Affordable Liposuction In The Philippines Selecting A Qualified Plastic Surgeon

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Medical travel is a popular option for patients who desire to have cosmetic surgery at more affordable costs. In the Philippines, lower overhead costs and professional fees make cosmetic plastic surgery very affordable and it is possible for Filipino plastic surgeons to charge a fraction of the cost of the same procedures in the United States, U.K. and other countries. Cost savings are significant for procedures such as liposuction or body sculpting. For example, the average cost for liposuction (one area) in the United States is $2500-4500. In the Philippines, the procedure can cost only $800. With these prices, it's not surprising that more and more people from all over the world are traveling to the Philippines not only as tourists who come for sightseeing and shopping but also as patients who come for medical services such as cosmetic plastic surgery. In addition, affordable airfare and hotel rates are easy to find and the internet can be the quickest way to compare rates and find the best deals and specials. Patients can combine having a vacation in a beautiful tropical country with affordable, quality elective plastic surgery. The Philippines' medical services can rival the best in the world and there are qualified and welltrained doctors who have had formal training in plastic and reconstructive surgery, have acquired their postgraduate or fellowship training from well-known institutions in the U.S.A. and have been mentored by leading American plastic surgeons. They speak English fluently ensuring the good communication between surgeon and patient that is essential during consultation. However, since any licensed medical doctor can perform cosmetic surgery in the Philippines without legal impediment, choosing the right surgeon is essential for the patient considering having liposuction in the Philippines. Since many cosmetic surgeons have not completed advanced training in plastic surgery, it is important for patients to choose a qualified plastic surgeon with the training and experience that is essential for the success of the surgery. It is recommended that the patient choose a plastic surgeon who is duly certified by the Philippine Board of Plastic Surgery, the only board recognized by the Philippine College of Surgeons to certify plastic surgeons in the Philippines. Although price is definitely a factor when considering elective surgery, patients seeking quality medical care at very affordable prices should know that choosing the right surgeon is the single most important decision they will make. When price is the primary factor for choosing a plastic surgeon, risks increase. The success of the surgery is largely dependent on the choice of surgeon and to ensure the best results, the surgeon's professional qualifications and experience should be the main consideration. For more information about having affordable liposuction in the Philippines and choosing a qualified plastic surgeon, please visit

Dr. Carlos I. Lasa, Jr. is a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who specializes in Aesthetic/Cosmetic Surgery and Liposuction. The only Filipino plastic surgeon ever accepted for advanced fellowship training at the prestigious Institute of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A, he also trained at the University of the Philippines, & at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Ohio, USA. He is currently based in Metro Manila, Philippines, where he specializes in cosmetic plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, rhinoplasty (noselift), breast augmentation, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), rhytidectomy (facelift), abdominoplasty (tummytuck) and more. For more information about having safe and affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines, visit his site at

Article Source:,_Jr.

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