Dancing in Uncertainty Finding Joy in Exploring the Possibilities of the Unknown

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Life in 2111. Take a moment to think about what life might be like 100 years from today. What new inventions will emerge that can we not even envision now? What new social events will change the world? Consider the dramatic changes that have occurred in the past 100 years. Travel, communication, entertainment; 100 years ago, people could not have imagined the world we live in. Technology continues moving faster all the time. It is impossible to know what the next 100 years will bring. It is even difficult to try to imagine what might happen. But, for many of us, it's exciting to think about. Science fiction writers make a living trying to envision this new world. Mystery and the world of the unknown have always captured our imagination. We can be excited about this distant future partly because we know that few, if any, of us will be here to experience it first hand (although who knows what medical developments there may be!). It doesn't pose a direct threat to our lives, as we don't consider it something that we personally have to deal with-or at least not for a very long time. But take another moment to consider what your life might be like one year from now. Does it still seem exciting? Or does it seem a bit frightening? We don't really know what changes life will bring in just one year. Or really, even a week. Since we do reasonably have an expectation that we will be here next week or next year, we can realistically anticipate that we will have to deal with those changes, and that can create anxiety, a fear that life may throw us a challenge that we won't be able to meet. When it comes to our everyday lives, most of us prefer stability and familiarity. We like to be able to predict how our lives will turn out. But life doesn't usually cooperate. The one thing that we can really know is that "this, too, will pass." Change will come, whether we like it or not. Life is uncertain and unpredictable. Our discomfort with uncertainty comes from our worry and anxiety about what might happen. Our minds begin to play the "what if..." game and imagine all kinds of negative things. How would your life be different, though, if you could experience a sense of enthusiasm and anticipation about the changes you will see in the near future? If you could find joy in the knowledge that things will change, instead of finding apprehension? If your "what if..." questions were about imagining all of the exciting things that could possibly happen? The realm of possibility. The question is not how we can stop uncertainty, but how we can navigate our lives through it. Instead of just managing to accept and respond to the unknown, we can change the way we think about uncertainty; we can begin to reframe our thoughts to embrace

and even welcome uncertainty. If it were possible to predict the future, and know exactly how everything in your life would transpire, would you really want to know? How would knowing how things would turn out change your decisions? If you knew you were going to get a divorce after 10 years of marriage, would you still get married? If you knew that you were going to be laid off from your job after only 2 years, would you have accepted that job? Think about the good things that you would have missed. In many cases, we realize that we wouldn't change our decisions, even if we knew that eventually things might not turn out exactly as we wanted. Because we recognize that there is good that comes from every situation. Even though you may not realize it at the time, every experience teaches you something and creates a new opportunity for something else to happen. Change and uncertainty are actually a great source of creativity. The fact that we cannot know how things will turn out leaves room for imagination. We open the door to possibility, to considering the potential of what might be. The not knowing means that we have the opportunity to really choose to create our lives by the decisions that we make. Strategies for embracing uncertainty. There are some specific strategies that will help you create new thoughts about uncertainty. The first thing you can do is practice mindfulness. Cultivate your awareness. Use the strategy of asking and allowing. Ask a question about what you should do, and then surrender by allowing the uncertainty to just be. As you sit with the uncertainty, pay attention to your intuition and to signs that enter your awareness. You will begin to see opportunities and possibility as you are just present in the moment. Letting go of expectations can also lead to more enjoyment of uncertainty. We often find ourselves believing that things "should" be a certain way. Whenever reality does not meet our expectations, and doesn't live up to those shoulds, we are disappointed. And when we are experiencing disappointment, we miss out on what opportunities are being presented to us, because we're focusing on the lack, on what we don't have. We know that we cannot control the outcomes, we can only control our own actions and thoughts. If we accept life the way it is, and let go of our need for control, then uncertainty is just part of our experience of life. And happiness is a state of mind. If we can experience our life as joyful, then we can find joy in the uncertainty as well. Remember that whatever the outcome, we have learned something from the experience. Embrace learning and look for the lesson in every experience. Then the uncertainty becomes just a matter of "what will I learn?" Another way to change your thinking is to develop a sense of adventure about the future. Instead of hoping for certain things to happen, ask "I wonder what will happen?" This allows you to also begin to imagine other things that could also happen, perhaps something that would be even better than what you would have hoped. This creates an excitement about the possibilities and you can begin to look forward to the changes that will come. The result? Uncertainty in the world allows an entrance into the world of possibility. So instead of trying to find a way to reduce the uncertainty in the world, try to find a way to expand the possibilities. Life becomes an exciting game of imagination, creativity and learning, not a chore of trying to manage and control what will happen. Learn to look at uncertainty as a positive, exciting thing instead of a negative, fearful thing. Act on the opportunities instead of worrying about what the future will bring.

Sherry Dawson is the owner of InFocus Transitions. She specializes in helping clients find their way through transitions, empowering them to make positive changes in their lives, and learning the skills that will make change easier. You can get more information at http://www.infocustransitions.com. Sign up for her free newsletter and receive a copy of the ebook, "The Seven Smartest Choices to Make at Midlife."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherry_Dawson

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