194 march 2014 ebook

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Overseas Walk:

Hiking Italy’s Dolomites “King of the Alps” New Zealand Walks:

Manawatu’s first Walking Festival Event:

Sea, Sky and Bush Walks

ISSUE No 194 - 2014

MARCH weather forecast

Great Walks:

Tongariro Northern Circuit New Zealand Walk:s

Waitahangi Trails Linking Wanganui with its hinterland

New Zealand Walk:

Waipu Caves

My Favourite Walk

Twlight Bay My Favourite Walk

Mangaokewa Reserve www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

NZ $7.50 inc GST

Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014



Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014




CONTENTS Issue No 194 - 2014

4 Walk Talk ound the Mountain ‘Round Mountain’’ 6 Great Walks: Coming ‘R Tongariro Northern Circuit 11 New Zealand Walks: Waitahinga T rails connecting Trails Wanganui with its hinterland 14 New Zealand Walks: Sea, Sky and Bush walks 16 Event: Rotorua walk to mark 21st anniversary 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 Know before you go this summer! 22 Overseas Walk: River Torrens Linear Park Trail 23 New Zealand Walks:Minister Minister opens new Sutherland F alls T rack Falls Track 24 My Favourite Walk: Twilight Bay 26 My Favourite Walk: Mangaok ewa R eserve Mangaokewa Reserve 28 Event: W alking beneath the stars for charity Walking 29 Event: Kauri Run turns 10 30 Overseas Walks: W alking Italy ’s Dolomites ‘King Walking Italy’s of the Alps’ 36 Overseas Walks and Tours 38 Books: Ecosanctuaries 38 Books: Among Secret Beauties 40 My Favourite Walk: Waipu Caves 41 High Achiever:New New Y ork City Marathon - not just York for runners 40 Event: Manawatu to host first walking festival 43 Health: Where have the children gone? 44 New Zealand Coming Events 46 Overseas Coming Events 47 Nordic Walking 48 Window on Waitakere: Those numbers again 49 High Achiever: Walking the W orld World 50 Contents for previous 14 issues 51 Weather forecast for March 52 Directory: Walking groups throughout NZ 56 Country Breaks 60 Stirling Sports Half Marathon



WALKING New Zealand Published Monthly PUBLISHER/EDITOR: Frank Goldingham: Phone 06-358-6863 CONTRIBUTORS: Ken Ring, Gary Moller, Kay Lindley, Andrew Healey, Jill Grant, Herb Christophers, Basil Hooper, Andrea Corrigan, Brenda Green, and Keith & Judy Hitchcock ADVERTISING MANAGER: Michelle Smith 06-358-5088, 021-707-015 Email:michelle@walkingnewzealand.co.nz COMING EVENTS ADVERTISING: Frank Goldingham 0800-walking (925-546) Email walkingnz@xtra.co.nz SUBSCRIPTIONS:phone 0800-925-546 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: New Zealand Residents; 24 issues $144.00 posted, 12 issues $75.60 posted 6 issues $45.00 posted Australia: 12 issues: $130.00 Rest of World: $170.00 NEWSAGENT DISTRIBUTION: Gordon & Gotch (NZ Ltd WALKING NEW ZEALAND LTD, P O Box 1922, Palmerston North Telephone 06-358-6863 - Fax 06-358-6864 E-Mail: walkingnz@xtra.co.nz Website: www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz The information and views expressed by contributors are not necessarily agreed to by the editor or publisher, and while every effort will be made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility will be taken by the editor or publisher for inaccurate information.



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Walk talk

Celebrate Children's Day

World Run Day on May 4

Above: A child on a swing on Children’s Day.

Former world champion hurdler Colin Jackson is helping to create a global buzz for the Wings for Life World Run on May 4, 2014. The charismatic Olympic silver medallist from Great Britain aims to make the unique race that will be staged simultaneously in 35 countries an unforgettable experience while raising funds for research into spinal cord injury. The format of the Wings for Life World Run is the first such global sporting event of its kind. The race tracks will be defined but runners will not be running a set distance. Instead of chasing the finish line, the finish line will be chasing them: Half an hour after the start signal sounds, the official catcher cars will simultaneously set off at each race track, pursuing the runners. The pace will accelerate at determined intervals to a rigid global schedule. When the catcher car passes a runner, their race is over. The last man and woman left running on the world will be the global winners.

Join us again in Ivon Wilson Park for the biggest ever 'Play date with Nature'. Plunket have teamed up once again with 'Kids Restore the Kepler', Fiordland Kindergarten, Southern Stars, Southland District Council, Scouts and DOC for a repeat of this smash-hit event! This day is fun for all the family whatever the weather. BYO kids but please leave your 4-legged friends at home. Bring a picnic and plenty to drink. Sausages will be sizzled for lunch in exchange for a gold coin. Date: Sunday 2 March 2014 Time: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Location: Ivon Wilson Park, Te Anau (35 hectares of prime recreational space – for free!)

This month’s Prizewinners The winners of this month’s Walking New Zealand subscribers are: an A588 Pedometer - Sandra Turner, Castor Bay, Auckland and a six month subscription extension to Walking New Zealand magazine - Margaret Heape, Whangarei. Congratulations to you both.

There's nothing like a good pub walk It won’t come as a huge surprise to learn that the most popular England Walking world walks by far are pub walks, generally involving a few hours of tramping round the countryside and at least one decent pub on the way. People argue as to whether it’s preferable to have your main pub stop mid-walk or to keep it as a well-earned reward for the end of the day. In winter, at any rate, the latter seems the right option – there is something strangely satisfying about finishing a walk in front of a blazing fire, drink in hand, with the prospect of a hearty supper to come. It makes even a grim walk in driving rain seem suddenly worthwhile, as a false memory gradually forms that you really, truly, enjoyed yourself out there.


Auckland Harbour Bridge crossing Walkers and cyclists could next year be able to walk or bike across the Auckland Harbour bridge. At last years’s meeting the Auckland City Council agreed for the Skypath project to go to consultation in February and in March it is expected to go through the Resourse Conscent process. Between May and September it is expected to be in the design stage with construction starting towards the end of this year.

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Walk talk

Kiwis need to be more proactive about skin checks An Auckland father who has survived multiple surgeries for melanoma is warning Kiwis to be vigilant about sun protection and not procrastinate when it comes to getting suspicious moles checked. Daniel Grobler, who is awaiting tests to ensure the cancerous cells found in a lesion on his chest have been successfully removed, is urging Kiwis to be more proactive with having their moles analysed. “The emotional turmoil in putting off getting your moles inspected is simply not worth it. If you have any doubts about whether a mole may be malignant, then get it reviewed, as you might not only save your life, but you’ll save yourself and your family some significant trauma while you wait to find out,” he says. “Peace of mind for you and your loved ones is a beautiful thing, so it’s best not to leave it too late.” The mobile support specialist, 41, says he noticed a dollar coin-sized mole on his chest towards the end of last year. Grobler eventually sought out the der matologists at MoleMap, who provided a diagnosis and recommended immediate removal of the malignant mole. His cancerous lesion was removed along with his lymph nodes to prevent the spread of the cancer. “The whole process was extremely fast, and I soon realised the importance of being analysed early. Having not been seen straight away made the process horrifically stressful,” he says. “It also meant my wife, son and daughter, suffered unnecessary anxiety during that time. We started to question our future plans as a family. Emotionally it was horrendous.” MoleMap dermatologist Dr Mark Gray, says once a mole becomes malignant the cancer can rapidly spread to other parts of the body making it extremely hard to remove effectively. “The invasive mole will grow much faster with the blood stream feeding it, and so it is reasonably easy for a safe situation to turn serious.” Dr Gray says he urges Kiwis to act immediately if they notice any slight changes in their skin. “Suspicions you have about a specific mole may well be justified, as though it may have sat on the skin’s surface for years, it can become invasive and grow much faster,” he says. Dr Gray says that while around 50% of malignant moles are detected by Kiwis themselves, a significant proportion are not. “Evidently, procrastination around your health is not a good idea. I’ve also seen a man in the past who was worried about a mole, and his doctor didn’t enforce getting it removed. Once he got spot checked he discovered he in fact had severe melanoma.” www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

Canberra now has iPad visitor guide Travellers planning a trip to Canberra are now able to download a free iPad edition of the 2014 Canberra Capital Region Visitor Guide from the App Store. VisitCanberra has produced an iPad edition of its flagship annual Visitor Guide to make your visit even easier. Based on the 64-page print edition but redesigned for tablet viewing, the app features extra content in the form of videos, feature articles and images and includes website links to key products. All content is conveniently stored on the device for instant retrieval. VisitCanberra Director Ian Hill said it was essential we bring our destination stories to life through the popular Apple iPad suite. 'It will be useful for people both in the planning stage and when they are in the capital.' The iPad edition will be updated up to three times in 2014 with more detailed seasonal event information.

Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Coming ‘round the Mountain - T By Herb Christophers Department of Conservation


he Tongariro Northern Circuit is the big brother of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing in the spectacular volcanic terrain of the World Heritage Tongariro National Park. Unlike the one-day Alpine Crossing, the Northern Circuit is a 44 km, 3 day track and starts and finishes in the same place at Whakapapa village. Part of the first day of the Circuit is on the Crossing so with all your overnight gear on board, it can appear to the day walkers that you have a very hefty lunch in your pack! Volcanic activity in Te Maari Crater on Tongariro in the last year requires a conservative approach to the walks in that area so it pays to check at the DOC visitors centre for updates before you set off. There is plenty of time to get to your first overnight accommodation at Oturere Hut so take an easy start on the track that connects Whakapapa village at 1150 metres with the Mangatepopo track. In the early morning, it can be quite cool in the shade of the beech forests that form intermittent cover between Ruapehu and Tongariro. Eventually, after crossing many


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

streams, you’ll find yourself in open tussock grasslands that intermingle with low mänuka and the ever present heather. Heather was introduced in the 1920s by a well meaning but very short sighted Scotsman who thought that the National Park would benefit from grouse hunting. So, he introduced the birds and their natural ground cover from his homeland. The heather thrived, the grouse died and now there is a massive weed problem that is gradually suppressing the large swathes of golden tussock that once carpeted the region. At least the heather provides a bit of colour to make up for its invasive habit! I guess it has accelerated the re-establishment of woody vegetation. The track from Mangatepopo hut follows the stream of the same name up the valley, climbing over a succession of old lava flows that have come down from Ngäuruhoe. The youngest, very black, lava flows erupted from Ngäuruhoe in 1949 and 1954. Parts of the track up the valley are easy travel with a boardwalk in places to protect the fragile alpine environment. At the head of the valley, take time to look at Soda Springs which emerge beneath an old lava flow. If you live in Wellington like I do, the climb up to the South Crater of Tongariro is less onerous than a stroll up Mt Victoria from www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

Tongariro Northern Circuit Above: The Tongariro Chateau and Mt Ruapehu, start and finish of the walk.


Below: Mt Ngaurahoe from Mt Tongariro.

Above: Red Crater. with Mt Ngauruhoe in the background.

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Coming ‘round the Mountain Tongariro Northern Circuit

Above: The beautiful Emerald Lake. Below left: The old Waihohonu Hut. Below right: Mangatepopo Hut in winter.

Oriental Bay. Sure, the path is a little more rugged on Tongariro and if it is clear, the view of Mt Taranaki 140 km to the west is heart warming. Where ever you are on the circuit, there is always the imposing majestic bulk of Ngäuruhoe which will remain the pivot at the centre of your clockwise walk around the mountain. Ngäuruhoe is really the south cone of Tongariro and standing beneath it while

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you take in the stunning views, you soon realise that there have been many volcanic events that have contributed to the spectacular landscape that stands shattered around you. Ahead to the north, a whiff of sulphur tells you that the gaping chasm of Red Crater is still active. This gash in the landscape lays a red and black scar in stunning contrast to the turquoise Emerald Lakes that sit below. It’s about here that you wish you had worn gaiters! The loose volcanic scoria rock has a habit of finding gaps in socks and boots! From the top of Red Crater at 1868 metres, the

highest point on the track, looking east you can see the traffic creeping across the Desert Road if you squint hard. From Emerald Lakes the Northern Circuit track leaves the Tongariro Alpine Crossing and plunges down the side of the Oturere Crater. In front of you is a scene reminiscent of a moonscape and behind you, the sides of the cliff are steaming with active volcanic vents. The track weaves through an endless variety of unusual jagged lava forms until it reaches


Left: Climbing out of Mangatepopo Valley. Above: Walking on the Mangatepopo Boardwalk.

Oturere Hut, nestled on the eastern edge of this barren landscape. – Take the rest of the day off! The track rises and falls over a number of streams after Oturere Hut and plant life here has drawn the short straw! It’s a slow process recolonising loose gravel and bare soils. The track gradually sidles around Ngäuruhoe into a tongue of beech that is the first forest you will have encountered since leaving Whakapapa. The ‘new’ Waihohonu Hut is nearby and if you want a really short day, you can stop here and explore around the area. One reason to stop in this well appointed hut is the great use of alternative power sources for heating. The hut is built to maximise warmth. Its double glazed windows, and solar water heater, and the wetback for the fire place mean that the water can be too hot for the tap and the water is siphoned to radiators in the hut to act as heat sinks when the water is hot. This is a snug place to be on a cold day! The old Waihohonu hut is worth sticking your head into. It was originally built in 1904 by the Tourist and Health Resorts Department for park visitors and tourists travelling by coach from Waiouru or Tokaanu. When the main trunk rail line opened on the western side of the mountain in 1908, tourist use dropped off but it continued to be used by early skiing parties and was the base for the first alpine skiing expedition in July 1913 by William Mead and Bernard Drake - the founding members of the Ruapehu Ski club. When you leave the old hut, you climb towards Tama Saddle. The Waihohonu Stream that has been your constant companion all morning drains into the Waikato River www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

eventually. The next major stream you cross on the other side of the saddle will be Taranaki Stream that drains into the Whanganui River. What different stories they have to tell! From the saddle there is a very worthwhile side trip to Tama Lakes. Lower Tama Lake is only 10 minutes off the main route but the Upper Tama Lake is about an hour and 30 minutes return. In a past life, I slept at Upper Tama in winter to climb Ngäuruhoe before

dawn to watch the sun rise. Stunning. That’s back on the bucket list! Whakapapa Village is about two hours from the Tama Lakes junction but linger a little longer to take the Taranaki Falls loop walk. This minor diversion puts you out at Whakapapa in the same place but gives you a more interesting route to finish your Great Northern Circuit with an even bigger smile. Now, where’s that beer?

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Coming ‘round the Mountain Tongariro Northern Circuit

Above: Walking on the Waihohonu to Tama Lakes section. Below: The magnificent Taranaki Falls.

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Waitahinga Trails

Above left: The picnic table at Cropper’s Clearing. Above right: Mt Egmont from the Taranaki clearing. Below: A Rimu on the Chicken Run.

connecting Wanganui with its hinterland


By Basil Hooper

or visitors and locals alike, the garden city of Wanganui is a pleasant place for recreational walking. Within the city, assets such as Kowhai Park and the associated riverside walks, Virginia Lake, and the Westmere Walkway provide walking opportunities between lattes and for the slightly more adventurous there is the Westmere lake, Bushy Park and the extensive coastal walking opportunities. But there has been a dearth of day walking opportunities that samples the back country Wanganui area – that vast expanse of steep tangled hill country that stretches from near the town boundaries to inland Taranaki. The new Waitahinga Trails creates this connection between Wanganui and it’s hinterland. The trails, created by the Wanganui


Tramping Club to promote recreational walking to the public, have been placed on the 700ha Waitahinga water supply catchment reserve owned by the Wanganui District Council. The club had made many visits to Waitahinga over the years and realized that it would not be difficult to clear and mark the ridges so that everyone could enjoy them. Realizing also that not everyone enjoys the prospect of clambering through supplejack and the like, the tracks have been built and marked to a standard where they are easy to follow and the vegetation does not impede progress. The small car park is about 1 km along Junction Road from Rangitatau East Road. Rangitatau East Road is better known as the road to Bushy Park. Waitahinga trails are 12km

Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


New Zealand Walks

Waitahinga Trails connecting Wanganui with its hinterland Below: A walker in front of a very tall tree.

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beyond Bushy Park and about 35km from the city boundary. It is a 200metre walk from the car park along the private quarry road up to the main sign and trail start. There are two basic routes to choose from at the start. The easiest, the Chicken Run, takes approximately an hour to stroll and takes in some grand views of the Wanganui backcountry. On a clear day a stunning view of both our North Island icons, Mt Ruapehu with its cohorts, and Mt Taranaki, each dominating their respective corners of the skyline, can also be seen. This trail wends its way up through a shallow valley that was probably grazing land 100 years ago but is now splendidly canopied in old Mahoe trees glowing green in the sunlight. A section of the trail passes under the original forest canopy and here there are some excellent Miro and a fine old Rimu. Because the Chicken Run is close to the road and adjacent to the commercial pine forest, better goat control has been achieved and consequently there is a luxurious under-carpet of Hen and Chicken ferns (Asplenium bulbiferum) beneath the old mahoes. This is a lovely walk for those who have limited time.

Above left: Crossing the Waitahinga Dam. Above right: A magnificent view from the Chicken Run of Mt Ruapehu.

The other route is a greater undertaking but is still a technically simple walk involving two main ridges, Toms’ Ridge and Harry’s Ridge. It follows the gentle forested ridge lines until the old town water supply dam nestled down in the valley is reached. This substantial structure, seemingly slapped down in the middle of nowhere, was built around 1904 in what had to be a very visionary plan to deliver the burgeoning township of Wanganui a reliable supply of water. This was no mean feat as the township was 35 km away. Although the dam is at an altitude of around 300 metres, the water had to be first piped further down the valley, almost to Bushy Park, before the surrounding landscape had lowered enough for the pipeline to cross out of the Okehu Valley and start on its way, gravitating towards Wanganui. Hopefully one day someone will collate and publish this fascinating history. Unfortunately Below: A Robin along the Waitahinga Trails.


New Zealand Walks

the water was lime laden and so the scheme was decommissioned in the 1990s. The Trail to the dam takes somewhat less than two hours but the return trip takes longer because it is a gentle 270 metre ascent back to the car park. Almost all of the walking is a gentle gradient with the exception of a short


section on Tom’s ridge near the dam where for a few minutes greater care is required as the trail descends to the valley floor. The trail is not muddy but there are some sections that are slippery in the wet. About halfway to the dam there is a small sheltered clearing in the forest that has been called “Croppers Clearing” (in reference to its dubious past) and on a sunny day it is a timely spot to sit and partake refreshments. Last year, as part of end of year recreational activities, the students of Wanganui Collegiate School constructed and carried in a picnic table to this clearing. They also carried one to the dam and placed another at a pleasant spot en route. These picnic tables give a nice human face to what is quite a remote wilderness area. From Cropper’s clearing there is an alternative route back to the car park via the Rimu Walk. This less than direct route takes advantage of the rolling landscape and visits some massive rimu and rata trees. These trees are part of the original forest and have grown well past their prime. It is a sad fact that they are the only survivors with many of their fallen comrades lying rotten and moss covered on the forest floor. I hasten to add here that this is not an act of man’s interference but just the natural process of life. What is unfortunate though is, due to the poorly controlled goat browsing of the forest floor, regeneration of these trees is not occurring. Almost all of the walking at Waitahinga is in native forest. A lot of this forest is very old second growth and covered in gnarled old Mahoes which in themselves are an attraction.

But the tracks also pass through a lot of original forest with Tawas, Rimu, Rata etc and you would be very unlucky if you did not see or hear a good variety of native birds. This gem of an area has been overlooked in the past, but now provides a new opportunity for Wanganui citizens and visitors: to be exposed to another local landscape, the Wanganui backcountry. Below: A large tree at Harry’s Ridge.

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New Zealand Walks

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Paper Plus Feilding, Turners Gfts & Luggage, BP Northend, Pahiatua Take Note, Ashhurst Dairy 2007, Haymans Paper Plus, Take Note Feilding, Take Note Taihape, Paper Plus Levin, Levin Lucky Lotto, Take Note Foxton, Foxton Bookshop & Pharmacy Gisborne Blue Dairy 2005, Village Superette, Muirs Bookshop & Cafe, Paper Plus Gisborne, Ballance St Bookshop, BP 2 Go Foster & Tyler Napier Take Note Napier, BP Carlyle St, Paper Plus Taradale, Ahuriri Corner Store Hawkes Bay Roundabout Dairy, Paper Plus Hastings, New World Hastings, Take Note Hastings, Take Note Havelock North, Paper Plus Waipukurau, Paper Plus Dannevirke Wairarapa Kuripuni Bookshop, Hedleys Booksellers, Copper Kettle Lotto & Superette, Paper Plus Masterton, Take Note Carterton, Martinborough 4 Square Hutt Valley Park Ave Books & Cards, New World Lower Hutt, Paper Plus Lower Hutt, Waterloo Bookshop & Stationers, Paper Plus Upper Hutt, Chatsworth Stationers, Whitcoulls Uph, Pak N Save Upper Hutt, New World Naenae, N P Dairy, Take Note Petone, Pak N Save Petone Wellington Whitcoulls Laq, Freemans Bookshop, Paper Plus Lambton Square, Freemans Lotto & Newsagency, City Cards & Mags, Magnetix, Magnetix Cust Order, Paper Plus Johnsonville, Whitcoulls Jon, New World Khandallah, Standen Foodmaket, The Hospital Shop, Whitcoulls Wdt, Seatoun Bookshop, New World Miramar, Pak N Save Kilbirnie, Paper Plus Kilbirnie Porirua - Kapiti Waikanae Book & Post Shop, Paper Plus Coastlands, Kapiti Mags, Whitcoulls Ctl, Take Note Tawa, Paper Plus North City, New World Porirua, Whitcoulls Ncp, New World Whitby, Whitby Post & Bookshop Nelson Moirs Paper Plus, Page & Blackmore Bsellers Ltd, Wakefield 4 Square, Take Note Takaka, Pak N Save Richmond, Paper Plus Richmond, Paper Plus Motueka, Take Note Motueka West Coast Glacier Motors, Fox Glacier General Store Marlborough The Magazine Shop Blenheim, Blenheim Bookworld, Paper Plus Blenheim, Take Note Picton, Take Note Kaikoura Canterbury Paper Plus Kaiapoi, New World Kaiapoi, Paper Plus Conways, Curly’s Last Post, Akaroa Auto Centre, Selwyn Dist Public Libraries Christchurch City Express Cathedral, Whitcoulls Cas, New World South City, Fresh Choice Barrington, Paper Plus Barringtons, Woolston Book Stationery & Hab, Christchurch Hospital, Whitcoulls Shy, New World Fendalton, Whitcoulls Bdl, Pak N Save Northlands, Paper Plus Northlands, Whitcoulls Nor, Paper Plus Merivale, Fresh Choice Merivale, BP Papanui, Hagley Night N Day F/Store, Whitcoulls Ric, Borders ChCh, Paper Plus Hornby, Sumner Village Bookshop, Leslies Bookshop, New World Halswell, Challenge S/Station, Piccaddily Bookshop, R&R Bookshop South Canterbury Paper Plus Ashburton, First & Last Dairy, Take Note Northtown, Geraldine Lotto & Bookshop Dunedin Whitcoulls Mer, Paper Plus Dunedin, Regent Night N Day Foodstore, New World Gardens, Mornington Lotto & Post, Roslyn Book & Toy Centre, Brighton Store, BP Mosgiel, Paper Plus Dunedin Airport Otago Millers Flat 4 Square, Budges Ctrl Phrmcy/Bookshop, Books & Things, Gallery Giftworld, Paper Plus Ryders, New World Balclutha, Milton Night N Day Foodstore Queenstown Queenstown Paper Plus, Paper Plus Wanaka, New World Wanaka Invercargill New World Elles Rd, Dee Night ‘N Day, Windsor Health, Herbert St Store, Robin Hood Milkbar, Whitcoulls Esk Southland Paper Plus Gore, Prices Discount, Ship To Shore 4 Square


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

Sea, Sky and Bush T he Waipukurau Rotary Club’s Sea, Sky & Bush Walk is on between 1st, 2nd and 3rd March 2014, an ultimate Central Hawke’s Bay experience. This popular annual walk that is so much more than a walking event. The Sea, Sky and Bush Walk begins at Pukeora Estate on the outskir ts of Waipukurau where our club accommodates all who wish to stay. Here you will not only experience the great hospitality of our Rotary Club, but you can also enjoy the panoramic views over the Ruataniwha plains and up the Tuki Tuki River to the backdrop of the Ruahine Ranges. The Rotarians will lead you through open countryside to appreciate spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean as well as the soft contoured hills littered with native trees in the shadow of the Ruahine Ranges. On beautiful Mangatarata Station there is the opportunity of expansive views across CHB before enjoying a visit and lunch in the grounds of this outstanding historic homestead. In the true meaning of service and teamwork, a full effort is put in by Rotarians and dedicated volunteers over these three days. On the daily walks we have available those ‘to the rescue’ with 4 wheeled motor bikes, as others engage in sharing knowledge and information whilst walking alongside them. There are portaloos to be delivered and collected, and buses for to and from drop off points, the bar to be managed and importantly the busy kitchen team working to produce cuisine to energise and replenish those weary bodies. Our food will bring you back year after year

as it has others. To compliment the food we make available use of the heated pool, Masseuses to work away those aches and pains and some light and enjoyable entertainment in the evenings. You may register for one, two or the full three day walks. Bring your friends, family, coworkers, employees and others along. Share the enjoyment. The Sea, sky and Bush Walk is Waipukurau Rotary’s major fundraiser each year. 2014 is our 15th, and offers another new and fantastic opportunity to see Central Hawke’s Bay at its best.

Day 1 - Sea Saturday 1st March -

This year’s Sea Walk begins at the end of Atua Rd on Aramutu Station in the Elsthorpe district of central Hawke’s Bay. We pass the end of the interesting Five Fingers Gorge then traverse the northern side of Papahope hill where we will walk past old Maori storage pits. A gradual descent takes us to the Netherton woolshed for lunch. The afternoon will have us on the Netherton airstrip where we will be able to enjoy spectacular views to Bare Island off Waimarama to the north and down to Pauanui Point in the south. The Walk will conclude at the Netherton Farm Park where we will have an opportunity to wander down to the water edge and paddle on the secluded beach. Distance: 13 Km’s Below: Great sea views from a hill walk in one of the previous Sea Sky and Bush walks.


New Zealand Walks


Participants in a previous event on one of the walks into the Ruahine Ranges.

Day 2 - Bush Sunday 2nd March -

Day 3 - Sky

MARCH 1, 2, 3 2014

This years “Bush Walk” takes us into the Wakarara area of Central Hawkes Bay, west of the country village of Onga Onga. Soft contoured hills littered with Birch and Totara trees are in the shadow of the Ruhine Ranges. The walk will include Norris Park. This small piece of bush paradise once owned by Dr Norris of Waipawa, was gifted to the Scout Association of New Zealand. The total walk will be approximately 13km and will finish at the site of the old Yeoman’s mill in the makaroro River, which will be submerged if the Ruataniwha Dam proceeds. We will know at the time of the walk if this significant project is to be given the green light. Distance: 13 Km’s

Monday 4th March -

The “Sky Walk” is on beautiful Mangatarata Station, owned by the Barham family, some 7kms to the east of Waipukurau.The walk takes us from the historic old 6 stand woolshed along farm tracks through rolling hills past a large dam and up to a high point at the back of the farm. The expansive views across Central Hawke’s Bay from the Ruhine Ranges around to Te Mata Peak and Kahuranaki in the North to Omakere and Cooks Tooth, in the South are some of the best in the district. We head back down to lunch in the grounds of the beautiful old homestead lovingly restored by previous owners Don and Judy MacDonald. Distance: 8 Km’s www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014



Left: Walking across a bridge over hot pools.

Rotorua walk to mark

21st anniversary T

he 2014 Rotorua Walking Festival event will mark the 21st anniversary of the NZ International Two Day Walk and Rotorua Walking Festival. The event is being held on the third weekend in March (15-16 March 2014), and is part of an international calendar of walking events world-wide, with many walkers returning to Rotorua every year to continue the festivities. In the festivals 21st year – we are continuing to strive to provide participants with a wide variety of walks. These highlight Rotorua’s abundance of natural beauty with attractive walking environments such as the magnificent giant redwood trees on day one along with the thermal activity and beautiful lake views on day two of the festival. From 10km to 42km walks, there is a


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

distance for every fitness level. It is a noncompetitive event and will provide walkers with great scenery, fun, fellowship and a real sense of achievement when completed. Encouraging and promoting walking as a worthwhile and physically enjoyable activity at all levels of fitness, for all ages, and from all walks of life. On the first day, the walks are based in the Whakarewarewa Forest which contains a contrast of tree types from majestic redwoods towering over all; and New Zealand bush; to a number of exotic forestry plantings. The day one walks vary from 10km, 21km, and 42km. The great thing about the forest and the redwood portion of it is that you can find a walk that will appeal to virtually every level of ability. The forest also contains many great look out points where walkers can look

Above: The event attracts walkers from overseas.

back over the city of Rotorua, lakes and geothermal areas. These walks in the past have attracted a wide array of enthusiastic local and domestic walkers from all over New Zealand along with international visitors from countries such as Australia, Europe, Japan and the wider Asia region. Day two has completely different types of walks which follow through the urban environments; past café’s and shops as well as the lakefront, geothermal areas and parks and reserves. Again the distances on day two encourage anyone and everyone to get out there with there being a 10km, 20km, and 30km town walk. Looking back briefly over the past 20 years of the walking event and the major milestones shows that: 1. In 1993 members of the Rotary Club of Rotorua West (the Club) conceived the concept of establishing an international walking event. The concept was developed from reports of large established walks in Europe. Based on the success of these walks,


Event the Rotary Club of Rotorua West sought to establish a walk that â– would be part of an international network of walks and have a large number of participants from New Zealand and offshore. 2. To achieve this, the club established the annual New Zealand International Two Day Walk in Rotorua with the first event held in March 1994. This event and subsequent events attracted the interest of walkers from Europe, Australia and Japan. It also attracted the interest of walkers who had participated in IML Walking Association (IML) events. 3. Senior members of the IML visited Rotorua and participated in walks in 1994 and 1995. They were very positive about their walking experiences and suggested that the organisers of the walk seek membership of the IML by becoming the New Zealand accredited IML event. 4. In May 1996 the Rotary Club of Rotorua West obtained membership of the event in the IML at the IML AGM, which was held in association with the England IML walk in Wellingborough. 5. In 2012 the NZ Walking Association was established by senior Rotary member Deryck Shaw (chair). Enlisting help from private individuals and organisations, the event has been able to continue with enthusiasm and commitment ensuring the Rotorua Walking Festival continues to be a quality event that encourages New Zealanders and international visitors to develop friendships and share their love of walking.

Above: A walker proudly shows his country’s flag. Right: The track here goes under a fallen tree.


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Photo Contest

Monthly Photo Contest

Below: A small group from Rotorua Social Nordic Walking Group taken during a break at the Buried Village, Rotorua. Left to right. Des Towers, Doreen Towers, Vic Reid, Margaret Hinton, Gill Nelson. Photo by Audrey Henderson, Rotorua.

Above: Negotiating an electric fence on the South Coast Cliffs of Chatham Island. Photo by Claire Woodhall, Havelock North

Above: This is our 5 year old David, introducing him to the forest from a hight on the Hokitika Sky Walk, he went on to enjoy several ground level forest walks during our weeks holiday on the West Coast. Photo by Sally Finch, Christchurch

Above right: Walking around the Acropolis in Athens on a typically beautiful Mediterranean day. Photo by Sylvia Robinson, Auckland.

We are looking for the best digital photos each month depicting walking. Now is the time to get your digital camera out or look through your digital images and enter the

Walking New Zealand Digital Photo Contest

The image could be a scenic scene, a walk on the beach with the dog, a bush walk, a street walk or anything walking that takes your fancy. The rules are simply: there must be a person or persons walking in the picture either front, side or back on, and can be in the distance. We require an emailed image in high resolution mode, in jpeg format as an attachment, and NOT embedded in Word or in the email. Only email photos accepted, not posted photos. In the subject line type “Walking New Zealand Photo Contest” and the email must include the NAME, ADDRESS and phone number of the person who took the photo and a small caption. In this contest only ONE emailed photo accepted per month. Entry in the contest automatically allows us to print the image. The person who has their photo published will receive a six month subscription or a renewal to Walking New Zealand magazine of six months. If a picture is chosen for the cover page the person will receive a 12 month subscription or renewal.

Email your entries to: walkingnz@xtra.co.nz with subject line “Walking New Zealand Photo Contest”


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Photo Contest

Left: The Farm Park walk from the Wharariki Car Park is an easy to moderate 3 hour return journey which has magnificent vistas of bush, lakes,river, wind shaped manuka. Ensure you are returning around low tide to walk back by via the beach with its incredible rock formations,wind sculpted sands and baby seals. Do not know of a better walk that offers so much variety. Photo by Joan Freeth, Warkworth


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Know before you go this summer! By Andrea Corrigan New Zealand Mountain Safety Council


ew Zealand is a world famous adventure playground with so many outdoor opportunities to enjoy. For those of us lucky enough to call Aotearoa home, we have the opportunity to regularly get out and enjoy some of the best walking tracks in the world. While some trips might be simple day walks on fully formed tracks, others can take in pristine scenery in remote locations over multiple days. Perhaps you are planning to undertake one or more of the Great Walks or maybe you’ll be spending a night or two in a backcountry hut or in a bivvy under stars? For the vast majority, the outdoors is a great place to be and returning safely, tired but happy with fantastic memories and a few photos of family, flora and fauna is the reason we all do it. However many unfortunate incidents occur


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

in outdoor settings which can have tragic consequences. Research shows that incidents mostly involve either people who underestimate the planning, preparation and skills required or people who are over confident about their skills and think they don’t need to bother with the basics. The New Zealand Mountain Safety Council encourages people to get out and enjoy outdoors but urges people to take a few simple precautions. A good place to start is to make sure you ‘know before you go’ – and follow the five easy to remember rules of New Zealand’s Outdoor Safety Code. 1. Plan your trip Seek local knowledge and plan the route you will take and the amount of time you can reasonably expect it to take. Department of Conservation (DOC) Visitor Centres, i-SITEs and local operators are a good source of local information.


2. Tell someone your plans Tell someone your plans and complete your ‘Outdoors Intentions’ using the tools available at www.adventuresmart.org.nz At the very least, tell a friend or family member where you are going and date and time they should raise the alarm if you haven’t returned. 3. Be aware of the weather New Zealand’s weather can be highly unpredictable. Check the forecast and expect weather changes. Check track, hut conditions and tides. Beware of rivers – if in doubt STAY OUT. 4. Know your limits Challenge yourself within your physical limits and experience. Take a bushcraft or survival course with the Mountain Safety Council and learn or improve your skills in navigation or river crossing. 5. Take sufficient supplies Take enough food, clothing, equipment and emergency rations for the worst-case scenario. Carry an appropriate means of emergency communication such as a Mountain Radio or Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). Remember cell phone coverage is non-existent in some areas. Tell Someone Your Plans Perhaps the most important and often overlooked rule is rule number two ‘Tell Someone Your Plans’. If you didn’t return from your walk or tramp, would anybody know? If your loved ones did report you overdue – what would they tell the Search Right: A group on a day walk from Mt Cook. Far right: Crossing a bridge. Below opposite page: Mountain safety on a nice day.

Above: Walking on a wide track near Mt cook.

and Rescue team? Would they know where you had gone or which route you were planning on taking? Before heading out, tell someone you trust your plans. Providing detailed information such as where you are going, where you plan to stay and what equipment you are carrying is invaluable to search and rescue teams and can vastly improve your chances of being rescued quickly. Use the simple tools on www.adventuresmart.org.nz to tell someone your plans and if you don’t return, this information can be passed on to the authorities. Remember to take a personal locator beacon if you are heading into remote areas. Ensure it is registered. Always keep it on your person in case you get separated from your pack and only use in an emergency. Consider hiring or purchasing a satellite communication device such as SPOT or inReach. This enables the user to communicate to their contacts that they are okay, but running late or had a change of plan. So whatever walking adventure you decide to undertake, make sure you plan and prepare for a safe trip. For more information about how to discover more safety this summer check out the Mountain Safety Council’s Facebook page (facebook.com/NZMSC) or visit www.mountainsafety.org.nz.

www.adventuresmart.org.nz | www.mountainsafety.org.nz

5 www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

simple rules to help you stay safe:

Before you go into the outdoors get familiar with New Zealand’s Outdoor Safety Code


Plan your trip


Tell someone


Be aware of the weather


Know your limits


7DNH VXIÀFLHQW VXSSOLHV Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Overseas Walk

River Torrens Linear Park Trail


From the beachside suburb of Henley Beach to Paradise in South Australia’s city of Adelaide, the River Torrens Linear Park is the ideal choice for families and those looking for a leisurely walk, run or cycle. The trail runs right through the city centre, passing the Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide Convention Centre and Adelaide Zoo, providing an oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Users can pick up the path at countless spots, however the city section – near Elder Park – is generally the most popular option. Featuring level, bitumen paths, the River Torrens Linear Trail is ideal for all fitness levels and perfect for families with small children. Many people choose to stop half-way along the banks of the River for a picnic or to feed the ducks. Bridges are dotted along the length of the trail, enabling users to cross the River and loop back to their starting point. The River Torrens Linear Park provides a valuable habitat for birds. A variety of trees and shrubs provide cover for many bird species, with the waterway and its lower life forms providing a source of food. If you don’t have your own bicycle you can hire one from Linear Park Bicycle Hire, located in Elder Park by the Torrens Lake.

Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

Above top: The shared pathway beside the Adelaide CBD. Above: The pathway crosses the dam on the River Torrens to make a small lake. Right: The river is very small after passing through the dam. Below: The walking track beside the river.


New Zealand Walks

Minister opens new Sutherland Falls Track


o mark 125 years of the Milford Track in the Fiordland National Park, Conservation Minister Dr Nick Smith opened the new track to one of New Zealand's highest waterfalls as part of commemorations late last year. "This 1.4 kilometres of new track through some of the most spectacular and rugged terrain in New Zealand opens up access to the awe-inspiring Sutherland Falls. The cascading 580-metre waterfall is one of New Zealand's natural wonders and is an integral part of the Milford Great Walk experience," Dr Smith says. "The track was closed more than a year ago due to a large rockfall triggered by heavy rainfall. The new $390,000 track includes two new 40-metre suspension bridges across the upper Arthur River. “This season also marks 125 years of tourism on the 53kilometre Milford Track since the route between Lake Te Anau and Milford Sound was pioneered by Quintin Mackinnon for the Otago Survey Department in 1888. "In 1908 the Milford Track was coined 'the finest walk in the world' and today Milford remains one of the most popular of DOC's nine Great Walks.� The track sees as many as 17,500 people experience Milford each year. More than 6,000 of these are independent walkers, who stay in well-equipped DOC huts. About a third of these are New Zealanders and two-thirds international visitors. Tourism on the Milford Track is estimated to be worth up to $35 million to the New Zealand economy each year, with the lion's share (about $20 million) benefitting the southern lakes region. "My message to every New Zealander is to put the Milford Great Walk on their must-do list. There is no better walk anywhere in the world and it has just got better with the new Sutherland Falls track," Dr Smith says.


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


My Favourite Walk

Twilight Bay

Looking south along 90 mile beach from Scotts Point. Opposite page right: Twighlight Bay, with pagoda in mid ground. Opposite page left: Pagoda and south end Twighlight Bay. Below left: Crossing farmland with the carpark on the ridge in the background.


By Brenda Greene

A quick climb to the top of Scotts Point, then an hour or so of sky breathless and clear. A 90 minute 4WD drive flat-tack with the mid-tide dropping. A quick stop at Maunganui undulating track through Manuka and Kanuka scrub, most no more Bluff Scenic Reserve where streaming wave crests race up than shoulder high. Passive paper wasps scrape wood from the board walk for their fissures lined with bull kelp, and explode into foam. Expanses of nests, and locusts and crickets somersault off the track. Cola coloured sky, sand, sea. pools form in low lying areas, created by the At the northern end of 90 Mile brown tannins of decaying leaves. Suddenly, Fact file Beach, a lone pair of New Zealand around a low knoll, the southern end of Twilight Dotterel and the slow recovery of Driving on 90 Mile Beach Bay. Toheroa. The Hole in the Rock, then Allow 90-120 minutes from Awanui Part of the New Zealand walkway, (Te Araroa creamy dunes, their leading edge 4WD on wet sand on a mid to dropping tide Trail) there are toilets and a large shaded picnic ensnared in a net of native pingao and Take a spade, tow rope and sacks pagoda accessed via wooden steps at the southern spinifex. Wash your vehicle including undercarriage end of the beach. If the tide is high you can We parted company with our driver Exit via Te Paki Stream. meet your driver here and walk inland back to a here, who returned via Te Paki Stream, carpark. If the tide is suitable, meet instead at to leave the vehicle in a carpark off the northern end of the beach and walk inland back to another carpark. the road to Cape Reinga. Descend to the beach via a large, boggy and actively eroding slip. White, white sand, backed by steep salmon orange and pink consolidated dunes. The surf rolls in relentlessly, seven breaking waves curling, pounding then hissing at your feet. On the high tide line of bull kelp, postbreeding flocks of up to 50 juvenile New Zealand Dotterel dart after sand hoppers. A good 40 minutes later, an orange square marks the track inland over the dunes. There are more choices here - a return via Cape Maria van Diemen, or a more coastal route to another inland ridge

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Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 194 --2014 2014 Walking


MyOverseas FavouriteWalks Walk

adding up to another 90 minutes. An hour over the dunes - hard underfoot, with scattered midden and stone working archaeological sites. We found obsidian chiselled into knife points, rounded Greywacke scrapers and bone remains. All are protected by law and can not be disturbed or removed from the area without permission from the Historic Places Trust. The track meanders alongside then crosses an extensive freshwater inlet of Oioi and Raupo (Bulrush). Whitebait dart amongst the parrots feather. Fantails chip overhead. The carpark seems tantalisingly close but is still a good hour’s walk up and over lush but uneven farm paddocks. None of the electric fences were live. It is easy walking - our party ranged in age from eight to 70 something and we finally reached our vehicle 4-5 hours from Scott‘s Point.


Autumn is ideal - the weather was warm and settled, and with summer past, we saw no one else the entire trip. As the tide was high, we could not return via the Te Paki sand dunes, so we drove 10 minutes north to Cape Reinga. The lighthouse, inked against the setting sun, marked the restless white-capped meeting of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The Three Kings Islands smudged the yellowing horizon with purple grey. A rising breeze lifted the heads Pohutukawa. And as we drove the two hours back to Kaitaia, we imagined this sunset colouring the white sands and salmon dunes of Twilight Bay. Coastal birds seen include: Pied shag, Southern Black-backed Gull, Red-billed gull, Pied Stilts, New Zealand Dotterel, Banded Dotterel, Caspian Tern and White Fronted Tern.

Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


My Favourite Walk



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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

Above: The Riverside Walk information sign. Right: The Mangaokewa Track.

By Keith and Judy Hitchcock



he Mangaokewa Reserve is a delightful family walk along the banks of the Mangaokewa River, just south of Te Kuiti. Easily reached at the end of a sign posted road just five minutes south of the town on the road to Benneydale (SH30), the walk leaves from the road end. Here there is a large car park, picnic spot and camping area, ideal for a family or group outing. There are many swimming spots here as well all overlooked by the imposing limestone bluff. The road in travels beneath the Waitete Viaduct which is of historic significance, being one of the earliest iron viaducts constructed in this country. Being 135 metres long and 35 metres above the Waitete Stream, it is easily missed on the drive in but not on the way out. The walk itself begins across the swing bridge from the car park. It turns right and follows the river through large stands of native trees, including Tawa, Rimu and Totara. Do not take the steps that lead up to the left just after you start – these lead to a track for those daring folk who like to climb, and the impressive limestone cliffs that dominate this area are popular with climbers. There are two sign posted picnic sites accessible from the track, making it an ideal walk for all. Those who want to rest can - at one of these spots - and those who want the exercise can move on. After around twenty minutes, there is a turn off for a two minute walk to cascades, an impressive fall of water which could possibly be entitled to be called a waterfall. Returning to the main track, continue on for a further 20 – 25 minutes to reach the waterfalls. These are not as impressive as the cascades so be prepared to be disappointed. However the walk through stands of native bush and Nikau Palms is worth it as you listen to, and look for, the native birds that abound, principally our native Wood Pigeon, Tui and Bell Bird. The North Island Robin has been released into this area of bush, having been transferred from the Pureora Forest. These delightful birds are friendly and inquisitive and you will likely be able to have a conversation with one on your walk. The track is easy but liable to be a bit muddy after rain. There are a couple of small climbs that are inevitable when following a river but these are of little consequence. Allow one hour fifteen minutes to the waterfall and return. www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

My favourite Walk



Above right: The track through Nikau Palms. Left: A pretty cascade. Below: The sign says it all. Right: A North Island Robin.


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014



Walking beneath the stars for charity By Andrew Healey


n the 30th of November, after 18 months’ planning, the first Walking Stars half-marathon took place in Auckland City. Its purpose was to raise money for the Cancer Society of New Zealand. Unlike conventional marathons, though, Walking Stars


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

was a night-time event. Last year, I spoke with the organiser, Mel Lloyd, during the planning stage. Mel is from England and had enjoyed night-time marathons overseas. Upon coming to New Zealand, she discovered there were no such events here. So, applying her experience in event planning and fundraising, Mel decided to organise one herself. Now that Walking Stars has happened, I chatted with Mel again to see how it went. “It went down so well,” says Mel. “There were nearly 2000 walkers and, so far, we’ve raised almost $300,000. We’ll know the final figure when fundraising finishes at the end of January.” All the money, she says, will go to the Cancer Society of New Zealand. Mel says they were very lucky with the weather. “It had been blowing like crazy all day, but at about five o’clock, the wind and rain just stopped and the clouds cleared… it was perfect.” Walking Stars is non-competitive and, as the name suggests, a walking half-marathon. Though for a serious cause, the event is also about having a good time — participants are encouraged to dress up in anything that’s shiny and bright. On the night of Walking Stars, Mel says many people had lights sewn into their clothing.

At seven o’clock, a pre-walk party hosted by main sponsor, The Breeze, kicked off proceedings. It was necessary to have the party first due to the variable times participants would be arriving home (the first walker took two-and-a-half hours, while the last arrived home in five hours). There was a warm-up session after the party with a personal trainer. “She was a lot of fun and got everyone going,” says Mel. Lastly, not forgetting the event’s purpose, there was a oneminute silence to remember loved ones. Participants walked a 21-kilometre loop, which started and finished at Auckland Domain and passed by Ponsonby, Westhaven and the Viaduct. There were spot prizes as well as a Capture the moment photo competition. “People just loved walking at night,” says Mel. “I had so many emails from people saying how much they enjoyed themselves and that they’ll be back next year.” Mel says everyone was well received, especially on the waterfront. “People were coming out of bars and restaurants clapping as walkers passed by.” After 18 months’ planning, Mel says it was a fantastic feeling seeing everyone finish and knowing everything had gone smoothly. She is very thankful to the almost 150 volunteers (most were there on the day) who helped make the event a reality. Due to the success first time around, Mel says a date of the 22nd of November 2014 has already been set for the next Walking Stars — “There’ll be more people and even more entertainment next time.” For more infor mation visit: www.walkingstars.org.nz www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz


Kauri Run turns 10

Far left: A happy trio. Above left: Entrant 2598 on the event. Above: A happy group with balloons. Below photos: Yellow T-Shirts were the colour for the night.

Almost 300 entrants from five countries took part in the 10th Great Cranleigh Kauri Run, in Coromandel in November, where they achievied far more than good health and personal goals. For every competitor who lined up for the race across the Coromandel Peninsula’s Central Divide, this unique event quite literally plants a new Kauri tree. In the 10 years since it was founded by Coromandel event organisers Keith Stephenson and Andy Reid, the Great Cranleigh Kauri Run has planted more than 2800 Kauri seedlings. Starting at Waikawau Beach on the rugged Pacific Coast, the Great Cranleigh Kauri Run traverses the Coromandel ranges to finish at Coromandel Township on the Hauraki Gulf. Along the way competitors experienced 32km of native bush, stream crossing and over 800 vertical metres of climbing. Much of the course is on private land, which means competitors got to see parts of the Coromandel not typically open to the public. While the traditional 32k Classic is the feature event, in recent years organisers have introduced options over 13k, 23k and even 70k. “We wanted the event to be more inclusive across all types of runners and walkers,” says event organiser Andy Reid. “The 13k Kauri Crossing is a great intro to trail running and the 23k Kauri Demi-Marathon is a good step up to completing the 32k Kauri Classic.” Introduced in 2011, the 70k ultra starts from Fletcher Bay at the top of Coromandel Peninsula and takes the Northern Coromandel Walkway down through Three Stones Bay to Waikawau Beach where they join the normal 32k Kauri Run for the remainder of their journey.

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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Overseas Walks

Hiking Italy’s Dolomites ‘King of the Alps’

Walks are in alpine meadows and round perched lakes in the beautiful Dolomites.

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Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 194 --2014 2014 Walking


Overseas Walks



Walking WalkingNew NewZealand, Zealand,issue issueno no194 194--2013 2014

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Overseas Walks

‘King of the Alps’ By Jill Grant Jill is an Auckland based journalist and photographer


he peaks of the Dolomites in northern Italy are unique in their formation and striking presence, unlike the French, Swiss and any other alps in the world save those in Sicily’s Aeolian Islands. The white rock mountain faces are called the Pearls of the Dolomites. These almost vertiginous, craggy granite peaks thrust spectacularly skywards from forested ridges and a soft landscape of luxuriant green meadows. Swirling clouds and mists shroud their tops and an iridescent blue sky accentuates their brightness. Alongside this dramatic scenery is the cultural side of Italian and Austrian influences. The Dolomites region was under Austrian rule for 500 years before ceding to Italy last century. Just to confuse the visitor, towns and villages have two official names, one in Italian and one in Austrian, like Toblach and Dobbiaco,

Below: The near vertical peaks are the backdrop for walkers in Italy's Dolomites.

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Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 194 - 2014 - 2014 Walking


Overseas Walks

Above: Pretty flower be-decked houses are the pride of the Dolomites.

using a mixture of private transfers and local transport to get to the best of the numerous trails that link mountains, valleys, lakes and villages. The starting point of pretty Niederdorf is the quintessential Dolomites village of just 1,000 population with its cluster of houses, village church and town square. It still has an agricultural base and is not driven by tourism. A short transfer away is the idyllic Pragser Wildsee, a lake in whose crystal clear turquoise waters the white stone walls of the Seekofels Mountains are reflected. A nice trail leaves the lake and you walk into the Prags Valley with its dark-needled coniferous forests and alpine pasture, to reach the high plateau of Above: Mountain 'refugios' are located in stunning locations in the Dolomites. Below right: The near vertical Tre Cime are a challenge to climbers and a spectacle for walkers.

Niederdorf and Villabassa. Houses are cutesy Austrian style: chocolate brown, cuckoo clock type houses be-decked with colourful, flower boxes. Food is a fusion of both nationalities with strudel, polenta and goulash common place on menus. Try the ‘casunziel’, a delicious local ravioli stuffed with a mixture of red beets or spinach and served with melted butter, sprinkled with poppy seeds and smoked ricotta cheese. The ‘canederli’ are equally as mouthwatering being a gnocchi enriched with bacon or cheese, brushed with melted butter and sage, then served in broth. It’s food to hike a mountain. There’s little public transport in the Dolomites area so a weeklong walk is planned www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 194 -- 2014 2014 Walking

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Overseas Walks

Hiking Italy’s Dolomites - “King of the Alps”

Above: First sightings of a smouldering Tre Cime. Below right: Colourfully decorated houses of the Italian Dolomites. Below left: The ‘Tre Cime’ or ‘Drei Zinnan’ is one of the best walks in the Dolomites


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 194--2014 2014

the Plätzwiese. On successive days, walks in alpine pasture amongst unusual flora and natural lakes in the Fanes Sennes Prags, the largest nature park in the Dolomites, are some of the most popular hiking areas in Italy. The magnificent mountain scenery is a permanent feature. A descent through a rocky forested valley on a hiking and biking trail brings you to Cortina d’Ampezzo, the largest and most incredibly sited town in the Dolomites. This international resort rests in its own amphitheatre of mountains made up of the Mietres, Faloria and Cristallo ranges. The impressive view from the breakfast room was across the lush d’Ampezzo valley to the most famous women’s downhill ski run, the equivalent of what the Hanenkamm in Kitzbuhel is for men. This run established Cortina as the most important ski resort in the Dolomites. In summer the chairlifts and cable cars whisk walkers from the town centre up to trails in alpine meadows and round perched lakes in the heart of the mountains. At night Cortina is lively with restaurants and bars for those with enough energy left to enjoy it. The most memorable day is the hike up to the Tre Cime (three peaks), also known as the

Drei Zinnan, probably the most famous rock formation of the Dolomites. The steep hike up to the Refugio Drei Zinnan, one of the 50 plus mountain huts scattered amongst the area, takes around three hours. It starts at Lake Landro where there is a wooden replica of the Tre Cime on a plaque. Plotted on this replica are the routes of climbers who have risked all to conquer them. The most incredible is that of four German climbers in 1963, who scaled the face of the tallest centre pinnacle in the depth of winter sheltering in caves in the sheer rock face to escape inexorable weather. The Tre Cime progressively grow in grandeur the higher and closer you climb till you reach the hut. It’s a bit like walking the Tongariro Crossing for the first time to discover something unique and special. The refugios offer excellent meals in stunning locations so should your mind turn away from the vista to food you can partake a tasty lunch of typical dishes at the Drei Zinnan Refugio. Once you’ve soaked up the spectacle at the top, skirt the massif of the Tre Cime, then ascend to lovely Lake Misurina. Bike trails also abound and a weeklong bike


Overseas Walks

Fact file GRADE: Moderate to energetic. Although some walks have steep longish climbs they can be done in reverse, however downhill is often over loose gravel, stones and rocks. Option to shorten walks on some of the days plus a couple of walks are flat and easy. Ankle support boots a ‘must’ and a hiking pole helpful;. WHEN TO GO: Walking and cycling tours operate every Saturday May to end of September. HOW TO GET THERE: Train from Munich an Vienna to Toblach or a private transfer can be arranged from Venice of Cortina d’Ampezzo. COST: 8 days walking package from $1,257 per person share twin. Includes: 7 nights accommodation in charming 2/3* hotels and 1 refugio; breakfast daily; luggage transfers; public a& private transportation to and from start and end points of walks; walking notes and over-marked route maps; local representative. CONTACT: To receive brochures call A Walker’s World – Ph 09 4867473 or info@walkworld.co.nz INFORMATION: www.cycling-europe.com www.walkersworld.co.nz

Below: Handicrafts festoon houses and depict local life.


tour leads from village to village through the valleys of the Dolomites and the Prosecco hills from Toblach to Venice. Weather is changeable so flexibility to change days is an advantage. An unseasonal snow fall in October put paid to a hike on the plateau above Cortina which was replaced with local visits around Cortina. One in particular was to the museum to learn the history of the area and discover that the charm of the Dolomites is the blend of nature with traditions and crafts that have endured for centuries and are still a part of everyday life.

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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


* SOUTHERN ALPS * SWISS ALPS * ITALIAN LAKES * Above: The Cortina d’Ampezzo is the jewel of the Dolomites situated in a natural amphitheatre of mountains.





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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014



Small group walking adventures across the globe in 2014 Vanuatu (May/Jun) 6 islands in one awesome adventure! Mongolian Adventure (Jul/Aug) Naadam Festival, remote trekking, Gobi Desert Niue (July) A week on the ‘Rock of Polynesia’ England (Jul/Aug) Easy walking & canal boating Greece (Sep/Oct) Walking on the mainland & Crete Highlights of NSW (Sep/Oct) Wonderful spring tramping circuit Patagonia (Nov/Dec) Southern Chile & Argentina encompassed


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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014



Ecosanctuaries Ecosanctuaries: Communities building a future for New Zealand’s threatened ecologies is a thoroughly researched guide on how ecosanctuaries have been set up, and on their aspirations to transform attitudes to the conservation of New Zealand’s threatened life-forms. Drawing on the experience of the people who have established the six largest fenced ecosanctuaries in New Zealand, the book asks what it will take to sustain these projects into a distant future. The answers reveal the strategies that are being used to ensure the social, economic and government support that these vulnerable ecologies depend on. ‘Upholding ecological aspirations and being economically and socially sustainable has proved to be a difficult balancing act,’ says coauthor Cohn Campbell-Hunt. High levels of community commitment can even be used to justify a lowering of government support. This ongoing tension, and the ways in which different ecosanctuaries have navigated it, is revealed in detail in this enlightening study. Ecosanctuaries is a valuable resource for those involved in the ecosanctuary movement and for people involved in the hundreds of smaller conservation projects who find themselves facing similar issues. The late Diane Campbell-Hunt, who did the groundwork for this book, was a leading ecologist and botanist. She was two years into a study of the long-term sustainability of ecosanctuaries when she was tragically killed in a tramping accident. Her husband, Cohn, undertook to bring Diane’s work to fruition. ‘I determined to complete the work for her sake, and for the many people who had contributed to her research,’ says Cohn.


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

Among Secret Beauties ‘Among Secret Beauties’ is a memoir of mountaineering in New Zealand and the Himalayas by Brian Wilkins. Climbing entered the world stage in the 1950s. This was the era that produced not only Sir Edmund Hillary but a strong body of world-class New Zealand climbers. In this important and dramatic book, Brian Wilkins, who was part of the adventure, shares his experiences of climbing in the Southern Alps and the Himalayas. During the New Zealand Alpine Club expedition to the Himalayas in 1954, the year after Everest, Wilkins was the climber most closely associated with Hillary. Hillary’s two narrow escapes from death during the expedition saw Wilkins in a unique position to gauge the character and actions of this legendary figure at a formative stage in the famous climber’s career. Wilkins’ New Zealand climbing includes the first ascent of the northeast ridge of Mt Aspiring, a gripping drama of survival and human endurance and a test of the ethics of mountaineering. In this account he also submits the writings of his contemporaries to robust critical attention, writing with warm gentle humour, honesty and insight. The dramatic stories are beautifully told, accompanied with stunning phots. About the author: Brian Wilkins retired in 1988 from a career lecturing in pharmaceutical chemistry. He has been a keen tramper and climber all his life. Brian is the father of Damien Wilkins, Director of the International Institute of Modern Letters at Victoria University of Wellington. www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Around The Clubs

Waipu Caves By Maxine Stringer Dargaville Tramping Group

Well, well, well, what an exciting and glorious day we had. I’ll get to the start of the day by saying we departed Dargaville all keen to go over to the Waipu Cave, situated off State Highway 1, south of Whangarei. 9 car loads headed to the start of the DOC track for the tramp to begin. The others met us at the parking area of the Waipu Caves. The DOC track to start with, has a bit to be desired. From the road you need a running start to get up the bank to get to the first lot of steps. The other option was to pick an angle and pretend you were walking across a sand dune and push your feet in the fine gravel to stop yourself sliding back down the bank. Up the steps and over the stile and straight up the hill. There was no easier way. The orange round DOC posts were in reasonable order, there were a couple that had fallen over but you could easily glance and find the next one. Half of the tramp was over farm land, and yes, we did have bulls in the same paddock as ourselves at one point, we both kept an eye on each

Above left: A group by the caves. Above right: Entering the Waipu Caves.

other. They kept their distance and we kept ours. We then climbed another stile and entered the bush section. A welcome relief for the ones feeling the heat. Believe me, when you climb a few hills and the sun is shining down on you, you tend to warm up nicely. It was evident we were getting ■ close to the caves because there were fascinating sights of various lime stone rocks. These rocks were a great sight. We decided to have lunch next. It was interesting listening to Jan talk about her recent event, the New York Marathon. How cool is that I thought. It was also good catching up with Viv who has just come back from the lower South Island after a weeks tramping every day. Anyway time to move on, and get ourselves geared up with head lamps and torches. Before we entered the cave we had a group photo. There were a few folk missing from the photo, but all up there were 40 of us. As you enter the cave you scramble down, and at this stage it’s ok because you have the

light from the cave entrance to help you see the way. But after that it becomes pitch black very quickly. We all took our time and marvelled at the stalactites and stalagmites and glow worms. You could get up close and personal with the glow worms. I witnessed a small flying bug get stuck in the glow worms thread and the glow worm wriggle down the thread to get it. We were treated to a group abseiling, entering through an opening from the outside and down into the cave. A small group from our lot went further along and followed the flow of the water, under some low rocks which opened up into a another big cave. It was nice and cool inside the cave. Graham had his GPS smartphone and I can officially tell you we tramped two hours, covered 8.7 km, and just in case you want to know, we used 519 calories doing it. We actually put more than that on because Michelle G did some baking and we enjoyed eating her truffles and fruit cake. Photos by Viv and Graham and Michelle. To the folks that haven’t been on many of our tramps and found this one a wee bit tiring, please don’t let that put you off. Unfortunately all tramps have hills, the only different is the degree of how high and how steep and how many. Remember the reward for getting to the top, those amazing views we have come to love and appreciate.

Below right: Time for lunch.

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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


High achiever

New York City Marathon 2014 – not just for runners! N ew Zealand’s walkers could be missing out on an exceptional opportunity to take part in the New York marathon this year, because they think the event is aimed at runners. However, approximately 20%-30% of our entrants actually walk, and an even greater percentage combine walking and running. This is a message that Auckland-based Marathon World Travel are keen to emphasise in order to encourage more Kiwi walkers to take up the challenge! Marathon World Travel’s managing director Judy Wolff explains, “We receive many enquiries from walkers who are interested in overseas marathons, but are concerned that they’ll be ‘looked down on’ by the runners or the organisers. I’m here to tell you that that’s simply not the case! The figures speak for themselves; the organisers want walkers there.” In fact, marathon organisers are so keen to attract walkers that they frequently offer a choice of distances. For example, the Great Wall of China event has full-marathon, halfmarathon or 8.5 km options. Just as marathons are not just for runners, nor are they just for the young. New York 2013’s oldest participant was 89 year old Colin Thorne from Whangarei. It was Colin’s 47th marathon, and he came in with a most respectable time of 6 hours 31 minutes. “New York 2013 was my favourite event so far!” says Colin. “The atmosphere was amazing, and my daughter went round with me which made it so much fun.” Judy Wolff confirms that many of her marathon clients are there for the atmosphere and experience, rather than the competitive aspect. Indeed, she even had a mother and daughter at The ING New York City Marathon who stopped for a coffee half-way round, but still managed a time of about 7 hours 30 minutes! For anyone considering their first marathon, Colin Thorne has these simple words of advice. “Take it seriously, do the training. Develop a solid routine and stick to it. The last 10 km are always the hardest – but you’ll get there, and you’ll feel great when you do.” This inspirational gentleman has no immediate plans to quit marathons. He confirms that Rotorua on 3rd May will be his 50th event. Spaces for the TCS New York Marathon 2014 are strictly limited. To find out more, please visit www.marathons.co.nz or phone Judy Wolff on (09) 479 7589. www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

By Judy Wolff Travel planner and a seasoned marathon competitor.

Colin Thorne proudly holding the New Zealand flag after the New York 2013 marathon.

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Contact: Judy Wolff Phone 09 479 7589 - Mobile 0274 446 190 - Email Judyw@travelmanagers.co.nz

WWW.MARATHONS.CO.NZ TAANZ Bonded Agent IATA Accredited Agent

Walking WalkingNew NewZealand, Zealand,issue issueno no194 194 -- 2014 2014

41 41

Short Walk Event

Manawatu to host first walking festival


he popularity of Walking Festivals both nationally and internationally has continued to grow of late, and thanks to a team of enthusiastic businesses, organisations and individuals, Manawatu will be hosting its very first three-day festival early this year. The Manawatu Walking Festival runs over the weekend of 28th February – 2nd March 2014 and although the concept of a walking festival

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is not new, this one has a unique point of difference to offer its walkers. Volunteers that share common interests with the walkers will host participants in the Festival on various walks. So, walkers that have a keen interest in birdlife and photography will ideally be placed in a group that is led by a host with a vast knowledge in both. By doing this, walkers will not only enjoy a hosted walk, they may for example also learn more about local history, photography, native birds and Maori legends. Frank Goldingham, of Walking New Zealand Magazine, brought together a working group to create the Manawatu Walking Festival. “Manawatu offers an outstanding variety of walks and hikes” says Frank, “combining a sample of some of our best and putting them together for a three day event, opens up these walks to both locals and visitors alike.” The Festival has walks for all ages and fitness levels, with plenty to choose from

including the iconic Manawatu Gorge Track through native bush, a twilight beach walk between Foxton and Himatangi, and an urban art and sculpture walk to soak up the City culture. The trip along the newly upgraded track to Rangiwahia Hut is sure to be a draw card, and for a more relaxed adventure, there is even a vineyard tour complete with wine tasting and a farm walk. One of the many highlights of the weekend will be the ‘Fireside Welcome’ event, which will be held in the courtyard at Te Manawa on the first night of the Festival. The organisers of the Manawatu Walking Festival include Destination Manawatu, New Zealand Walking Magazine, DOC, Forest and Bird, Sport Manawatu, Te Manawa and Horizons Regional Council. You can find more information on the Festival and register for walks at: www.mwf.org.nz. Above left: The Fern Walk near Totara Reserve. Above middle: There will be a fireside welcome in the evening. Above left: An award winning vineyard and farm walk is planned for Sunday. Below left: The popular cafe at the end of the Manawatu Gorge. Below right: The Branch Walkway at Pohangina with great views.


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014



Where have the children gone? by Gary Moller

Dip Ph Ed PG

Dip Rehab PG Dip Sport Med (Otago) FCE Certified


hether we are riding our bikes, hiking a hill, walking around our suburb, or competing in some kind of race, what really hits me is the lack of young people. Within half an hour of school finishing, the frantic rush of SUV’s is over and the streets are as good as deserted of youth, other than a handful hanging around the local superette. Where have all the children gone? Where are all the teenagers? Its as if they have quickly scurried away to the safety of their burrows. My impression is that the ACTIVE participants in outdoors activities - be they recreational or competitive - are mostly greying adults. When we compete in a r unning or mountain bike race nowadays, the junior grades are definitely in the minority. When hiking, it is mostly retirees who we meet along the way - rarely do we see youngsters. I don’t know about you but this trend is disturbing: It is disturbing because it signals we are witnessing the death of the traditional Kiwi outdoors lifestyle. It is disturbing because it signals deteriorating health as soft children get old:. It is disturbing because it signals the end of New Zealand’s proud tradition of excellence in outdoors sport. We are following in the footsteps of Australia. Case in point: New Zealand once all but dominated middle and long distance running. No longer is this the case. Number of Sub2:10 Men Marathon performers in 2013: Kenya 79, Ethiopia 47, Japan 7, Eritrea 4, Uganda 3, Morocco 2, South Africa 2, Qatar 1, USA 1, France 1, Brazil 1 and Spain 1. Thanks for the list, www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

Gavin Stevens. Where is New Zealand and Australia? The UK? The US looks pathetic, despite its wealth and numbers. Is their sole sub 2:10 runner an African import? Its great to see Japan, with its proud love affair with the marathon, still managing to hang in there. While there may be a strong genetic factor running through these ranks, I think the overriding factor is the way children are being raised in developed countries. After all; if you argue it is the African gene, well there are millions of people of African descent in countries like the US, UK, France and Germany, to name some. The real differences are less than genetic. A soft Developed World upbringing versus a hard and often desperate one in a 3rd World country. Plus a calorie rich - nutrient poor Western diet that produces fragile blobs, rather than lean, muscled athletes. Plus the ubiquitous computer and gaming console that results in loss of limb function, other than the thumb. Plus the motor car. Plus “Stranger Danger”. Plus the quad bike on the farm. Plus the incredibly versatile hydraulic digger. Plus fear-mongering of the dangerous outdoors, including fear of the sun. Then there is “Helicopter” parenting, driven by an irrational fear of everything! I believe we can see similar patterns within New Zealand with regards to the production

of first class rugby players. In the Wellington Region I can’t see many (if any) emerging players coming out of the Central City suburbs: The wealth of new talent that keeps the All Blacks on top and which enriches the Australian NRL is from places like Wainuiomata and Porirua - not Kelburn, Brooklyn. So, what’s the solution? · Reject fast foods and get back to preparing foods daily from their basic ingredients. · Reduce reliance on the motor car. Walk, walk, walk - and ride a bike most other times. · Walk children to and from child care or school and regardless of the weather. · Restrict computer and gaming console use: Just an hour after school, then outside to play. · Insist on shared physical family chores such as weeding the garden. · Encourage neighbourhood play. · Reject the “Stranger Danger” myth. The more people on the streets the safer it is for all. · Accept that a child getting dirty, lumps, bumps and bruises are part and parcel of a healthy upbringing. Easier said than done. · Streets need to be designed to be pedestrian and cycle friendly. · Where and how we live needs to be physically designed so that people are brought together as Getty image communities - not isolated in their private boxes. · Work needs to be more family friendly so that parents have more time with children, in less of a rush and less exhausted. · Fear sells (Better than sex). We need to reject the beating up of FEAR to sell products, to raise money (Think: The war on cancer) and control behaviour. Walking Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 194 -- 2014 2014

43 43

Coming Events


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COMING EVENTS We obtain information for this column from a large number of sources up to two years in advance and sometimes there are date changes etc that occur. If there are any changes in dates etc, we ask clubs to advise us direct.

1 Kaweka Mountain Marathon 50km, 36km, 19km 7km, Kuripapango, Hastings 1 Mount Oxford Odyssey 18km, Oxford 1 Podium Offroad Marathon & 10km, Tauranga 1 Frontrunner Series, 10km & 5km, Ashburton 4 Eastside 5km Run/Walk Series 5km, Hamilton 4 State Beach series 5km & 2.5km, Takapuna 4 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 5 Porirua 5km Series, Porirua 5 Smiths Sports Shoes Owai 5km,& 2.5km, Auckland 6 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 9 Pukekohe Half Marathon & 6km, Pukekohe 9 Trust House Summer Series 16km 4km & 2km, Masterton 11 Eastside 5km Run/Walk Series 5km, Hamilton 11 State Beach series 5km & 2.5km, Takapuna 11 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 12 Porirua 5km Series, Porirua 12 Smiths Sports Shoes Owai 5km,& 2.5km, Auckland 13 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 18 Eastside 5km Run/Walk Series 5km, Hamilton 18 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km

Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 18 State Beach Series 5km & 2.5km, Takapuna 19 Porirua 5km Series, Porirua 19 Smiths Sports Shoes Owai 5km,& 2.5km, Auckland 20 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 22 Bedrock 50, 52km, Oxford 22 New Balance Great Lake Realay 155km & 67km, Taupo 22 Shotover Moonlight Mountain Marathon, Half Marathon,10km & 5km, Queenstown 22 The Colville ConnectionMarathon, Half Marathon & 10km, Coromandel 23 AMI Round the Bays, Half Marathon & 10km, Wellington 23 Waiuku Rotary Sunset Coast 4 Farm walks, Waiuku 23 CBD Stampede 8km, Dunedin 23 Stirling Sports Half Marathon & 11km, Auckland 23 Trust House Summer Series 10km, 7km, 4km & 2km, Greytown 25 Eastside 5km Run/Walk Series 5km, Hamilton 25 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 25 State Beach series 5km & 2.5km, Takapuna 26 Smiths Sports Shoes Owai 5km,& 2.5km, Auckland 26 Porirua 5km Series, Porirua 27 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 28 Manawatu Walking Festival, Palmerston North

MARCH 2014 1-2 Manawatu Walking Festival, Palmerston North 1 The Yak Run/Walk, Seddon 1 Waiheke Round Island 100km Relay, Waiheke Island 1,2, 3 Sea Sky and Bush Walk, Central Hawkes Bay 2 Bayles Mountain to Surf Marathon, New Plymouth 4 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 4 State Beach Series 5km & 2.5km, Takapuna 5 Smiths Sports Shoes Owai 5km,& 2.5km, Mt Roskill, Auckland 5 Porirua 5km Series, Porirua 6 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 8 Motatapu Off Road Marathon, Miners Trail Run/Walk 15km, 49km Adventure Run, Queenstown area


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Coming Events 8 The Goat Adventure Run 49km, Glendhu Bay 9 Ports of Auckland Round the Bays, 8.4km, Auckland 11 Eastside 5km Run/Walk Series 5km, Hamilton 11 State Beach Series 5km & 2.5km, Takapuna 11 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 12 Porirua 5km Series, Porirua 12 Smiths Sports Shoes Owai 5km,& 2.5km, Auckland 13 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 15 Surf 2 Firth Bush Marathon and Half Marathon, Thames 15 Te Houtaewa Challenge, Kaitaia 15 Bombay Pioneers Settlers Fun Run, Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Bombay 15 Kaiteriteri Gold Half Marathon & 10km, Kaiteriteri Beach, Nelson 15 Relay For Life, Whangarei 15 Relay For Life, Henderson, Auckland 15-16 Rotorua Walking Festiva, Rotorua 16 Capital Punishment 8.3km Wellington 18 Eastside 5km Run/Walk Series 5km, Hamilton 18 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 19 Smiths Sports Shoes Owai 5km,& 2.5km, Auckland 20 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 22 Northburn 100 161km, 100km, 50km & Half Marathon, Cromwell 22 The Dual Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km & 6km, Rangototo, Auckland 23 Mt Lowry Challenge 22km & 11.8km, Days Bay, Wellington

25 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 25 Eastside 5km Run/Walk Series 5km, Hamilton 26 Smiths Sports Shoes Owai 5km,& 2.5km, Mt Roskill, Auckland 27-30 Mangawhai Walking Weekend, Mangawhai 27 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 29 Southern Lakes Half Marathon & 10km, Wanaka 29 Relay For Life, Auckland 29 Wild Turkey Off Road Marathon, Whatipu

APRIL 2014 1 Lifestyle Sports Wellington Waterfront 5km Fun Run/Walk Series, Wellington 1 Eastside 5km Run/Walk Series 5km, Hamilton 3 10k in the Auckland Domain, Auckland 5 Mokau Beach Half Marathon,10km & 6km, Mokau 5 Oxfam Trailwalker 100km, Taupo 5 Arrowsmith Highcountry Marathon, Ashburton 6 Queens Street Golden Mile, 1.6km, Auckland 12 Great Forest Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Waitarere, Levin 12 Alpine Lodge Loop the Lake, 25km, Nelson Lakes 13 Orewa Beach Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Orewa Beach 13 Specsavers Hastings Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Havelock North 15 Surf 2 Firth Bush Marathon, Thames 26 Routeburn Classic 32.5km, Te Anau

MAY 2014 3 Lion Foundation Rotorua Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km & 5.5km, Rotorua 3 T42 Central Plateau Marathon, Central Plateau 4 Lions Club of South Dunedin Tairei Gorge Rail Walk, Dunedin 10 Saint Clair Vineyard Half Marathon, Blenheim 10 Atiu Creek Trail Run Marathon, Atiu Creek Regional Park 11 Sri Chinmoy Mid Year Series Half Marathon, 10km & km, Auckland

Davenport Service Centre Half Marathon & Pahiatua Travel Centre 10km Fun Run & Walk Saturday March 22nd 2014 Hosted by Bush Harrier Club

Pahiatua Walkers start 9am and runners 10am

Prize money if you break the existing course records in the Half Marathon for runners and walkers. Great place and spot prizes. Come over to Bush and experience our country hospitality! Information and entry forms:


MARCH 1, 2, 3 2014


Three days of walks

COMING EVENTS We obtain information for this column from a large number of sources up to two years in advance and sometimes there are date changes etc that occur. If there are any changes in dates etc, we ask clubs to advise us direct. www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

* Friday 28th March 2014 * Saturday 29th March 2014 * Sunday 30th March 2014

Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Coming Events

JUNE 2014 1 Christchurch Airport Marathon, Christchurch 1 Paihia Half Marathon, Paihia 1 Auroa Handicap Marathon, Upper Hutt 8 Sri Chinmoy Mid Year Series Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Auckland 14 Rustic Run & Walk, Cromwell 14 Double Rainbow Trail Run Marathon, Rotorua 22 Wellington Marathon, Wellington

22 Speights West Coaster, Auckland 29 Property Brokers Big Day at the Office Race, Methvern 29 Waiheke Trailblazer Marathon, Waiheke Island

DECEMBER 2014 6 Hanmer Holiday Homes Alpine Marathon, Hanmer Springs 13 3 Bridges Marathon, Wanganui 15 The Molesworth Run, Molesworth

JULY 2014


13 Sri Chinmoy Mid Year Series Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Auckland

AUGUST 2014 10 Sri Chinmoy Mid Year Series Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Auckland 17 5 Bridges Marathon, Lower Hutt 24 Cambridge Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Cambridge

SEPTEMBER 2014 6 Kinloch Off-Road Challenge Marathon, Taupo 7 North Shore Marathon, Auckland 13 Lydiard Legend marathon, Waitakere Ranges 14 Dunedin Marathon, Dunedin 14 Sri Chinmoy Mid Year Series Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Auckland 24 36th Cadbury Dunedin Marathon & Half Marathon, Dunedin

OCTOBER 2014 11 Great Barrier Island Wharf to Wharf, Great Barrier Island 11 Rotorua Ekiden, Rotorua 12 Wairarapa Country Marathon, Masterton 18 Xterra Trail Challenge, Waihi

NOVEMBER 2014 2 Auckland Marathon, Auckland 8 The Taniwha, Tokoroa

FEBRUARY 2014 1-3 Glen of Aherlow Winter Walking Festival, co Tipperary Ireland 8 Caboolture Historical Village Dusk to Dawn Marathon, Caboolture, Qld, Australia 9 Schoorl Run, Schoorl, Netherlands 16 Falls Creek Mountain Raid, 8km & 14km, Falls Creek, Vic, Australia 22-23 Snowy Mountains Trail Running Festival, Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Snowy Mountains, Australia 22-23 Orange Colour City Running Festival, Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Orange, Australia 23 2014 Wangaratta Marathon & Fun Runs, 10km, 5km & 2km, Wangaratta, NSW, Australia 23 Riverrun 10km & 5km, Geelong, Vic, Australia 23 Tokyo Marathon, Tokyo, Japan 28 Wangaretta National Garry Nash Wangaretta Marathon, Vic, Australia

MARCH 2014 8 Six Foot Six Track 45km, Katoomba, NSW, Australia 8 Mt Baw Baw Trail Running Festival, Mt Baw Baw, Vic, Australia 8-10 Brroks Marathon, Half Marathon, 12km,



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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

NZ No. 1 OFF ROAD EVENTS Two circuit Marathon course run/ walk Half Marathon course run/walk 10km & 5km fun run/walk

Medals for all finishers Early Bird Entry Prize Enter by Friday 29 March 2013

Visit our website: www.greatforest.org.nz Email: events@greatforest.org.nz Phone 06 368 0070 www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

Coming Events Mt Baw, Australia 9 King Island Imperial 8km to 32km, King Island, Tas, Australia 15-7 Connemara 4 Seasons Spring Walking Festival, Connemara, Ireland 16 Barcelona Marathon, Barcelona, Spain 18 Marathon de Monaco et des Riviera, Monte Carlo, Monaco 23 Convicts and Wenches 50km, 25km & 10km, Tas, Australia 23 The Great Rail Run, 10km & 17km, Mornington Peninsula, Vic, Australia 23 Twilight Running Festival, Brisbane, Qld, Australia 23 Rome Marathon, Rome, Italy 29 Roller Coast Run, Marathon, Mt Dandenong, Vic, Australia 30 Great Volcanic Mountain Challenge, Mt Canobolas, NSW, Australia 30-31 North Leitrim Glens Walking Festival, Ireland

Australia 9 North Pole Marathon, North Pole Camp, Russia 13 Paris Marathon, Paris, France 13 Bunbury 3Waters Running festival, 50km, Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km & 5km, Bunbury, Australia 13 London Marathon, London, England 13 Rotterdam Marathon, Rotterdam, Netherlands 13 Vienna Marathon, Vienna, Austria 14 Canberra Marathon, Canberra, Act, Australia 19 Great Ocean Road Marathon, Great Ocean Road, Vic, Australia 21 Boston Marathon, USA 26 Yuleba Fun Run, Marathon, Yuleba, Qld, Australia 27 The Geelong Half Marathon, Geelong, Vic, Australia 27-28 IML Two day Walk, Boras, Sweden

5.7km, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia 3-6 IML Four Day Walk, Castlebar, co Mayo Ireland 11-13 3 Marathons in 3 Days, Cairns, Qld, Australia 13 Cairns Marathon, Cairns, Qld, Australia 14 Australian Outback Marathon, Half Marathon, 11km & 6km, Ayers Rock, NT, Australia 15-18 IML Four Day Walk, Nijmegen, Netherlands 20 Winery Running Festival, Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia 20 Sri Chinmoy Princes Park Marathon, Parkville, Vic, Australia 20 Gold Rusk Marathon, Babinda Boulders, Qld, Australia 24 Australia Outback Marathon & Half Marathon, Ayers Rock, NT, Australia 26 Australian Outback Marathon, Yulara, NT, Australia

APRIL 2014

MAY 2014


3-6 Newcastles Festival of Running, Half Marathon, 10km, 5km, Newcastle, NSW, Australi 4 -5 IML Two day Walk, Gilboa, Israel 5 Buffalo Stampede Marathon, Bright, Vic, Australia 6 Milan City Marathon, Milan, Italy 6 NewRun Marathon, Newcastle, NSW,


Half Marathon & 6km Fun Run/ Walk Sunday 9th February 2014 Station Road Pukekohe Major Spot Cash Prize of $1000

Plus many other spot prizes

3-4 IML Two Day Walk, Blankenberge, Belgium 4 Stamford Financial Hilly Half Marathon, Hamilton Island 4 Mt Mee Classic Trail, Marathon, Mt Mee, Qld, Australia 5 Belfast City Marathon, Belfast, Ireland 4 Mt Mee Marathon& 10km, Dayboro, Qld, Australia 11-12 IML Two Day Walk, Wellingborough, United Kingdom 17-18 IML Two Day Walk, Bern, Switzerland 24 Warwick Pentah-Run, Marathon, Warwick, Qld, Australia 25 Jacob’s Creek Barossa Marathon, Barossa Valley, SA, Australia 29 -1 June IML Two Four Walk,Chantonnay, France

2 The Bridge Marathon, Brisbane, Qld, Australia


JUNE 2014 3 Flora Women’s Mini Marathon, Central Dublin, Irealand 8 Macleay River Marathon, Half Marathon 10km & 5km, South West Rocks, via Kempsey, NSW, Australia 15 Glow Worm Trail Marathon, Wolgan Valley, NSW, Australia 14-15 IML Two Day Walk, Diekirch, Luxemburg 27 - 29 Mourne International Walking Festival, co Antrim, Ireland 28-29 ML Two Day Walk, Viborg, Denmark 29 Pichi Richi Marathon, Port Augusta, SA, Australia

JULY 2014 Enquires: Les phone 09 238 9233 P O Box 30, Pukekohe Email: pukekohehalf@ihug.co.nz

2 Big Red Run Marathon, Simpson Desert, Qld, Australia 5-6 Gold Coast Airport Marathon, 10m &



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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


Coming Events 3 Brisbane Marathon Festival, Brisbane, Qld, Australia 3 Bush Marathon Festival, Canberra, Act, Australia 3 Townsville Running Festival, Townsville, Qld, Australia 8-10 IML Three Day Walk, Vaasa, Finland 9 Lamington Eco Challenge, Lamington National Park, Qld, Australia 12 Toowoomba Road Runners Marathon, Toowoomba, Qld, Australia 12 Bribie Island Bash, Bribie Island, Qld, Australia 17 Alice Springs Running Festival, Alice Springs, NT, Australia 17 Trail Marathon Ruinning weekend, Wagga Beach, NSW, Australia 24 Adelaide Marathon Running Festival, Adelaide, SA, Australia 31 Sunshine Coast Marathon, Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia 30-31 IML Two Day Walk,, Verdal, Norway 31 Shepperton Running Festival, Shepparton, Vic, Australia

SEPTEMBER 2014 5-7 IML Three Day Walk, Seefield, Austria 6 Spartan Race Marathon, Razorback, Australia 7 Dubbo Stampede, Dubbo, NSW, Australia 7 Ross Marathon, Ross, Tas, Australia 13-14 IML Two Day Walk, Arenzano, Italy 17 Westlink M7 Cities Marathon, Prerstons, NSW, Australia 20-21 Frankston Relay for Life Relay Marathon, Frankston, Vic, Australia 21 Blackmores Sydney Running Festival, Milsons Point, Nsw, Australia 27-28 IML Two Day Walk, Brno, Czech Republic

OCTOBER 2014 4-5 IML Two Day Walk, Fulda, Germany 4 Western Sydney Marathon, Penrith, NSW, Australia 11-12 IML Two Day Walk, Barcelona, Spain 11 Fitzroy Falls Fire Trail Marathon, Fitzroy Falls, NSW, Australia 18-19 IML Two Day Walk, Arlington, USA 25-26 IML Two Day Walk, Won-Ju, Korea 27 Dublin Marathon, Dublin, Ireland

NOVEMBER 2014 1-2 Carcoar Cup Running Festival, Carcoar, NSW, Australia 1-3 IML Three Day Walk, Higashimasuyama, Japan 2 Mt Marlow Marathon, Pallarenda, Qld, Australia 9 Deep Space Mountain Marathon, Namadgi National Park, Act, Australia 9 Great Barrier Marathon Festival, Port Douglas, Qld, Australia 8-10 Upperchurch Walking Weekend, Nr Thurles, co Tipperary, Ireland 8-9 IML Two Day Walk, Taipei, Taiwan

DECEMBER 2014 28 Sunnit Mt Kosciuszko Marathon, NSW, Australia

COMING EVENTS We obtain information for this column from a large number of sources up to two years in advance and sometimes there are date changes etc that occur. If there are any changes in dates etc, we ask clubs to advise us direct.


Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014

Window on Waitakere

Those numbers again By Kay Lindley


hat do two days; 27 people; 205 hectares; and over 570 bait stations all add up to? The answer is unqualified success! Finally having the approval to bait the most south westerly corner of the Ark, the question arose of how to do so. Taking some two and a half hours just to walk to it from the Ark Committee base at the Cascades it was obviously not efficient to walk there and back and then place bait in between time. This had been anticipated though and with the support of the Alpine Sports Club, volunteers had access to their wonderful hut near our southern boundary. With a view way down to Lion Rock and Piha beach the bush cloaked hut was an ideal base for the weekend. Saturday morning and the first of Ark members arrived to open gates and the hut and haul up food, bait, maps and all the necessary equipment for their venture. Volunteers, 27 in total came in their tramping gear ready for another Ark baiting session but also with sleeping bags and changes of clothing that were soon dumped and stored in the hut while bait lines in this new block were assigned. The lines we were told, had all been cleared to an excellent standard, several had ropes placed at tricky steep sections but all this had been done many months ago by contractors so little was known of each line, its slopes, steep pitches, even the exact number of bait stations so it was with some trepidation members assigned lines to couples hoping that there would not be too many difficulties to overcome. Fine weather prevailed and by lunch many lines had been baited and everyone returned to the hut, some with very long journeys back along Ridge Road or Rata track. Robins heard by 2 parties and whiteheads by one bonded well for this patch of bush. Planning on using the volunteer workers all Saturday and again on Sunday meant they needed pampering so Camp Mother Yvonne assisted by partner Mike [who is not camp anything] had lunch prepared which was appreciated and demolished by all. With lizard monitoring scheduled for some weeks ahead, the committee had invited

herpetologist Duncan Emerson to show Geckoes and Skinks from his collection which represented species currently or previously in the Waitakere Ranges. These beautiful creatures entranced all especially the Yellow Morph of the Auckland Green gecko. Another set of bait lines was assigned to the volunteers for the afternoon session with many lines passing under great Rimu, Puketea, Totara and even some large Kaikawaka but Kauri were rare having been logged around the early 20th century. Having heard Duncan earlier state how difficult it was to find Geckoes in the ranges, one of the volunteers on her first volunteer day with the Ark was surprised to find one on the ground a mere 10 minutes away from the hut. Her sharp-eyed find was a forest Gecko, dead unfortunately but at least showing us there were still reptiles in our forest. Dinner was soon ready for all on their return and after, with the fire going, and the occasional glass of wine we were shown a short PowerPoint of the monitoring surveys being undertaken by the Heritage section of Auckland Council. For the opportunity to see the wonderful work to monitor birds in the Waitakere Ranges, and to go on the Walking Waitakere Wednesday Walks series, please email me on: kaylindley@xtra.co.nz

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Long walk

Walking the World Gary Hauseman who is walking the world and so far has walked about 25,467 miles across USA, Europe, United Kingdom, Central America, South America, Australia and New Zealand. He has about 14,000 miles to walk across Asia, Africa and South America to break the Guiness Book World Record set by Arthur Blessit. Here are his experiences walking starting from Page, Arizona.

Page Arizona to Phoenix 400 miles, 25,867 total world walk miles eels great to be back on the road walking again. No matter how bad of shape I am in or how bad I feel, I always feel great once I start walking. I kind of goofed off all summer because of my ankle being sore. Walking the dogs and a little bit of bike riding was all the exercise I got this summer. Walking all day seems to clear all the cob webs out of my brain and energizes my body and mind. Life seems more interesting, I notice everything around me on the road and in the desert. All kinds of interesting things pop into my head and I solve problems that I had been thinking about easily. Started off kind of slow at about 8 to12 miles a day, but ramped up to 15 miles a day once everything seemed to feel okay. First day out of Page was kind of a challenge with 30 to 40 mph winds and blowing sand. A piece of sand got under my contacts and scratched my eye. My eye got infected and I had to keep one eye closed to keep the painful sunlight out. I always carry a couple bottles of Tobramycin eye drops from my eye doctor. They cleared up my infection in two days. Pretty funny walking down the road half blind though. Luckily the road had a good shoulder to walk on with rumble strips by the white line so I could tell if I was straying into the road. Found a nice “On the road again” cup at a thrift store. It’s my favorite Willie Nelson song that comes out of a speaker on the bottom of the cup. Just the first two verses though, I will have to look up the whole song again so I can work on it. I also sing “Zippity do dah” , and “Here comes the sun “ in the morning. People always wonder what I do all day and why I do not get bored walking by myself. It’s amazing how fascinating walking is. You get all kinds of oxygen, and endorphins coursing through you brain stimulating your thoughts and senses. I see all kinds of interesting animals, birds, insects, tools, money, beautiful sights, and people are always stopping to talk



to me. Its always great to meet interesting people, talk, get advice, water, food, and sometimes get invited into their home for dinner. Since my ankle was feeling good I started planning where I was going to go this winter. Picked up a map of South America and a Spanish phrase book with a CD. Practicing my Spanish every day now as I am going to continue my walk through Ecuador and Peru for three months after Christmas. Flying into Cuenca Ecuador in December where I stopped my journey back in 2006. Walking south through the mountains to Lima Peru. About 1450 miles over three months, so about 15 miles a day. The coast road to Lima is shorter at 900 miles, but all desert and very hot during their summer. I will be up at 7000 to 10,000 feet elevation till I drop down to sea level at Lima. Weather looks like it should be nice warm days and cool nights. Hard to tell till I experience it though. Luckily I got an email from a friend in Lima Peru that worked with me at Lake Powell Arizona. She offered me a place to stay, home cooked Peruvian meal, and answered a bunch of questions about her country. Most of the national parks I have worked at employ lots of international students for the summer. So it’s always nice when I have somebody I know that I can connect with. My walk south from Page to Flagstaff was windy and cold, but much better as I started dropping down Oak Creek Canyon and into Sedona. Steep switchback road from about 7000 feet to 4000 feet over 15 miles. Leaves were changing colour and they contrasted nicely with the green pine trees and the red rock sandstone buttes and mesas. I am still collecting firewood every night and pre laying a fire outside for the cold mornings after I cook my oatmeal, eggs, and coffee inside my tent. Always nice to sit outside by the fire and warm up my toes as I break down my camp. Humankind has been sitting around the fire cooking, talking, and eating for 95% of our time on Earth as nomadic hunter gathers. Just recently in the last 10,000 years we developed agriculture and settled down into houses. Just the last 200 years since the industrial revolution we have almost completely divorced ourselves from growing or killing our own food, and communing with nature. Now with the Information Age we are even

further isolated with computers and cell phones. Some people live their whole life online now with games, Facebook, telecommuting, even fake fires on their TV or computer. I always tell kids when I give a talk at a school to turn off the TV or computer and get outside and have an adventure, walk, bicycle, exercise your body. It’s amazing what the human body can do if you go for it. People bicycle, walk, row, kayak, and sail all over the world with little or in expensive gear. Met lots of nice people so far on this walk. Couple people stopped to say they had seen me on TV. An old friend I worked with at Lake Powell passed me on the road and recognized me. So he checked my website and emailed me to meet for lunch. Visited a nice lady I worked with at Bryce Canyon back in 1999. Met my family right before Thanksgiving and drove down with to Mexico to spend four nights with them. Nice break on the beach with pool, hot tub, and plenty of good food. We were on the 6th floor of a condo unit, so I kept in shape by walking the stairs six flights up and down 10 to 15 times a day. This was just a prewalk to make sure my ankle was good to go for my big walk in South America. Looking forward to flying down to Ecuador. Well I was planning on walking three more weeks around Southern Arizona until Christmas. My wife had a little car accident, she had her second IPhone stolen, and Justice’s parked car was hit and basically totaled. So I went back Page to help out my wife for three weeks. I was planning on leaving after Christmas to walk from Cuenca, Ecuador for three months to Lima, Peru. Instead, I went to have my yearly physical in Page since I had some time. The doctor heard a sound in my heart that they didn’t like and sent me to a cardiologist. I was admitted to the hospital the next day and had emergency open-heart surgery for an Aortic aneurysm that measured 9.1 centimeters. A normal Aorta is 3 cm. I now have a new Aorta valve, and root Aorta. During the surgery, I apparently had a stroke that was focused on the language center of the brain. So I am slowly getting better and working hard to get everything back. I spent two weeks in rehab and will continue having speech therapy. Hoping to go this November to walk again in Cuenca, Ecuador for three months to Lima , Peru. Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


CONTENTS for previous 14 issues FEBRUARY 193 2014 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walk:Finding heart and soul at Catered Coast Walks 9 Event: 30 year old half marathon - a popular Auckland event 10 New Zealand Walks: Two Days Bay walks 12 New Zealand Walk: Manawatu Estuary Walk 13 New Zealand Walk: Foxton to Himitangi Beach walk 14 High Achiever:Award for walking group leader 16 New Zealand Walks: Mangawhai Walking Weekend 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 New Zealand Walk: Four Peaks High Country Track 23 Book: A volcanic guide to Tongariro National Park 24 Overseas Walks: Romania - a fun place to walk 29 New Zealand Walk: River pathway section opened 30 Overseas Walks: Mullaghmore a walk over layered limestone 33 New Zealand Walk: Walking over Arthurs Pass 36 Overseas Walks ands Tours 38 New Zealand Walks: Sunset Coast Walk - new walks for all the family 40 Event: Taking on the Taniwha 42 Health: Broken bone ends up with DVT 44 New Zealand Coming Events 46 Overseas Coming Events 46 Nordic Walking 49 High Achiever: Walking the World 48 Window on Waitakere: Monitoring day in the Waitakeres 50 Contents for previous 14 issues 51 Weather forecast for February 52 Directory: Walking groups throughout NZ 56 Country Breaks 60 Stirling Sports Half Marathon JANUARY 192 2014 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walk:Pekepeka Wetland restored 8 Overseas Walks: Take a high country walking holiday this summer 9 New Zealand Walks: Goldfield Cavalcades - have come a long way since 1991 10 New Zealand Walks: Four forests of the Far North 11 Book:Our Mountains 12 New Zealand Walk: Exploring the Manawatu Gorege Track 14 New Zealand Walk: New Tawa Track - an alternative Gorge track 16 New Zealand Walk: Sesquicentennial Track Southland 20 New Zealand Walk: Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track 26 New Zealand Walk: Carter Scenic Reserve 28 Overseas Walks: Earth Sea, Sky - Costa Rica 30 Overseas Walk: Following in Wainwrights steps 34 Event: Mahi Aroha doing it for conservation 36 Overseas Walks ands Tours 38 New Zealand Walks: Walk Clutha country’s golden trails 43 Health: Have you an Iodine deficiency? 44 New Zealand Coming Events 46 Overseas Coming Events 46 Nordic Walking 48 Event: Head2Head 49 Window on Waitakere: Reality shows 51 Weather forecast for January 56 Country Breaks 59 Green Prescription 60 The Great NZ Trek DECEMBER 2013 191 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walk:Ballroom overhang 10 New Zealand Walk: Rangiwahia Track upgrade 12 New Zealand Walks: Waitahinga Trails - walks worth doing 13 New Zealand Walk: Motukiore

50 50

Island Track 14 New Zealand Walks:Catlins Capers 16 New Zealand Walk: Wairongomai Valleys walk 17 Books:A Walk a Day 365 short walks in New Zealand 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 Overseas Walks: Ireland’s Dingle Way 24 Window on Waitakere: Reality shows 25 Product Marketplace: Walking great for your joints 26 Event: Walking event exceeds expectations 27 Health: Heat injury during exercise 30 Overseas Walks: Australia’s Heysen Trail - a work in art 35 Overseas Walks: Embrace the great outdoors in Tasmania 38 New Zealand Walk: Hogs Back Track 40 Event: Rotorua Marathon to celebrate 50 years 42 Training: Preparing to trek at high altitudes 43 Product Marketplace:Sketchers Summer Collection 44 New Zealand Coming Events 46 Overseas Coming Events 48 Event: Cadburys Dunedin Marathon events 51 Weather forecast for December 56 Country Breaks 59 Night-time walking marathon 60 Green Prescription NOVEMBER 2013 190 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walks:Mistic Mountain - Paul Rush finds picture perfect Mt Taranaki can be moody and mistic 10 New Zealand Walk: Ian Wells Track 11 My Favourite Walk:The Kepler Track 61km circular track 12 Event: The Great New Zealand Trek - Alfredton to Lake Ferry 16 New Zealand Walk:Kingston Reserve walk 17 Books:A Walk a Day 365 short walks in New Zealand 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 New Zealand Walks: Cape Kidnappers- Gannet Reserve an unique walk 24 New Zealand Walks: Stewart Island wilderness experience with Ruggedy Range 26 News:A trek with a big difference 27 Overseas Walks: iWalk your way around Dublin? 28 Health:The IN Generation 29 Window on Waitakere: Senior citizens 32 Overseas Walks: Labrador Nature & Coastal walk 36 Books:Molesworth - stories from New Zealand’s largest high country station 37 New Zealand Guided Walks: New guided walks aimed at New Zealanders 40 Readers View: Side effects from some medications 40 New Zealand Walk: Takaro Trails Hawkes Bay new 3 day walk 42 New Zealand Walks: Improvements to enhance Kapiti Island visitor experience 43 Product Marketplace:Kiwi farmers making mihi Merino socks 44 New Zealand Coming Events 46 Overseas Coming Events 49 Cycling Tours: Molesworth Station “It’s like biking through a Constable painting” 51 Weather forecast for November 56 Country Breaks 60 New Zealand Great Trek OCTOBER 2013 189 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walks:A challenge through the most spectacular scenery 8 New Zealand Walks: Waiheke Festival caters for all fitness types 10 New ZealandWalks: The Night Time Kiwi Walk 14 New Zealand Walks:The original Pink Star Walk is back 14 Cycling Tours: Striving for

Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 194 -- 2014 2014 Walking

calorie-credit cycling the Tasman Great Taste Trail 16 New Zealand Walk:Glenham tunnel - part of rich rail history in Southland 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 New Zealand Walks: Lots of charm on Stewart Island 26 Health: Have a backup plan 27 Event: What is the Head2Head Walk? 30 Overseas Walks: Spain’s Crazalema National Park 33 Overseas Walk: On an Elephant walk 34 Overseas Walk:Mary Caincross Scenic Reserve 36 New Zealand Walk: Ashburton/ Hakatere River Trail 37 Overseas Walks and Tours 38 Event: Blackmores XTERRA Trail Challenge 39 Product Marketplace: Ease pains and strains naturally 40 Window on Waitakere: Bird count 40 New Zealand Walk: Kiwi Ranger launched in Manawatu 41 News: Slice of Banks Peninsula bought for all to enjoy 42 Product Marketplace: Walking with a spring in your step 43 Around the Clubs: Beach, paddocks and history for July outing 44 New Zealand Coming Events 47 Overseas Coming Events 48 Nordic Walking 49 Event: Manawatu Striders events 51 Weather forecast for October 56 Country Breaks 60 Napier City Half Marathon SEPTEMBER 2013 188 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walks: New multiday walk for Auckland 9 New ZealandCycling: Wineries, hot pools in the Hurunui 10 New Zealand Walks: Tim and I and a cat named Mimi walk Matatea 14 New Zealand Walk: Feast your eyes on the Abel Tasman Coastal Track 17 New Zealand Walk:A slice of paradise on The Tararua Walk 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 Event: Waiheke walking event wins prestigious award 22 New Zealand Walks: Exploring an untouched land 25 Window on Waitakere: Kokako updated 26 News: Walking is the most popular activity 28 Event: By bus, train and foot 30 Overseas Walk: Positano - a town of a thousand steps 36 Overseas Walks: Six spectacular coastal walks on the Amalfi Coast 36 Overseas Walks and Tours 38 Health: Measuring physical decline 39 Books: New look guide to the region’s tracks and trails 40 New Zealand Walk: Ghosts and gold dust 44 New Zealand Coming Events 48 Nordic Walking 49 New Zealand Walks: Warkworth Walks - five years of walks worth doing 50 Contents for previous 14 issues 51 Weather forecast for September 56 Country Breaks 59 Green Prescription 60 Walking Stars AUGUST 2013 187 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walks: Korokoro Dam walks 9 New Zealand Walk:Greenstone Caples Track more accessible 10 New Zealand Walks: My trip to Moturua Island 14 Around the clubs: Oldest NZ outdoor club has something for everyone17 Health: Do you get RLS 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 New Zealand walk: Ahuriri Estuary a sanctuary for wading birds 24 New Zealand Walk: Roydon Downs a great little farm walk 26 Overseas Walk: Gibraltar is very easy to walk around

29 Overseas Walk: The Larapinta Trail - a colourful experience 34 New Zealand Walk: Lake Hayes Track popular with locals 36 Overseas Walks and Tours 38 Overseas Walks: Guided walking holidays in Germany 40 New Zealand Walk: Harataonga Coastal Walkway 42 Window on Waitakere: Feeding frenzy 43 Event: Cadbury Dunedin Marathon now in its 34th year 44 New Zealand Coming Events 48 Overseas Coming Events 51 Weather forecast for August 56 Country Breaks 60 Walking Stars JULY 2013 186 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walks: On foot in Central Hawkes Bay - The Sea, Sky and Bush walks 2013 9 Health:Free your feet and banish limiting back pain 10 New Zealand Walks: Beachcombing at Elliot Bay 14 New Zealand Walk: A walk back in time 17 Great Walks: Greatest season for Fiordland Great Walks 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 New Zealand walk: Tongariro Alpine Crossing reopened 20 Event: Walk your way to a birthday bash 22 Readers views: Blood pressure medications 23 Books: The Way It Was 24 Event: Great Forest events 26 My favourite walk: Raumati South to Wanganui along the beach in five days 28 Overseas Tours: Tour gives different German experiences 30 New Zealand walk: Nugget Point walk 34 New Zealand walk: Around the shores of Lake Tarawera 36 Overseas Walks and Tours 38 Overseas Walks: Australia’s Glass House Mountains 41 Health: Putting the adventure back into exercise 42 Window on Waitakere: More Whiteheads released 43 Event: Night-time walking for a good cause 44 New Zealand Coming Events 48 Overseas Coming Events 51 Weather forecast for July 56 Country Breaks 60 Walking Stars JUNE 2013 185 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walks: The Waikato River Trail - creating great memories malong the way 10 New Zealand Walks:Waitangi: Forest to Ferns and Riverside Ramble 12 New Zealand Walks: Lake Coleridge becoming a popular destination for walkers 14 New Zealand Walk: Winter Wither Hills walking 17 Great Walks: Nine Great Walks in nine weeks 17 New Zealand walk: Moncktons Scenic Reserve 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 My favourite walk: Waitaki Valley vistas 24 Te Araroa Trail: First half on Paekakariki Escarpment Track open 26 Overseas Walks: Croatia’s contrary walks 29 Event: Challenge yourself in Wellington in June 29 Event: IIawarra Fly Treetop Walk turns five 30 Overseas Walk: The Great Ocean Walk - realisation of a dream 36 Overseas Walks and Tours 38 New Zealand Walk: Whirinaki Night Life Walk 39 Readers’ views: 40 Health: Eight secrets for a long and healthy life 42 Window on Waitakere: Bird song on popular walk 43 Event: Christchurch Marathon returning to pre quake entries 43 My Favourite Walk:Mount Manaia Track 44 New Zealand Coming Events 48 Nordic Walking 51 Weather forecast for June 56 Country Breaks 60 Wellington Marathon

MAY 2013 184 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walks: The pioneer walk - bush, sand and history 10 New Zealand Walks: Ngatuhoa Lodge - a winter weekend adventure 12 New Zealand Walks: Lake Coleridge becoming a popular destination for walkers 13 New Zealand Walk: Godley Head Track - back up and running 14 New Zealand Walk: Mt Kaukau a walk with magnificent views 17 Great Walks: More people talking on DOC’s Great Walks 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 New Zealand Walk: Brills Hut one of DOC’s best kept secrets 22 My Favourite Walk: Decisions, dangers and deviations on the Heaphy Track 25 New Zealand Walk: Lake Coleridge becoming a popular destination for walkers 26 New Zealand Walk: Meandering to magical Munro Beach 29 Product Marketplace: Skechers gives walkers a new way to go 30 Overseas Walk: Zagoria - one of the world’s hidden treasures 35 Event: Great turnout for Round the Bays 36 Overseas Walks and Tours 38 New Zealand Walk: Blenheim’s riverside and hillside walks 40 Window on Waitakere: Los Voluntarios Mexicanos 40 New Product: Portable water filter - ideal for bush walking 41 Health: Monitoring high blood pressure 42 Long Walk: Walking the world Nogales to Gila Bend 44 New Zealand Coming Events 51 Weather forecast for May 56 Country Breaks 60 Wellington Marathon APRIL 2013 183 4 Walk Talk 6 Great Walks: The Abel Tasman Coastal Walk 11 Event: Te Araroa Kids mark their achievement 12 Event: Great Barrier Island Walking Festival 14 Event: Rotorua Marathon oldest in Oceania 15 New Zealand Walk: New loop track opens in Manawatu Gorge 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 New Zealand Walks: Whananaki Coast Walkway and Tutukaka Lighthouse 22 New Zealand Walk: Church Bay Track an island art trail 26 New Zealand Walk: Urupukapuka Island: an unspoiled paradise 28 Overseas Walk: Maroochy Wetland Sanctuary 30 Event: Taieri Gorge Rail Walk 32 Overseas Walk: Crete’s Samaria Gorge - a most spectacular walk 34 Event:BIG WALK aims to keep Kiwi kids on track 35 Podiatry: Knee pain with walking up or down stairs 36 Overseas walks and tours 38 Event: Striders Super Seven Series 40 Window on Waitakere: Helping hand 40 Event: Sunrise Walk for Hospice 40 Health: Advice for a man doing an ultra marathon 42 Overseas Walks: Exploring Ireland’s Skellig Islands 44 New Zealand coming events 56 Country Breaks 60 Hastings Half Marathon MARCH 2013 182 4 Walk Talk 6 Great Walks: The Heaphy Track 10 Event: New walks planned in walking festival 11 Event: ECHO Walking Festival 12 Overseas Walks: County Clares ‘Eden’ - a walkers paradise 12 Overseas Walks: Sidetracks Germany 14 Te Araroa Trail: Wilderness run for Project Crimson 15 New Zealand Walks: Exploring Egmont National Park and Mt Taranaki 16 New Zealand Walks: Lake Hood Trail 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 Event: Go one step beyond this

April - Great Barrier Island Walking Festival 23 Te Araroa Trail: The power of walking 24 Event: High Country Musterers Walk 26 New Zealand Walk: Behind the scenes on the Banks Peninsula Track 30 Overseas Walks: The giants of Girraween 34 Event: Sea, Sky and Bush event so much more than a walk 35 Podiatry: In toeing and out toeing in children 36 Overseas walks and tours 38 New Zealand Walks: Exploring the Bay of Island’s Kauri Ridge 40 Window on Waitakere: Joining the dots 40 Health: Strong feet by running barefoot in childhood 42 Long Walk: Walking the World 44 New Zealand coming events 51 Weather forecast for March 56 Country Breaks 60 High Country Musterers Walk FEBRUARY 2013 181 4 Walk Talk 6 Great Walks: The Milford Track the finest walk in the world 10 Great Walks: The Kepler Track - an adventure above the clouds 13 Great Walks: Aurora australis -Looking for the Southern Lights 16 Overseas Walks: Italian delight - Two weeks of walking, wine and food 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 Event: Mangawhai Walking Weekend 22 Event: Amazing adventure for KiwiSeniors 24 Event: Shouting out about the Bay of Islands Walking weekend 26 Overseas Walks: The TarkineTrail - a rainforest paradise 30 Overseas Walks: Alsace walk has something of the feel of a pilgrimage 35 The Country and Outdoor Recreation Calendar 36 Overseas walks and tours 38 New Zealand Walks: Walking cavalcades 40 Window on Waitakere: Home grown 41 Health: Not healthy to go on a fat-free diet 42 Long Walk: Walking the World 44 New Zealand coming events 51 Weather forecast for February 56 Country Breaks 60 Sterling Sports Half Marathon JANUARY 2013 180 4 Walk Talk 6 New Zealand Walk: Sanctuary of silence 9 Product Marketplace: Summer skin protection 10 Great Walks: The Kepler Track - an adventure above the clouds 13 Great Walks: The Routeburn Track - beautiful beyond words 17 Books: Calling them home, Untamed Coast, 18 Digital Photo Contest winners 20 Overseas Walks: Noosa - a walk in the park 25 Event: A walk for all the family 26 Overseas Walks: The Inca Trail and beyond 29 New Zealand Walk: Solitude on Drift Bay walking track 30 New Zealand Walks: Take a hike and discover Queenstown this summer 34 New Zealand Walk: My idea of a real holiday! 36 Overseas walks and tours 38 New Zealand Walk: New track at Mangawhai 40 Window on Waitakere: Deep mineral mystery 41 Health: Start walking before you get pregnant 42 New Zealand Walk: Schnell Wetlands new walk 43 New Zealand Walks: Untouched tussock on Fairlie alpine country track 44 Event: A shinning response to a stormy day 45 Podiatry: Differences in leg length common 46 New Zealand coming events 51 Weather forecast for January 56 Country Breaks 60 Waiheke Wharf to Wharf



Daily Summary Colder than usual especially over North Island and southeast of South Island, except for far North. Wetter than average North Island, but South Island average rain. Waikato southwards receives above average rain. Opotiki may be driest town. South Island’s wetter regions may be West Coast, top of the island, and South Canterbury. Driest may be inland Otago. For all, sun hours may be above average. North Island overall has average temperatures except for warmer Waikato and cooler Central Plateau, but South Island temperatures may be below average, driven by cooler far south and also the lakes to inland Otago. Wetter weather with flood risks may occur in the last week, for the lower half of North Island and the west and south of South Island. 1st-2nd March 2014 Disturbed northwesterlies are followed by cool southwesterlies. 3rd March 2014 Possible unusual low temperature at Lake Manapouri and Dunedin. 7th March 2014 Anticyclonic conditions prevail with easterlies affecting the northern half of North Island. 12th March 2014 Over the next four weeks it may be wet in North Island and north of South Island. Expect sunny conditions over the northern half of North Island and the southeast of South Island. Temperatures may be cooler than average in the King Country, Tongariro, Marlborough and Canterbury. Rainfall may be at least twice the average in Gisborne due to heavy falls around April 10th-11th. Nelson may also be wet along with most of North Island. However, contrasting dry conditions may prevail in the far North of North Island and south of SI. It may be sunny over the northern half of North Island and coastal Otago. These patterns may be caused by more frequent depression to the east of North Island with southeasterlies over southern NZ and southerly winds over central NZ and North Island. 12th March 2014 Possible high temperature in Napier. 12th-20th March 2014 Northwesterlies ahead of a developing trough. 14th March 2014 Southerly change. 16th March 2014 A large anticyclone brings settled weather to South Island. 21st March 2014 Cold southwesterlies. 24th March 2014 Anticyclonic conditions. 25th-26th March 2014 Freshening northwesterlies. 27th-28th March 2014 Cold southwesterlies. 29th March 2014 Change to disturbed westerlies. Allow 24-hr error to all forecasts. Skewing may occur around 1st (new moon), 12th (apogee), 17h (full moon) and 28th (perigee) www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

According to

Ken Ring The Moon controls the weather. Each moon phase has a changing effect. The atmostphere has a tide that is forever changing and the weather is what results. Shaded areas depict rain or showers.































Ken Ring author of . . . Predict Weather 2014 at a bookstore near you

Available from Paper Plus and Whitcoulls throughout New Zealand Website: www.predictweather.com Email: enquiries@predictweather.com

31st Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014




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roup near you


BAY OF ISLANDS BAY OF ISLANDS RUNNERS & WALKERS: Saturday (AM), Bert Vanasche 09-404-0147, or Gea Hadderingh 09- 405-7773

DARGAVILLE DARGAVILLE TRAMPING GROUP: Last Sunday of month (AM), Maxine Stringer 09-439-7815, 09-439-6029,stringer@infogen.net.nz

WHANGAREI KIWI SENIORS WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), Lee Taylor 09-4303470 CARDIAC CARE WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (AM or PM), Jo or Hugh Knight 09-438-7976 KIWI SENIORS WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), Kensington Reception, 09-437-4404 GREEN PRESCRIPTION WALKING GROUPS: 0800-228-483 HARRIERS WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (AM), Wednesday (PM), Thursday (AM), Val Babe 09-437-1657 HIKURANGI WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (PM) KAMO 60’s UP: Monday, Thursday (AM), Yvonne 09-435-1101 KENSINGTON WALKING GROUP: Tuesday Thursday (PM), Sport Northland 09-437-4404 TIKIPUNGA WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (AM), Barbara Derrick 09435-0746 WAIPU WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (AM) WHANGAREI ATHLETICS CLUB WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (PM) (BIA), Tuesday Thursday (AM), Saturday (PM) Morris or Shirley Gray 09-436-1524 WHANGAREI TRAMPING CLUB: Sue Guyatt 09-436-1441


AUCKLAND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES CLUB: midweek, weekends (BIA), walks, tramps, Val Todd 09-579-8250, www.oacnz.org AUCKLAND NATURAL HISTORY CLUB: Every second Sunday, (AM), (IA),Praemi Perera 09-836-9161, www.aucklandnaturalhistoryclub.org ALPINE SPORTS CLUB: Tramps, walks, cycling, Sunday, Saturday, Marianne Rienhard 09-575-2429 ALPINE SPORTS CLUB: Sunday, Saturday & weekdays, tramps, walks , Beryl Borthwick 09-444-9667 or Sue Fitzpatrick 09-576-1069

AUCKLAND CENTRAL AUCKLAND YMCA MARATHON CLUB, (Walkers Section), Sunday (AM), Helen Meyer 09-815-1444 AUCKLAND CATHOLIC TRAMPING CLUB: Sarah Hart 09-625-7891, actc.trampingclub@gmail.com AUCKLAND WALKERS & JOGGERS CLUB: Tuesday, Thursday (PM), Sunday (AM), (BIA), Bev Horton 09-625-5329 AUCKLAND PRESBYTERIAN HARRIER & WALKING CLUB: Ray Vickers 09-576-6906 AUCKLAND BAPTIST TRAMPING CLUB: Sunday Monthly (PM), (BIA), John McCarthy 09-630-4073 AUCKLAND PRESBYTERIAN HARRIER CLUB: John Yolland 09-5769807 RACEWALKING AUCKLAND: Sunday (AM), Grant 09-299-5634, www.sportsground.co.nz/racewalkingauckland/ AUCKLAND TRAMPING CLUB: Doug Astley 09-620-4923 AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY TRAMPING CLUB: Michelle Lee 09-358-1296 BLOCKHOUSE BAY COMMUNITY CENTRE: Len Govind 09-627-9911 ELLERSLIE Y’S WALKING CLUB: Olive Andrews 09-634-4148 EAST AND BAYS RUNNERS & WALKERS: Glendowie, Saturday, Sally 09-522-5321 EPSOM Y’s COMMUNITY CENTRE WALKERS: Tuesday/Thursday (AM), Don Hay 09-636-9730 LYNFIELD Y’S WALKING CLUB: Mt Roskill, Sunday (AM), Marlene 09-827-2737, Danny 09-627-9993 MT ALBERT Y’s WALKING GROUP: Tuesday Friday, (AM), 09-8460788 MT ROSKILL COMMUNITY HOUSE: Theresa McDonald, 09-624-3281 OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES CLUB AUCKLAND: Marshall Piecy 09-4453808, www.oacnz.org ST HELIERS HIKERS: First/Third Wednesdays (all day), Glenn 09528-9726 WALKING CLUB: Graeme Easte, 09-376-5901 LES MILLS GYM: Seven days, (AM) (PM), (BIA), Powerwalking, Dave Buchan, 09-379-9590 STEP OUT WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), 09-379-2095 x 9704 WOMENS OUTDOOR PURSUITS INC: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Anne 09-480-5424, www.wops.co.nz

WEST AUCKLAND BLUE TOP WALKERS: Henderson, Tuesday, Thursday (AM), Terry Wilson 09-814-9523 or 021-266-1071, www.bluetopwalkers.org.nz FIA OLA WOMEN’S DEVELOPMEMT WALK GROUP: Monday to

52 52

Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 193 -- 2014 2014 Walking

Saturday, Anne, 09-813-0021 FIT4LIFE: Glenfield, Monday (PM), Friday (AM), Sarah 021 534 649 FOOTSTEPS: Saturday (AM), John 09-410-2995 GLEN EDEN WALKERS: Oratia Bowling Club, Tuesday (AM), Ethel Denscombe 09-818-3561 GLEN EDEN ATHLETIC CLUB WALKERS: Glen Eden, Wednesday (PM) and Saturday (AM), Neil Turner 09-817-6230 GREEN BAY MUMS BUSH WALKERS: Every second Monday, Anne 09-827-7810 or 09-817-5867 GREEN BAY COMMUNITY HOUSE WALKERS: Tuesday (AM), Thursday (AM), Elaine 09-827-3300 HENDERSON SENIORS WALKING GROUP: Henderson, Friday (AM), Alene Couchman 09-818-2580 KELSTON MORNING WALKERS: Kelston C.C. Tues (AM), Joy Martin 09-838-6553 KELSTON TWILIGHT WALKERS: Kelston, Tuesday (PM), Joy Martin 09-818-6084 KUMEU WALK GROUP: Kumeu, Friday (AM), Beryl Pook 09-412-8914 LYNNMALL CITY MALL WALKING: Tuesday, Thursday (AM), (BIA), 09-826-2333 LYNFIELD Y’S WALKING CLUB: Mt Roskill, Sunday (AM), Marlene 09-827-2737, Danny 09-627-993 LYNNDALE AMATEUR ATHLETIC & HARRIER CLUB: Wednesday and Sunday (AM), Mic Baker 09-626-3232 MASSEY ATHLETIC CLUB: Sunday (AM), Shena McGregor 09-4128076 MASSEY JOGGERS & WALKERS: Sunday (AM), Kerry Watt 09-8386665 or 021-517-049 NEW LYNN ACTIVE 35+ WALKING GROUP: New Lynn, Wednesday, Lorraine, 09-827-8663 RANUI MORNING WALK GROUP: Monday to Friday (AM), Judith 09832-5692 RANUI TWILIGHT WALK GROUP: Monday, Wednesday, Glenys 09832-4069 RIVERHEAD WALK GROUP: Wednesday (AM), Dane Brown 09-4129952 SUMMERLAND WALKERS: Henderson, Tuesday, Thursday (AM), Lyn Mountier 09-838-1599 TE ATAU PENINSULA WALKERS: Monday, Friday (AM), Wednesday (PM), Mary Jones 09-834-6989 TE ATATU JOGGERS & WALKERS CLUB: Te Atatu Peninsula, Sunday (AM), Malcolm 09-834-4101 or Diane or Graham 09-834-4423 TE ATATU SOUTH ACTIVE 35+ WALKING GROUP: Te Atatu South, Wednesday, Edna, 09-834-1401 THE HAPPY WANDERERS WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (AM), Brian Ashmore 09-817-4562 or 027-471-3038 TITIRANGI TWILIGHT STROLLERS: Tuesday, Thursday (PM), Miranda 09-817-9677 TITIRANGI WALKERS: Sundays (AM), John Harris 09-8177212,www.titirangiwalkers.com WEST HARBOUR ACTIVE 35+WALKING GROUP: West Harbour, Friday (AM), Lorna Lyon, 09-416-7871 Y’s WALKING HENDERSON: Tuesdays, Thursday, Sarah, 09-836-8031 Y’s Walkers, Mt Roskill, Sunday (AM), Dan Gofin 09-627-9993 WAIATARUA WALKERS:Oratia, Saturday (AM), 09-814-9945 WANDERWOMEN ADVENTURES: 09-360-7330 WALKING WAITAKERE WEDNESDAY WALKS: Wednesday, (AM), May to October, Kay Lindley 09-837-8820 WOMENS OUTDOOR PURSUITS INC: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Anne 09-480-5424, www.wops.co.nz WEST AUCKLAND DISTRICT TRAMPING CLUB: Sunday (AM), www.trampwest.co.nz

NORTH SHORE 10,000 STEPS HARBOUR CLUB: Harbour Sport 09-415-4610 60’s UP TORBAY/BROWNS BAY: Wed (AM), Heather Jean Adams 09-478-2462 ABERDEEN ROAD WALKERS: Campbells Bay, Saturday (PM), Patsy Hulse 09-410-9353 BUSH WALK & TALK: Margi Keys, 09-443-6919 or 0274-481-581 NORTH SHORE TRAMPING CLUB: Lynda Langridge 09-4821320,www.nstc.org.nz BIRKENHEAD PROBUS CLUB: Albany, Tuesday (AM), Tracy Watson 09-414-5351 BROWNS BAY/TORBAY 60’s UP MOVEMENT: Wednesday (AM), Roy Urlic 09-473-8777 CALLIOPE ATHLETICS WALKERS & HARRIERS: Northcote, Wednesday (PM), Dave Pampitt 09-410-5287 DEVONPORT WALKERS: Bayswater, Tuesday Thursday Sunday (AM), Pat & Jim McKay 09-445-2743 DEVONPORT FRIDAY WALKING GROUP: Devonport, Friday (AM), Naomi Gardyne 09-445-4303 EAST COAST BAYS WALKERS: Browns Bay, Tuesday, Friday (AM), Pam Mattson 09-302-4882 or 021-268-4154, pam_4882@yahoo.co.nz GREENHITHE WALKING GROUP: Greenhithe, Tuesday (AM), Marjorie Andrew 09-413-9065 HIGHBURY COMMUNITY HOUSE: Highbury, Thursday, Friday (AM), Judy Mayn 09-480-5279 MAIRANGI WALKING NETWORK: Mairangi Bay, Everyday (AM),

LEGEND Fitness levels: “B” beginner, ”I” intermediate, “A” advanced. (AM) denotes morning walk, (PM) denotes an afternoon or evening walk. Group co-ordinators are asked to please advise us of any updates by fax 06-358-6864 or email walkingnz@xtra.co.nz

Paula Cole 09-444-6435 MEADOWOOD WALKING & TALKERS: Albany, Tuesday (AM), Carol Buckner 09-479-7804 MILFORD MALL WALKERS: Greenhithe, Tuesday, Thursday, (AM), Carol Mosedale 09-443-2054 MILFORD MENS PROBUS: Ian Hall 09-479-4259 NORTH SHORE DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: Every second Sunday (AM), Sue Pearson 09-449-2221 NORTH SHORE TRAMPING CLUB: www.nstc.org.nz NORTHCOTE WALKING GROUP: Northcote, every second Tuesday (AM), Peter Cox 09-480-5622 TORBAY WALKERS: Torbay, Wednesday (AM), Jill Devonshire 09473-1931 WALKERS & TALKERS: Campbells Bay, Wednesday (AM), Brenda Gray 09-410-4019, Dorothy Ensor 09-478-6702 WOMENS OUTDOOR PURSUITS INC: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Anne Lindsay 09-480-5424, www.wops.co.nz Y’s WALKING SUNDAY GROUP: Northcote, Sunday (AM), Malcolm Curtis 09-444-3823

NORDIC WALKING GROUPS Acacia Cove Nordic Walking Group: Sunday (AM) Jenny Wills 09267-5416 Bridge the Gap Nordic Walkers: Sunday (AM ), Sheila Milbourn/ Margaretha Sehnert 027-456-2233/021-141-3801 Cornwall Park Nordic Walking Group: Saturday (AM), June Stevenson 09-361-6636 or 0274-383-923 Cornwall Park Nordic Gold (Senior Group) Monday (AM), June Stevenson 09-361-6636 or 0274-383-923 North Shore Nordic Walkers Sunday (AM), Kay Livingstone 09-4734489 Pakuranga Nordic Walkers: Thursday (AM) Deidre Nielsen 09-2713324 YMCA Nordic Walkers Thursday (AM) June Stevenson 09-3616636 or 0274-383-923

RODNEY 10,000 STEPS HARBOUR CLUB: Harbour Sport 09-415-4610 ARIKI WALKERS: Snells Beach, Mondays (AM), Edna Prbert 09-4255928 HEALTH IN ACTION: (BIA), Susie George 09-426-1269 HELENSVILLE WALKERS: Helensville, Tuesday (AM), Malcolm Keane 09-420-8739 HIBISCUS COAST Y’S WALKERS: Sunday (AM), Wednesday (AM,PM), Kevin Tiller, 09-426-6461 LEISURE WALKERS: Whangaparaoa, Thursday (AM), Pam Jordan 021-136-6129, pajordan0452@gmail.com MONDAY NIGHTA, Orewa, Monday (PM), Laraine Chase 09-4279321 SCOTTS LANDING WALKING GROUP: RD2, Warkworth, Sunday (AM), Angela McIntyre 09-425-5854 SNELLS BEACH WALKING GROUP: Warkworth, Wednesay (AM), Jenny Burton 09-425-5583 WELLSFORD ROAD RUNNERS & JOGGERS: Second Sunday (AM), Thursday (AM), Robert Scott 09-425-8089 or Heather Rankin 09431-4692 WOMENS OUTDOOR PURSUITS INC: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Anne 09-480-5424, www.wops.co.nz

WAIHEKE ISLAND WAIHEKE ISLAND WALKING GROUP: Saturday (PM), Shaona Maddle, 09-372-6645

COUNTIES/MANUKAU PUKEKOHE JOGGERS & WALKING GROUP: Monday, Friday, Sunday (AM), 09-238-9820 WAIUKU WALKING GROUP: Information Centre, Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), ONEWHERO KIWISENIORS WALKING GROUP: Merlene, Walker, 09232-8844 PAPATOETOE Y’S WALKING GROUP: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), Derek McKeen, 09-266-2304 PAKURANGA ATHLETIC CLUB: Tuesday, Thursday 9am (BIA), Linda Mitchell, 09-532-8442 PAKURANGA KIWISENIORS WALKING GROUP: Monday, Wednesday (AM), 09-576-9739 MANUKAU TRAMPING CLUB: Judith Walker, 09-296-6977 MANUREWA Y’S WALKERS: Recreation Centre, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY (AM), 09-267-4646 MANUREWA Y’S WALKING GROUP: Clendon Recreation Centre, Tuesday, Thursday (AM), 09-266-1100 MANUREWA COSMOPOLITAN CLUB WALKERS: Sunday (AM) HOWICK UXBRIDGE WALKERS: Monday, Thursday (AM), 09-5356467 HOWICK Y’S WALKERS: Tuesday, Thursday (AM), 09-534-5153 PUKEKOHE TRAMPING CLUB: Mark Leys 09-294-8927 TOI TOI TREKKERS TRAMPING CLUB: Colin Johnstone 09-535-6231

WAIKATO HAMILTON FRANKTON ATHLETIC & HARRIER CLUB: Wednesday, Saturday, (PM), (BIA), Heather Purdie-Raill, 07-847-5639 NAWTON WALKING GROUP: Rene Smyth, 07846-3245 CENTRAL LAKE WALKING GROUP: Monday, WEdnesday Friday (AM), Nella Barron 07-846-3103 CHARTWELL WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), Carrie Haak 07-8554281 DINSDALE WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), Val Russell 07-847-6539 www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz



There’s a



roup near you

ENDERLEY WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (AM), Leonie Smith 07-8552224 HAMILTON EAST WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (AM), Irene Millar 07-855-6848 HILLCREST WALKING GROUP: Monday Wednesday Friday (AM), Nell Bradburn 07-856-3787 MEMORIAL PARK WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), Maureen Doms 07-855-2497 NAWTON WALKING GROUP: Monday Tuesday (AM), Roslynn Billman 07-847-4873 SILVERDALE WALKING GROUP: Sister Anne Marie Jones 07-8568980 CLAUDELAND WALKING GROUP: Friday (AM), Irene Millar 07-8556848 FLAGSTAFF WALKING GROUP: Monday Wednesday Friday (AM), Gillian Bartram 07-854-0069 WESTFIELD MALL WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (AM) Westfield Mall Chartwell HAMILTON MARATHON CLINIC:Tuesday (PM), Sunday (AM), Sharon 07-854-9214 TOD SQUAD: Friday (AM), Julie 07-829-4579 Y’s WALKERS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM) MONDAY BUSHTRAMPERS: Monday, Marian 07-828-9029 BREAKAWAYS BUSH WALKING & TRAMPING CLUB: Diana Ammann 07-823-6147 WAIKATO TRAMPING CLUB: www.wtc.org.nz or Stu Kneebone 07827-3097 WANDERERS TRAMPING CLUB: Colin 07-855-1335

CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE WALKING GROUP: Monday, Wednesday (AM), Sharon Woodings, 07-827-6033 LEAMINGTON WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (AM), Sharon Woodings, 07-827-6033


MATAMATA MATAMATA WALKERS: Tuesday, Friday (AM), Ruth Stanley 07-8809088 MATAMATA TRAMPING & WALKING GROUP: Shirley Hickson 07888-6054

MORRINSVILLE MORRINSVILLE WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), Ruth Stanley 07880-9088


PAEROA PAEROA WALKING GROUP: Monday, Wednesday (AM), Elaine Lally 07-862-8409 PAEROA LUNCH WALKERS: Monday Wednesday Friday, Julie Stephenson 07-867-7011


PIOPIO SILVERADOS EXERCISE GROUP: Wednesday (PM), June O’Donoghue, 07-877-8492

TAIRUA TAIRUA WALKING GROUP: Tuesday, Thursday, Mike Lord, 07-8686025

THAMES THAMES WALKING GROUP: Monday, Friday (AM), Mike Lord, 07868-6025

TAUPO TAUPO HARRIER CLUB WALKING SECTION: Saturday (PM), Wednesday (AM), Bernie Rolls 07-378-9229 TAUPO TRAMPING CLUB: Wednesday (AM), Thursday (AM), Weekends (AM or PM), Isabel Hutcheon 07-376-9319 MONDAY WALKERS: Monday (AM), (BIA), Betty Stockman 07378-4992 WAIORA WALKING GROUP: Wednesday, Friday (AM), Kaye Beatson 07-378-6957 WEDNESDAY WALKERS: Wednesday (PM), (I), 06-378-9229

TE AWAMUTU WALKING GROUP: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), Jan Jefferies 07-889-7032 TE AWAMUTU MARATHON CLINIC: Wednesday (PM), Sunday (AM), (BIA), Ross Thomas 07-871-5022

WHANGAMATA ROAD RUNNERS & WALKERS: 07-865-6580 WHANGAMATA RAMBLERS: Ron Le Noel, 07-865-9475 WALK WHANGAMATA: Everyday (AM), from Surfclub WHANGA SENIOR WALKERS: Tuesday (AM), 07-865-7022



TWILIGHT WALKING GROUP: Monday, (PM), (BIA), Dede Downs, 07-878-7867

GISBORNE RUNNERS & WALKERS: Margaret Badger 06-868-4785

TOKOROA ALPINE CLUB:Midweek, Christine 07-886-7294





BRIDGET ROBERTSHAWES STUDIO OF FITNESS: Saturday (AM), (BIA), Bridget, 06-877-5285 FLAXMERE WALKING GROUP: Tuesday, Thursday (AM), (BI), Maisy 06-879-7077 HASTINGS WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), (I), Eddy 06-876-3371 HASTINGS WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (PM), (BI), Templey 06-8730971 HAVELOCK NORTH WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), (BI), Jane 06877-0017 HAVELOCK NORTH WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), (BI), Jeanette 06877-2114 HAVELOCK NORTH WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), Lyn 06-8777886 KIWI SENIORS: Eana Young 06-845-9333 x 708 RUN WALK HAWKES BAY: Wed (PM), Sunday (AM), Doug Clark 06878-2785, www.runwalkhb.org.nz

COROMANDEL TOWN WALKERS: Tuesday, Thursday (AM) 07-8667101or 07-866-8560

KATIKATI KATIKATI TRAMPING CLUB: fortnightly weekends (AM), Maddy Pyle 07-552-0215

KAWERAU KAWERAU WALKERS: Kawerau, Thursday (AM), (B), Sport Bay of Plenty, 07-308-8304 HARRIERS WALKERS: Kawerau Thursday (PM), (A), Sport Bay of Plenty, 07-308-8304

ROTORUA CROSS COUNTRY WALKERS: Tuesday, Thursday, (AM), (A), 07 348-2538 LAKE CITY ATHLETIC CLUB WALKERS GROUP: Tueday, Thursday (PM), Sunday (AM), Colin Smyth 027-499-941, lakecity@xtra.co.nz, www.lakecity.co.nz GREEN PRESCRIPTION WALKING GROUP: TMonday and Thursday (AM), (B), Melissa Gordon 07-348-4125 HEART SUPPORT WALK GROUP: Tueday (AM), Wally Walford 07347-6173 MOKOIA COMMUNITY CENTRE WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), (B), Melissa Gordon 07 348 4125 SPRINGFIELD STROLLERS: Wednesday (AM), (BIA), Glenys Searancke 07-348-4243 ROTORUA TRAMPING & SKI CLUB: Sundays (AM), Trevor Cochrane 07-345-6362 ROTORUA SOCIAL NORDIC WALKING GROUP: Fridays (AM), Audrey 07-348-1471 ST BARNABAS WALKING GROUP: Friday (AM), (BIA), Joy Gordon 07-357-5744 THE THURSDAY STROLLERS: Thursday (AM), (B), Myrtle Raxworthy 07-346-3772 WALKING WITH JOY: Tuesday (AM), (BI), Joy Gordon 07-357-5744


TARADALE/GREEN MEADOWS WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), (IA), Beverly Gillies 06-843-6805 TARADALE/SPORT HAWKES BAY WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (AM), (BI), Nga Gifford-Kara 06-845-9333

TARANAKI INDEPENDENT WALKERS TARANAKI: Saturday (PM). North: Ray/ Mary 06-756-7798. Central: Wallace/Nancye 06-762-2861. South: Alan/Jean 06-278-6846


TE PUKE WALKERS: Tuesday (AM), 07-573-8306

INGLEWOOD WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), Maureen 06- 7567255

WAIHI STRIDERS: Wednesday (AM), Julie Stephenson 07-867-7011 WAIHI STROLLERS: Friday (AM), Julie Stephenson 07-867-7011 WAIHI MONDAY TRAMPING: Monday (AM), Marie 07-863-4633 or Barry 07-863-4597


SUNSHINE WALKING GROUP: Whakatane, Tuesday (AM), (I), Graham Thomas, 07-307-9800 HARRIERS WALKERS WHAKATANE: Saturday, (PM), (I), Noel Jones, 07-308-7101




TE AROHA WALKERS: Thursday (AM), Ruth Stanley 07-880-9088 TE AROHA TRAMPING CLUB: Every second Sunday, Judy Forsman 07-884-8841 TE AROHA TREKKERS: Wednesday (AM), Frances Harrison 07-8628184

We obtain information for this column from a large number of sources up to two years in advance and sometimes there are date changes etc that occur. If there are any changes in dates etc, we ask clubs to advise us direct.

AHURIRI WALKING GROUP: Friday (AM), (I), Beverly Gillies 06-8436805 NAPIER WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), (I), Lyn 06-835-7704 NAPIER SOUTH WALKING GROUP: Friday (AM), (B), Maria Rogers 06-843-1225 RUN WALK HAWKES BAY: Wed (PM), Sunday (AM), Mike Sheely 06-843-7804, www.runwalkhb.org.nz Ys WALKERS: Tuesday, Thursday, Napier, Barry 06-844-3929 or Nola 06-843-7912





AGE CONCERN: Tauranga, Wednesday (AM), 07-578-2631 CITY ON ITS FEET: Days and areas, (BIA), Penny 07-578-9610 STEPPING OUT JOGGING CLUB: Monday, Wednesday, (AM), (IA), 07-544-0316 FOREST & BIRD SOCIETY: Secretary, Tauranga. branch @forestandbird.org.nz, Tauranga HEALTHY HEART CLUB: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), (B), YMCA, 07-578-5891 KAIMAI RAMBLERS TRAMPING GROUP: Wednesday, Roger 07-5441622 Y’s WALKERS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), YMCA, 07-5785891 MOUNT JOGGERS & WALKERS: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday, info@mtjoggersandwalkers.co.nz , www.mtjoggersandwalkers.co.nz ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION: MONDAY (AM) 07-576-2469 NORDIC WALKING AT THE MOUNT: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Steffi 07-574-7527 NORDIC WALKING IN TAURANGA: Monday, Wednesday, Mary 07577-0711 MT MAUNGANUI RSA WALKING CLUB: Tuesday, Thursday, Sundays (AM), (BIA), Kieran Jensen 07-572-0626 50 FORWARD WALKING GROUPS: Sport Bay of Plenty 07-578-0016 TAURANGA MID-WEEK TRAMPING GROUP: Lynda 07-552-5359 TAURANGA ROAD RUNNERS: Sunday (AM), Ross 07-576-4852 TAURANGA RAMBLERS: Malcolm 07-544-2369 or Rod Taylor 07576-4207 TAURANGA TRAMPERS NETWORK: Natalie Bird 07-576-0016 TAURANGA TRAMPING CLUB: Christine Rawnsley 07-578-9984 PAK N BOOTS: Eveie 027-434-7877 and Julie Fox , 021-215-8516


TE AWAMUTU TUESDAY TRAMPERS: Tuesday, Lesley 07-870-1973 or Kathy 07-870-2006




WHITIANGA WHITIANGA WALKING GROUP: Monday, Thursday (AM), Mike lord, 07-868-6025


CARRINGTON WALKING GROUP: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Catherine McKee 06-753-3254 TIME FOR ME WALKS FOR WOMEN: Friday (AM), (I), Glenice 06758-3974 FRONT RUNNER GROUP: Monday (PM), (BIA), Kelvin & Michelle Giddy FITZROY WALKING GROUP: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), (IA), Marlene 06-758-8749 or Marilyn 06-757-2022 WESTOWN WALKING GROUP FOR WOMEN: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), (IA), Karen 06-751-1361 WEDNESDAY WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), Karen 06-751-1361 WALKERS IN THE PARK: Monday, (AM), (B), Dawn 06-758-6429 or Dorothy Humphries 06-751-0431 SPOTSWOOD WALKING GROUP: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), (BI), Allie Fitzgibbon 06-751-2304 NEW PLYMOUTH JOGGERS & WALKERS CLUB: Sunday (AM), Wednesday (PM), www.npjw.co.nz TARANAKI RACE WALKING CLUB: Trevor Suthon, 06-758-0776 EGMONT ATHLETICS: Karen Green, 06-758-1569

INGLEWOOD INGLEWOOD WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), (I), Maureen 06756-7255

STRATFORD STRATFORD RUNNERS & WALKERS CLUB: Saturday (PM), (BIA), Jill Gorrie 06-764-5088 STRATFORD WEDNESDAY WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), (BI), Ivan Coates 06-765-7212 or Wes Robinson 06-765-5242

HAWERA HAWERA WALKING GROUPO: Friday (AM), Nancy Riddick 06-2785784 PUSH PLAY WALKERS: Thursday (AM), Tuesday (PM), (BIA), Moira Koch, 0800-223-228

ELTHAM KIWI SENIORS WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), (BIA), Maria Erkes 06-764-8984


WHANGAMATA WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), Mike Lord, 07868-6025

Walking WalkingNew NewZealand, Zealand,issue issueno no193 194--2014 2014

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There’s a



roup near you

RONA & GLAD’S WALK GROUP: Tuesday (AM), Rona Wright 06344-5434 WANGANUI HARRIER CLUB: Wednesdays, Saturday (PM), Secretary, P O Box 702, Wanganui, Perry Newburn 06-343-6484 SPORT WANGANUI CLUB GOLD: Tuesday, Thursday, (AM), Karen Buckholt 06-349-2315 WANGANUI MILLENNIUM WALKERS CLUB: Sunday (AM), Darol Pointon 06-345-3137

WAVERLEY SPORT WANGANUI CLUB GOLD: (AM), (BIA), Betty Morrison 06346-5613

OHAKUNE SPORT WANGANUI CLUB GOLD: Mondays (AM), Kerry Young 06385-4055

MARTON SPORT WANGANUI CLUB GOLD Wednesday (AM), Deane James 06-327-7607

MANAWATU PALMERSTON NORTH HOKOWHITU KIWI WALKERS: Tuesday, Thursday (AM), (I), Dorne Jarvis 06-357-2444 KELVIN GROVE WALKERS: Tuesday (PM), (I), Marjory Edmonds, 06354-3342 HOT-Whitu CHICKS Saturday, (AM), (BIA), laurenparsons.co.nz/hotwhitu-chicks MANAWATU STRIDERS: Tuesday, Thursday, (PM); Sunday (AM), Hockey Manawatu Pavillion, Manawaroa Street, (BIA), Alister Martin 06-353-7175 PALMERSTON NORTH JOGGERS & WALKERS: Esplanade,Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (AM), (BI), Robyn McKey 06-354-9952. CLUB PED: Monday, Wednesday, (PM), (IA), Ongley Park; Saturday, (AM), Esplanade, (IA), David Young 06-356-7179 HEARTY STRIDERS: Thursday (PM), (BI), Esplanade, Adrienne Kennedy 06-350-8617 MASSEY WALKERS: Monday, Thursday, noon, Massey Recreation Centre, (BIA) Chin Diew Lai 06-350-5799 ext 2471 MANAWATU WALKWAYS PROMOTION SOCIETY’S MONTHLY WALKERS: Sunday (AM), (IA) Gillian Absolom 06-329-6898 METHODIST AGAPE FELLOWSHIP WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), (B), Lorna Goodwin, 06-358-2860 U3A Exploring Walkways: Thursday (PM), (B), Lynley Watson 06356-4384 WOMEN’S AFTER 5.30 WALKING GROUP: Tuesday, Thursday (PM), (I), Liz MacNeill 06-357-8216

FEILDING SENIOR WALKING GROUP: Tuesday, Thursday (AM), (BI), Gail Byrnes 06-323-5470

FOXTON FOXPEDS: Monday (PM), Foxton, Foxton Beach, (BIA), Dave Blackett, 06-363-5743, Michelle Duffy, 06-363-7987

LEVIN LEVIN HARRIER & WALKING CLUB: Saturday (PM), (BIA), Ivan Morgan 06-368-3622 WEDNESDAY LEISURE WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), (BIA), Lila McCall, 06-367-9070 LEVIN JOGGERS & WALKERS CLUB: Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, (BIA), Colleen Francis 06-368-8624


8799 TARARUA TRAMPING CLUB: www.ttc.org.nz WEA MIDWEEK WALKERS: Hanna Harwood WELLINGTON WEDNESDAY WALKERS: 04-388-1988 WELLINGTON CATHOLIC TRAMPING CLUB: 04-934-4729 WELLINGTON HARRIER ATHLETIC CLUB: Saturday (PM) mid March to mid October, (BIA), Veronica Gould WELLINGTON MARATHON CLINIC: Sunday (AM), (BIA), Toni 04478-9201 WELLINGTON MID-WEEK WALKERS: Tues, Thursday (PM), Bart Jones 04-477-3746 or David Lonsdale 04-977-8990 WELLINGTON NORDIC WALKERS: Rod McColl 04-526-6833

LOWER HUTT WALK FOR HEALTH: Wednesday (PM), Saturday (AM), Sunday (AM), (BIA), Jean 04-589-7887 or Dave 04-970-5133 POSITIVELY SLIM “Health for Life Walkers: Sunday (AM) Wednesday (PM) (BIA), Jim or Barbara Mobbs 04-566-2603 HUTT VALLEY WALKERS: Saturday (PM), Carol 04-586-7784 WALKING FOR PLEASURE: 60’s Plus, Melling, Molly Shephers, 04567-5727 WOMENS WALKING GROUP: Wainuiomata, every second Wednesday (PM), 04-564-6019 HUTT VALLEY TRAMPING CLUB: Weekend (AM), Dennis Page 04970-6901 TAKE HEART WALK GROUP: Monday (AM), (BI), Keith Millar, 04526-7440 LEISURE WALKERS: seniors, Tuesday (AM), Jean, 04-565-1918 HUTT VALLEY MARATHON CLINIC: Jenny Raymond, 04-569-6232 WALK WAINUI: Monday (AM), (BIA), Shirley 04-564-6179 EASTBOURNE WALK GROUP: Lesley O’Neil, Eastbourne ALICETOWN WALKING GROUP: 04-589-2646 KIWI MASTERS WALKERS: Richard Davies 04-566-1335 OLDER ADULTS – LEISURE WALKING GROUP: Judy 04-528-4445

PORIRUA FRIDAY WALKERS: Brian Grinstrup or Bruce Sheppard 04-237-6374 TAWA LINDEN HIKERS: 04-232-8705 WEA RAMBLERS: Muriel Thompson, Tawa TAWA/LINDEN WALKERS: Maurice 04-232-4407 or Claire 04-2328764

UPPER HUTT AURORA HARRIER CLUB: Peter Wrigley, p.wiggles@paradise.net.nz TUESDAY TRIPPERS: Bill Thompson, 04-971-5123 FANTAIL HIKERS: Marg Eagles, Upper Hutt TRENTHAM UNITED HARRIER CLUB: Jon Roskvist, 021-460-877 or 04-526-6906 UPPER VALLEY WALKING & TRAMPING CLUB: Allison 04-563-6661

KAPITI KAPITI CARDIAC CLUB: Tuesday, Thursday, Graham Priest 04-2937872 KAPITI WEDNESDAY WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), Robin Leger 04-905-4680 or Muriel Hill 04-293-5121 KAPITI SUNDAY WALKERS: Sunday (AM), Frank Morris 04-2932567 or Ethel Symes 04-904-1485 KAPITI THURSDAY WALKERS: Thursday, email kapitithursdaywalkers@gmail.com,www.sportsground.co.nz/ kapitithursdaywalkers KAPITI JOGGERS & WALKERS: Sunday (AM), Pam Childs 04-9021754 KAPITI WANDERERS: Tuesday (alt), email: kapitiwanderers@gmail.com, www.sportsground.co.nz/ kapitiwanderers MONDAY WALKERS: Monday, Reg Goodsell 04-904-7558, or Steve Golledge 04-904-5904 SPORT KAPITI THURSDAY WALKERS: Thursday (AM), 04-296-9022

WALKING GROUP RECREATIONAL: Edna Patrick, 06-377-4338 ORIENTEERING GROUP: 06-377-7961 or 379-5124 CARTERTON 40+ STRIDERS: Ada Lyster, 06-379-8746 RUAMAHANGA RAMBLERS: Winter Saturday, Summer Tuesday (PM), (BIA), Ray Wallis 06-377-0703



50 PLUS WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), Colin 03-572-9423 or Joan 03-578-1922 PICTON WALK GROUP: Monday (AM), Claire 03-573-7991





BROOKLYN WALKERS: Edith, 04-384-6799 BUGGY WALKING GROUP: First Thursday of month (AM), www.buggywalk.co.nz FOREST & BIRD: 04-567-7271 ORIENTAL BAY WEDNESDAY WALKERS: Christine Blakely 04-3836276 MT VICTORIA WALKING GROUP: Euan Harris 04-384-4770 WALK WAINUI: Monday (AM), (BIA), Shirley 04-564-6179 ISLAND BAY WALKING GROUP: Community Resource Centre, Island Bay, 04-383-7464 WALKING FOR LIFE: Lynne Waring, Miramar KARORI WALKING GROUP: Mavis Shaw, Kelburn KARORI ARTS & CRAFT WALKING GROUP: 04-934-8630 KANDALLAH CORNERSTONE WALKERS: Monday (AM) 04-479-5420 MIRAMAR WALKING GROUP: 04-388-1944 NEWLANDS COMMUNITY HOUSE WALKING: Tuesday (AM), 04-478-

MOTUEKA FIFTY PLUS WALKERS: Thursday (AM), Nora Morris 03-528-6290

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Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 193 -- 2014 2014 Walking


NELSON NELSON STRIDERS: Tuesday, Thursday, (PM), (BI), Averil West, 03-548-3655 NELSON KIWISENIORS: Tuesday (AM), 03-548-1126 WAKEFIELD WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), Lou Manson, 03541-8414 TAHUNA KIWISENIORS: Monday (AM), 03-548-1126 NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP: alternative Tuesday, Thursday (AM), Noel Brown 03-544-2286 NELSON 50+ WALKING & TRAMPING GROUP: Noel Brown 03544-2286 WAIMEA HARRIER WALKERS: Saturday (PM), Sunday (AM) (BIA), Heather McNabb, 03-547-8490 WEDNESDAY WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), Visitor Information Centre

TAKAKA GOLDEN BAY ALPINE AND TRAMPING CLUB: Day walk and overnight trips, Paul Kilgour, 03-525-7383

CANTERBURY CHRISTCHURCH ACTIVE CHRISTCHURCH SUNDAY WALK: Sunday (AM) (BI), 03-9418999 AVON LOOP/CITY KIWISENIORS: Monday (AM), (B), Sport Canterbury 03-373-5060 AVONSIDE KIWI SENIORS: Wednesday (AM), (BI), Jan 03-389-2755 AVONHEAD KIWISENIORS: Friday (AM), (BI), Bess 03-342-7647 AFTER WORK WALKING CLUBS: around Christchurch, (BI), for all ages and fitness levels, recreation clerk, CCC 03-371-1778. ARAI-WALKERS: Wednesday, Wainoni/Aranui, Natalie Hoani, 03-3882593 ARTHRITIC AMBLERS: Wednesday, (B) suitable for people with physical disabilities, Trevor Randall 03-385-7446 BEXLEY KIWISENIORS: Tuesday (AM), (BI), Kath 03388-6161 BARRINGTON KIWISENIORS: Friday (AM), (BI), Nita 03-337-1493 BECKENHAM WALK ‘n’ TALK: Thursday (PM), Di 03-385-3452 BISHOPDALE RAMBLERS: Wednesday (AM) (I), Bishopdale, Paul Muir 03-359-7971 BISHOPDALE TRAMPING CLUB: Wednesday (AM),(IA), www.bishopdaletrampers.org.nz BURNSIDE JOGGERS & WALKERS CLUB: Sunday (AM) Burnside, Anne Uys 03-342-6337 BUSHWISE WOMEN: (BIA) Cynthia Roberts or Roz Heinz 03-3324952 BRIGHTON RAMBLERS WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (AM), New Brighton (I), Marlene Crocker 03-388-1115 CANTERBURY RACE WALKERS ASSOCIATION: Monday, Wednesday, (BIA), coordinates all Canterbury race walkers and friendly race walking, Ann Henderson 03-387-0387 CANTERBURY UNIVERSITY TRAMPING CLUB: Wednesday (PM), Darryn Welham 03-960-3808 CARDIAC COMPANIONS: Sunday fortnight, (PM) Neville Wootton 03-942-5453 CARDIAC CARE GROUP, Marg Allison 03-366-2112 CCC EASTENDERS: Monday (AM), (IA), or Bruce 03-388-7295 CCC GARDEN CITY WALKERS: Saturday (AM) (IA), Helen 03-3822302 CCC GLOW WORM EVENING WALKERS: Wednesday (PM) (IA), Norm Wells 03-981-5487 CCC HALSWELL: Saturday (AM) (PM), (IA), Pauline 03-322-8057: Sunday, Terrence 03-322-8092 CCC SUNSHINE WALKERS: Tuesday (PM (IA), Jim 03-389-1982 or Hope 03-389-7997 CCC SHIRLEY RECREATIONAL WALKERS: Monday, Thursday (AM), (IA), 03-941-5409 CCC SOCKBURN: Tuesday (AM) (IA), Estelle 03-342-7841:Friday (AM) (IA), Jo 03-349-7146 CCC WEEKEND WANDERS: Sunday (PM) (IA), Marilyn 03-338-3826 CHRISTCHURCH PERSONAL GUIDING SERVICE: Daily (AM) (BIA), Cathedral Square, C Tonge 03-981-6350 CHRISTCHURCH MARATHON CLINIC: Saturday (AM), Neil Messenger 03-322-7709 CHRISTCHURCH METHODIST HARRIER CLUB: Saturday (PM) (BIA), Mrs Lindsay Evans 03-355-4356 CRUSADERS WALKERS: Tuesday (BI), (50’s and above age group), Pauline 03-385-9947 DARLINGTON KIWISENIORS: Wednesday (AM), Bill 03-385-1925 DIAMOND HARBOUR RAMBLERS: Tuesday, Hunters Road, (IA), Noeline Coleman 03-329-4566 EASTENDERS: Monday (AM), Bruce 03-981-5329 ELLESMERE TRAMPING GROUP: Thursday (AM), Trish Vessey 03329-1865 FAMILY SOCIAL GROUPS: (B), for parents with young children, recreational clerk, 03-371-1778 FASTRACK WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (AM) (I), Linwood, Dorothy Jones 03-389-5339 FENDALTON WALK ‘n’ TALK: Thursday (AM), 03-941-8999 FENDALTON NORDIC WALKERS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Yvette So 03-351-6407 GARDEN CITY WALKERS: Saturday (AM), Helen 03-382-2302 GENTLE EXERCISE: Monday, Friday, (NI), qualified physed instructor leads groups, Russell Graham, 03-388-3196 GLOW WORM EVENING WALKERS: Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, Pauline 03-322-8057 HAGLEY PARK NORDIC WALKERS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Kerstin Fahrenschone 03-388-0000 HALSWELL WALK ‘n’ TALK: Monday (AM), 03-941-8999 HAPPY RAMBLERS WALKING GROUP: Tuesday, (IA), 50+age group, Vera 03-337-4094 HAPPY WANDERERS WALKING GROUP: Wednesday, (BI), mainly 12 hour flat walks, John van Herpt, 03-980-5664 HEI HEI WALKERS: Thursday, Lee Tuki 03-373-8150 HERITAGE WALKS: Tuesday, (PM), Graeme Stanley 03-980-1553 HERITAGE WALKS: Thursday, (AM), Graeme Stanley 03-980-1553 HOON HAY KIWISENIORS: Wednesday (AM), (BI), Barbara 03-3388306 KAIAPOI WALKERS GROUP: Tuesday, Wednesday (AM), Lyane Graham 03-327-5679 KAIAPOI NORDIC WALKERS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Trudy Blakey 03-327-4457 KIWISENIORS WALKING GROUPS: for the over 50’s, 23 surburban www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz



There’s a



roup near you

groups plus rural locations, Sport Canterbury 0800-228-483 LAMBDA DAY TRAMPERS: every second Sunday, (BI), social group for gays and lesbians of all ages, Helen Davies 03-337-6103 LINWOOD AVENUE WALKING GROUP: Wednesday, Thursday (AM) (B), 03-389-5303 LINWOOD KIWISENIORS: Thursday (AM), Phyl 03-389-6130 LYTTELTON WALKING GROUP: Tuesday, Lyttlelton, (BI), Ada Goodwin 03-328-7235 MAIREHAU LADIES PROBUS, Tuesday, Leah 03-385-6310 MARYVILLE KIWISENIORS:: Monday (AM), Valmai 03-377-8742 MERIVALE KIWISENIORS: Monday (AM), (BI), June 03-355-8703 MT PLEASANT KIWISENIORS: Tuesday (AM), (BI), Pauline 03-3844794 NEW BRIGHTON KIWISENIORS: Wednesday, (AM), (BI), (both walkers and strollers), Joy 03-383-4494 NEW BRIGHTON WORKING MENS CLUB WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (I), Jenny Wilson 03-332-8818 NEW BRIGHTON ATHLETIC CLUB: Saturday (PM), Phil Bastion 03981-1798 NEW BRIGHTON HILL WALKERS: Wedneday (AM), Royce henery 03-388-7335 NEW BRIGHTON WALK ‘n’ TALK: Monday (AM), 03-941-8999 NEW BRIGHTON STROLLERS: Wednesday (AM), Tess Hall 03-3883237 NEW BRIGHTON WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), Joy 03-383-4494 NO HILL WALKERS: Thursday (AM) (B), Hazel Matthews 03-3855338 NEW BRIGHTON NORDIC WALKERS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Kerstin Fahrenschone 03-388-0000 NZ VIVENDI SOCIETY: Sunday, Janet 03-389-1609 PAPANUI WALK ‘n’ TALK: Wednesday (AM), 03-941-6840 OXFORD WALKING GROUP: Monday Thursday (AM), Coral Gilbertson 03-312-3155 OPAWA KIWISENIORS: Monday, Tuesday (AM), (BI), Carol 03-3325638 PAPANUI KIWISENIORS: Tuesday (AM), (BI), Elaine 03-352-7519 PAPANUI WALK ‘n’TALK: Wednesday (AM), 03-941-8999 PARKLANDS KIWISENIORS: Thursday (AM), (BI), Bernard Marriott 03-383-2665 PARKLANDS WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), BIA), Bernard Marriott 03-383-2665 PENINSULA TRAMPING CLUB: (Family Strollers Group), Sunday, Gloucester Street, (BIA), Rick Bolch 03-338-5156 PIONEER STROLLERS: Thursday, (BIA), Shirley Hitchcock, 03-3227220 PIONEER TRAMPERS: Thursday (AM) (IA), Alan Williams 03-3432216 PLEASURE WALKERS: Monday, Wednesday (AM) (I), Colleen Cook 03-389-8607 PORT HILLS NORDIC WALKERS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Chiaki Jagau 03-981-1433 PORT HILLS ATHLETIC WALKING GROUP: Wednesday, Friday (AM), Glen Watts 03-332-1964.Saturday (PM), Peter King 03-341-1154 QE11 MINI HIKERS: alternate Wednesday, QE11 Park, (BI), Beverley Church 03-383-5448 Q.E. PARK STROLLERS: Tuesday, John Plumridge 03-385-9710 RETIREES CLUB KIWISENIORS: Wednesday, (AM), (BI), (both walkers and stroller groups), Sport Canterbury 03-373-5060 RETIREES SOCIAL CLUB: Thursday (PM) (BI), 50 + age group, Ira Williams 03-342-8172 or Carol Roscoe 03-337-5901 RICCARTON KIWISENIORS: Wednesday (AM), (BI), Enid 03-348-9351 ROWLEY WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), Lee Tuki 03-373-8150 ROVER HARRIER CLUB: Saturday (PM) (BI), Steve Mitchell 03-3488195 SALLY STROLLERS: Saturday, fortnight, general Christchurch, (B), leisurely pace, Margaret Bennetts, 03-322-9187 SHIRLEY RECREATIONAL WALKERS: Monday, Thursday (AM), 03941-5409 " A SLICE OF HERITAGE WALKS” with Walktologist Graeme Stanley, Tues (PM) Thurs (AM ), Graeme Stanley 03- 980-1553 SOMERFIELD KIWISENIORS: Tuesday (AM), (BI), Marie 03-337-1436 SOUTH CHRISTCHURCH/SYDENHAM WALKERS: Sunday (AM) (IA), Ray 03-332-0555 ST PETERS WALKING GROUP: Monday (PM), Thursday (PM) (BIA), Audrey 03-348-9157 SUNSHINE WALKERS: Tuesday (PM), 03-389-1982 SPORTY SINGLES: Saturday, Sunday, (BI), Llolyd 03-323-6232 TUESDAY TREKKERS CLUB: Tuesday, (AM), Necia Sullivan 03-3389035 TOWER TRAMPING & WALKING CLUB: Tuesday, (IA), Dave Bates 03-332-6233, Sunday, Yvonne van Eerden 03-339-0751 WAINONI/AVONSIDE COMMUNITY SERVICES: Thursday (AM), 03389-2285 WALKIE TALKIES WALKING GROUP: Thursday, (B), members mainly from Burwood United and St Kentigerns Parish, John 03-981-9994 WOMEN WALK: Wednesday and weekends, throughout Canterbury not in city area, (BIA), Pauline Cara 03-384-1921 XY’s WALKERS: Thursday (AM), Maureen Ryder 03-383-1226 or Alison Jarvis 03-338-2678 “Y’s WALKERS” (YMCA): Tuesday, Thursday, (BIA), City YMCA, 03366-0689, Bishopdale Community Centre, 03-359-8330 www.walkingnewzealand.co.nz

“Y’s TREKKERS”: Monday, Port Hills, (IA), City YMCA, 03-366-0689 YMCA WALKING GROUP: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (AM), Jill O’Connor 03-366-0689 WAYFARERS WALKING GROUP:Thursday (AM) (BI), 50 + age group, Ted Hill 03-323-9311 WEEKEND WANDERERS: Sunday (PM), Marilyn Dean 03-338-3826 WOMEN WALK: Wednesday Weekends (AM), (BIA), Pauline Cara 03-384-1921 30 MINUTE WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), Greame Stanley 30 MINUTE WALKING GROUP:Tuesday (AM), (B), Risingholme, Christchurch City Council 03-941-8999 30 MINUTE WALKING GROUP:Monday, Wednesday, Friday (AM), (BIA), Bishopdale, Christchurch City Council 03-941-8999 30 MINUTE WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM) (PM), (BIA), 03-94128999

RURAL CANTERBURY CHEVIOT KIWISENIORS: Tuesday (AM), (BI), Sport Canterbury 03373-5060 ELLESMERE TRAMPING GROUP: Thursday (AM) (IA), Trish Vessy 03-329-1865 LEESTON KIWISENIORS: Friday (AM), (BI), Sport Canterbury 03373-5060 LINCOLN KIWISENIORS: Monday (AM), (BI), Sport Canterbury 03373-5060 RANGIORA KIWISENIORS: Wednesday (AM), (BI), Sport Canterbury 03-373-5060 SOUTHBRIDGE KIWISENIORS: Friday (AM), (BI), Sport Canterbury 03-373-5060

ASHBURTON ASHBURTON HARRIER CLUB: Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday, Merv & Jackie Gilbert 03-308-5894 KIWISENIORS WALKING GROUPS: for the over 50’s, Wednesday (AM), (BI), two groups, Janice Cochrane, Sport Mid-Canterbury, 03-307-0475 ASHBURTON STROLLERS CLUB: 1st Sunday and 2nd Wednesday of month, (AM), Diane Milne 03- 303-6250 METHERN & DISTRICT TRAMPING CLUB: Helen 03-308-7011 MT SOMERS TRACKS: Warren Jowett 03-303-0880, www.doc.govt.nz MT SOMERS WALKWAY: Marilyn & Bruce Gray 03-303-0809 PACIFIC ISLAND WALKING GROUP: Ashburton Domain, Torika Patterson 03-308-5868 ST DAVIDS WALKING GROUP: Barbara Lischner 03-308-5174, www.st-davids.org.nz WALKING GROUP: Eileen Ward 03-307-0475 WALKING GROUP: Ethel Powell 03-308-9662




DUNEDIN ACTIVE WALKERS: Monday (PM), Bill Brockie 03-467-9114 ARIKI WALKING GROUP: Wednesday, Saturday (PM), Karen Martin 03-456-4223 CIVIL SERVICE: Saturday, (PM), Peter Smith 03-471-7127 CAVERSHAM HARRIERS WALKING GROUP: Saturday (PM), Keiran Columb 03-489-4027 DUNEDIN CITY RAMBLERS: Wednesday,(AM) Alison St John 03476-2344 GREEN HUT TRACK GROUP: Wednesday (AM), George Sutherland 03-467-5999 HALFWAY BUSH WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (AM), (I), Pat Garth, 03-476-2579 HILL CITY WALKING GROUP: Saturday (PM), Alex McEwan 03-4554851 KOPUTAI WALKING GROUP: 2nd Tuesday, (AM), Noeline Forgie, 03472-8302 LEITH WALKERS: Saturday (PM), Janette Anderson 03-476-2830 MORNINGTON MONDAY WALKERS: Monday (AM), (B), Kieran Hurring 03-453-4423 MULTI-PEAK FITNESS WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), Marelda Gallaher 03-477-6057 or 027-222-3863 MOSGIEL 50's FORWARD WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), Roberta Telfer 03-488-3175 OTAGO TRAMPING/MOUNTAINEERING CLUB: Sunday (AM), Ian Sime 03-453-6185 OVER 30’s TRAMPING CLUB: Sunday (AM), Janice Hodges 03-4894071 PHOENIX CLUB WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (AM), Nina Davidson 03-471-0114 PINEHILL WALKING GROUP: Thursday (AM), Norman Vare 03-4738683 ST KILDA COMMUNITY CLUB WALKING GROUP: Tuesday, (AM), Ngaire McIndoe 03-456-4478 TAIERI RECREATIONAL TRAMPING CLUB: Wednesday (AM), Ian Fleming 03-489-8964 TRIXIE TRAMPERS: Thursday (AM), Alison Jones 03-489-8372 WEA OVER 50’s TRAMPING CLUB: 2nd & 4th Tuesday, (A), Jenny Gonin 03-467-2711 WAIHOLA WALKERS: Wednesday (AM), Elizabeth Jones 03-4898064 XY TRAMPING CLUB: 1st & 4th Tuesday, (AM), Cliff Donaldson 03467-9875 Y’S WALKING GROUP: Sunday (AM), Betty Booth 03-456-2000 60 PLUS WALKING GROUP: Monday (AM), Judith Wright 03-4562080 60’s PLUS RAMBLERS: 1st & 3rd Tuesday, Vern Gould 03-476-4457 60’s PLUS TRAMPING CLUB: 2nd & 4th Thursday, (A), >4 hours, Murray Bolt, 03-454-2211 60 PLUS HIKERS: 2nd & 4th Tuesday, (AM), Moreen Hayes 03-4761545

TIMARU HARRIER CLUB: Saturday (PM), March to October, Alister 03-686-1010 GLENITI WALK GROUP: Wednesday (AM), (BI), Edna 03-688-0779 HIGHFIELD WALK GROUP: Thursday (AM), (BI), Joy, 03-688-9888 KIWISENIORS WALKING GROUPS: for the over 50’s, Verna Parker, Sport Canterbury, 03-686-0751 MARCHWIEL WALK GROUP: Monday (AM), Colleen, 03-688-6231 SOUTHEND WALK GROUP: Monday (AM), (BI), Bev, 03-688-8381 WANDERERS WALK GROUP: Thursday (AM), (BI), Brian Illingworth 03-684-9355





60’S UP WALK GROUP: Monday (AM), Olive Swain 03-214-4802 YMCA WOMEN’S WALKING GROUP: Tuesday (AM), Joan Sutherland, 03-218-8738 BNZ ACTIVE WALKERS: Thursday, Ann Robbie 03-211-2150, wwwsportsouthland.co.nz

GREYMOUTH CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE WALKING GROUP: Nora Sheard, 03-768-6479 GREYMOUTH OVER 50’S: Graham Schaef, 03-768-7437 GREYMOUTH DAUDLERS: Yvonne Davison 03-768-6664 KIWISENIORS WALKING GROUPS: for the over 50’s, Don Monk SWC 03-768-0775 RUNANGA WALKING GROUP: Pat Butler 03-762-7665 BLACKBALL WALKING GROUP: Charlie Quibell 03-732-4887

HOKITIKA HOKITIKA KIWISENIORS: Monday (AM), (BI), Pavel Bare SWC, 03756-9037 HARI HARI KIWISENIORS: Historic walks (BI), Pavel Bare SWC, 03-756-9037 HOKI HIKERS: Tuesday (AM), Margaret Stevens 03-755-6466

ALEXANDRA HARRIER & WALKERS CLUB: Saturday (PM), April to October, John Thompson 03-448-7244, www.alexharriers.co.nz

QUEENSTOWN WAKATIPU WALKERS: Thursday, Patricia Cook 03-442-1525

WANAKA WANAKA WALKING Group: Monday (February - Mid-December (AM), (BI), Marion Barnett 03-443-1780


GORE BNZ ACTIVE WALKERS: 3rd Tuesday, Susie Burrows 03-208-3846, wwwsportsouthland.co.nz HOKONUI TRAMPING CLUB: Margaret Hughes 03-208-7053

NORTHERN SOUTHLAND BNZ ACTIVE WALKERS: 2nd and 4th Thursday, Ann Robbie 03211-2150, wwwsportsouthland.co.nz

TE ANAU BNZ ACTIVE WALKERS: Wednesday, Ann Robbie 03-211-2150, wwwsportsouthland.co.nz

OTAGO CLYDE CLYDE OFF-ROAD WALKERS: Monday, Wednesday, Judy Blanch, 03-449-2580, Eleanor Edgar 03-448-6767

OAMARU SENIOR CITIZENS WALKING GROUP: Wednesday (AM), Nancy Bell 03-434-5061 OAMARU FRIDAY WALKERS: Every 2nd Friday (AM), Barbara McGann 03-434-9178

LEGEND Fitness levels: “B” beginner, ”I” intermediate, “A” advanced. (AM) denotes morning walk, (PM) denotes an afternoon or evening walk. Group co-ordinators are asked to please advise us of any updates by fax 06-358-6864 or email walkingnz@xtra.co.nz

Walking Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 193 194 -- 2014 2014





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Walking Walking New New Zealand, Zealand, issue issue no no 194 194 -- 2014 2014

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Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014



Walking New Zealand, issue no 194 - 2014


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