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An affordable Disney family vacation is a good fit for virtually any family. There are things to do, see and experience for people in every age group and with varying interests. Disney trips are also educational and safe. There is no question you and your family will have a great time discovering everything Disney have to offer, but there often is a question about whether or not you'll be able to afford it. It can be difficult to plan a fun vacation with something to do for everyone without going broke, but we've gathered a number of tips and tricks that will allow you to plan a very affordable Disney family vacation. The most important part of making your Disney vacation affordable is research, research, research. Nothing will save you more money on your Disney vacation than research will. Start looking as far out as a year away from when you want to go and keep track of bargains on the internet. There are also books available for people planning on traveling to Disney on a budget, like the Disney World Savings Guide, that are perfect for first time visitors to Disney. Everything you need to know about saving money is laid out in this excellent resource. When deciding where you want to stay, think about skipping the hotels and try a rental home. There are plenty of hotels to choose from in the Disney World area, but most are very expensive, particularly during the summer and holiday seasons when your kids (and everyone else's) will have time off from school. There are plenty of well kept short-term rental homes available in Orlando, most no more than ten minutes away from the park. To make your Disney family vacation really affordable, partner up with another family and share the costs of one large rental home. You'll also save hundreds of dollars on food because you'll be able to cook at your rental home rather than eat out every night. Most people who plan a budget for their vacations forget to take one small but often expensive factor into account: everyone is going to want souvenirs to remember their trip to Disney. It's important to set some ground rules before you all venture into the gift shops in order to avoid temper tantrums or bringing home $500 worth of plastic junk. If your child is old enough, give them an allowance and explain that once they have spent that they will not be able to get anything else. This will force them to really take their time and think about what they want before buying something, and will most likely help them to appreciate what ever they choose lot more. If you have small kids, it is best to promise them something in the last couple days of your trip, which can also be used to promote good behavior. You lay also want to consider doing your souvenir shopping outside of the park for more affordable options. No matter where you find your accommodations and Disney World park tickets from, make sure you get a chance to speak directly with a customer service agent. Many people believe that the best deal are found online and are especially tempted by them because its so quick and easy to secure a package deal online, but very often these prices do not represent the best deal out there.
Sometime packages include tickets or amenities you don't need. Sometimes waiting one weekend could be cheaper hotel rooms. Speaking with an operator is important because they know what is available, and have the ability to customize reservations to fit your needs and budget.
Katie Appleby is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about affordable Disney family vacations [http://familyvacationfun.info/affordable-disney-familyvacations], please visit Family Vacation Fun [http://familyvacationfun.info] for current articles and discussions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katie_Appleby
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