Fellowship With the Holy Spirit

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What does it take to know God? What does it take to commune with God and get to know Him intimately. In this article I am going to give you 7 keys that will hopefully change your relationship with your Creator and help you step into the unknown and fulfill your destiny. 1) The first key is to talk to the Holy Spirit - When you wake up in the morning speak to Him acknowledge Him. The Word of God says acknowledge Him in all your ways. 2) Give Him time to speak - You must listen and be still. Still your mind or you will never be able to listen for His voice. 3) Pray - Remember prayer is a dialogue, do not go into prayer with a list of chores you need God to do, but speak to Him as you would to a friend. Remember the Holy Spirit is your co-partner in life and He will always help you pray and direct your prayers the way He would have you pray. Let Him help you pray to the Father through Jesus. 4) Spend time in the Word - If you really want to know God then you must spend time in His Word. How can you know Him if you do not read the Word. Prayer without the Word of God will die out. You must spend time in His Word. Remember the Word is God and the Word was made flesh. 5) Soak in His presence - Just allow yourself to spend time with Him and let Him speak. Still your mind and just by faith come into the presence of the Lord. This will really help you maintain the joy in your life that could be missing. In the presence of the Lord there is a fullness of Joy! Amen 6) Pray in your heavenly language - This can really help you in discerning the voice of God and will also help increase your love walk in which we all need some of that. 7) Be a doer of the Word - When you read the Word allow it to change who you are on the inside and it will begin to come out of you. As you step out into the faith realm God will be with you every step of the way. Let Him guide you and get yourself on the adventure of a lifetime. I hope you enjoyed this message. May God be with you always.

James Peters is a licensed mortgage professional. He has been in the mortgage industry for five years and his main focus is providing the highest quality service along with delivering the best loan on the market. If you run across him without question use him as your loan officer. Check out his site at http://finestlender.us

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Peters_Sr.

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