21 minute read
Admission Information
Wallace State Community College maintains an “open door” admissions policy that provides higher education for individuals who meet minimum admission requirements as set forth by the policies of the Alabama College System. Admission to the College does not guarantee entrance into a particular course or program. Some programs have specific admission requirements. Requirements for admission to certain programs, such as the health programs, are found in the appropriate (Academic Programs, Health Sciences, and Career/Technical Programs) section of this catalog. General Admission Information can be found at
The mailing address for the Admissions Office is: Wallace State Community College Wallace State Community College
Admissions Office Admissions Office
PO Box 2000 PO Box 2000
Hanceville, AL 35077-2000 Hanceville, AL 35077-2000
Fax Number: 256.352.8129 Documents that can be accepted via fax are: Residency Statements, Re-Evaluation of Transfer Credit, and Transient Letters.
E-mail for New Student Documents:
newstudent@wallacestate.edu Documents that can be submitted via email: Residency Statements, Proof of Identification, and Transient Letters. Lion Central
Lion Central is the one-stop office for financial aid and admissions. Lion Central is located in the lobby of the James C. Bailey Center. New Students and Returning Students who have questions regarding their admissions or financial aid can stop by Lion Central or e-mail at lioncentral@wallacestate.edu or phone 256.352.8238/ 256.352.8182.
General Admission Procedures
Students wishing to enroll at Wallace State Community College in regular degree courses must complete the following steps: 1. Complete an Application for Admission to the college. The Application for Admission is completed electronically and can be found at www.wallacestate.edu. 2. Submit official transcripts from previously attended high schools and colleges to the Office of
Admissions. Transcripts are also accepted that are sent electronically via Parchment and National
Student Clearinghouse. 3. Submit a GED Certificate if earned. A copy of the official test scores or the GED certificate can be accepted from the student via mail or in person at
Lion Central. 4. Placement into mathematics and English courses will be based upon specified prerequisite requirements, which may include a student’s ACT scores, high school grade point average in conjunction with final grades in designated high school courses, and ACCUPLACER placement assessment scores. Placement scores and the high school GPA are valid for five years. If older than five years, the student must take the ACCUPLACER assessment. Academic advisors will assist students with determining the appropriate placement into mathematics and English courses. 5. Students who have taken the ACCUPLACER test within the last three years may also be exempted from academic assessment by providing official copies of the scores to the Admissions Office. Initial
ACCUPLACER test is free and retest is $10. 6. According to Board Policy 801.01, for admission to an Alabama Community College System institution, one primary form of photo documentation, such as: ◦ Unexpired Alabama Driver’s License or instruction permit ◦ Unexpired Alabama Identification Card ◦ Unexpired US Passport ◦ Unexpired US Permanent Resident Card ◦ Resident Alien Card - Pre 1997 ◦ Unexpired Driver’s License or instruction permit from another state or possession that verifies lawful presence, dated 2000 and beyond ◦ US Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-151) prior to 1978 ◦ BIA or tribal identification card with photo ◦ I-797 Form with Expiration Date ◦ Unexpired Military ID NOTE: NOTE: For those students unable to provide these documents in person, forms may be accessed at www.wallacestate.eduunder the Admission tab. Forms must be mailed back to the Admissions Office to clear registration holds related to this.
7. If all required high school and college transcripts have not been received by the admissions office prior to issuance of first semester grades, the grades will be reported on the transcript. The student shall not be allowed to enroll for a second semester unless all required transcripts have been received and processed by the admissions office prior to registration for the second semester. Admissions Transcript Policy
1. Transcripts from a Public or Non Public Accredited High School
• Transcripts must list the date of graduation; diploma type if applicable, all courses completed and grades earned, and must be signed by a school administrator. • Transcripts can be faxed, mailed, or sent electronically through a transcript provider to the admissions office from the high school. • Transcripts delivered by the student must be in a sealed envelope. Transcripts will not be accepted from a student via fax or e-mail.
2. Transcripts from a Non Public Non-Accredited High School
• Transcripts must list the date of graduation; diploma type if applicable, all courses completed and grades earned, and must be signed by a school administrator and contain contact information for the school and/or school administrator. • Transcripts can be faxed, mailed, or sent electronically through a transcript provider to the admissions office from the high school. • Transcripts delivered by the student must be in a sealed envelope. Transcripts will not be accepted from a student via fax or e-mail. • Transcripts are reviewed for admissions purposes only. Additional financial aid review may be required. 3. College Transcripts • Transcripts must list the dates of attendance, date of graduation if applicable; diploma type if applicable, all courses completed and grades earned.
Transcripts must be official and cannot be student issued. • College Transcripts will be accepted via mail or electronic submission from the college. Faxed college transcripts are not accepted. • Transcripts delivered by the student must be in a sealed envelope with the protective college seal in place. • All policies and procedures are subject to revision by the college or other governing agencies.
Transcripts are reviewed for admissions purposes only. Additional financial aid review may be required. Admission Eligibility
Individuals are eligible for admission to courses creditable toward an associate degree, certificate or short-term certificate if they meet the following criteria and have completed and submitted an application for admission, residency form, official high school and college transcripts, and proof of identification. High School Graduates
1. A student who holds an Alabama High School
Diploma, the high school diploma of another state equivalent to the Alabama High School Diploma, or an equivalent diploma issued by a non-public high school; Policies related to non-public nonaccredited high school diplomas are subject to revision by the Alabama Community College
System Board of Trustees 2. A student who holds a GED Certificate issued by the appropriate state education agency.
Non High School Graduates
1. Non-high school graduates or non-GED recipients seeking admission may only enroll in non-degree creditable courses or programs. 2. Non-high school graduates or non-GED recipients who are admitted to an Alabama Community
College System institution must be able to benefit from instructional training as indicated by attainment of at least minimum scores on an approved academic assessment. Students covered by this policy may not enroll in courses or programs that lead to an associate degree. NOTE: NOTE: Certain programs may be exempt with special conditions.
Readmission Students
Individuals who previously attended Wallace State Community College and who seek to return after an absence of one semester (excluding the summer term) must submit an application for readmission, comply with current admissions requirements, and supply transcripts of all academic work taken since last attending WSCC. Transfer Students
1. A student who has previously attended another regionally or Council on Occupational Education accredited postsecondary institution will be considered a transfer student. 2. Transfer students on academic or disciplinary suspension from another college or university must submit a written request to the College Admissions
Committee for admission. 3. A student who has completed the baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution will be required to submit only the transcripts from the institution conferring the highest degree. 4. Transfer students with less than a baccalaureate degree must submit transcripts from all colleges attended and either high school transcripts with graduation date or proof of completion of GED. See
General Admissions Procedures.
Transfer Credit for Incoming Students
1. Transcripts will be evaluated after the student has been admitted to the college. 2. Evaluation of transfer credit is based on a student’s program of study at Wallace State. Only transfer courses that are applicable to a student’s program of study are considered for transfer credit.
3. Only official transcripts from each college will be evaluated for transfer credit. Student copies will not be utilized for evaluation of official transfer credit.
Credit will not be evaluated for transfer credit that appears on another college’s transcripts. 4. A grade of “D” may transfer if the cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above at the time of admission. 5. The grade of “D” may only be applied to general education courses for the Associate’s Degree unless program restrictions or course prerequisites prohibit. See Course Descriptions and
Abbreviations for specific prerequisite requirements. 6. All major required courses require a grade of “C” or higher for successful course completion. 7. No graduate level or pass/fail courses may transfer. 8. Courses taken under a quarter or trimester system will be evaluated and adjusted to the semester system. 9. Students inquiring about the application of transfer credit should complete a Re-Evaluation of Transfer
Credit Request available on the Admissions section of the website or available at Lion Central in the
Bailey Center. Transient Students
1. A student who attends another postsecondary institution and who seeks credit for transfer to that parent institution may be admitted to the College as a transient student. 2. The student must submit an application for admission, proof of identification, and an official letter from the institution that certifies that the credit earned at the college will be accepted as a part of the student’s academic program. 3. Transient Students are responsible for completing the transcript request to assure that transcripts are sent to the parent institution. 4. Wallace State Students who seek to take classes as a transient student at another institution should contact the admissions office to request a Transient
Authorization Form. Students must be in good academic standing. Students who owe a balance to the college will not be issued a Transient
Authorization Form. 5. Credit for the course(s) will be accepted in partial fulfillment of the degree requirements at Wallace
State provided a grade of “C” or better was earned in the transient course.
Accelerated High School Students
1. A student who meets the provisions of state policy which allows students to enroll who have completed the tenth grade, who have a cumulative “B” average, and who have been recommended by the local principal may enroll. The student may enroll only in postsecondary courses for which high school prerequisites have been completed. 2. Exceptions may be granted by the Chancellor for a student documented as gifted and talented according to the standards included in Alabama
Administrative Code §290-8-9-.12.
Questions regarding this academic assessment may be directed to Lion Central.
Dual Enrolled/Dual Credit High School
Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit allows eligible high school students to enroll in college classes concurrently with high school classes, either on the college campus, online, or at the high school, and receive both high school and college credit, provided the student is in grades ten, eleven, or twelve; has the required grade point average; and has written approval of the Principal and Superintendent. All Dual Enrollment students must complete an application for admission, submit a copy of a photo ID, and meet college assessment requirements prior to beginning their 12th grade year or enrolling in English or math courses. See General Admission Procedures, items 1, 4, 5, and 6 for specific information. All students participating in accelerated coursework are considered Wallace State Community College students and are bound by the rules, regulations, and policies of the College and the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees. For more information, please visit www.wallacestate.edu/programs/dual-enrollment. International Students
For the protection of the public and to assist in maintaining state and national security, persons who are not citizens of the United States may not be admitted to any public two-year college for the purpose of enrolling in flight training, or in any segment or portion of a flight training program, until appropriate certification and approval have been received from the Office of the Attorney General of the United States, pursuant to Section 113 of the Aviation Transportation and Security Act, regulations of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and all other applicable directives. Admission to an Alabama Community College System institution does not ensure admission to any individual program or course. Institutions comply with all applicable accreditation requirements and standards regarding program admission. International Students can contact the Wallace State Primary Designated School Officer for Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, Jim Milligan at jim.milligan@wallacestate.edu. Wallace State Community College accepts international students who have an F-1 student visa and meet the
Prior to being issued an I-20 form, international Prior to being issued an I-20 form, international students must present the following: students must present the following:
1. A completed admissions application. Applications can be completed via the Wallace State website at www.wallacestate.edu 2. Official transcripts in English that document graduating from a secondary institution that is equivalent to a US high school. International applicants must have the high school transcript evaluated by Lisano International (www.lisano_intl.com) or World Education Services (www.wes.org) in order to determine admissions eligibility. For credits from foreign colleges or universities to be considered for transfer, the college transcripts must be evaluated on a course by course basis. Reports from the evaluation service must be mailed directly to the Wallace State Admissions
Office/International Students. 3. A current and valid passport. 4. A current photo (passport-size, preferred) to be submitted to the Admissions Office. 5. Official transcripts showing a minimum of 500 on the paper-based version of the Test of English as a
Foreign Language (TOEFL), 61 on the internet based
TOEFL, or 173 on the computer based TOEFL test, or a 5.5 or greater on the International English
Language Testing* (IELTS). 6. A signed notarized financial statement declaring that the international applicant will be fully responsible and that funds are available for financial obligations during enrollment at Wallace State
Community College. Financial obligations include but are not limited to: tuition and fees, books and supplies, living expenses, housing and miscellaneous expenses. A bank statement or bank letter dated within 6 months must be attached. 7. Payment verification of I-901 Student and Exchange
Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee after receiving I-20. 8. A medical health history with proof of vaccinations on Alabama Community College System form. Form can be accessed under the admissions tab at www.wallacestate.edu or from the Primary
Designated SEVIS Officer in the Wallace State
Admissions Office. 9. Documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance, including repatriation, which must be maintained during all periods of enrollment. *English as a Second Language exam may be waived from all English speaking countries including but not limited to: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize, the British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guernsey, Guyana, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Montserrat, Nauru, New Zealand, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the United Kingdom, the US Virgin Islands
Other requests must be submitted with substantial documentation to the college for approval by the ACCS Chancellor.
International Students Transferring within International Students Transferring within
the United States the United States
Any international student who has attended an accredited college or university within the United States may be considered for admissions as a transfer student. Transfer students must comply with the items listed below:
1. A completed admissions application. Applications can be completed via the Wallace State website at www.wallacestate.edu 2. Official transcripts in English that document graduating from a secondary institution that is equivalent to a US high school. International applicants must have the high school transcript evaluated by Lisano International (www.lisano_intl.com) or World Education Services (www.wes.org) in order to determine admissions eligibility. Students who have achieved a minimum of a Baccalaureate degree are only required to submit a transcript from the degree granting institution. For credits from foreign colleges or universities to be considered for transfer, the college transcripts must be evaluated on a course by course basis. Reports from the evaluation service must be mailed directly to the Wallace State Admissions
Office/International Students. 3. A current and valid passport and F-1 student visa. 4. A current photo (passport-size, preferred) to be submitted to the Admissions Office. 5. Official transcripts showing a minimum of 500 on the paper-based version of the Test of English as a
Foreign Language (TOEFL), 61 on the internet based
TOEFL, or 173 on the computer based TOEFL test, or a 5.5 or greater on the International English
Language Testing* Students who have completed
ENG 101 or its equivalent at an accredited college or university with a grade of “C” or better may be exempt from the TOEFL requirements. 6. A signed notarized financial statement declaring that the international applicant will be fully responsible and that funds are available for financial obligations during enrollment at Wallace State
Community College. Financial obligations include but are not limited to: tuition and fees, books and supplies, living expenses, housing and miscellaneous expenses. A bank statement or bank letter dated within 6 months must be attached. 7. Payment verification of I-901 Student and Exchange
Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee.
8. A medical health history with proof of vaccinations on Alabama Community College System form. Form can be accessed under the admissions tab at www.wallacestate.edu or from the Primary
Designated SEVIS Officer in the Wallace State
Admissions Office. 9. Documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance, including repatriation, which must be maintained during all periods of enrollment. 10. Request a transfer clearance eligibility form from the
International Student Advisor, DSO or PDSO, at the most recently attended college or university stating that the student is currently in status with the
Immigration and Naturalization Service. 11. Transfer 1-20 to Wallace State Community College via the SEVIS program. *English as a Second Language exam may be waived from all English speaking countries including but not limited to: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize, the British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guernsey, Guyana, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Montserrat, Nauru, New Zealand, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the United Kingdom, the US Virgin Islands
Other requests must be submitted with substantial documentation to the college for approval by the ACCS Chancellor. All documents must be received before a All documents must be received before a decision will be decision will be made regarding acceptance. made regarding acceptance.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
DACA status is conferred by the USCIS Department of Homeland Security. Eligible individuals can seek this status through the Department of Homeland Security. Individuals Seeking Admission to the college should complete the General Admissions Procedures to the college in the addition to completing the following requirements: Provide the college’s SEVIS Primary Designated School Officer with an Employment Authorization Card, Social Security Card, and the I-797 documentation verifying approval. While students granted DACA are normally assigned a Social Security number, they are not eligible for Title IV aid.
Continuing Education Students
Individuals seeking to enroll in Non-Credit Continuing Education courses that are not degree creditable can do so by registering with the office of continuing education. Course offerings and enrollment procedures are outlined in the current class schedule. 34
Upon enrollment, a student’s status will be indicated by one of the following designations: Unconditional Student Unconditional Student
A student who has completed all of the admissions requirements, participated in the College’s academic assessment program (unless waived by College policy), and has been accepted into or is pursuing a program of study leading to an associate degree or certificate. Conditional Student Conditional Student
A student who has not submitted all required admission documents to the Admissions Office and/or who has not participated in the College’s academic assessment program (unless waived by College policy), and who is pursuing a program of study leading to an associate degree or certificate. This student may not register unless all required admission documents are on file in the Admissions Office and/or the academic assessment program has been completed. Conditionally admitted students cannot receive financial aid.
Advising and Orientation
Selection of Pathways Selection of Pathways
The College assists students in selecting courses and programs from which they can derive maximum benefit. Individual abilities, previous training and education, and personal objectives will be considered when assisting the student in determining appropriate program and course enrollment. Each student is assigned an advisor prior to his/her first semester of enrollment. Advisors at Wallace State assist students with academic and career planning along guided pathways to ensure success in their respective programs of study. These pathways are Liberal Arts/General Studies, Career Technical, Health, and S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Academic Assessment and Placement Academic Assessment and Placement
In keeping with its responsibility to offer optimal learning experiences, the College will utilize a student’s prior college-level coursework, ACT scores, high school grade point average in conjunction with final grades in designated high school courses, and ACCUPLACER placement assessment scores to determine eligibility for placement into mathematics and English courses. Placement scores and the high school GPA are valid for five years. If older than five years, the student must take the ACCUPLACER assessment. Academic advisors will assist students with determining the appropriate placement into mathematic and English courses. There is no initial ACCUPLACER assessment fee, but a $10.00 fee is charged for retests. Change of Program and Name Change of Program and Name
A student may change his/her program of study or name by completing the change of information form. The form can be located on the website under the admissions tab or at Lion Central in the Bailey Center. Students seeking to change their name must present a legal document that reflects the requested name change (e.g., driver’s license, marriage certificate, Social Security card). A copy of documentation must be submitted with change request. Change of Program requests will only be processed for entrance into programs for which qualifications are met. Change of program requests submitted before drop/add will be processed for the current academic term. Requests submitted after drop/add will be processed for the next academic term.
Orientation 110 - Freshman Seminar
Entering freshmen are required to enroll in a freshman seminar course designed to promote their success in college. The course, known as GPS (Goals-PlanningSuccess) Seminar, focuses on three major areas: technology, careers, and advising. Students exempt from enrolling in the course are transfer students who have completed 12 transferable semester hours or personal enrichment students. Students who enrolled prior to Fall 2004 are exempt from ORI 110. All students in the divisions are expected to register for ORI 110 during their first semester on campus. Miscellaneous Services
Extended Day Program Extended Day Program
Wallace State Community College provides an educational program for people who wish to attend college in the evening. The evening program is multipurpose in function and is designed to offer courses to meet the needs of persons who wish to complete a Certificate, AAS Degree, AA Degree or AS Degree. The evening program also meets the needs of those who wish to take college work in a technical or skills program and terminate their education at that point or to increase their proficiency and broaden their educational and cultural backgrounds but do not wish to enroll in a specific course of study. For information, contact Wayne Manord, Extended Day Administrator, at 256.352.8116. Heads Up Prevention Services Heads Up Prevention Services
Recognizing the need for students and staff to have an outlet to discuss preventive measures for drug and alcohol issues, the Heads Up Office in the Student Center was established in joint cooperation with Cullman Mental Health.
Transcript Requests
The Admissions Office maintains student records and, upon written request from the student, will issue transcripts. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 defines the rights of the student with regard to records and other information that might be maintained and/or released. (See Student Handbook Section of this catalog.) 1. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the College does not release transcripts of a student’s work except upon the student’s written request, except in a case where educational or governmental officials have a lawful need for the information. 2. Current students may print an unofficial copy of their WSCC transcript from their myWallaceState account. 3. Former students, not currently enrolled, may access the Transcript Order Form on the Wallace State
Website under the Admissions tab, to request an official transcript. 4. Official transcript requests are processed as they are received. REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE AT REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE AT
ARE NEEDED. ARE NEEDED. 5. The College reserves the right not to release a transcript if the student has outstanding financial obligations or pending disciplinary action with the
College. 6. The Office of Admissions & Records does not issue official transcripts from other institutions. Requests for official transcripts from other institutions must be directed to the institution concerned. 7. Transcript Request Forms can be found under the
Admissions Tab at www.wallacestate.edu. and on the students myWallace State portal, under Student
Services. 8. Wallace State will not make copies of transcripts from other colleges or copies of GED certificates once they have been officially submitted to the college.