Preparing Your Business For GameChanging Disruptors - WalkWater Talent Advisors We have seen many big names in the industry fail at some point in their careers; and from these failures, there’s a lot to be learnt. One important lesson learnt is that there is a noticeable requirement of the innovation in technology, digitization, and customization. Without such innovation, you are sure to fail, or lag behind. Let’s help you know how you, as a business, can prepare for game-changing disruptors. We’ll explain to you the same, with the help of examples about well-known names, like Xerox.
Innovation is important When an engineer employer by Xerox invented the first computer in the 1970s, the board decided not to invest in the manufacture of such computers, thinking that Xerox was only meant for copy machines. This was one of the biggest mistakes they made, which is clearly depicted in Smith and Alexander’s book – “Fumbling the Future: How Xerox Invented, then Ignored, the First Personal Computer”. The lesson that we all can learn from this mistake is
that a business cannot keep making money, using the same old technology. Innovation is certainly important!
Remaining flexible opportunities
open for
Xerox, apart from the engineer who invented the PC, failed to predict the future demand for computers, which clearly shows how important it is to regularly interrogate fixed assumptions and anticipating customer requirements, remaining favourably flexible. And for this, it is important that you keep an eye on the latest developments, listen to your customers, find out what the need, and take the time to consider how global changes may disrupt your industry in the future. Every disruption must be viewed as exciting prospects to better-up your strategic game, rather than considering them as threats. Doing so will help your company stay more sustainable than those who cling rigidly to outdated assumptions. We can clearly learn from the mistake made by Xerox how important it is to stay flexible and open to the possibility of more than one company vision.
Securing appropriate talent Last but not the least, it is also important to secure the appropriate talent. It is clear that a strong foundation comprised of optimal skills, resources, and knowledge is required, in order to position a business for disruptors. Ask yourself whether you have high-performing and innovative teams in place. Check for any skills that you think are missing in your team. Investigate whether your technologies anticipate customer requirements. Also, check if you need to recruit new talent or create alliances. Consider partnering with a professional recruitment firm to make sure you have the most relevant talent model for success. WalkWater
Talent Advisors is one of the best executive search firms in India who can help you find the most appropriate talent for your company, with employees who can satisfy current requirements, as well as help accomplish future business goals. While keeping in check the above aspects, rigorous thinking about possible futures and the capabilities required are important to prepare any business for possible disruptors. Contentment with what you have, and reluctance to bring in innovation can leave your business left behind, with your competitors adapting to change, and thus racing ahead. For