Disney World Vacation Guide

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Looking to plan a vacation to Disney World? Or perhaps you have already planned it and are trying to find some great tips to help save you some money. Well there are many real quality tips that will save you time and money. A Disney World vacation guide can help with so much planning and cost savings that you will probably wonder what would have happen if you planned a trip without one. You probably would have wasted too much of your precious vacation time and too much of your hard earned money. A Disney World vacation guide can offer so much in the way of tips and insider secrets so you get the maximum experience for your budget and time that you spend at Disney. Here are some tips you may find beneficial. For starters know what type of passes you want before you get to the park or before you buy them online or wherever. Know that there are single and multiple day passes and that a single day pass is far more expensive than a multiple day pass per day. Also be aware that you can purchase for an additional charge the famous park hopper option which lets you go to all the parks as often as you want for that day. You can also add a no expiration option on your park pass. This is a very good idea if you think you will be returning to Disney World. You pay for the current price and can use many years from now when the price for a park pass has increased drastically. Another tip a Disney World vacation guide has is to wear a money belt while you are at the parks. Keeping all your important papers such as money, credit cards, park tickets, etc will keep thieves away and you much less stressed. A Disney World vacation guide can give many great dining tips. Dining can be very expensive at Disney. Even the cheap ones! A good way to avoid the high dining prices and long lines is to bring your own food. Yes Disney lets you bring your own food into the parks. Just make sure that liquid is not in a glass container. Packing a sandwich or whatever you like and a few sides is the perfect way to save money. You can even eat your food while standing in line at a ride. Even more time spent wisely. If you are dining try to dine at different times than the rest of the crowds. Try eating lunch at 1:30 and dinner at 8:00. Also if you don't care about the parades, that would also be a good time to eat because the crowds are usually around the parade. A few other quality tips a Disney World vacation guide can offer is to always bring plenty of sunscreen, bring a poncho and umbrella so you don't have a soggy mess on your hands and make a note of where you parked when you get to Disney. Well I hope you learned some valuable tips from a Disney World vacation guide that will give you a better Disney experience.

To view a great Disney World vacation guide take a look at this valuable resource Disney World Guide.

To see more valuable money and time saving tips check out Disney Guides.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_R.

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