Transforming Recruiting By Using Talent Acquisition Technology - WalkWater Talent Advisors When there’s a big company hiring hundreds and thousands of employees every year, handling talent acquisition with a human touch can be extremely challenging. But, by using the right technology, recruiting can be kept up to the mark, while maintaining the human touch alive. Here are some benefits of using such apt technologies to help serve the above purpose.
Video interviews should replace phone tags to improve quality of hire Phone tag is not a good option for when hundreds or thousands of candidates need to be hired every year. It only extends time to hire, and forces recruiters to spend lots of time doing administrative tasks, instead of examining candidates. Instead of phone tag, you can use video interviews to save on a lot of time for all the recruiters and program managers. This helps save on a lot of time, and helps focus on the right qualified candidates, bringing more information about them, leading to bring in better candidates, resulting in more offers.
Video interviews can increase productivity and strengthen relationships As we mentioned above, video interviewing can empower recruiters to do less administrative work, which means increased productivity. Lesser time is thus spent on sourcing candidates and scheduling phone interviews, thus finding quality time with various candidates. All such time-consuming tasks can mean immense time saved for recruiters, with the usage of the right technologies. When quality time is spent with candidates, every candidate’s skill can be identified, thus better-qualified candidates can be passed on to the hiring managers. In this way, the relationship between the recruiters and hiring managers is strengthened, bringing transparency and togetherness.
Structured video interviews can ensure seeing candidates consistently A structured video interview process gives recruiters a holistic look into candidates, something that cannot be otherwise seen on paper resumes, or heard on a phone call. A structured interview can also ensure that every candidate answers the same questions, thus bringing consistency and reducing bias.
The right technologies can help interview candidates out of the country When you want to bring in executives from all over the world, you can imagine the immense amounts of costs involved! Moreover, hiring all those candidates from outside the city or country can also be exhaustive to coordinate. Then, it can also have you keeping multiple interviews on hold due to shortage of time, because of the time differences in different countries. In this case, you need to use a technology that can help eliminate your backlog, and help you go
through and review every interview, and pass or fail, so that you can have the answer. By using technological solutions for recruitment, candidates understand that the company values technology, which is of utmost importance in today’s world. So, this just adds on to the above benefits. In order to have the right technologies being used, you can hire one of the leading talent acquisition companies in India, one like WalkWater Talent Advisors, who believe in using the latest technologies and the right processes to hire the most capable candidates for even the most complex senior-level jobs. For