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External services
Satellite dishes and TV aerials must be located within the roof space or mounted at the rear of the house as low as possible on the roof (below ridge line).
On corner/reserve lots they must be located away from both frontages. See Figure 19 for more details.
Fixtures such as hot water services, heating units, clothes lines, water tanks, garden sheds, spa motors and the like must not be visible from the street or public space.
Meter boxes must be located in an area that minimises their visual impact.
Roof mounted cooling units must be low profile, coloured to match the roof, be below the ridge line and placed a minimum of half way to the rear of the dwelling. They must also not be located on the corner/reserve side of the roof. See Figure 20 for more details.
Back of house
Back of house Back of house
Back of house
Front of house Front of house
figure 19: Antenna & dishes mounted at fascia level at the back of the house
Front 1/2 Back 1/2
Front 1/2 Back 1/2
figure 20: Air conditioner units must be mounted below ridgeline and in the back half of the house
Solar panels/collectors, must not be visible from public areas including streets and reserves unless required for orientation and efficiency purposes which will be assessed on individual merit by the Riverlea Design Review Manager. Panels must be mounted flat against the roof plane and not elevated on a separate frame unless incorporated into the architectural design.
Solar hot water storage tanks must not be visible from the street or public areas and must be coloured to match the roof.
Solar pool heating and associated plumbing must not be visible from the street or public areas. SECURITY SHUTTERS
Roll down security shutters are not permitted on the façade of the house that is visible from the primary street frontage, secondary street frontage (forward of the 1.8m high corner fence) or any public space.
PLUMBING Waste pipes and vents must be concealed within wall cavities on 2 storey dwellings. Exposed plumbing on single storey dwellings must be screened to at least 1.8m (i.e. behind boundary fence). TAPS Taps in the front yard are to be fixed to the wall of the dwelling or fence or adequately screened with landscaping as not to be visible from streets or public spaces.