative to Utah Fire & Rescue Academy Grantsville City

Michael Ahlstrom Convention Chairman 2019 Tropic City

Coy Porter State Fire Marshal’s Office USFM

Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 17

Past Presidents UTAH STATE FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION Past Presidents 1907-1908 1908-1909 1909-1910 1910-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 1919-1920 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924

W. T. Ayland W.S. Gannon J.W. Wilson J.W. Loveless Frank Barrett J.J. Fitzgerald C.W. Booth William Doxey W.H. Elmer W.S. Horan E.G. Locke E.D. Anthony George Harris Hyrum Sessions C.J. Stillman A. Robert Larson John J. Hannifin

1924-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 1929-1930 1930-1931 1931-1932 1932-1933 1933-1934 1934-1935 1935-1936 1936-1937 1937-1938 1938-1939 1939-1940 1940-1941

John J. Hannifin Irving L. Pratt Walter S. Knight Walter S. Knight L. C. Canning A.A. Macke Edwin Larson H.H. Wardleigh Alex W. Rhone W.J. Hancock Charles A. Trump J.W. Clay W.J. Berry C.W. Rapp Earl T. James W. Earnest Smith Owen A. Owens

1941-1942 Verl A. Haws 1942-1943 1943-1944 1944-1945 1945-1946 A. Ray Ward 1946-1947 Clark Blake 1947-1948 C.I. Stillman 1948-1949 Rulon A. Bryner 1950-1951 Mark F. Boyack 1951-1952 J. Wendell Tate 1952-1953 J. Wendell Tate 1953-1954 Albert Thompson 1954-1955 LeRoy Griffin 1955-1956 Alma Fullmer 1956-1957 Frank P. Jones 1957-1958 William R. Ringrose 1958-1959 Ross L. Glass


18 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

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Past Presidents 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980

J.K. Piercy Chester Mills Albert R. Barrus William G. Ruff Julio Paolasso M.J. Denning LaMar Jewkes Jesse J. Jepperson C.E. Berger R.C. Whicker Arvel McAffee Grant R. Walker Paul E. Dart David Bentley J. Vernon Peterson Robert Adams Thomas T. Sullivan William E. Clough Edmund Demke Floyd W. Stewart

1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000

Joe Caldwell Grant Whitehead Harry Ballard Paul Kofford Richard A. Harmer Norvel Estep Dan S. Chidester R. Wendell Robison Andrew C. Gladd Wayne M. Dow Wendell D. Coombs Grant R. Palmer Joseph A. Bona J. Merlin Baker Allan H. Peek Brent R. Halladay Lynn E. Jones Drew Rasmussen Monte N. Curtis Steven H. Demas

2000-2001 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019

Michael A. Pulver Jay D. Westerguard Brent K. Marshall Jeff L. Norton Rod Matteucci Mark R. Fry Ronald J. Harris Mark R. Fry Ronald J. Harris Leonard Miller Robert Harrison Janet Atkinson Ryan Mellor Harold W. Chadwick Steve McBride Stan Robins Travis Graff Lance Nay Michael Ahlstrom Eldon Farnsworth

Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 19


Marvin C. Kimball 1973-1980 Salt Lake City Dan S. Chidester 1979-1974 Richfield City R. Wendell Robison 1980-1985 Fillmore City Joseph A. Bona 1985-1990 Payson City J. Merlin Baker 1986-1991 St. George City Harold A. Turner 1987-1992 Salt Lake City Scott E. Alvord 1988-1993 Provo City Lynn E. Jones 1989-1994 Spanish Fork City Drew Rassumssen 1993-1995 Fillmore City Monte N. Curtis 1991-1996 Moab City Steven H. Demas 1992-1997 Sandy City David L. Howell 1994-1999 Cedar City Jay D. Westergard 1995-2000 Garland City Brent K. Marshall 1996-2001 Grantsville City Jeff L. Norton 1997-2002 St. George City Rick Soltis 1998-2003 Salt Lake City Russell G. Markos 1999-2004 Clinton City Ron Harris 2001-2006 Tropic City Robert Harrison 2002-2007 Spanish Fork City Terence McGann 2003-2008 Moab City Ryan L. Mellor 2004-2009 Salt Lake City Harold Chadwick 2005-2010 Grantsville City Steven McBride 2006-2011 Hyrum City Travis Graff 2007-2012 St. George City Randy Scott 2008-2013 Park City Lance Nay 2009-2014 Richfield City Mike Ahlstrom 2010-2015 Tropic City Eldon Farnsworth 2011-2016 South Salt Lake City Brady George 2012-2017 Salt Lake City David Gillette 2013-2018 Tooele City


Joseph P. Caldwell 1970-1978 Tooele City David Howell 1979-2014 Cedar City Steven McBride 2014-2015 Hyrum City


Marvin C. Kimball 1980-2000 Salt Lake City Steven H. Demas 2000-2008 Sandy City Rowe Harrison 2009-2016 Tooele City


Ernie Anderson Park City Errol Dearden Fillmore City Leon Hadley Grantsville City Bold indicates deceased 20 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

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Women’s Auxiliary Message

Welcome to the 2019 Utah State Firefighters’ Convention!     It is so exciting to get together once again as an organization and as friends in support of our local firefighters. We are so grateful to the American Fork Firefighters’ Association for hosting this year’s convention and look forward to getting to know their beautiful city.   This year’s theme is an open invitation – “FIT FOR” and you fill in the blank. A few that come to mind…. Fit For Life, Fit For Happiness, Fit For Serving, Fit For Duty, Fit For Caring. In the Utah State Firefighters’ Association and Auxiliary, serving is our goal and our honor. The Firefighters serve without thought to self, and we in the Auxiliary support that service and try to make it easier on them.   So, come and enjoy the activities that have been planned. Get to know women from other auxiliaries, share your experiences and any ideas you have that may help to strengthen our association. The donations of blankets, food, etc. to the University of Utah Burn Center make more of a difference than one can imagine. Whenever we give of ourselves, we always get more back.   It has been an honor to serve as your President for this past year. The officers in the Utah State Firefighters’ Association are here to serve you and they work hard doing just that! Sincerely, Marilyn Gillette, President Utah State Firefighters’ Auxiliary Tooele City, Utah

22 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Women’s Auxiliary Officers

Marilyn Gillette President Tooele City

Heather George 1st Vice President Salt Lake City

Nicole Hales 2nd Vice President American Fork City

Valerie Anderson Secretary Grantsville City

Cindy Broadbent Treasurer Grantsville City

Julie Barton Historian Richfield City

Hailey Knight Chaplain Eagle Mountain City

Joanne McBride Hold Over Trustee Providence City

Liz Johnson 1st Year Trustee Garland City

Apryl Beck 2nd Year Trustee Lehi City

Sharlene Skaug Parliamentarian Grantsville City

Sherri Christensen Convention Chair Richfield City Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 23


24 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019




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Service Awards Comparison COMPARISON IN YEARS

Utah State Firefighters’ Association Service Awards - 2019 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 Year Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

78 88 51 47 70 37 84 30 94 65 78 54 72 47 74 57 71 42 81 44 103 51 67 60 78 42 63 44 71 54 64 47 50 32 50 58 77 52 52 70 61 54 106 273 44 24 80 52 49 69 42 47 61 49 65 94 47 51 66 40 49 75 40 48 73 47 49 109 43 54 123 40 50 125 56 43 108 51 36 103 50 34 74 33 39

12 20 28 37 26 23 44 44 35 26 34 18 34 45 38 50 34 25 23 46 40 33 38 24 26 34 46 34 37 39 31 17 28 31 43

18 10 2 8 3 6 4 5 8 16 6 6 17 15 14 15 29 30 23 13 23 10 27 24 26 33 20 12 13 28 22 22 17 14 17

0 2 3 3 0 10 0 7 3 3 7 2 2 4 0 4 2 3 4 9 4 2 4 6 4 4 11 12 4 3 6 3 12 5 9

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 1

208 58 84 57

23 31 25 25

19 17 19 17

0 4 5 2

0 4 0 1

25 41 35 44

26 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

17 18 39 22

Service Years - Totals SERVICE YEARS - TOTALS

Utah State Firefighters’ Association Service Awards - 2019 AWARDS: 10 Years – 57

1,147 Years

20 Years - 44

823 Years

30 Years - 22

1,266 Years

40 Years - 25

1,824 Years

50 Years - 17

922 Years

60 Years - 2

551 Years

70 Years – 1

75 Years

TOTAL: 6,608 Years of Service

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Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 27

Award Recipients


Josh Munns – Garland City Fire Department   On the evening of January 15, 2019, the Garland City Fire Department was dispatched on a call for a 7-year-old male who was choking. In response to the call, Josh Munns was on his way to the station when he received a phone call from his brother, Jimmy, who was on shift at the time. Jimmy informed Josh that the incident was at his home, and he needed Josh to get there as quickly as possible.   Without hesitation, Josh made the decision to bypass the station and drive straight to Jimmy’s home in order to assess the situation and provide assistance. When Josh arrived, he found his nephew, Gus, lifeless, blue, and pulseless. Josh immediately took Gus in his arms and put him in his truck to transport him to the hospital.   Josh, to the best of his ability, assisted Gus’ mother, Lacey, with CPR until they arrived at the hospital. Gus was taken into the ER, where CPR was continued by hospital staff. Pausing for a rhythm check, they miraculously detected a pulse. Surgery was performed shortly after to remove the push pin Gus had swallowed, and he soon returned home and made a full recovery. Due to Josh’s quick decision making and subsequent actions, Gus is alive and well today.


After being invited to one meeting of the Pension Membership Council as an observer, Marty was unexpectedly presented with the opportunity to fill the role of Pension Representative on the PFFU Executive Board, where he represents all firefighters in the state of Utah. He accepted the assignment and took it to heart.     His firm grasp of the numbers involved in our pension system and his efforts to educate himself on the history of the system have made him a formidable representative for the interests of firefighters, professional and volunteer, and a go-to expert on the subject. He advises the Executive Director of the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems and the IAFF Pension staff in Washington, DC on pension issues.     Since 1941, the NCPERS has been the largest and most influential body that lobbies and protects all public employee pensions on a national level. In addition to his mastery of and effectiveness with policy, Marty is a talented and entertaining communicator. He never shirks from an opportunity to explain, whether it be to a brand-new boot on a small department, a confused retired firefighter, or a state senator.

When called, he always makes time to address gatherings of the Utah State Firefighters’ Association, the Professional Fire Fighters of Utah, the Salt Lake Retired Firefighters Association, or any other fire service organization. Whenever Marty speaks about the pension, whether it be to a group or an individual, his passion and excitement show through. He will always spend as long as it takes to make sure an explanation makes sense. He was a major contributor to Backdraft Magazine for many years of his life. Differences of opinion are a constant when it comes to politics, but Marty is always about the win/win.     He has a very calm, patient, fact-driven manner that seeks to enlighten, find common ground, and maintain gentle pressure to accomplish actual solutions. Because of all this and more, he is well connected and highly respected in the fire service community in Utah and nationally. There isn’t a firefighter in the state who hasn’t been positively affected by Marty’s years of work. 28 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Award Recipients

2019 AWARD RECIPIENTS MERITORIOUS AWARD FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE – GROUP Lt. Todd Gray – West Valley City Police Department Officer Josh Cook – West Valley City Police Department Officer Oscar Deleon – West Valley City Police Department Officer William Mackintosh – West Valley City Police Department Officer Chandler Sehlmeier – West Valley City Police Department Officer Shaun Vargo – West Valley City Police Department

On April 1, 2019, residents in more than a dozen apartments in West Valley City were displaced after a fire broke out. Officer Josh Cook of the West Valley City Police Department was conducting an extra patrol of the apartments when he observed flames coming from a ground level apartment window of building B (Southeast corner).   He requested immediate assistance to help evacuate the building. Additional officers arrived and attempted to evacuate the building. Welen Hikes, a resident of an upstairs apartment, ran out of the apartment between flames and indicated that her husband was trapped inside the building. Craig Hikes was standing in an upstairs bedroom window, and he couldn’t get out of the building due to the flames entering his bedroom from the apartment hallway.   There were also several small explosions occurring at the center of the building. Craig was hesitant to jump out of the window. Officer Cook drove his vehicle through the vinyl fencing and positioned it next to the building. Lt. Todd Gray and Officers Chandler Sehlemier, Shaun Vargo, William Macintosh, and Oscar Deleon used the vehicle to climb up and pull Craig out of the window and saved his life.

Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 29

10-70 Year Awards 10 YEAR AWARDS CLINTON CITY Tyler Leavitt HYRUM CITY Tony Stauffer LEHI CITY Fritz Bonchandt Shad Hatfield Russ Poulson LEWISTON CITY Brennan Hyer MONROE CITY Pat Payne NORTH TOOELE COUNTY James M. Lindsley Cassandra Ray NORTH VIEW FIRE DISTRICT Brian Griffin OGDEN CITY William Dustin Loren Aaron Peterson Ryan Rasley John Nick Roberts Ken Thomas Benjamin Ray Williams Chad Wilson

30 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

PLEASANT GROVE CITY Andrew Engemann Paul Eddington Brandon Shumway Matthew Waldvogel PORTAGE CITY Janene Davis ROCKY RIDGE/JUAB FIRE SERVICE Evan Allred Chase Bronson SALEM CITY Mike Anderson Chris Wright SALT LAKE CITY Jason Buhler Jonathan Davies Brandon Davis Amy Hellewell Jimmie Higgins Gregory Holmes Glen Hollander Eric Kajma William Mackintosh Tom Maples Gregory Miller Daren Mortenson Jared Schreiner Brian Wood

SOUTH SUMMIT FIRE DISTRICT Jackson Coleman SOUTH DAVIS METRO Vanessa Deem Ethan Frank Shaun Hales Eric Maw Thomas Murdock Garth Swensen SYRACUSE CITY Golden Barrett Colt Cottrell TOOELE CITY Matthew D. McCoy Scott Kelly Watkins TREMONTON CITY Collette Doman Anderson Jeffrey Bonham Jim Reeder Rusty Scoffield TROPIC CITY Ryan Bret Alvey Alex Syrett

10-70 Year Awards 20 YEAR AWARDS CACHE COUNTY Jason Winn CEDAR CITY Greg Coulter CLINTON CITY David Olsen DELTA CITY Ben McDonald HEBER VALLEY/WASATCH COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT Justin Davis Ralph L. Duke Jr. HYRUM CITY Teresa Crockett Anthony R. DeSandre Tyler Nelson LEHI CITY Ernest Curwen Ricky Evans Rick Howard MOAB VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT Timothy J. Brewer



NORTH DAVIS FIRE DISTRICT Mark Kortight Michael J. Rawlings

ST. GEORGE CITY Clayton Hullinger Michael Earl Smith

RICHFIELD CITY Bryan Lewis Burrows

SYRACUSE CITY Troy Jamison Kyle Nance

ROOSEVELT CITY R. Chandler Fisher

VERNAL CITY David Robert Turner

SANDY CITY Robert K. DeKorver, Jr. Robert L. Hofheins SANTAQUIN CITY Rusty Alger Chad Argyle Chris Lindquist SALT LAKE CITY David V. Chugg Jeffrey A. Clark Kevin J. Forbes Mark C. Hafen Steven R. Hoffman Thomas S. McKay Eric Myers Paul A. Runyon Robert R. Silverthorne III Trevor J. Tallon Jack B. Tidrow, Jr. Russell M. Whitney Chad L. Yamane Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 31

10-70 Year Awards 30 YEAR AWARDS ATK Bruce R. Malmberg


PAYSON CITY Steven J. Spencer


HYRUM CITY Rodney S. Kearl

RICHFIELD CITY Russell J. Cowley

CEDAR CITY Steven T. Benson


SALT LAKE CITY Randall S. Montgomery

DELTA CITY Douglas Fisher

NEWTON CITY Gregory M Jorgensen Patty Swainston




SPANISH FORK CITY Joe R. Jarvis Larry K. Phillips

OGDEN CITY Hal R. VanMeeteren

VERNAL CITY M. Randy Batty


RICHFIELD CITY Douglas J. Penney Raymond Sorensen Marc W. Toomer

HOLDEN CITY Neil Stevens


HYRUM CITY Michael K. Larsen

SANDY CITY Donald Rosenkrantz

LEHI CITY James E. Smith Calvin E. Urry

SL COUNTY/UFA Jeffery P. Johnson

MONROE CITY David Dastrup 32 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

SALT LAKE CITY Thomas C. Gardner Phillip M. Peterson

SOUTH DAVIS METRO FIRE Richard Hales Vard Hall George B. Searle Bob Shell SPANISH FORK CITY Dale N. Koyle ST. GEORGE CITY R. Kelly Larson TOOELE CITY Jeffrey A. Cooper Richard C. Valdez Douglas White UFA (OLD MIDVALE CITY) J. Ed Switzer

10-70 Year Awards 50 YEAR AWARDS AMERICAN FORK CITY Gary M. Rackman

MURRAY CITY V. Gregg Soffe


FILLMORE CITY A. Errol Dearden Tony Dearden

OREM CITY Kit C. Clawson


PAYSON CITY James A. Mortensen

SYRACUSE CITY Thomas L. Jensen

SALT LAKE CITY Edwin N. D. Hansen

TOOELE CITY Glenn Caldwell

KAYSVILLE CITY James J. Dotson LOGAN CITY Danny L. Dever MIDVALE CITY (NEW UFA) John M. Kniffen Robert L. Mann Don Weeden


60 YEAR AWARDS SUNSET CITY Lawrence Byington Jack J. Hobbs


Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 33

Women’s Auxiliary Past Presidents PAST PRESIDENTS

Utah State Firefighters’ Association Women’s Auxiliary Years of Name/ Department Service 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-46 1946-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 1953-54 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-71 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80


Mr. J.R. Gurr - Richfield * Mrs. Melissa Peterson - Brigham City * Mrs. Willis Brockbank - Spanish Fork * Mrs. W.S. Knight - Salt Lake City * Mrs. I.L. Pratt - American Fork * Mrs. Verda Piercy - Salt Lake City * Mrs. Blanch Creedom - Bingham Canyon * Mrs. C.W. Rapp - Logan * Mrs. Margaret Duke - Magna * Mrs. A. Ray Ward - Salt Lake City * Mrs. Lou Bryner - Price * Mrs. Martin Peterson - Richfield * Mrs. Mary Hardy - Heber * Mrs. Mildred Newbold - Magna * Mrs. Evadya Lawerence - Logan * Mrs. Pauline Buchanan Jensen - Price * Mrs. Jennie Williams - Spanish Fork * Mrs. Irma Casy - Richfield * Mrs. Alma Jefferies - Vernal Mrs. Leah G. Higham - Salt Lake City * Mrs. Ruth Griffin - American Fork * Mrs. Dove McAffee - Heber * Mrs. Fern Bowen - Spanish Fork Mrs. Zelma Glass - Cedar City * Mrs. Rhoda Palmer - Richfield * Mrs. Flora Iverson - Salt Lake City * Mrs. Carol Shields - Tooele * Mrs. Virginia Geldmacher - Grantsville * Mrs. Carol Liechty - Logan Mrs. Marie Booth - St. George * Mrs. Virginia Peterson - Richfield * Mrs. Mary Ann Bentley - Cedar City Mrs. Evelyn Vicchrilli - Murray * Mrs. Diana Adams - Layton Mrs. Helen Dunlevy - Tooele * Mrs. Nedra Allen - Logan * Mrs. Nettie Pickett - St. George * Mrs. Gay Kendrick - Bingham Canyon Mrs. Eloise Wever - Layton Mrs. Lilly Erickson - Mammoth * Mrs. Cora Adams - South Salt Lake Mrs. Dixie (Jarvis) Hone - Spanish Fork *

34 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Years of Name/ Department Service 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Mrs. Doris Rasmussen - Fillmore Mrs. Wilma Hansen - Price Mrs. Marge Baker - Salt Lake City Mrs. Judy Morgan - Layton Mrs. Thora Chadwick - American Fork Mrs. Ruth Busk - Richfield Mrs. JoAnn Ludlow - Sandy Mrs. Guylyn Johnson - Salt Lake County Mrs. Joyce Dearden - Fillmore Mrs. Randy Ross - Midvale Mrs. Terry Irons - Cedar City Mrs. Helen Whitney - Springville Mrs. Velma Robins - Pleasant Grove Mrs. Shirley Thompson - Salt Lake City Mrs. Sharon Sackett - Layton Mrs. Glenna D. Sorenson - Richfield Mrs. Sharleen Baker - St.George Mrs. Annette Terry - Springville Mrs. LeeAnn Clark - Logan Mrs. Renee North - Grantsville Mrs. Joy Markos - Clinton Mrs. Klea Knight - Cedar City Mrs. Kathy Anderson - Salt Lake City Mrs. Terri Demas - Sandy Mrs. Cathy Harrison - Spanish Fork Mrs. Leslie Chadwick - Grantsville Mrs. Kim Stewart - Clinton Mrs. Deb Cowley - Richfield Mrs. Kelli Westergard - Tremonton Mrs.Tricia Curtis - Monroe Mrs. RaDawn Payne - Monroe Mrs. Joanne McBride - Nibley Mrs. Linda Hales - Pleasant Grove Mrs. Marlyn Nay - Richfield Mrs. Janet Christensen - Hyrum Mrs. Linda Rose - Spanish Fork Mrs. Cindy Broadbent - Grantsville Mrs. Sherri Christensen - Richfield

* * * *







55 N CENTER STREET, LEHI 801-768-7381


In Memory... IN MEMORY OF... Rolland J. Barnhart Arthur Myron Long Allen Leslie Hansen Leonard Martin Tayon, Jr. Hal H. Manning George Palmer Lain S. Bytendorp Monte Davis Andrew Glad John M. Ludlow Raymond Michael Newman Bryce Ashby Lionel Wayne Olsen Sylven Ernest Haltiner James L. Brinkerhoff Ralph Hall Siddoway Wayne Houston Richard Kimball Black Robert J. Reber

Pleasant Grove Grantsville American Fork Grantsville Farmington Tremonton South Salt Lake Salem Sandy Nephi Fire/Juab Special Service Pleasant Grove Delta Tooele Tremonton Salt Lake City Bingham Canyon St. George Salt Lake County/UFA St. George

40 Years www.timprental.com

Proud Sponsor of the AFFD

36 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

December 19, 2017 January 26, 2018 April 6, 2018 May 19, 2018 May 19, 2018 May 20, 2018 August 23, 2018 August 16, 2018 September 9, 2018 September 22, 2018 September 28, 2018 November 8, 2018 November 17, 2018 December 22, 2018 December 29, 2018 January 2, 2019 January 16, 2019 January 18, 2019 January 29, 2019

The Dash Poem THE DASH I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning… to the end. He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years. For that dash represents all the time they spent alive on earth and now only those who loved them know what that little line is worth. For it matters not, how much we own, the cars… the house… the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash. So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left that still can be rearranged. To be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before. If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile… remembering that this special dash might only last a little while. So when your eulogy is being read, with your life’s actions to rehash, would you be proud of the things they say about how you lived your dash? Authored by Linda Ellis ©1996 Southwestern Inspire Kindness, Inc.

Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 37

Lifetime Members UTAH STATE FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION Lifetime Members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

Robert W. Adams Monroe M. Iversen Marvin C. Kimball John H. Adams John E. Bikkes Willis Woodard Bert J. Christenson John Roy Stones George A. Gasparac Robert W. Clayton Jack W. Sommer Victor H. Christensen Robert D. Rampton John W. Stevens Elmer H. Hansen Edwin N. D. Hansen Dwain M. Gee Easton M. Liechty Varian C. Hodgkinson Harold R. Giles Arley J. Wallace Lawrence Byington Jerry Ellsworth Arnold M. Satterlee Filbert D. Fresques Alton T. Giles Edwin M. Pehrson Arthur B. Caldwell Ephraim H. Davis Ivo L. Borg Frank S. Nomura Warren L. Brimhall Jesse J. Jepperson Owen R. Burrell Darwin N. Sorensen James Roger Hartman Dorius B. Hansen Kent I. Larsen Paul T. George Charlie A. Halvorsen Ken Curtis Marvin E. Clark Arnold Long Teddy L. Sorensen James Brinkerhoff Eric A. Jones Oliver K. Norris J. Robert Bath Robert L. Brown Daryl R. Conger N. Scott Wiberg George A. Bunch Clyde H. Gibson Quentin H. Thomas Sterling Nordfors Al J. Walkowski Norvel Estep Murl D. Bishop

South Salt Lake Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Provo City Fire Department Price City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Park City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department South Salt Lake Fire Department South Salt Lake Fire Department Farmington City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Orem City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Provo City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Provo City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Roy City Fire Department Provo City Fire Department Thiokol Fire Department Washington Terrace Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Roy City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Orem City Fire Department Orem City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Sandy City Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Washington Terrace Fire Department Roy City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Riverdale City Fire Department

38 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116.

John D’Agnillo Harold A. Turner Raymond J. Bojanski Cardell Nielsen Douglas S. Kearl George W. Thornton Lloyd H. Brown Jr. David Roberts Dean R. Jenson Ronald C. Cammack Edwin V. Kimber DeWilton Brown David D. Magana David A. Barrett Paul M. Kofford Warren H. Hoskings Lynn J. Iverson Donald F. Meyer Glen L. Beardall Gail E. Paxton James R. Conlon William L. Page Vernel L. Parkinson F. Carl Thompson Eldon G. Marshall Edmund L. Townsend Dennis E. Sorensen Gary L. Maxfield Ronald B. Mills Kendall R. Ward Charles R. Atwood Kent J. Boyack Leland L. Nelson Jr. Glenn W. Voth Thomas L. Jensen Darve C. Thurgood Darwin E. Henrie James J. Dotson Pat L. Heaston Don R. Howard Rae Eugene Noyes Jr. H. Weston Atikinson Evan W. Adams Luke L. Adams Wayne Burningham Don Crockett Craig B. Day Alton P. Fisher Jr. Cort Galbraith Ronald S. Layton James A. Morgan Ken V. Sackett Delmar W. Stevens Denny S. Brunson Scott W. Adams A. Errol Dearden Floyd W. Petersen Grant R. Palmer

Riverdale City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Roy City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Riverdale City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Syracuse City Fire Department South Salt Lake Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Price City Fire Department South Summit Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department South Salt Lake Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Price City Fire Department Price City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Syracuse City Fire Department Syracuse City Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department Kaysville City Fire Department Kaysville City Fire Department Kaysville City Fire Department Salina City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department South Salt Lake Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department

Lifetime Members 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180.

Newell K. Garff Clyde W. Jensen Gary E. Andersen Glen L. Wilson Charles W. Robins Dennis M. McKone T. Carlyle Hutton Michael K. Larsen Tony J. Dearden Mondell E. Knowles S.J. Gill Gillian Dennis C. Barker Harold A. Anderson Robert Sandman James G. Burr Kenneth D. Dailey Thomas C. Gardner Hugh T. Steel Eugene L. Campbell J. Merlin Baker Jerry L. Eyman Vern L. Gillespi William D. Jones John Atkins Robert L. Webster David R. Limberg Don Fullmer Max Day Earl J. Frampton Drew Rasmussen Jack R. Shields Patrick C. Vega Thomas J. Bogle Philip Lawson Kirk M. Allen Leonard B. Beratto Merril E. Brown Murray C. Brown Owen A. Evans Richard R. Gilbert Marcell Graham John M. Kniffen Robert L. Mann Harvey L. Margetts Ronald B. Monsen R. Donald Nelson Daryl R. Pugmire Rodney S. Rasmussen Merrill H. Ross Karl M. Street J. Ed Switzer Don Weeden Michael D. Wright Melvin Christpherson Robert W. Reese Dale J. McMillan Gordon W. Nicholl Dale F. Lund Danny L. Dever John P. Oreno Jr. Eldon L. Farnsworth Marvin E. Parkinson Richard D. Sabey Jerry G. Pearson

Midvale City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department Roy City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department Thiokol Fire Protection Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department Salina City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department St. George City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Riverton City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Heber Valley Fire District Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Park City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department South Salt Lake Fire Department South Salt Lake Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department

181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244.

Kevin R. Maughan Steven McBride Calvin J. Latis Douglas B. Leatham Guy R. McBride Mac A. Powell Steven L. Easterman David S. Harston Gary L. Loveland Arden A. Wolverton Charles L. West Kit C. Clawson Glen Quanburg T. Ned Poulson Steven H. Demas William L. Wise George Westbrook Lloyd D. Scothern Joseph A. Bona Richard Black Robert Pendleton Rick Ringwood Dennis Steadman Craig M. Anderson Jay D. Westergard Mike E. Egginton Del Ray Hatch Michael S. Larsen John M. Nash Lynn A. Clark Duane H. Paxton Steven A. Roberts Scott C. Alvey Ronald E. Wehrle Arno A. Metting Jr. Allen H. Peek Rod Matteucci Michael J. Veenendaal Kirk C. Fagg Donald J. Blackwell Leonard J. Anderson Neil W. Coker Frederick R. Hasler Jr. Leonard Iverson Eddie R. Kershaw Mark R. Fry Morgan J. Busk Rodney J. Busk Dan S. Chidester Roger D. Christensen Stephen Daniels Gale Eyre Ronald B. Greenhalgh Larry G. Hansen Stanley J. Hendrickson Wayne F. Johnson Alma G. Magleby Douglas J. Penny Stanley G. Poulson Craig L. Ross Jay B. Sorensen Raymond Sorensen Marc W. Toomer William M. White

Hyrum City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Utah Fire and Rescue Academy Hyrum City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Lehi City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department North View Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Orem City Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Sandy City Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Northview Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Salt Lake County Fire Department Garland City Fire Department Garland City Fire Department Kaysville City Fire Department South Summit Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Unified Fire Authority Salina City Fire Department Uintah Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department ATC/Thiokol Fire Department Layton City Fire Department South Ogden Fire Department Sandy City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Ticaboo Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department South Summit Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 39

Lifetime Members 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309.

John W. Worley D. Shayne Bott Larry King Daniel M Olson Wayne R. Bond Jerry G. Davis C. Wayne Montgomery Robert A. Morris Jr. Dale G. Ekins Terry W. Zaugg Rodney K. Grogan Mike R. Mascherino Dawayne Coombs Lee F. Webster Rolland J. Barnhart Dennis L. Carter Darrel D. Durrant Don W. Fenton Glade C. Hilton J. Frank Mills Winston O. Scoville Brent Smith Don L. Smith Blaine W. Swensen Lynn Zufelt Greg Rynders Sterling R. Boren Mark D. Hales George W. Hallam Raymond Newman Lyman W. Smith Harold J. Newbold Jay A. Thomas Bruce W. Christensen Jesse W. Burbidge Russell J. Cowley Bryce N. Jensen Garth O. Ogden Marty Peterson Rodney S. Kearl Hal Manning Leonard Miller Mark Luke James A. Millward David L. Howell Doug Fuhriman Bevan E. Hales Carter C. Rich Cole J. Westergard James Ross Anderson Jeffery P. Johnson Steven F. Foote H Gene Coleman R. Wendell Robison Richard A. Dart Samuel E. Espinoza Keith Broadhead Jesse W. Smith Richard A. Soltis Norman R. Anderson John Steven Batis Wesley J. Estep Brian Pugsley Mark A. Thompson David L. Horman

Richfield City Fire Department Santaquin City Fire Department Santaquin City Fire Department Santaquin City Fire Department Heber Valley Fire Department Heber Valley Fire Department Heber Valley Fire Department Heber Valley Fire Department Lehi City Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department Clinton City Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Midvale City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Sandy City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Pleasant Grove City Fire Department Salt Lake County/Unified Fire Dept Midvale City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Murray City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Farmington City Fire Department Price City Fire Department Heber Valley Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Unified Fire Authority Unified Fire Authority South Salt Lake City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department Fillmore City Fire Department Price City Fire Department Wellington City Fire Department Santaquin City Fire Department Santaquin City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department

40 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374.

William A. Bishop Craig A. Gines Scott Jensen Lance H. Nay James H. Terry Lonnie E. Adams Ernie Giles Lynn Greer Jeff Wootton Bradford T. Lee Michael D. Allen Sylvan E. Haltiner Robert P. Richardson David T. Broadbent Dean Jenks Terence A. McGann Jed Abbott Steve Bench Marc Chadaz Charles K. Kimber Mike R. Norr Bart L. Oyler Blair N. Westergard Stan Robins Paul A. Runyon Donnall J. DeJarnatt Harold W. Chadwick Mike S. Zamantakis Guy G. Norton Lewis J. Lowder Perry S. Skaug Brent K. Marshall Kim G. Passey Blake V. Christensen Randy W. Jacobsen Craig R. Elbert Cory L. Call Ronald C. Stewart Eldon G. Barnes Rex K. Bennett Glen H. Burton Paul B. Fifield Brad J. Johnson Bobby W. Jones Paul J. Swaner Garn D. Tolsma Jeff L. Norton Jay D. Downs Zane B. Hayer Paul K. Irons Michael L. Tong David E. Bentley Paul Douglas Norman LaBaron Max Berry Glen Bolinder Ray Calvin Brown Melvin Grant Christley Charles J. Stromburg Clyde W. Montgomery Dean H. Moulton Paul L. Probst Thomas L. Provost Harold Nielsen James F. Pugliese

Garland City Fire Department South Summit Fire District Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Wasatch County Fire Dist. (Heber Valley) Wasatch County Fire Dist. (Heber Valley) Wasatch County Fire Dist. (Heber Valley) Kaysville City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Hyrum City Fire Department Moab Valley Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department State Fire Marshal’s Office Salt Lake City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department Helper City Fire Department Price City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department State Fire Marshal’s Office Hyrum City Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department Logan City Fire Department South Ogden City Fire Department Springville City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department St. George City Fire Department Smithfield City Fire Department Smithfield City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department American Fork City Fire Department Eureka City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department Heber/Wasatch County Fire Department Heber/Wasatch County Fire Department Heber/Wasatch County Fire Department Heber/Wasatch County Fire Department Helper City Fire Department Helper City Fire Department

Lifetime Members 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439.

Dar Rell Payne Milton Anderson John T. Bird Jr. Raymond A. Limberg David H. Webb Paul R. Foster Alma D. Leavitt Glen H. Myers J. Clyde Crane James N. Berry Gordon D. Evans M. Burt Burningham Robert A. George Robert Wm. Timmerman Paul R. Willey Lain S. Bytendorp LeRoy D. Johnson Joseph C. Empey Ronald C. Larson Harry A. Lundin Robert J. Reber David T. Buck Wayne M. Dow Marvin Lee Wayne Olsen Grant Pendleton George R. Peterson Tom G. Tate Rex T. Walters Gene D. White Duane A. Paulson Dale W. Slaugh Fred J. Haglund Elston G. Snow E. Dee Thrasher David M. Dimick Vincent Miola Phillip H. Sanderson Ralph H. Siddoway John Susaeta Lowell R. Baron James P. Riddle Ralph N. Stevens Dean Nielson Dean G. Larsen John K. Haws George H. Reynolds Ned F. Wilson Karl E. Zimmerman Norman R. Barker Richard D. Bills Samuel T. Vicchrilli Donald F. Brown Boyd L. Baker Steven R. Bick H. Lamont Boothe William G. Brown Monte J. Bruin Howard E. Burton Larry J. Bushman David H. Clay Wayne M. Davis Brent H. Gibson Darrell E. Hansen Gary R. Hansen

Monroe City Fire Department Murray City Fire Department Murray City Fire Department Murray City Fire Department Murray City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Salt Lake County/UFA Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department South Davis Metro Fire Department South Davis Metro Fire Department Salt Lake County/UFA South Davis Metro Fire Department South Davis Metro Fire Department South Salt Lake City Fire Department St. George City Fire Department St. George City Fire Department St. George City Fire Department St. George City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Vernal City Fire Department Vernal City Fire Department Defense Depot of Ogden Salt Lake County/UFA American Fork City Fire Department Bingham Canyon Fire Department Bingham Canyon Fire Department Bingham Canyon Fire Department Bingham Canyon Fire Department Bingham Canyon Fire Department Brigham City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire Dist. Helper City Fire Department Holden City Fire Department Lehi City Fire Department Lehi City Fire Department Lehi City Fire Department Lehi City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Murray City Fire Department North Davis Fire Dist. (was Clearfield) Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department

440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504.

Lynn C. Hansen Wayne B. Hansen Don K. Hilton Raymond S. Jensen Ronnie S. Kendall Tim J. Malan Russell R. Maltby Jon M. Moore Robert G. Penton Blair H. Sheffield Merrill D. Shoemaker Joseph W. Stevens Steven N. Thompson Ira A. Jensen Sargent D. Barnett Glen E. Berge Jerry P. Buys Theron F. Hill Dean J. McCoy Jackie G. Walker Pat K. Payne Vaud M. Hanks Jay O. Peterson Mark R. Williams Glade Briggs Val D. Hale Roy W. Lundell Floyd W. Stewart Don W. Watts Jack L. Hobbs Arlyn Brenchley Arnold J. Christensen Shawn L. Jensen Jack D. Heyrend Craig R. Humphreys Jon R. Keller W. Boyd Howarth Kenneth R. Ingram Bybee Campbell Joe P. Caldwell Jr. Gerald G. McFarland George J. Palmer Thomas V. Leishman G. David Hammond Monte L. Davis Andrew C. Glad Paul Pelch Allen Guillot Kenny Rhodes Larry Robbins O. Leon Hadley Stanley Spencer James L. Sondrup John C. Paris Robert C. Adams Kirk Sackett Brent Halladay Jason P. Callaway David K. Gillette Steven R. Hoffman Brady George Richard J. Beatty David R. Bentley E. Kenny Brunson Karl R. Esplin

Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Ogden City Fire Department Orem City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Richfield City Fire Department Salem City Fire Department Santaquin City Fire Department Santaquin City Fire Department Salt Lake County/UFA South Ogden City Fire Department Spanish Fork City Fire Department Springville City Fire Department Springville City Fire Department Sunset City Fire Department Wellsville City Fire Department Wellsville City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department North Logan City Fire Department North Logan City Fire Department North Logan City Fire Department Nephi City Fire Department Nephi City Fire Department St. George City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Wellsville City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department Salem City Fire Department Sandy City Fire Department Sandy City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Grantsville City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Salt Lake County/UFA Salt Lake County/UFA Layton City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department State Fire Marshal’s Office Santaquin City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Salt Lake City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 41

Lifetime Members 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533.

S. Neil Gentry Rodney Knight Don W. McAllister Jim McConnell Larry W. Orton Bradford P. Riddle Robert F. Tuckett Kriss Garcia Ward Secrist Clinton L. Neilsen Bryce Ashby Lynn E. Jones Michael J. Chadwick Shane Norr Jeff Oyler Shane W. Carlson Rick Coleman Ken B. Hylton Janet C. Herron Earl M. Butler Michael Deming C. Wynn Everett C. Dan Morgan Gene E. Nielsen David F. Stewart Michael R. Storey Steven T. Benson Travis P. Douglas Todd R. Green

Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department American Fork City Fire Department Brigham City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Delta City Fire Department Spanish Fork City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Tremonton City Fire Department Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire Dist. Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire Dist. Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire Dist. State Fire Marshal’s Office Mapleton City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Roy City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department

42 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562.

Zane Jones H. LaNor Warby Arthur J. Hines Van Stirland Charles C. Claybaugh Douglas Robison Adren R. Underwood Alan B. Bills Richard Brierley Walter C. Jones Neil L. Losser Bradley J. Kearl Jeremy A. Hunt Mike Weible Gary M. Rackman V. Gregg Soffe James A. Mortensen Gary E. Gines C. Lloyd Miller Glenn Caldwell Russel Brunson Sam Larson Wayne Jewkes Justin Davis Ralph L. Duke, Jr. G. Jed Olsen Gary B. Sessions Jeff Winterton Paul B. Wheeler

Cedar City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department Moab Valley Fire District ATK Brigham City Fire Department Layton City Fire Department Mammoth City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Mapleton City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department Santaquin City Fire Department Smithfield City Fire Department Smithfield City Fire Department American Fork City Fire Department Murray City Fire Department Payson City Fire Department South Davis Metro Fire Department Spanish Fork City Fire Department Tooele City Fire Department Cedar City Fire Department St. George City Fire Department Northrop-Grumman (ATK) Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire District Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire District Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire District Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire District Heber Valley/Wasatch County Fire District Springville City Fire Department

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We place people before profit. We do the right thing. ALWAYS. We engage meaningfully in the communities we serve. We give willingly, without regard to “What’s in it for me?”

We Build Lasting Partnerships

We achieve this through compassion, sincerity, and generosity. By recognizing that relationships of trust are everything. By honoring all commitments: say what you do, do what you say. By embracing the principle that “Our strength is in our unity.”

24/7 Emergency Restoration Services for Fire, Water, and Storm Damage

2019 Speakers TIM DUNKLEY


Tim Dunkley has been with American Fork Fire & Rescue since 2000. He was promoted to captain over special operations in 2008. He has had the opportunity to travel out of state multiple times to train with manufacturers and industry experts in heavy rigging, railway rescue, big rig rescue, hybrid and electric vehicle rescue, and machine entrapment. He loves to teach and train.

Lieutenant Alex Lepley is a U.S. Army veteran, originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. He has been with the Utah Highway Patrol since 1993. He has served in the Salt Lake County Field Office, State Bureau of Investigations, Executive Protection for Governor Jon Huntsman, the Utah State Capitol, and UHP Training as the Department Armorer and the Section Commander.

Queen Mattresses Start at

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44 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019




a Month

1571 West Redstone Park City, UT


2019 Speakers BRUCE H. JACKSON, MBA/MPA Ph.D.   Bruce H. Jackson works with Fortune 500 companies, universities, and non-profit institutions to develop and implement principles of performance, leadership, and change.   Formerly with Korn Ferry/Hay Group, Bruce is the Principal of the Attentional Leadership Institute - a consulting, training, coaching, and assessment firm dedicated to leader and organizational development.   Bruce earned his doctorate in Human and Organizational Systems with Master’s degrees in Counseling Psychology, Business Administration, Organizational Development, and Public Administration.   Bruce and his wife, Marta, live with their three children, Blake, Lucas, and Mia in Highland, Utah.

Ken Garff American Fork Chevrolet • (801) 692-6158 • 548 E. 1000 S. • American Fork Ken Garff American Fork Ford • (801) 692-6561 • 597 E. 1000 S. • American Fork

Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 45

2019 Speakers Mike & Anne Gagliano   Mike Gagliano has over thirty years of fire/crash/rescue experience with the Seattle Fire Department and the United States Air Force. He retired as the Captain of Ladder 5 and remains a proud member of Fire Station 31.   Captain Gagliano has written numerous fire service articles, is co-author of the bestselling books Air Management for the Fire Service, Challenges of the Firefighter Marriage, and the SCBA chapter of the Handbook for Firefighter 1 & 2 from Fire Engineering books.   He is a member of the Fire Engineering/ FDIC Advisory Board, a Director for the Firesmoke Coalition, on the advisory board of the UL-Firefighter Safety and Research Institute, and is a Senior Advisor to the Firefighter Air Coalition. He teaches across the country on Air Management, Fireground Tactics, Leadership, and Company Officer Development.   Mike co-hosts the popular Fire Engineering radio webcast “The Mikey G and Mikey D Show” and partners with his wife, Anne, (Firelife.com) to teach on strategies for developing and maintaining a strong marriage/family.     Anne Gagliano is an author, lecturer, and spouse of retired Seattle Fire Captain Mike Gagliano for over 30 years. Her Fire Engineering article “What Every Firefighter’s Spouse Should Know” and ongoing contributions to Firelife.com, have inspired couples all over the world to seek a fulfilling, lasting, and intimate marriage despite the challenges posed by the fire service.   She and Mike lecture across the country on building and maintaining a strong marriage with principles derived specifically from her three decades- worth of experience as a fire/law enforcement/military wife. They are co-authors of the bestselling Fire Engineering book Challenges of the Firefighter Marriage that highlights the many joys and challenges of love, fun, and passion in a first-responder marriage.

46 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019


Law & Legislative Committee LAW & LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Ryan Mellor - Chairman Salt Lake City Coy Porter - Fire Marshal State Fire Marshal’s Office



PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS UNION REPRESENTATIVES Jack Tidrow – Salt Lake City Fire Daren Wightman – Murray City


48 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Thank you for your service and dedication!

1977 Pleasant Grove Blvd • Pleasant Grove

(801) 268-4455 randrbbq.com

American Fork Fire Department

50 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

American Fork Fire Department

The First Nationwide Network Dedicated to Public Safety

Contact Katie Clark 312-783-2607 Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 51

Mission Statement UTAH STATE FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION MISSION STATEMENT We, the members of the Utah State Firefighters’ Association, in order to form a more perfect organization, establish harmony of action, insure prosperity and success, provide pecuniary support, secure protection, promote the best interests of the firefighters of the State of Utah, compile statistics of information concerning the practical workings of the various systems and the merits of the various apparatus in use for the extinguishment of fire; also to cultivate fellowship between the firefighters of the fire departments of the State of Utah.

52 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

54 • Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019

Utah State Firefighters’ Association, 2019 • 55

Thank You

To All Our Utah Firefighters and Paramedics. We appreciate your hard work, expertise and commitment to our communities.

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