The Importance Of Talent Acquisition Analytics - WalkWater Talent Advisors Talent acquisition analytics can help you make the right hiring decisions, which is absolutely important, because hiring the wrong talent can result in losses that you can’t even imagine! Bigger the company, higher the losses. That’s because there are several factors affected with a wrong hire, such as recruitment advertising fees, recruiting staff time, training fees, broken team morale, and lesser productivity. And, all of this also results in losing out on customers, which in turn weakens the brand image. Hence, you must always pay attention to hiring the right candidates for the job. And, how can you do that? Through talent acquisition analytics. How, we’ll let you know.
Talent acquisition uses data to inform hiring strategies and processes; something that 50% of recruiters use as part of their hiring strategies, which helps in acquiring the right talent and
increase employee retention by more than 50%. That’s because such data can help assess what makes an employee successful, and helps identify the right kinds of candidates, which thus makes it easier and better to fill the talent and skill gaps with the most apt candidates. Talent acquisition analytics can thus improve both recruitment and candidate experience.
Benefits of talent acquisition analytics Businesses that use talent acquisition analytics can predict a job applicant’s future performance by determining what a successful employee looks like and developing a candidate persona that matches. This way, similar characteristics, education, experience, and activities can be checked for. Predictive analytics not only helps quickly identify the right types of candidates, but also helps to find and connect with them. Targeting the specific skills and characteristics that are required in a candidate, one can figure out the platform that kind of particular group is on, and post a job ad there for them to see. The language in the ad can also be crafted to suit the personality of the target candidates. Data means accurate data, without being biased towards a particular gender, age, or race of the applicant. There is thus no bias that can affect recruitment decisions, which is otherwise present consciously or subconsciously, thus affecting decisions made about candidates.
Using talent acquisition analytics the right way When you want to gain the most benefits out of your talent acquisition analytics, you can either employ leading talent
acquisition companies in India, like WalkWater Talent Advisors, or take assistance from the following tips and ideas. Certain recruitment tasks take enormous hours of human labour, which brings to you shortage of time that can otherwise be invested in other important tasks. Automating such tasks wherever possible can bring to you accurate results as well as lots of time. Some tasks that can be automated include candidate screening, application tracking, and interview scheduling. It’s important to examine and track lots of factors like market trends, workforce demographics, hiring finances, and every other possible information required to analyze the capital required. You may opt for built-in hiring analytics solutions from recruiting software to save money and time, while also helping you make informed decisions. Tracking your hiring processes can help better manage the candidate pipeline and determine the right platforms for sourcing candidates. More data means more insight into whether or not the current talent acquisition strategy is working. You can also update your employee persona, application process, and job offers over time, as and when the data inspires you. For