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Anthony Robbin doesn't teach about skateboarding, but there are so many lessons we can learn from him and directly apply to help us out. This is his "Ultimate Success Formula" Step #1: Know Your Outcome... Number one, we have to know what we want to get out of skateboarding. Whether it is going pro or having fun, or to pick up girls, whatever, we must know why we do it so we'll have a drive to skate, even if we're not "in the mood" Secondly, if you're learning a new trick, this is simply, knowing EXACTLY how the trick works. Read up everything about this trick- read trick tips, watch videos of pro's, etc. Make sure you visualize the trick in your mind. Everyone can pretty much master this step. Step #2: Take Massive Action This is the most important step. This is basically going out and practicing. Having a goal is NOT enough. Go out and skate! Don't piddle around, go for it with a vengeance If you had trouble landing a trick, find out why before you ask for help! Did you try to find out for yourself why you're doing that? Did you experiment with different foot positions \and different balancing? How many times did you even try the trick? I know what you're thinking- but if I mess up a lot and keep practicing, won't I just be reinforcing my mistakes? Yes, if your goal is to land it wrong. But since we know what exactly want we and what the trick should look like, our mind and body will automatically adjust and take us in that direction. How do you think Rodney Mullen invented his tricks? He sure as hell didn't go on his little computer and ask others for help. He invented everything through trial and error and LOTS of practice. I know how frustrating it is when we can't land something, but if we practice more, we're getting closer and closer to landing it. I used to think i spent a LOT of time skating ( I practiced about 1-2 hours a day) and I was upset that the kickflip was coming to me so slow. Then, I talked to another skater whose been skating for a while, and he said he skated 7-9 hours a day. I was blown away. The time I spent was nothing compared to him.
Say you spend 30 minutes watching TV each day. Instead of watching tv, how bout going out and skating? 30 minutes a day may not seem like much, but day after day, week after week, month after month, the extra practice will stack up and you're gonna get major results. Bottom line- if you want to get good, skate more. No amount of trick tips will help you if you don't go out and do it. Step #3: Look at What you Did Okay, this is the part when you ask for help. You notice what you're doing and the results you're getting. Say you tend to land on the tail. You can either use your head and think of ways to correct that OR post on the forum (but not without doing a search first ). Step #4: Adjust Your Approach Did your adjustments take your further or closer to your goal? If you're closer to your landing your trick, keep going! Refine your process, eliminate unnecessary steps, but keep doing what you're doing. If it didn't work out, did you practice enough? If you did, then try a different adjustment and repeat. That's it! If you follow these step you'll destined to land your tricks. This stuff is common sense if you really think about it. But most people don't take massive action and practice. I'm going to make a commitment for myself to skate at least an hour extra each day. Hope that helps and keep practicing!
Article by Mark Weth, a skateboarding expert and creator of the site, Skateboard Trick Tips. Visit Secrets of Skateboarding to learn more tricks and techniques.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Weth
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