When Do You Need A Retained Executive Search Firm? - WalkWater Talent Advisors When a job position is getting vacant soon, and you want to fill it at the earliest, with no time wastage, you may usually turn to a recruitment agency to help you with the task, thinking that you may get an early job fill with them having a large pool of candidates on their list looking for employment. But, have you ever thought what would happen if this urgency brings up a wrong or ill-fitting candidate on the job? You may either land up on unproductiveness, or losses. In any way, this could be dangerous for your business. And, this can be particularly disastrous if the position you are trying to fill is a senior level job, such as a team leader, manager, CEO, and the like.
What should you do then? You must understand that filling a job position at the earliest isn’t important, but filling it with a fitting candidate is important. And for that, you may need to wait. We understand that wasting time is wasting money. But, we’re not asking you to waste time, we’re asking you to invest time. Invest time into employing a retained executive search firm for the task.
Partner with one of the top retained executive search firms in India, one like WalkWater Talent Advisors, explain to them all your requirements, help them understand your business and your goals, and let them work it out to find the most apt candidate for your organization. Okay, you may not want to employ such professionals or wait so long for any low level or mid-level job vacancies, but there are certain job positions or certain situations when you do want to leave the task in the hands of such reliable professionals.
When it’s a senior level role A senior level role require the most suiting candidate to be hired, because these senior level employees will have the most important responsibilities within the organization. They are the people who will make decisions and guide the rest of the working within the company. Neither can you afford wrong decision makers, nor can you afford replacing such candidates every now and then. You need the most suiting candidate for such high-level jobs, and also those who can stay on the job long-term. Executive search firms can help fill up such positions with candidates who are well-suiting to the requirements, as well as those who are reliable enough to work long-term and accomplish future goals. This is because such firms will approach not only active candidates looking out for jobs, but will also get in touch with candidates working efficiently elsewhere (not looking for job changes), and compel them to come to you. This means you are getting quality candidates, not just those looking for a job to help them get money.
When it’s a difficult job There are jobs that are difficult to explain. There are jobs that require technical expertise or a functional set of skills, for which the qualities and requirements get lost in translation when speaking to agencies having little or no knowledge about the job role. On the other hand, when you have an executive search firm, they are well-versed with all such job types with the experience and know-how they possess since years. So, when you approach such professionals, you only need to tell them about the job role you are trying to fill, and they already know it all!
When you’re looking for a high-level competent and broad skill set A degree or qualification isn’t everything. Okay, it’s good enough to help you know what a candidate has been taught about during his education and training years. But, not every theoretical education or training is enough. There needs to be some practicality involved. It’s about finding a unique skill set that translates across a broad strategic spectrum. Then, you expect high-level competencies from the candidates you are looking to hire. All of this can be brought to you on a platter when you hire from top retained executive
search firms in India. For