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Part one, two and three: 1) It makes you feel alive Have a break from whatever it is you're doing right now, sit back and let your imagination take you on this adventure with me; Okay, you've taken the plunge and agreed to do something way out of your comfort zone. You've booked up to do an adventure activity - to abseil down a 200ft cliff. The big day arrives and you find yourself standing at the top of the cliff, wondering why on earth you agreed to do it! Here you are with your harness and safety gear on, the instructor is attaching you to the ropes (don't worry I'm right there with you giving you lots of encouragement and support). It's a bright sunny day, you're now standing on the edge of the 200ft cliff with the wind blowing in your face...the instructor is telling you what to do you but you don't really hear... all you know is that it's time to 'do it'. You turn around and take a step backwards... you slowly ease yourself over the edge of the rock face to step into... well, nothing much at all. I can tell you, at that point, your body is buzzing with adrenaline, fear and excitement. Every movement you make slows down and time expands. The only thing you are thinking about is where the next step is going to take you. You are truly alive and living in the moment. 2) It kick starts your confidence And so the decent begins, you feel the rock sharp and jagged under your feet and you might have a strong urge to look down to see how far you have to go (but please don't look down, not yet!). Each step you take is a baby step, each one taking you on a journey into the unknown. The faces of your instructors disappear above you as you shuffle your way down the first few feet. You slowly get used to the feeling of being suspended on a rope, the weight of it going all the way down to the ground. You feel secure in the knowledge that the experts have you in their safe hands. You've been instructed and guided and even though you haven't done this before, you've been over it so many times with me that you feel completely confident in your ability to achieve this. You hear words of encouragement being shouted down to you and that gives you the confidence to keep going - one small step at a time. 3) It puts everyday fears into perspective 20ft into the climb you begin to get used to walking down the cliff face at an odd angle and it starts to feel ok. You think you might test your courage a little bit by doing something more adventurous.
You want to do a jump - like they do in the SAS - push off the rock with both feet at the same time and let a bit of rope out. So you decide to have a go, and... oh my goodness... it was a bit scary, but you did it and actually, it was quite good fun. At this point your mind begins to wander, anything to take your mind off the fact that your legs are feeling very wobbly! It might occur to you that dealing with your tax return, or going the dentist for a root canal, or even leaving your job and going it alone as a freelancer isn't such a big deal compared to what you are doing at this moment! Ordinary 'stuff' is nothing to be scared of. After all, if you can take a leap of faith at 150ft up a cliff face, then you can do pretty much anything can't you!
Bridie Nelson is the CORE Coach and Adventurer. Bridie's aim is to bring adventure and excitement back into your BUSINESS and your LIFE, through a series of coaching and adventure weekends. To book a free 20 minute 'discover adventure' session, or to download her free e-book with the next installment, please visit: http://www.bridienelson.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bridie_Nelson
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