Freedom and Happiness is What You Truly Want

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At the time of writing this article, the total population of the world is estimated at close to 6.8 Billion people. This is according to the International Programs Center, U.S. Census Bureau. Add to this, the total number of people who have died since the beginning of time. What you get is the total number of people who have ever lived since the foundations of this world were laid; each one unique in his/her own way; each one (we are told) with a different set of fingerprints. Each one a different individual at all counts. Yet there is something very common about every man and woman who has ever walked the face of the earth from the beginning of time. People everywhere, in every culture and in every generation are basically the same, in this respect. They desire only one thing. It doesn't matter whether they live in the developed West, middle income countries of the East or in the forgotten corners of Africa, people all around the globe yearn for one thing.  In a speech to a gathering of believers, Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968 proclaimed "And I see God working in this period of the twentieth century in a way that men, in some strange way, are responding. Something is happening in our world. The masses of people are rising up. And wherever they are assembled today, whether they are in Johannesburg, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya; Accra, Ghana; New York City; Atlanta, Georgia; Jackson, Mississippi; or Memphis, Tennessee; the cry is always the same - 'We want to be free' " .  Freedom and happiness is the yearning of every heart. It is the quest of the human spirit. From the beginning of time, man has always searched for these tenets of life. It is as if the seed of freedom is planted in the heart and soul. Every adventure of man has been the expression of this freedom; it has been the desire for, or the expression of his state of happiness. Freedom and happiness is what you are truly looking for. Every other thing that you have ever sought to acquire or achieve is your means of achieving the state of freedom and happiness. Shrouded in the desire for achievement and quest for material possessions (which by the way are legitimate) is the need for the expression of freedom and the experiencing of true happiness. What do you desire to achieve in your life? What is the deepest longing of your heart? What is the goal of your life? If you asked these questions to each and every person alive today, you would probably get millions, if not billions of different responses. A close analysis of each of these responses, however will point to the desire for freedom and happiness. "Give me freedom or give me death" is a statement of intent that was engraved on the heart of man long before Patrick Henry ever made it. Have you ever wondered why the most prosperous nations of the world are those that advance the cause of freedom? A free society where people are encouraged to explore their potential is a progressive society. That is how all the great inventions of this world where achieved. People

where allowed the freedom to explore what lies beyond. You can only get the best out of man when he is free. The most natural state of man is the state known as "freedom" and "happiness". It is freedom that makes one an individual. Have you asked yourself why God created man with a free will? It is in this state called "freedom" that man truly lives. It is when man is free that he is happy. To put it in another way; man is happiest when he is free. It is however very important that we understand the true nature of freedom and happiness. It is only then that we will begin to claim and appropriate them for ourselves. The things that you truly want: freedom and happiness are at their core, states of mind. Being states of mind, they are under your direct and immediate control. Do you know the real reason you are looking for that car, relationship, business, career or whatever it is that you are looking for? I submit to you that it is not necessarily those things that you are ultimately looking for. In and of themselves, these things mean nothing. They are your primary focus because of what you think you will feel when you get them. The feelings behind them are your true pursuits. It is not your dream car that you are looking for. It is the feeling that the dream car will bring that is your true source of motivation. It is not the money that you are really interested in, in the pursued of that business; it is the feeling of freedom and happiness that money brings or the sense of achievement that you are after. Even when your aim is to serve people at no material benefit, your true motivation is the feeling that you will get from your actions. Feelings of freedom and happiness are motivators of human action. Your true motivation is mental not material. This is where the exciting part begins. If the ultimate desire of your heart is freedom and happiness and if it is true that freedom and happiness are ultimately states of mind and therefore under your immediate and direct control, then they are things you can achieve now. Personal growth and development therefore becomes vital in you life. Take possession of your mind. You can be happy now. You don't have to wait until you buy that car to be happy. You don't have to wait until your have succeeded in establishing that business to feel good about yourself. Be happy now, whilst you are still working on buying the car or on building that business or whatever it is that you are looking for. In any case the reason why you want to buy that car or establishing that business is because of the good feelings that come with having them. Even when you think in terms of the convenience that this car will bring in your life, it is ultimately the feelings that come with that convenience that you are after. Feel the feelings now. Whatever it is that you want in life, you can decide to feel the feelings of having already accomplished it. Everything resolves into thought. The beauty is that with this attitude of mind, you will be amazed at how quickly you manifest the things you want. Just this shift in your mentality will boast your productivity and you will attract the things you desire much quicker. Jesus made reference to this principle when he said, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours". It must first exist in your mentality. The same is true for freedom and happiness. Be free. Be Happy, now. Yes you can.

Christopher Kabamba is an IT professional with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from the Copperbelt University, Zambia. He is a student of Personal Growth and Development. He desires to take up a professional career as an Author, Public Speaker and Life

Coach. He documents some of his thoughts on Personal Growth and Development on his blog: []

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