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Last month my husband and I were trying to figure out where to go on our 5 year wedding anniversary coming up this August. We didn't have much of a honeymoon so we thought wouldn't it be great if we could do something really fun since we are ready to start a family and may not get a chance to do any real traveling for awhile. However, when we started looking into destinations, vacation packages, and the like, we got hit with sticker shock, as prices have dramatically increased form what they were just a year ago when we were casually browsing the web looking into possible travel plans. Despite our findings however, we were determined to go on vacation, but were obviously going to have to scale back our plans. Well, fortunately I'm a real bulldog when it comes to researching and was lucky enough to come across a site that shows travelers how to save money on airfares, hotels, dining, cruises, and more. This information went far beyond the usual tips like flying on holidays, dealing directly with airline websites, and negotiating group discounts, and tells you how the travel industry actually works, and exposes the secrets travel experts and industry insiders use on a daily basis to save themselves tremendous amounts of money. Anyway, to make a long story short, using just a few of the strategies outlined by the author, we are not only able to take the trip of our dreams (French Riviera) but will save over $750 in the process. We are truly amazed at the difference it made knowing these insider secrets of the travel industry. I am so Excited! See you when we get back!!
If you would like more information on the site we used to find these incredible travel secrets check out [http://www.airfarefiresale.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Collier
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